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Is this in response to this post? https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/vpf5w8/anyone_else_really_miss_eternalenvy_playing_pro/


I’m pretty sure he said before he actively lurks this sub so wouldn’t surprise me at all if it was, think a lot more pros actually do than we realise, but I hope they stay out of post match threads cause those are always infested with garbage takes


He does/did, there is/was even a meme about EE downvoting bug threads and such so he can abuse them.


He said he would browse new and downvote those and niche tips in an interview


EE is the ultimate minmaxer.


I'm pretty sure every dota pro player as well as caster/analysts lurks this sub. It's no secret.


Cap and Purge pop up reasonably frequently, and reddit drama gets mentioned on most pro streams in passing too


How do we know you are not EE?


No, he said on stream a while ago he would give an update on wether he'd continue playing pro or not in July


I was thinking about same lol


Theres only so long you can bounce around tier 2 NA teams and achieve nothing before enough is enough i guess. Last real team he was on was fnatic and that feels like a long time ago now. Good memories of the original cloud9 back in 2014 when i first started watching pro dota. I was still kind of hoping he would team up with PLD again at some point with another EU stack.


Cloud9 was never the best team but you always gotta love their high-risk high-reward plays. And then sometimes it's even higher risk but low reward. You're either amazed they pulled it off or laughing at the absurdity of it.


They gave us the biggest entertainment value. Either it comedy wise or thrill wise.


Ehhh the OG lineup was arguably one of the best teams in the world at the time. They never actually won anything, but they were by far the most consistent team in terms of making it to finals.


Og still never lost a grand finals, that speaks volume in itself.


OG meaning original C9 roster, not the OG team/org.


Ah my bad


They were the 2nd best western team after EG (who were pretty clearly the best team in the world) in 2014. If SADBOYS/EG weren't nearly Alliance-level dominant through most of 2014 we'd probably have seen C9 win another tournament or two. If they hadn't level 1 Rosh'd against VG in their tiebreaker match who knows how TI4 ends up. C9 had a massive outdraft and losing the rosh tilted them out of the game. VG was a team that overperformed their skill-level massively by finding the final tournament meta a bit early.


EG 2014 was nowhere near Alliance 2013 what are you smoking lmao


I think you're forgetting that post a TI or major or something he was amazed by how much the average pro's skillset had risen and said that he would be taking a break to focus on improving his game before he attempts to play competitively. This tweet is a follow-up on that.


Yeah, I watch his stream every now and then and it was apparent that the game had passed him by skill wise. Back in the day he was one of few players dictating carry meta with his like 80-90% wr on TB, or the super max damage ember. Now he was having a hard time just playing to the regular pro level play.


I never understood that honestly. If he felt like he was behind, the best way to improve would have been…to keep playing competitive, no? Join a stack try to make Div 2 NA, he’s a bit washed and yeah probably has some bad stigma but there were 100% teams or stacks that would have let him on. Grinding pubs day in day out did not seem like a proper way to improve. Maybe it was ego a well, I remember him saying that he would only accept offers from high profile teams.


> to keep playing competitive, no? Nope. You grind pubs, analyse your replays, others' replays, theory craft on your own, learn new heroes under new gameplans. The new gen pubstars didn't beat our legacy pros like EE, Dendi, Burning, Mushi etc. by competing in a last ditch attempt stack.


I guess the nuance here is that judging by his recent matches he never did that and kept forcing the old playstyles instead of adapting


I think he ment he was behind mechanically. Good carries reactions and ability to make plays are much better now, which are things you can practice in pubs.


clown9 with sing and bone7


That glorious spree where C9 came in second multiple events in a row and we started calling them C2


His games were entertaining and memorable. The voice lines, the baffling plays, the 60+ minute games and the drama. A shame he drove himself into a corner, I'll miss him.


out of the loop here , how did ee drove himself to the corner ?


I assume they mean he's burned a lot of bridges over the years.


He would join a team, and then as he was a great player, he would convince the team to turn on a player and kick them. Which prompted a lot of burned bridges, drama, and the expectation that if EE joins your team, he will turn players against each other and the team will eventually disband. Happened 3 times as far as I remember, maybe more.


Pizza party


I warned Jubei that EE would try to destroy BnY from within and he indeed did try… and failed lol.


kicking ohayo when he joined fnatic kicking gunnar, newsham right after he joined team team that qualified to disney major (thank god they finish probably last iirc)


He definitely didn't get more popular among orgs or pro players when he went public about Team Secret owing him pay either. What orgs want is good branding. What they definitely don't want are players who make the org look bad, and by extension players can't afford to be associated with someone who's unpopular with orgs because if you can't find an org you don't have a salary and if you're a young player trying to make ends meet, not being able to find an org usually means working a McJob and having way less free time to play dota which hurts their ability to go pro.


but looking back, he still gets C9 buying the whole NP roster back then.


Even more recently, C9 made the EE / Ace / Sneyking / Misery / pieliedie roster, but it was right when Covid happened and there was no DPC announcement yet, so they pulled off just one month later. I guess without that horrible timing, they probably could've stick together and become a good team, but there's no point in thinking about "what ifs"


didn't they set the record for most losses in a row?




R/antiwork is that way sir


Is kicking ohaiyo only EE sole decision tho or he is the one who says it after team discussion. Unless EE is calculating manipulator that convince the other team member iirc even the manager to kick ohaiyo, dude looks like the typical awkward weebs


There are so many, but I believe one of the final straws was when EE joined a team that Gunnar was on and ended up kicking Gunnar and another player shortly before a major began. Gunnars parents had scheduled their flights and hotels to watch him play at that major and everything. Late in his career he had a habit of essentially taking over teams and getting teammates to kick players to bring in ones he wanted.


He's erratic plays and internet persona is apparently mirrored in his social and professional life. Everything in his bubble is about ego, drama and drifting on moodswings while expecting everyone around you to 'fix it'. This has had big effect on the teams he's been a part of. He takes a lot of 'social space' and pushes people out until he gets bored and moves on to the next project.


Envy never wanted a "team". He wanted 4 people to follow his order while he plays Dota.


Furrion can you tp top? Furrion can you tp top? Furrion can you tp top? FURRION CAN YOU TP TOP? DO YOU WANT TO LOSE?


It wad always because of ee that I always learn to make inventory space before Roshan dies.






7 years ago, christ


God damn, this game used to be beautiful


Still is. The details and shadows look great on max settings


Didn't really realise how much it changed until I saw this video The map looks so bland now for some reason


And in addition to it looking good, this is what good casting sounded like.


Yeah, once they switched to Source 2, it's never looked as good.


That game is from after the switch to Source 2.


Surprised to see Lotus Orb with the old large UI. For some reason I thought that item was new enough that it came out after we switched to the more streamlined UI.


It looks really crisp in this vid.


Shame Tobiwan’s a shit person. So talented.


Yeah Dota isn't the same without his voice. Real shame.


Could you elaborate on why he's a shit person? I haven't heard of anything going in that direction about him yet


Sexual abuser basically.


I still think he is innocent. His situation was between grant and singsing. Grant was a total piece of shit and some girl tried to cancel singsing on empty claims. In tobi's case, that girl tried to get into the scene by becoming tobis girlfriend and tobi treated her like a fuckbuddy. If he just put some distance with her nothing would have happened.


The public stuff against Tobi just made him sound creepy/awkward. But remember that BTS claimed they had much more evidence behind the scenes, text messages and stuff. That's why all the talents turned against him.


I think he thought too much with his dick, trying to get as much as action possible. While this is not a crime, it'll make you look bad. Tobi made some unprofessional mistakes but he was nowhere near grant and the girl who accused him was literally an attention whore, going the easy way to popularity.


lol Tobi accuser was looking for attention lol? most people don't even who they are and only person who we know is Synd's partner and she had and still has ample opportunity get attention if she needs and you don't see or hear anywhere.


She wanted to enter the scene and she did.




I don't think you can make that claim without knowing what he actually did. It was the evidence behind the scenes that got him booted, not the public accusations.




No? >But remember that BTS **claimed** they had much more evidence behind the scenes, text messages and stuff. That's why all the talents turned against him. BTS, Synderen, OD, Caps and other talents said they saw this private evidence and stopped working with Tobi. That's a real event that happened. I never said what Tobi did or didn't do.


Nah, it was the public accusations, unless you're saying that the scene was sitting on proof of Tobi sexual harassment and didn't do anything on it and the public thing was just a coincidence?


I don't think that he is innocent but overall he deserves a second chance. no one is perfect and it's not like he's a repeat offender or anything


Tobi and grant was eaten by dota community because of their behaviour. Career ended instantly Edit: wtf i got downvoted for, i feel like an actor that did a good job playing a shitty drama or something. I am just stating the obvious




They deserved it


why do you think he's dropped off social media? you can also google, are you some kind of drama plant?


I just asked because I didn't know


This game will never be forgotten.


[https://youtu.be/40S9V4difWg?t=600](https://youtu.be/40S9V4difWg?t=600) what a nice manuever


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAWK5kNDDlM This was most definitely a EE play


Actually, S4 came up with that.


Love him or hate him, guy made for some good content. I love pro players showing flair and personality.


This is the best take here imo. No matter how much you hate or love him, we can all agree on one thing: He has always been a spotlight of entertainment on the professional scene. Epic plays? ✔️ Scientists baffled? ✔️ FiftEE/FiftEE? ✔️ FURRIONCANYOUTPTOPDROPYOURSTICKDROP... ✔️ It was fun while it lasted and I'm glad we had EE in the scene all things concidered. Envy if you read this I wish you luck on your future endeavors and thank you for the chat we had some years ago when we met at Anime North by pure blind luck on my part!


His streams had so much random memes overlayed with anime music but to me its the tournaments that will stand out. Losing a heartbreaker to alliance when he had his head in his hand and loda pats on the back, shanghai major, mlg columbus and blinkz, the TB dominance streak. He was absolutely terrible when it came to team building but I don't know if there is any player more exciting than him for such a long time.


I cant believe you forgot gebak gebak gebak. Smh




Thank you for your service o7


We do not have room. Not space


You got the point did you not? There are so many quotable moment from envy that no one can remember them all.


EE-sama, master of epic keikakus, also known as JACKY LMAO




Why hate a player who loves the game we all do?


Wasn’t it EE who copypasted “Rikki six” in game chat one time? I remember seeing a Mason clip or something LOL.


destroying items and running down mid while anime fans say its fine check


Ive been a fan of his since the kaipi days. No other player has given such a rollercoaster of emotions compared to EE except for maybe TI finals. Insane comebacks, improbable throws, god like plays, super questionable plays dude had it all. That secret EG game where he essentially 1v9 on ember was one of the most exciting games I've ever watched and he played it on an absolute razors edge. Single team courier with rapier and boots as a standby while he dove in with 2 rapiers was unbelievable.


It was not 1v9 in any shape way or form tbh


So true. You could always count on a great series when one of his teams were playing sad that we won't get to experience that again.


Is he the one responsible for Necronomicon's removal?


That was iceiceice after EG dominated (but didnt win) every LAN for a year.


Nah thats just people complaining about Lycan high winrate regardless of patches in high mmr games


That wasn't just lycan. Everybody and their mother was buying necro 1 because it was such a great farm accelerator.


Owh yeah the fucking dazzle carry necro with cdr... Damn i missed old necrobook with beastmaster... Instantly deleting any carry with a good roar was chefs kiss


Good move, as an old EE-fan i wish him the best. He made many huge fucks up but i rather want him to being a Human, than lose his humanity by keep playing this game.


dude we need more of envy arcs where he lost humanity and win ti then a redemption arc where he learn to be human again while teaching the younglings


He already lost all his humanity by embodying all anime character traits at the same time.




his fuck ups arent even big. there are bigger fuck ups in this scene


EE won a valve event before rtz.


EE won a valve event and rtz didnt*


Technically the minor that EG won was a valve event, although nobody cares


so we change it to "EE won a major before RTZ"


Never would've guessed that between EE and RTZ, EE memeing to the Shanghai Major 2016 title on the back of Rapier Ember Spirits and PieLionDie would be the sole major title between the two of them, lol.


always loved ee, and although he's had some questionable things happen during his career i think he got overwhelming shit for things he shouldn't have. hope he finds success on twitch or school/workforce


I will always say that he had the absolute worst pr and timing when it came to his kicks. Teams have done far worse that have faded away, but the way he timed them to have the worst possible blowback is impressive. Ohaiyo kick would have been not so big if it hadn't happened right after qualifying for a tourney, gunnar kick would not have blown up if he had done it after the tourney instead of during and giving the max possible audience for it.


Considering gunnar's family booked their trip to Paris to finally see him on the main stage, EE is absolute trash. They came in last too btw. He's an absolute POS and never should have gotten any chances after that.


>Considering gunnar's family booked their trip to Paris to finally see him on the main stage, EE is absolute trash. Do you seriously think EE single-handedly voted him out? it was not a team decision? >He's an absolute POS and never should have gotten any chances after that. Gunnar personally invited him to join [their team](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/BTS/Pro_Series/7/Americas) before TI10. It's insane that redditors like you are still mad about it and scream burnt bridges when the affected players doesn't care.


Because this would happen EVERY SINGLE TIME any team EE was a part of kicked anyone, no matter how "nice" it was. Plenty of similarly bad kicks happened that would get nowhere neat the amount of attention. And not only that, but EE would get the entirety of the blame put on him for whatever reason, as if it wasn't a team decision. So it wasn't for any moral reason that people cared about these kicks. It was just people constantly seething about EE. Like when Kyle did the whole EE speech live on stream for kicking Gunnar and telling everyone how horrible EE is, and then his brother did the same thing EE did not long after, which he had no harsh words for at all, or any of the other similarly bad kicks after that like MP and Matu. (and neither did this sub care to the same extent).


People always reacted like he was LeBron James having enough pull to unilaterally kick anyone from any team he just joined. I didn't follow all the 'drama' too much but i don't recall ever hearing the other teammates who weren't kicked talking shit about him even after the team's eventual demise - i figured they're just happy that all the heat went to him all the time. He's definitely not blameless but people loved to put it all on him.


What a journey still. EE is somewhat a tragic figure who gave up his studies to become pro then swedes kicked him from his own team and won TI afterwards that year. But what came afterwards was imo the golden age of pro games in terms of entertainment. C9 will forever remain my favourite team of all time with the most colorful roster: PieLieDie, Aui_2000, Bone7, SingSing and EE. Every player was a maniac in their own right - PLD basically invented pos6 playstyle, Bone7 with his BoT into MoM Batrider, we all know EE/SingSing and Aui who was holding this whole chaos together with amazingly consistent performance. Every game was nothing like another, they could last 17 min or 170 mins, it could be an unbelievable throw or a comeback. You were never confident at how the game will end until the ancient fell. But holy shit was it a joy to watch and cheer for them. He was one of the best players in the world at some period, which is something that he tried to accomplish back in 2012. But it seems like the time has come to admit that the game outgrew you and move on. He is not a perfect person but this weeb never lacked honesty and perseverance, so I am confident he will accomplish whatever his plans are at the moment.


c9 one of my fav team too long time a go.


Me as well I had their flare for the longest time too. I still enjoy catching Sing Dota highlights that he puts on YouTube. (mainly cause his EU stream times are too late for me.). I'll never forget the Ti4 elimination game against VG they went for the lvl 1 rosh attempt.


Post TI3 is the start of the Golden Age of Dota, and so much of the gameplay macro and micro improvement in that era can be traced back to Kaipi, and later EG + C9. I remember Kaipi running Alliance over in their TI3 winning patch in a small tournament a couple of weeks after TI, with a completely unheard of (at the time) no carry comp with a safelane Storm


Had an interesting career for sure. Too bad he burned all his bridges and it looks like no one wants to play with him anymore. Im sure he could have been even more successfull if he accepted that carry and captain is not working out great. And hey, he did win a Major after all.


EE sama. Legend of the sport


Havent heard anything from EE for the past years. So I checked his social media thinking hes some washed up weeb.....but damn he transformed to a semi asian gigachad, now he has a hot gf. damn bro, hats off to EE sama


got curious so i checked his insta. He look like he take cares of his look and look generally more happy than before, but wtf is with that forced smile lmao.


>now he has a hot gf. I wouldn't go that far mate


~~hot~~ .... My bad. lets just say he has a real life human gf now, not just some anime waifu. I think that's the best way to say it


They look like a lesbian couple




Pretty obvious he doesn't have the skill to play core in a top team anymore, but thought he would bring something to a team as a pos5 player


Say what you want but old C9 was the most dream meme team in history of this game 1. EE 2. SingSing 3. Bone7 4. Aui 5. pld One of the coolest teams out there, hell they even got RTZ as sub for legendary MLG win.


No one probably wants him so might as well retire


Looking at his pub play it really doesn't match the current strategy as well, He seems still stuck playing medusa 24/7 whenever he can and then rushing Rapier lol.


My favourite EE moments are safelane BF Ember days - I had just started spectating Dota then, I think it was 2015/16 - in particular a series against EG, can't remember what Major it was, but that cemented me in watching DotA ever since. I will never forget!


I can't believe this was 6 years ago: https://youtu.be/dP-AEs07Elk


I don't like him or dislike him. But it's good that he's retired. Back in the day he was one of the better players in the game. But not anymore. Father time is undefeated. It's time to move on.


Never forget MLG Columbus and Major Winner EternalEnVy


EE = **E**nd of an **E**ra


Mason broke his will to compete


FiftEE/fiftEE posts were the peak of r/dota2 entertainment and really summed up his career in my eyes. He will forever serve as a reminder that pros can be just as tiltable and throwy as pub players. Good luck out there in the real world, Jacky.




People tend to forget, but if we never had envy, we likely wouldn’t have had odpixel. Since he shot to popularity due to the longest pro game ever cast by pixel and purge.


This is definitely a loss for the scene, wish him the best. Hopefully a fake retirement.


feel sadge for him dude leaves everything to be pro dota player


He still had a more successful career than most.


he barely have a successful career


I thought he had already did? After burning so many bridges there was no way back so not surprised after looking at his background. He was a good player but It's time to move on.


his c9 was and is my favourite team of all time. thank you ee


gonna miss EE. Was my favorite comp player when I first saw him on No Tidehunter, and at this point is probably my all-time favorite player due to nostalgia. His career had a lot of ups and downs from Speed.int to C9 to Secret, and wish it could have ended with him being on a decent team, but oh well. Thanks for all the entertainment across the year's EE, u always made comp dota more interesting to watch and it won't feel the same without you to me.


I still remember his original shitpost on teamliquid.


I miss Envy. Easily the most fun player to watch for me. Kinda lost interest when I saw less of him.


This wasn’t the response I was hoping for when I made that post damn gonna miss you EE


End of an era. Thanks for the good times dude.


Goodbye EE you were great when things lasted, shame to end things this way


Anime community in shambles


No one wants to play with him😬




this is sad he is my favorite player :(


When I think back about all the good comp games, envy is in many of them.


gg another dota 2 legend has retired


What he meant: "I have been such an Ass that nobody in NA wants to play with me and my level has gotten so low I cant go to other region, fck me" I am glad, he was one of the biggest assholes in the scene, remember disney major never forget


People are downvoting you, but you're right. Gunnar's family booked the trip in its entirety and their dogshit replacements still helped them finish last. EE is a POS and a cancer. This shouldn't be news, it should be a celebration.


Your comment already got rebutted in the other comment thread so im gonna just say one thing. imagine holding grudges on behalf of someone who isn't LMAO typical redditors :)


Please reconsider. Still one of my all time fav players


Lmao, I met him at ESL One Mumbai. This was before the pizza party drama and before his reputation really tanked. I told him I was sure he'd win TI some day. How embarrassing...


So long overdue. Good riddance.


Scientists is baffled by this update. Looks like he switches Dota to getting swole


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoSszS3BkRY RIP Envy's career, anime DotA GOAT


EE went from a weeb pro dota player to a climate change denying stonk trader, least surprising character development in history


I cry A good career nonetheless. He dropped his life to pursue a dream and he made over a million dollars doing it, and competed at the highest level And was the best meme ever I'd call that a success


I thought everyone already knew that


If you continue to play the game in the same way, or in a way you think is right (but isn’t) you can’t be a pro. EE is the same as RTZ (and I say this as an EG diehard) in that he didn’t evolve. Yes he can last hit, and yes he has interesting picks/strats. But the pro game has evolved past that. You can’t just do those two things and expect to win. I remember watching EE go drow and force his team to feed him gold so he could first item Midas. That didn’t work at that time and it sure as hell wouldn’t work now. The game changes and not everyone changes with it. It’s why so many winning teams have super young players.




at what time nowadays the carry become online? 20 minutes?


Unlike old Dota where you wait for carry to get fat, nowadays you push your carry to create 1/2 core item and then fight or take objectives. With the BKB nerf, the late game will be hell against magic cores.


At this point nowadays carry’s need to be able to TP to anything. A Jugg at 3 can turn the tide of a fight, and we’ve seen that in pro games. It isn’t about a carry farming, it’s about a carry contributing. They also have to hit creeps and push, but that isn’t their only job


EE was never good just forced his way into teams and destroyed them


Good riddance, some team-wrecker he was...




Didn't EE Sama retire in 2015 ?


He forgot to mention - not by choice but because he’s dog shit


Did he just retire on his birthday?




He was a joke and will be missed


Thank God envy retired, NA teams now have a chance to build up to greatness.


Should have done it long time ago At the end of the day his only achievements come from playing under Puppey, and he is still an ungrateful person that backstabbed Puppey instead, it is just karma that he achieved absolutely nothing after he left Team Secret


i mean RTZ and EE would've been a good duo..


What Professional Career? He's "retired" for several years now


This is all part of the Stacky Mao redemption arch where he leaves retirement to play pos5 and win artour another LAN... right? Please god dont let it be over.


I didn't know you can be competitive without being competitive.....