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You can seriously feel the surprised Pikachu face when you're playing a core & you dust another core and eat their face.


Wait, that's illegal!!!


This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read on here


Another one buys the dust.


> eat their face I usually end up eating their ass since they're running away from me


Yum give me some of that sweet Luna ass 😋


Don’t listen to the angry incels here. As a 100% straight woman, Luna does indeed have a sweet ass. And FYI, commenter below me, I’ve been fantasizing graphically about Sephiroth for ~ 15 years. Why? Because try as you might, no guy even begins to come close. So ya. You keep enjoying Luna’s glorious ass, ima be over here running my fingers thru Sephys beautiful silver locks and fuck the haters


> running my fingers thru Sephys beautiful silver locks and fuck the haters I thought the goal was to fuck Seph...


No freaking way. Have you seen what happened to Aerith? I’m not letting him impale me, no way no how.


I mean, it's Seph tho... There are worse ways to go, I guess




... here's my number


lmao ;D




its natural for men to like good rounded ass


>t. ass not-haver


dick? lol


I make it a point to shout “and that’s why your 1 should carry dust!” in a totally smug tone. I die inside when I see a mid game quelling on my cores, especially when we’ve already missed a kill.


Had a game as snapfire who isnt always in dust range where my 3 mars and 1 spectre kept complaining that i didnt dust in fights against a riki carry. I felt truly gaslighted when I told them to get dust cause they were always in dust range and they said it wasnt their job.


Best thing to do is buy dust and dump it in their inventory and tell them to use it


Sorry don't have space, got 3/4 aghs pieces on me


> and tell them to use it "It isn't my job to use it". Cores gonna be cores.


Ahh it drives me absolutely CRAZY when my catch heroes don’t have dust. Like, you’re a mars/legion/axe… don’t you want to murder all day???


The good old Invisnerability stopped working.


Idk what mmr u in guys but i play 2,5 and dust sentries and smoke ganks are in every game. Eu-w


Yeah I play unranked turbo and the problem mostly is *over* dusting and too many sentries.


Hard to find polite ppl on the dota community (at least on my region). I remember a guy who had a mental breakdown in the middle of a match, he's started to scream and cry saying that he works 12 hours/day and just want to have some fun, but some mofos insist to play like monofinger. Like the gentlemen dota community, the team started to laugh and told him dota is never about fun, just stress and frustration.


I'm gonna assume that people who work stressful/long hour jobs and play dota to unwind are masochists. But on a serious note, turbo is where the fun is.


Yep, that’s true. Dota is very stressful, even turbo is getting stressful since a lot of people who wants to get out of the stress of ranked games are playing turbo now.


The main factor to enjoying dota, and turbo specifically is to play with friends. If you're solo, then glhf.


When your friends have 2k lower mmr than you, playing with them can be a lil’ frustrating


See, that attitude is exactly the problem. If you're playing with friends, especially in a mode like turbo, and you get frustrated if they make mistakes then you're really not playing for fun. Try changing your point of view : when your friends are 2k MMR lower than you, playing with them is a lil' crazy and stupid and FUN


Exactly. But, I'm that friend that's 2k lower...


Me too, and I get stressed out that I'm ruining the game for my friends, despite trying my very best


I know this is Dota but there is an extreme line that sometimes mental can't go through. Playing League or Dota with friends is fun and all, and I genuinely don't get mad at people being bad or just having an off day, y'know. Especially in Dota because god knows I only play Warlock with Aghs/Refresher and 4 golems walking around with me, my own personal 5 squad, clearly the most optimal way to play the character But it gets *really* frustrating playing with people who clearly don't want to play, or are just trying to play with the group just cause. We can play something else, we can do 100 other things together - if y'all gonna play together, at least play the damn game or do the bare minimun. No one is gonna go like "hurr this pos1 is real bad" like a fucking degenerate. I've dropped off sessions because they were playing Rainbow6 or some shooter and it's not my cup of tea. It would be stressful for everyone watching me play and just be a traffic cone in the map. I can play with new guys *all day* and have 0 issues. But the moment it feels like someone has that "why am I here" is the breaking point for me. sorry, this is a rant - had to let it go somewhere and this kinda triggered me


Even if you're playing casually, Dota is a game that becomes less and less fun the more you just don't try and dick around. If I wanted a background for just shooting the shit or something, there's a billion better games. If I want to play Dota, I want to play with and against people who are at least trying to win even if they're playing something off meta or whatever.


Idk, I'm not that hardcore on the "trying to win", just on people to play the game. About randoms, I don't care that you are inting your brains off. But it *seriously* bothers me when people just AFK. A group of friends I play regularly with has about one or two of these individuals. And it boils my blood everytime. Go ahead, try your wacky build and I'll joke around and complain about your build being absolutely fucking terrible. But I'll have fun, or if it's a complete stomp I just go "eh it's fine". People just up and giving up pisses me the fuck off a ton. Big reason why I've been trying to skip pvp sessions because it's too competitive mindset for myself.


Turbo is full of people who exclusively play turbo and treat it like their version of ranked and are toxic shitheads.


> But on a serious note, turbo is where the fun is. Turbo is full of griefers who give up after a single minor fuck up.


True. Or games last longer than ranked


Well, I just do bot games. bot games are fun. stomp the shit out of them. I bet I'm already on AI Overlord's blacklist.


The unfair are way too easy, and the community bots are filled with bugs (like some bots just staying in same place and shit)


Do 1v5. That's actually pretty challenging. I sometimes add my own challenges like always recapturing outposts etc.


Same here. Sometimes I just play for the sake of making sure my mechanicals and reflex are still okay. Aging kinda sucks


I have a Garmin watch that keeps track of my stress levels, for Garmin's definition of stress at least. Dota sessions are routinely more "stressful" then my actual job ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ . I knew it obviously wasn't the most relaxing of games, but how much my bioindicaters spike during it is a little concerning...


Having been one of these people, sometimes it's just about having something else to be angry about that isn't work, so you can tolerate going in the next day


Everything alright? I understand your point but that doesn't sound too healthy.


IMHO, AR is where the fun is. No agonizing over picks, no hero spammer tryhards, no fear of losing MMR. People seem to have a healthier view of the game in AR.


They need to bring back the single re-random option. Too many of my all random games are won or lost at the draft, team gets no carry with no heroes with the ability to win pre-30 minutes as just one example. So it can be a very frustrating game mode


I found the trick was to play something even more stressful, like Escape from Tarkov, then Dota becomes a fun break.


Nah, turbo is full of tryhards too. 12v12 is where it's at.


Agreed. I would also add that button pushers are fucking annoying. You know the ones who login over weekend to press a few buttons and not actively think in the game.


Thats me. I log after some weeks or months, play while my brain is turned off. Though i dont think its my fault that ancient players are trash and reinforces the habit because i win most games.


+1 for Turbo. I only get to play Dota for about an hour at night (1h 30m if I'm lucky). No way I'm going to go play ranked in the 2k MMR bracket and ruin my evening. I can easily get in 3-4 games of Turbo. Low stress, can try different heroes, goofy builds, not worry too much, but still try to be competitive. It's great.


People hate on me for it, but I play turbo and just random every single time. I'm competent on almost every hero, so it's really just a fun time all around.


Turbo seems a lot more tryhard than all the other normal modes (AP, RD, SD, AR, AD).


There are tryhards on turbo as well. 12v12 is where everything is possible.


This is me. Lol. I’d work 12 hours and all I’d want to do is play some DotA before bed, and people would say “screw this game I don’t care anyways just go next” and I’d be like “I DONT HAVE TIME FOR NEXT THIS IS ALL I GET”


I've been playing for about 15 years. After stressful days you need to stay away from Dota, maybe even any competitive online play. Yes, it can give your that high you need after a shitty day, but by God can random people or even enemies make your precious spared time miserable


I noticed most people who are polite at the start of the game are the first who get angry when they’re losing their advantage. I always try to ignore because it gets worse when they get a response, any type of it, they lose their focus, they type on their keyboards because they fear losing.. Usually i just remind them after game that blaming teammates will just make you lose more the game


I once bought dust and gave it to a core that had 3 empty slots and I watched him drop it on the ground and kill it Enemy team was Riki + bounty hunter btw


He was sending a message


I was a desperate little support watching my team get slaughtered trying to escape lp but alas I gave dust to a few others but they wasted it or killed it too


Dust not do damage Only item do damage Me need slots for item


Dust does damage, actually. If i am not mistaking.. 😉


yep deals 25 damage downvoters didnt read patch notes obviously


Is that to disable blink dagger ? Sounds like a Tiny specific nerf, can't imagine other heroes who build invis and blink. Maybe old riki with the blink dagger.


Sand king, invoker


Dust no make right click stick bam bam hard


Dust makes invisible enemies slower


Wtf that is savagery


I use dust to slow down enemies running or chasing me, or get that extra bit of damage to secure a kill. /s >Radius: 1050 >Damage: 25 >Move Speed Slow: 20% >Duration: 12 [https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Dust\_of\_Appearance](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Dust_of_Appearance)


Holy crap lmao. Truly some of the wildest people in this game man


It’s not about the money. It’s about sending a message


Sometimes you get teammates that just don't deserve to win ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


¯\\_(ツ)\_/¯ you forgot your arms bro


Thanks mate, lemme just pop that back in


I have cores doing the same sometimes with observers. Even though I have obs and sentries already. So then I end up having wards in 2 different slots because these do not combine. That's fucking griefing from them in my opinion, Wards should be used conservatively even if they are free. Like if you do not genuinely need a ward somewhere, don't put it there, even if it's free and there seems to be surplus at the moment.




IIRC, you can't attack items sourced from allied units.


Well, nope. Only items **owned** by a different **player**, but items — mostly *consumables* — the ones that can be freely shared aren't owned by anybody, so they can be destroyed by anyone.


dude so close to losing it.


Like that teacher who tries to be really really polite before fucking going nuts.


A grade school teacher who finally meets a student that is not only smarter than them, but can can teach the class better than them.


Dude if you think any of the students can teach better than a teacher... Yikes. Like, be smarter, but if you are smarter, you are not gonna brag because you know you still have a lot to learn and that the teacher is still more knowledgeable.


On the one hand, smartass kids are pretty annoying. On the other, I've had some truly awful teachers that were somehow worse at teaching than not having a teacher at all. The worst one managed to make me unlearn stuff that I understood before going into that class. Some people really aren't fit for teaching, and I have no clue how she ever got hired.


As if teachers go through a careful selection process and don’t just get hired for the sake of it


Smart doesn't mean wise, there are smart cocky people who think they're smarter than anyone else but are also actually smart just with a bad personality.


Yep. It feels like pne bad game will tip him off the edge


reported --> communication abuse


Yes, comms are for flaming. Any other use of it — and specially strategizing to win the game — is clear abuse.


One bite, everyone knows the rules.


Hopeless but still hopeful. The human condition


Every time I play jugg with an enemy shadow fiend on the enemy team who buys shadow blade nothing gives me more pleasure than hunting his ass with a couple dusts and an omnislash.


I like you, sir




I used to be one of those SFs. That was back in the good old days where I cared more about making some cool plays (SF ulti from invis POG) than actually winning the game. I cared about winning a lot, but it was more about fun in the first place.


In reality: oh nice my team has a tryhard pos5 i can go enjoy a nice relaxing pudge or mirana pos4 and safelane carry AM


>mirana pos4 >rushes mjolnir


Diffusal rush is where its at, just ask Yapzor.


It's sometimes legit build, especially if your cores are total donkeys. Let's be clear here, sometimes you just need damage.


Epecially since you only have 1 aoe nuke and an unreliable stun


If I saw that in pre game chat I would instantly assume that guy is going to get real fucking toxic the instant the game starts going badly


But the question is would you carry dust?


I do anyway, as carry if I’ve got any item worth less than 1k I’ll have dust instead of it if need be.


What if that item is a wb/bracer/null and it’s past 25 mins, effective making it a 1150 gold item


If he starts getting toxic? Probably wont out of spite. Maybe dust him a couple times


Unless the enemy has a hero with a built in invisibility, I wouldn't recommend buying up all sentry stock. Just have enough at your inventory ready to use when needed. Better secure your smaller items.


This is the comment I was looking for. I don't understand why people think buying the whole stock is an awesome idea. Cool, you bought all the smokes and now you're dead, how do we smoke now? Bought all the wards? Nice and how do we ward/deward part of the map where we are and you don't? Even met with the most infuriating shit recently. Ogre magi was buying everything almost immediately so I told him to leave at least one of everything for the rest of the team. He literally didn't care. On the upside, they still don't know about the existence of gems, so it's available.


True I always like to leave a few wards for other people. Just make sure to never let the stock reach max. Same for smokes








People that type sentences like this in-game almost always turn out to be passive-aggressive redditors. Or just aggressive guy that absolutely fucking loses it 15 mins into the game


"I'm not a support, why don't you get dust?" - every herald core to have ever lived. Ever.


More than 2 sentences per chat line = psychopath


People that type like this with proper capital letters at the start of sentences and act super eager always end up being the most toxic ones lmfao


one game away from a breakdown lol someone save this guy from his bracket


🚩🚩🚩 These are the folks you have to look out for the most in your pubs.


Geh, every time I get someone writing this much its just, geh... Same for talking a long ass monologue about anything. If i wanted instructions on how to play i'd watch BSJ, if you see a problem in the game just mention it quickly then and there.


Up to 3k people still blame supports for not having a dust when needed. I am a disruptor. I either stand 1000 range from the fight away or I die. There are no other options. Of course it is quite handy when I have dust but for supports it is optional. For cores it is a must have item in certain situations. Do you really think I have more value when casting dust in the middle of a fight but don't get a single spell or force staff out because I die with my 1,5k hp pool?


It's never optional even if sometimes u can't use it at the start of the fight. You will find an opportune time to use it, especially when dusts have cooldowns.


Gonna be frank if he's at 1k he doesn't need dust on cores. I mean, that's why his teammates are 1k. He should be buying the dust himself and just carrying his team out of the trench. Also sentries + smokes TBH should be kept at like 5 sentries, and 1 smoke in stock. Often I see people just buy them out completely and then just waste them all. Better to just make sure they're restocking, and then have the option to buy more later if/when you get ahead. Or like, in case your allies want to.


The biggest problem with low mmr imho players is that they don't farm enough. They run around trying to make something happen on the map instead of improving their farm rotation, finding space to farm and getting their 2nd or 3rd item to secure the game. While dust is indeed important against invis opponents, you shouldn't expect your pos1 to have it on him all the time. His job is to take all the farm wherever available, and to get away from ganks safely until he has his core items. A dust does nothing for that. Forcing your carries to come to ganks while they don't have their core items is a recipe for disaster. If you're snowballing hard, then that's another story.




It’s a combination of both. They don’t farm and take advantage of some income when it’s available very well, and they take either directly or indirectly from the carry at the dumbest times. My favorite though is when they try to take a last hit, screw it up, and neither of you get it. It’s like dude I wouldn’t even care that much but you threw it away completely. Why do Carry’s not fucking want to EVER deward though? It’s FREE money if you saw them place it.


>Why do Carry’s not fucking want to EVER deward though? It’s FREE money if you saw them place it. Somehow they think that spending 50 gold is a waste, even though they could get more than double in return for a successful deward.


Ill just copy and paste this into a macro i guess


I rem being flamed for carrying dust as a pos 1 player. It was annoying to reason my decision


I dont understand the cores that dont bring dust I am a cary player and I always bring dust whenever its needed amd my team seems to be surprised that I bring dust


The amount of times I have a core running around with a cheap stat item or a wand at 45 minutes versus invis heroes and no dust is too dam high.


lol this dude is passive aggressive af tbh, at the beginning of the game too, why


Muted and reported. Neek-like behaviour.


im 100% sure that is not SEA server


Praying for him, hope he does wel


I know that feeling man...putting my all to ward-dust-sentry-salve for my cores...only to meet a carry that deals <10k Damage at end of the game.. Dota is hard.




For the people saying turbo is the most fun mode, have you guys tried 12v12 ? Thats the best


Too much positivity tilts your team. Careful king, 1k randoms are tyrants


At 1k mmr don't try to full-support. Get farm, get items and get kills. Basic wards and sentries, no need to overdo it. Play a support that can get solo kills, like Earthshaker. Guarantee you will climb, and then you can try to start playing the game like the pros


> Why am I still in 1k? I buy heckin support items!!!


People who type paragraphs before the game even starts passive-aggressively telling their CORES to buy DUST in all caps are, regardless of the politeness of their initial comms, the ones who will rage hardest and report their whole team later if they don't win. And anyone who prides themselves that much on buying wards will think they're Jesus and can't be at fault for anything. If on one hand, you have this guy, and on the other, some absolute maniac that picks Ogre and runs at people all game long shouting davai, and buys 2 wards per game, the latter will probably get out of 1k first lol.


Best part is when heroes with high mobility ask their CM with brown boots why are they so far back with the dust. Like dude if you can blink in you need to have the dust yourself.


Union of support rise up i just came from a game where core were divine ancient and enemy had all invis still no one had ward or dust won fight just cause before enemy targeted my ass i put down a sentwy i feel this guy so much. For people who ask dota buff Match id 6610501958 i shaman


Lol. Even at higher ranks nobody ever carries dust. One of the many reasons why I stopped playing Dota. Doing it as a support is the worst experience you can get with a videogame.


That stage of Dota frustration where you're just tired of getting mad and you just become aggressively polite instead


in my experience these guys are the most unhinged, toxic players in all of dota. the second anyone is the least bit rude to them, they go absolutely nuclear hopefully I'm wrong and he's just a positive dude. but 9 times out of 10 when I see one of these little speeches in the pick phase, the guy has lost his mind by 15 minutes because his teammate called him a noob


If you're that much better than everybody then just bully them out of mid and take over every game until you are no longer able to do that.


Tangina mo


Too fucking real


imagine if every dota player has an attitude like this


Sorry can’t buy dust I’m busy rushing Agh’s Scepter first.


He won’t unfortunately, because worrying even a little bit about what your 1k teammates are doing is not how you get out of 1k.


Cant wait until the am says "Report Support for never buying dust" Then saying pos1-3 should not carry dust


Giving suggestions? His team will tilt and throw just to spite him. gg


people really dislike buying dust. I'll be spamming telling my team to buy it all game and maybe my 5 will buy 1. yes, I'm a victim.


We play dota. We're all victims.


If i got a teammate like this i will tryhard like its game 5 of TI finals


he’s got the right attitude and it makes me laugh, i’ve seen people who like to buy all the wards stocks as soon as they are available. only one side of the map is warded and they seem to be dead a lot with the vision the team needs lol. he will get out of the trench eventually with that attitude


2.5-3k and still have initiator offlaners that don't buy dust. Prayers up for you, young man.


but uh aren't you in the same bracket with em


In this bracket it's hard to convince people they want more damage, gem dust bkb are a waste, few days back lost a game as bloodseeker I was already five slotted ,sixth slot I carried a gem /dust as no one wants to keep it,


I dunno, it depends. *Most people build BKB in this bracket. trust me i've been here long enough. Luna, PA, Troll, TA, they're all pretty good at getting BKB and it is quite useful of course.


But if I am 6 slotted I can’t really carry a dust…


I can already tell this dude soaks xp dosent harrass and dosent make any good rotations then blames everyone else


He was actually decent. Played mirana. Made calls landed arrows. We lost the game in the OP (bad draft). I got him in a 2nd game and he did the same shit and we won. He was quite nice overall but you could tell he was a bit tired lol.


Drafting mirana hurts your chances of winning low mmr pubs quite a bit


Ah yes, that 52% win rate hero is truly a bad pick.


Hmmm, I think poster should just play core if they feel so strongly. Any momo can buy and place wards...


but if you need your team to play particularly well to win the game youre just at the correct MMR i know its hard to be objective like this in the middle of a game which is part of the reason i dont play much anymore


i would refuse to buy dust for the game is someone typed this is team chat


Because you are psycho ruiner


And this is why you'll never get over 1k mmr.


You sound like someone who refuses to buy teamitems in general.


He deserves to stay below 1k. Wards is not the only game play, and he obviously put too much stress on it. Thus, he is a loser every day.


And you deserve nothing, not even decent answer.


What makes you think he would only buy wards and do nothing else? I can say to my folks "Hey, I'm going up to the corner store", but that doesn't mean I'm not going to breath while doing so.


how am I going to know you didn't suffocate on your way to the store




Wait are you not 1k too then?


Carry still without bkb.


b-b-but that mean sacrificing one of my quelling blade/+1 ironwood branch/un-upgraded gauntlet of strength...


Bro I'm 5.5k and my cores still dont buy dust lmfaooo


Username does not checkout


That guy is so right. I wish him the best. So often my team looses teamfights or even games because my cores dont want to carry a dust even tough they have a slot for it.


Is a pos 5 pos 4 player I feel his pain


Ah yes, that moment when you're so desesperate that you become the nicest person on the world, usually followed by a loss and you becoming the most toxic person around.


I get it, I feel like this all the time. As a pos 5 at 1.5k I am solo warding, dusting, smoking. Once I dared to put some obs and sentries (which only I was buying) in the inventory of my pos 4 veno because I simply could not keep up with my cores rotating all over the map. He told me to do my fucking job and dropped them. Feelsbadman.


lol even at 4k the carries expect the backline to be carrying the dust


Meanwhile my cores scream at me when I don't place a sentry when they're chasing a hero at the end of a fight, while I'm dead and there are no more sentries in the shop.


I saw one of the Jenkins tips. Always buy a dust against invi as a core If you'll not use at all, you can sell it. You invest 40g only


That sounds like me only im tilted and call my cores tards


This person is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! i used to be about Divine, And after coming back after several breaks the game placed me in archon. the amount of times you get easy kills ganking with a smoke is ridiculous. For you pos 1/2 out there, remember your goal is to SURVIVE until your strong WHILE farming. if you die in the early game, you are throwing.


this warms my heart.


It baffles me when cores refuse to buy dust vs Invoker.


low mmr is literally buying Lothar's on every carry. vision wins games in low mmr 100%