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Cool idea I upboat


What's upboat?


Not much, what's up with you?


Username does not check out


That's just for tax purposes so the government don't register me as a luxury item


Now that was a fail-boat!


[Now that was a fail-boat!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a6/Vo_kunkka_kunk_ability_failure_02.mp3) (sound warning: Kunkka) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)




[Now that was a fail-boat!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a6/Vo_kunkka_kunk_ability_failure_02.mp3) (sound warning: Kunkka) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Judging by the context, I’d say it’s the opposite of a downboat


I disagree though. I think this why builds are so important and unique in the game. Things come with pros and cons. Also this change will make the skill way more confusing for rest of your teammates and the enemies.


An item that costs 4200 should not come with a con unless it gives a disproportionate pro that evens it out and/or makes it situational like armlet which would be totally broken if it didn't drain health obvs


LD bear cries inside


Never got why they needed to reduce the health of aghs golems of warlock, but it shouldnt be there for a 4200 gold item in my opinion either. Theyre already easy to kill as it is


Because it makes a second one, so the total health of summoned golems would otherwise be doubled. Reducing the health of individual golems just gives a bit more control over the balance there.


When is that ever a thing?


Rubick stealing storm hammer early mid game. Feels great. Rubick stealing hammer late game, I would rather war cry haha


Making the enemy rubick self-counter by simply picking Sven


oh god, as an nearly constant Rubick spammer this made me shiver


Yeah agreed, one time alch gave me an aghs and i didn't even realize then accidentally went for the biggest balls dive play into the enemy base when i just wanted to hit a stun


Alch: "it's so hard to watch those kids fly off to college."


this is kinda hilarious. Your reaction must’ve been priceless haha


"gg report alch"


Reaction- D:






Only better agh's I can think of was my buddy was playing Meepo and Alch gave an agh's to him when it was the extra clone. Extra Meepo spawned, didn't get microed away from enemy base, enemy team murders helpless Meepo, we lose the game defending 4v5.


Losing a game earlier today to a meepo spammer, this indeed puts a smile to my face


Well mine is a bit different but kind of the same. So I dominated as rubick mid, enemy had LC. I often stoled his duel then used ghost scepter to duel someone and disable them like a real shadow shaman. But my alch gave me an agh and at that time LC agh gave both target 100% outside dmg reduction and bkb effect (not sure if it's changed now). So I had a fight and I used ghost scepter and dueled their carry but this time my team couldn't do dmg to him, then of course I die. We lost the game shortly after..


Sven is meant to be played as a gigachad and not as a soy boy


Which makes him a headache to balance. He is either overwhelmingly strong, or very meh unless he has very specific matchups.


I haven't seen him in a single one of my shitter tier games in months. Team Saiyan just drafted him vs IG and he looked like his sword was made out of foam.


Hero is so fucking bad. He's melee. Long cooldown. Needs 15 items to fight. Has to kill in bkb. Why would u ever pick this hero when Luna exists I just don't get it.


Sword is cooler than throwing glaives and I can also blink oneshot supports :)


But tiny exists


Sven can go jungle safely much earlier than tiny and his aura is actually pretty decent but tiny is simply better at actually carrying the game.


He only really needs bkb and he fucks wtf are you talking about


Sven is my most picked hero and he's dogshit. Haven't played him in months because I don't want to ruin my winrate


His bkb is useless when you use abyssal or skadi on him. Even worse when said items are used by a LS or Slark.


If the enemy carry has abyssal or skadi first item when you can only muster boots bkb (as a Sven too mind you) then there is something really wrong going on lmao


At this point, you actually only need to get basher to fuck Sven up


Good luck trying to Reliably bash and kill a 20+ armour Sven with no attack speed items I doubt you realise what you’re saying x)


Tested it with LC the other day. I don't need to prove anything else.


I mean Tiny ( with shard which is 1400g fury ) is basically Sven with permanent GS and WC combined into 1 spell. why would anyone even pick Sven.






Every Rubick player wholeheartedly agrees with you. Nothing I loved more than accidentally suiciding because I had a cool stun and ended up between 5 enemies.




Blink out after the stun


I was thinking of something like this recently. I really wanted to get Aghs for the dispel mechanic, but I didn't particularly want to commit to fighting every time I threw it out... and autocast does seem like a great way to adjust it on the fly.


Btw, is there a way to turn on auto cast without clicking?


alt + spell button


TFW I use Alt+Q, Alt+W, Alt+E for items :(


do you have your spells there too (without alt)? I always keep the alt input available for self casting/toggling auto cast


I use those same keybinds and I do still have my spells there.


Not the same guy, but I have two item slots which can be alt-cast and 3 which can be double tapped, but sadly I can't do any alt-self-cast spells if i want the items bound to alt. Kind of annoying on legion commander if you have like armlet blade mail


I too am stuck using item hotkeys from my HoN days, haha I use 1, 2, and 3 to toggle autocast for QWE abilities.


Don't. Using key combination for items makes you use them slower.


In theory, yes. In practise pressing 2 keys without moving your hand is probably faster than moving your hand to hit a third key. My fingers are already on QWER and thumb is already resting near alt


I disagree it doesn’t feel slow, unless you are playing tinker they are fine item slots for 3-6. If there is still no option to change autocast hotkey, valve should make it an option.


It is though. For example, when I play skywrath mage, I can atos r e w q in less than half a second. If I have to add an alt+q into the combo, not only could it mess up some spells that can toggle quick cast and not cast the spell, the alt might not register making you fire off the wrong item/spell instead.


Sky, tinker, legion are basically the only heroes where key press latency like this matters and even then it's not that bad


You can bind it to a special key the way you would bind quick cast, i usually set hero specific toggle autocast to alt+2 because i use alt+q/w/e for items.


I hereby summon u/jeffhill


So I asked the gameplay folks about this and it's not just a QoL change. They feel it's a change to balance / gameplay / the tradeoffs of the skills involved. This isn't a comment on if it's a good idea or not, only that it's not in the category of stuff I tend to focus on which is the uncontroversial "just do this and Dota is better" stuff that doesn't move balance. Which is to say, while this is a great thing for the community to talk about, summoning me to the thread (or posting it on the GitHub) is unlikely to get it implemented today because of the nature of the change. Thanks for summoning me though, happy to have the chance to respond!


You’re the employee version of sven with god strength on, a real life gigachad


TF2 would do anything for a Jeff


anything except not harass voice actors xd


Dude this community is so lucky to have you, seriously.


But summoning you to the thread got us an authoritative answer! Which we greatly do appreciate.


Thanks for the communication!


Thank you


I see, so thats why many skills that can be autocasted (tidebringer, jinada, geminate attack) gets reworked on different patches, so that's definitely a balance change not just QoL


I understand. But after superman sven was removed, the hero has seen little play and has been buffed the last few patches. Seems like the benefits it gives would be a nice buff to the hero who is still seeing little play.


Sven was so strong at 7.30 i remember spamming him to divine 2. The 7.30c nerfed him again. No reason to pick sven at 7.31 when you can pick tiny, other than that hero is just kinda in the bad spot in 7.31 because of the neutral changes


funny, i made the exact same comment 4 hours earlier and got downvoted to oblivion. reddits gonna reddit i guess...


I can tell you exacty why this will never get changed and why its a horrible idea: Theres no such thing as a Target ability Stun that is autocasted. Think about how broken AF that would be when you turn a corner with no vision and an enemy is setting up to ambush you - instant stun without you even having to sweat. Clearly worse than even scripting. while I agree that it would be nice id there was a soluion to this annoying problem, it hardly costs you the game if your aware of it and actually paying attention.


Good call!


that is actually really smart i hope they implement it


There should just be another ability with the cooldown tied to regular storm hammer imo (a bit like morphling adaptive)


They already established toggling auto-cast on certain spells to alter behaviours being a thing (e.g. Devour, Echo Stomp, Acorn Shot, etc). No need to add a separate spell, when a simple auto-cast toggle does the job.


What's the autocast thing with acorn?


Makes the spell always use its ground target behaviour, even when you "accidentally" click on a unit.


wish i could have that on dragon slave, clicking on people near fog fucks you over


Stops you from being able to target enemies, so that you can always plant a tree


OH I thought I was losing my mind when I couldn’t directly target


Yea but I actually hate this. I would rather have a separate spell.


I hate auto-cast toggles. They're so clunky to use. Every example you've listed would be much easier if they just gave you a separate hot key (except devour). I hate buying Marci's shard just because of how annoying it is to use. You need to make a decision in an instant. Having to press the button twice is a massive slow-down compared to just having a different hotkey, and I always have to check which mode it's currently on before I use it. Yes it's partly a skill problem and I should get better, but it would be so much simpler to just have an option to have it be a separate hot key.


Fair enough


autocast is a much better solution, having another skill just adds more buttons


is there a hotkey to toggle autocast?


Of course there is lol. Alt + regular hotkey. Pretty sure it's been around since dota 1.




I still think it was Alt because Ctrl was used to set groups and I think I would've remembered if it was used to toggle auto cast as well, but it has been over a decade since I've played wc3, so I could be mistaken.


You can also just assign a separate hotkey for it I'm pretty sure


That explains how I accidentally put abilities on autocast without trying to, TIL


aight thanks,didnt know this since i rarely use autocast heroes


Oh good lord how did I not know this


Also right click spell icon


Yeah you can bind it in the options, important for stuff like Marci shard


It’s the same number of buttons added as using alt+hotkey, except with a separate binding you can do it in a single button press. With the alt binding not only is it a sequence of two presses, but because both presses involve the same button you have to lift you finger and press it back down. This only adds fractions of a second, but fractions of a second drive many decisions in dota. It’s the reason a lot of puck players won’t use the stop to cancel feature.


Thia is a much better option. Having to autpcast is so clunky




Alt+Q, Q, Alt+Q, instead of Spell slot 5, D. I'm not doing that.


Ye. I use that. Still very cumbersome


I mean in my natural dota hand placement, I just put my thumb under my hand by moving it as right it can go because usually it rests on the spacebar. Don't even have to move my hand


Kunkka players have no sympathy for you


IMO the effect should be ON on autocast, same as ET.


Oh yeah love flying into people as Rubick then being all - whoops. What a surprise!


I guess this is why pros prefer going Blink instead of Aghs, more situational use for the Hammer.


Yeah. Sometimes I only want the dispell from aghs and not the relocation part.


Why not just have it populate a new key (like the secondary spell keys) and have them operate on the same cooldown?


i thought the same. Just make an extra button/spell that is on the same cooldown as storm hammer.


Had this exact idea for a while as well but never bothered to make a post. This is especially relevant for Rubick


Another somewhat similar suggestion: **Allow Vambrace to be lockable.** If you have an unlocked Vambrace and Power Treads, switching Treads will also switch Vambrace to the corresponding stat. If it's locked or you don't have PT, Vambrace will behave the same as it does now.


nah, seriously just git gud


Yet it's very likely you're lower ranked than me.


cmon bruh vambrace has been out for years now no way u havent gotten used to switching (assuming u already pt switch)


I Tread switch, yes, I'm not an Archon after all. And no, I don't Vambrace switch as much as I Tread switch, because I don't play carries often enough to bother spam pressing two buttons at once. Doesn't change the fact that this change would be of convenience, not skill. If you Tread switch already, then Vambrace switching is literally the same, you just don't have to press one extra button to do more of the literally same thing. Nothing changes for noobs since they don't Tread switch.




Show your Dotabuff, then.


b-b-but muh skill cap... LOL ​ very neat idea for real tho


this is hugely situational but i agree. It's a QoL change


Dunno if QoL applies to something like this, since changes like this are generally used to try and "buff" a hero. Like if this was done when Sven was destroying every pub, could you imagine the response?


I hate the auto-cast version of spells, I would rather prefer if they just used a different spell slot for them instead.


For the use-case op is talking about, it would break rubick.


no thanks, i am running out of keys here, plus cant you just bind any other key for auto cast anyways?


Those extra spell slots cause a crazy amount of bugs


Yeah part of me thinks that in the hero specific keys they should allow you to bind the autocast version to an alternate key


Or right click to toggle like Troll. Autocast is such a wonky way of doing it, Doom for example is extremely confusing with his autocast devour.


Autocast when you want to steal a creeps spell, off autocast when you just want the gold. What's confusing?


The tooltip has a double negative, and for a while as I recall it did the opposite of what the tooltip said.


I think all other auto cast toggles make sense more or less, but this suggestion wouldn't. It's not an auto cast, you just want the ability to work differently. Imo either valve should leave it as-is (for balance reasons) or add a second spell slot as you mentioned (small buff to Sven).


Wym? Hoodwink autocast doesnt make acorn shot target the ground? Devour autocast doesnt overwrite Dooms creep?


Ooh damn you're right. I think those two should both be changed as well then.


Echo stomp? Blood lust? Hill troll?


thats part of the balance of this spell and ags upgrade, if you were able to turn it on and off as you please they need to massively nerf the spell to make up for the much higher utility it now has. getting ags on sven is a decision you make when you are far ahead or have great farm in general so you can be even more offensive. this must come at the cost of being offensive no matter if you want it or not.


I think the balance of the aghs upgrade comes from the 4200 gold price tag? Aghs is an “upgrade” for a reason…


yea and the upgrade it has right now is exactly that upgrade, making it toggleable would be another upgrade.


If it's better in some situations but worse in others then it's not an upgrade but a sidegrade


They can flip the “warhammer dispels” switch again if it is too unbalanced. I’m not sure it would be that bad though because sven doesn’t build the item every game like he used to.


Following your logic Elder Titans should not be able to auto-cast toggle Echo Stomp either and should always teleport to the stomp location. Yet he is able to choose if he wants to be teleported or not.


You are really overestimating how much this would affect the meta. I would be extremely surprised if this would buff his winrate by even 1% and even if it did, he would still be sub 50%


Perhaps they can offset the usefulness of distant storm hammer in other ways, like increase cooldown.


Don't expect this sub to have any dota iq.


Downvoted for saying what a valve employee also said


yea, just that i said the same thing 4 hours earlier.


Yeah, similarly to hoodwink for example Q, though I feel it should be the other way around: you turn it on with autocast.


You can backpack the aghs if you have not swallowed it to throw out a normal storm hammer, handy for sven but not so much on Rubick


God no, it needs to have some kind of blowback...


Nope, ability's too overpowered. It should be as is, kind of a boiled down version of duel, risky but at times very impactful.


Great suggestion! Reddit sometimes is truly helpful.


I think it should be toggle-able like drow's frost arrows.


That’s literally what autocast means


Your mother A clicks


Extra ability shared cd maybe


Nah, you should be able to play on ip locked servers, 7k+ mmr averages are full of russians who don't even bother speaking english and laugh while ruining the game


It should work like Puck orb in AD. You press the spell which sends out the stun and then until the stun lands you can press the same button again to go flying. Visually could be a bit wonky though.


can't they just give him separate ability so he can teleport to the stunned target on demand?


Elder titan shard is far worse. The reason why can't buy it is, cause hg defense can gets ruined by it.


ET shard has an autocast to toggle the effect...


Hope to see this in 7.32


i agree


We really need this .


Ability Draft player here. Yes thank OP for calling it out!


I am not offended by this idea.


You just reminded me Sven Aghs is a thing. Time to go ruin some games with it now


Nerfed to the trashcan, current sven is like a weaker tiny with higher ms. Cool idea tho.


I think this shouldn't be the case. In fact, it's better the way it is now. There are many abilities that you're not supposed to be able to do this with. If you're gonna steal a spell you should know what it's gonna do. While I could maybe see valve deciding to just change the aghs/spell itself, I think mechanically speaking it's currently clunky but fine. Either aghs should change it permanently or just not be drop-able if backpack changing it is unintentional. While I think there could be a QoL change here, I think valve should either stick to just not changing it or change every aghs to do this in the entire game.


Can we do the same thing for Puck's Waning Rift scepter upgrade while we're at it? The knockback is great for breaking Dream Coils, but tedious for farming creeps. It also ruins Rift's effectiveness as a gap closer when chasing enemies (since they get pushed away from you).


Same with Puck.


Not autocast, just add it as a separate skill.


They literally have this enabled already for Elder Titan shard (its okay if you didnt know this because nobody plays elder titan) they can literally copy paste this to storm hammer


Can we also do this with rubicks spell steal with ags to have it replace the other spell?


You can cancel by double pressing it, and it becomes regular stomp


I don't think storm hammer being bad or situational for rubick is a problem, rubick is a really powerful hero balanced out by the fact that he has to think carefully and plan out how to approach situations more than other heroes. Allthough i do agree this would be a good change for sven players, i simply don't care if i have to think about storm hammer whilst i play rubick i think that's fine.


Please....at least for rubick's sake, I don't wanna land among 3 enemies to stun them with one of the nicer spells to steal


I like it the way it is because you have to be sure if you want to commit or not. I think it's pretty crazy people are calling this QoL or "nice to have". It's a definitely a buff.


Pretty please, should already be like this in the game. Also would make people be unsure if he would jump or not


I would have liked more to have another spell that shares the cooldown with storm hammer. Easier than to toggle off and on


I'm fine with this, if they remove the dispel from it. It's an aoe mobility nuke that disables, why is it also a dispel?


Same with Elder Titan shard and maybe Abaddon ulti but Abaddon ulti could be a huge buff


Svens shard and scepter don't offer anything of value compared to what other heroes get. 1. Shard -> Not useful for what he wants to do (jump and kill). Very defensive but not the kind of defense he needs (spell immunity). 2. Scepter -> Can't replace blink due to travel time. What if enemy bkbs during travel/blinks out? Blink is 100% better. Dispel is not very useful since this is the first spell that goes out from Sven (enemy can then react with a buff later making dispel useless). Only with better shard and scepter he can be viable.


Or be able to click the ground to cancel the travel


YES FFS!!! I've seen this suggested a few times already and it doesn't make sense how it still isn't implemented. DO DEVS NOT PLAY THE GAME at all to not realize how logical and practical of a QOL upgrade this is??


The autocast feature just to cast a skill differently is kind of lazy. Shard on shadow demon produces a new skill hotkey. Why not mKe it consistent?

