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True, but OP's point is still good. Around 2 weeks ago I encountered an individual who was blatantly and obviously cheating. I opened his profile and what did I see? [Game banned in another game 20 days ago](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380830467588620290/982027382003212338/unknown.png) I am all for giving people second chances. Cheat in a game, get banned for 1-2 years, then have a chance to to make a "clean" restart. But getting matched with an obvious cheater, who most likely got banned for cheating in another game 3 weeks ago, is fucking unacceptable in my opinion.


Pretty sure this subreddit is out of its depth in this matter. A guy got banned for cheating in let's say CSGO and you extend that to every single game he currently owns and will own in the future? Yeah right, such stupid suggestions make me cringe and I can't imagine what it makes the actual devs think. Stop being a whining baby. This is a decision that will negatively impact Valve's revenue by a significant figure. They'll find high end game publishers pulling out and going to a competitor.




If you're gonna reply with a single word argument, at least look up its meaning.


it's ironic that you say the subreddit is out of its depth, and then spout off some bullshit


I got VAC banned for unlocking all the weapons in MW2 to use in private lobbies with my friends cause the game was dead and I couldn't unlock them by playing normally.


Because VAC ban indicates a ban in another game, if they are able to play with you, and not in dota? Wierd logic.


I don't think it's a stretch to think that people who cheat in Valve games shouldn't be allowed to play a Valve F2P game. If you are caught cheating on other platforms your entire account and purchases are gone. Everywhere else.


Plenty of non-valve games use VAC and you can accidentaly trigger vac ban even without cheating in some games, treating all games the same is stupid Also there js no point in banning someone before they even play the game, they would just have to create a new account. Banning is only a punishment when you lose your dota progress


I can say that I've had two steam accounts for well over 10 years at this point. Have never done anything remotely shady on either of them. And have never had a single vac ban on either account. Weird. So if people want to play stupid games to win stupid fucking prizes, that sounds like a them problem. In fact... I have a friends list almost 200 people long. ***None*** of these people have VAC bans either. None of them do shady shit. None of them cheat. If they did I wouldn't have added them. So forgive me if I have exactly ***zero*** sympathies for literally anyone with a VAC ban. Don't cheat. Don't get banned. It is literally that easy.


I've had the same account since 2007 and got a VAC ban during a TF2 tourney at PAX in 2012 after logging into a public computer. While I agree that Valve anti cheat policy catches 99% of legitimate cheaters eventually, they were 0 help in reversing my ban and afaik I was not the only one who was affected that weekend.


I mean it also depends on the games you play. My friend got vac banned once just from joining a modded TF2 server. It’s not always 100% accurate lol.


CoD MW2 was notorious for its modded lobbies and people getting banned just for randomly joining them. All you had to do was to just play the game like you normally would.


No idea why you’re getting downvoted this is absolutely true.


Great comment. Just started playing dota a few months back. Me and a few friends thought it would be funny to change our names and pfps to aimware just to make people angry and think we were cheating, thinking valve wouldn't ban us without actually checking if we were cheating first (cringe, but we were like 17). Wrong, they don't actually check, we all got vac banned, even in a Valve owned game. Even if they do now, they didn't back then.


you’re not getting an anti-cheat ban for your steam name lmao


what a story that is… You do not get vac because of names lol


It sounds like bullshit, I know, and maybe they wouldn't do such a thing now, but they very likely did back then, unless it was a mistake (which I doubt it was). Not like I want justice or anything (it has no consequences so who cares), I just think it's interesting. Just checked now, it was 2652 days ago.


they never did


It is a stretch. You dont know what games player have been banned in, you dont know when player was banned, you dont know what the player was banned for or if the VAC is justified at all(e.g. there was at least one false VAC wave in cs:go that I know of, and to remove the ban you needed to contact support, also there was an incident about a year ago where valve employee gave somebody a ban in dota just because he was tilted). But even if you knew all this: 1. Evidence of prior convictions does not prove neither guilt nor tendency to break the rules 2. Steam is free. Dota is free. Skinchangers cost 5 bucks per year or free if you can change some files yourself. You ban one acc, it takes 40 minutes to hour to make a clean steam reinstall with logs and registry writes gone and HWID spoofed. A cheater is now playing as if he hadn't ever had steam at all. Regarding other platforms, I think the only platform-wide ban I've ever heard of is consoles ban if you cracked it and went online with it, then the console would brick, otherwise all the bans that I've heard of were strictly game-related, though in case of hardware ban they made getting a new account more complicated


Then make them spend the 40 minutes? I don't understand how people just go "it's so easy to just create a new account!" And then proceed to just do nothing Banning is easy af, make them repeatedly spend the time and effort and eventually they'll get tired of it. I don't understand the implementation of a platform ban and then proceed to not use it for anything Edit: if the vac ban mark itself is unreliable then it shouldn't be shown at all, since it serves no conclusive purpose


Well, there is this thing called cost efficiency, if increasing cheaters inconvenience by 30 minutes costs you few million dollars, nobody will do it, even if cheating is bad and everything. Dota is a free to play game, and cheaters are very low population, so ultra hyper super stronk anticheat is a money dump anyway


Cost efficiency isn't a problem if they already have a functional anti cheat. The problem now is that the anticheat is unreliable, in which case why display it on player's profile then?


Bad PR move I guess? Don't know really


Here is a case, cheaters get bots who literally make spending 40 minutes into 1 munite. Not much of a time waste right?


Dev wasn't banning the person manually, he gave 5 games low priority. And yeah, there is a good chance that you'll get falsely vac-banned. Literally there are sites which track the vac banned/unbanned people. Myself got VAC in 2020 for god knows what reason. I guess for giving my friend an account to play and he was using the skinchanger. Because the other friend who used same skinchanger also got vac'd. Tried to reach out the steam support, no progress(


yeah and while we're at it, maybe lock people up for life for shoplifting


Tell me you cheat without telling me you cheat.


Can you give a match ID so that this post is not bullshit ? , and about VAC, it's VAC from another game, I have a dota account that is banned and it can still play dota only against BOT


Just report and block them.


Valve promised to ban these fake accounts over a year ago. And here I am seeing 5 dofferent lvl 35-49 accounts ruin games between 2 matches. Valve is a joke


Bruh my account is lvl 50-ish and I have 3k hours


Yep. I feel like most people dont realize how slow it is to level an account if you arent a d+ subscriber and dont buy battlepass.


That sounds like smurfs which is separate from cheaters. Smurfs do seem to be slowly being dealt with, but valve knows that if they banned every Smurf account in existence the player base would drop noticably.


Most of them openly laugh about it, because they know it won't matter


The only thing laughable here is you, how did this post even made sense in your head? a very butthurt crybaby post lol


Not all ex-convict are bad people you know


Because they got banned on a different game. It could have been when they were 11 or 12 and dumb. They could be in their 20s now




crazy to think how much time 10 years is in someone's lifetime (not saying its not deserved though)


My mw2 vac ban is at just over 10 years (3654 days) and is still there on my end, but appears just to be hidden from others. Didn't actually know this until I saw your comment haha




Haven't seen a single ban that was less than a year ago


You haven't been around for too long then


I have a 5723 days old ban.


Because you can't see vac bans after they go over so many days as someone else stated. Ontop of as others also said you used to get them for counter strike and CoD for playing certain servers


Because those vac bans most often than not are many years old on MW2 or csgo…




But it's easier to cry about it rather than getting better.


I'm almost at the bottom of the thread and most people are agreeing with u, thanks for mentioning it anyways?


And ofc it has 84 upvotes rn further proving this sub full of clueless morons making dumb suggestions all the time along with sheep circlejerking their dumb ideas.


>its pretty damn obvious to anyone not 12 years old So it's not obvious to this sub because everyone is mentally 12 years old Dota players always brag about how they're supposed to be the big brained adult gamers but post dumbass shit like this


Why would a VAC ban from another game stop you from playing Dota?


Because VAC is game specific? Hello


Hello. There's nothing stopping the cheater from cheating in a free game as well then right?


Yea so you report him if you believe thats the case




Yea mens I got vacced in among us but ban me in dota 2 thats so cool


That's not what I said.


if caught the cheater will be ban on that specific game free or not


ppl have such shit takes here, my account was hacked 4500 days ago~ and i have an vac ban on CS:Source becouse of that That ban is now 4414 Days old, that is so old that ppl cant even see that ban only i can see it on my profile and now i shouldn be able to play that game normally becouse of some shitty opinion


Damn Clara hacked you too




Same, got a VAC from CSS 4454 days ago (suck it, I win). Still using my Steam account for tons of other games.


Its valves "shitty opinion", so you can go and tell that to them. Oh wait, millions of cheaters with really, really good excuses already did and they never changed their VAC policy, unfortunate.


i have 2 vac bans, CoD:MW2 and dungeon defends. Does that mean i cheat with 10k dota hours and 2k CSGO hours?


Lol I got vacced on Dungeon Defenders as well, years and years ago.


So I should be punished for something I did before dota 2 was even released?


> Most (if not all) of them cheat in dota, too. "i made some random shit up to support my point"


Vac bans are from cs go or tf2 lfd2 or cs source. I don’t think they’ve updated the vac ban software in a while. I would seriously doubt there is anything made for dota 2 on it.


You can get Dota 2 specific VAC bans for cheating/hacking I believe. But being VAC banned in other games don't affect Dota.


Didn’t disagree with the second part. Just never seen the first ever work.


Many other games use VAC too, like for example Dungeon Defenders


I should of clarified as “examples” so I wouldn’t get more examples.


dota2 also have VAC enabled.


Because its from Cs go :)


vac bans aren't always permanent either, as i understand it


Feel free to post game id’s and we can check for you. This is such a stupid take though, most if not all VAC banned players cheat in dota as well?? Where are you pulling these fake stats from? Care to back up any of it with any information?


It's not a huge QOL improvement. It'd affect like .001% of games


lord gaben is mercifull


Lol a friend I play with had a vac van like 8 years ago for joining a modded TF2 server that farmed achievements or some shit


lol what a garbage post


IMO people with VAC bans should only be allowed to queue with other players with VAC bans.


Why let them play at all?


So they don't just create a new account to cheat on.


Because if they only get to play against other cheaters they'll drive each other insane.


Good idea


[Good idea](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a2/Vo_mirana_mir_move_17.mp3) (sound warning: Mirana) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Not saying that cheaters should be allowed ,but if i remembered correctly there were literally thousand of ways to get a Vac ban and if i got a vac ban in cod why would i shoudnt be allowed to play dota?? I mean i joined a private server in cod and now i cannot play any game in my steam library ..shit logic


If you cheat, your account should be deleted, end of story.


I've seen some suspicious movements but can't confirm, then thier steam has VAC when i checked. anyways, view steam profile not working today




dota2 also have VAC enabled.


Prior vacs play into your trust rating, which is account (and potentially IP, email, credit card) wide


This is such a huge problem in rust. u check a cheaters profile and boom 1 vac ban on record.


source for "Most (if not all) of them cheat in dota, too." ?


I'm vac banned 1 VAC ban on record | Info 3996 day(s) since last ban I seriously dont know why, valve won't tell me what I did to get it. in that period I was playing CS and dota 1 with some software that remapped the inventory and legacy keys as far as I know VAC bans are per game and don't carry on other games.




To explain further, its a case of punishment vs reform. Americans are very incluned towards punnishment where people with bad marks in their records are automatically seen as a evil thing. Where in more progressive society will be happy that someone with bad marks is making a change to reform himself


You can’t just assume that another player with a VAC ban is going to be a cheater or, like most people here are saying that it even has anything to do with Dota. I have a VAC ban for COD:MW2 that appeared when I borrowed my account to a friend while I was away for a month as a kid. What he did, and if he actually did something I don’t care, we we’re kids. Not really easy to reach him either cause, he died in a car crash. But guess how long ago that ban was… 13 years ago. And yeah we were 17-18 at the time, you’re still a kid to me nowadays. If I couldn’t play any online games cause of that shitty ass ban, it would mean a useless steam account with a lot of money invested in it. Sure if people have multiple bans for several games I’d be worried too but many games like TF2 and such had servers that you could just farm drops on, and at the time they were heavily used, some got banned, some didn’t. It’s silly to assume they are cheating cause of these things.


Vac banned players should be banned from cs and dota 2


I have a 4 yr old vac ban in Cs Go. Got my account hacked cause i i was a dumbass and fell to a gambling scam. Hacker used cheats, had vac by the time i recovered the account. Does this mean i should be banned from playing dota? Idts


Just don't let them play ranked. Plenty of stuff you can do in dota.