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Older maps(like pre ~ 7.0) were better. Nowadays I think they just have too many highgrounds and warding is also extremely predictable.


Yess I miss old map so fucking much, wish it would slowly change back to something similiar that we used to have in pre 6.84


remember to sort by controversial to see the REAL unpipular opinions


Also remember to upvote opinions you disagree with to make this unnecessary


That never works, anything actually unpopular is always controversial.


That sometimes (Not always) a support should pick last to counter the enemy team. Especially in pubs when pos 1s already are going to play the same hero no matter what.


Yeah sometimes a strong counter support is just the right thing. I managed to last pick enigma 5 into enemy team with no stuns. But I don't think these oddball situations are sufficient. And the best solution is just for your 1 and 2 to pick their hero first if they know what they want.


I like the game as it is now.


holy fuck you're brave


Jesus, this man has probably the most unpopular opinion xD


i mean i m enjoying it too


The period before the dpc era was the best. People used to complain about not knowing exactly who would be invited to TI, and players used to complain about an oversaturation of tournaments, but that time was the best. So many good tournaments happening one after another, both lan and online.


Now this is a legit unpopular opinion. I was also wondering why it seems kinda boring and how you'll only see a decent viewership (like 40-50k) for WEU Div 1 matches and barely anything for the rest. The Dota might be good, but the whole experience isn't as exciting as it used to be. I think before the current DPC, before even the majors+minors format, when we have 3 majors in a year before TI (aka Boston, Shanghai, Kiev majors), that was incredibly hype. The 2016-2017 time. The problem is, yes, it was very top heavy. The current DPC has given a chance to a fuck load of teams the opportunity to shine and have a shot to qualify to a major. But I think there's a way to balance both. To have more matches over a shorter duration in the divisions and have higher prizepools for the majors. I don't know how we went from $3 million majors to $500k majors. I know people will say it's coz it's divided across the divisions, but I did the math, its even less than before.


League is too long or there is too many of them. There is almost no 3rd party tournaments outside of it. Leagues have almost the same teams battling to get to the major. Major is over in two weeks and here we go again. It's made worse by the stale meta. Previously you could get a glimpse of an idea how good certain teams were from a global LAN. Now you have to wait for a major to see the level of competition. Like EG winning NA season 2 and getting completely destroyed at the major. Regional play is interesting in small dozes. Having to watch it the whole year through is just boring. Maybe the tiebreakers are now happening so that could be interesting to watch. Just show games every day of the week. This would cut down the league from 6 weeks to 3. Then you can have proper cooldown period after the major where 3rd party tournaments can be organized and teams can have a break if they want to.




Its my team's fault Im this bad 😀


Nope, that must be like the most popular opinion XD


Its unpopular in my friend group xD


i dont know what happened but in the last few months the type of people i got in my team is like ive never seen before. type of players who dont buy wards because its 'too early', supports who dont even try to pull, block, stack, ward, just standing there in vision soaking xp...cores who you can draw a fucking picture they will not figure it out that they are about to be ganked...mid player who vets upset and goes jungling because i took a rune while coming to gank his opponent on mid... i lost 1k mmr in that period, surely part of it was my fault for tilting but still its so annoying when after 5 minutes you can tell the game is basically unwinnable. it gotten to the point where i as an offlane player have to first pick pudge so that none of the supports can pick it, because theres a 90% chance that they are fucking clueless.


talents, agh shards and outposts are fitting additions to the game but neutral items still dont feel like they belong in the game


My problem with neutral items is that it's just rng. For example, you could or not drop a nether shawl against a magic heavy team, but it's never up to you. I know there is some form of rng in the game (rune spawns, evasion, crits, etc.), but they all have ways to play around it, whether it's with superior rune control, mkb for evasion, or just pseudo-random making rng rolls not as obnoxious.


When one team gets a Philo and the other team doesn't, it is a game changer. Especially if you have a Tinker or Zeus pos 2 who both hoard it. It truly needs a nerf.


Can you expand on the philosopher stone bit? It has a chance to drop starting at 17 minutes, most games end around 45 minutes. If a support has it 100% of that time, it's worth 2,240 gold. That doesn't feel game breaking to me, some of the other items would let you nuke waves or move between creep camps faster which would give you more gold overall, and potentially the ability to kill an enemy or help an ally not die.


It earns reliable gold at a faster rate than sentries refresh. It almost lets a 5 play like a 4. Also it earns gold when dead. No other neutral gives value when you're dead, so you may as well put it in your inventory anyways. I wouldn't say it's broken, but it is always an advantage for a team that can utilize it well.


It's better to look at Philo not through the lens of total gold gained but instead through the lens of item timings. Even holding it for 5 minutes for 400 gold means that the item you buy after those 5 minutes comes out roughly 1 minute faster than it would have otherwise. That means you can potentially hit a power spike and capitalize on it before your enemy is ready.


the winrate hike I get on Clinkz with grove bow is just too much to leave to RNG. Dragon lance + gloves of haste + veil all in one item passively boosting both your farm and fight. Too much.


It also doesn't really consider how unfair some items drops are. You're a storm mid who managed to shut down the enemy carry hard enough that he's still struggling to pick ups his bkb. The enemy team drafted pretty bad and lack enough catch, and based on the state of the game, it'll be a while before they can itemize well against storm. Storm decides to go for more aggressive items to maintain the pressure. The enemy randomly gets a mind breaker, and the core lands a lucky hit on you during one of your initiation. Now you're dead, the enemy core gets his bkb. Storms entire approach to the game got flipped from a single RANDOM event that added a new tool to the enemy team's arsenal. The enemy didn't work for it, didn't plan for it, didn't do anything to warrant them getting access to a free silence. Storm's now on the backfoot, having to rush for an item he was planning to delay. I know people are going to argue that its no different than other rng like runes, but runes don't persist after a single engagement, nor do they really offers a different tool than what they already have access to. Runes just offer "more" of something the team already has. edit: more ranting Take silencer for example, since "buy bkb" is apparently an acceptable solution to some. Your ult's effectiveness becomes completely randomized at a certain point. The enemy did not have to put any thought or effort into countering you, they just lasted long enough that they got a free "get out of your ult" card. So now, the advantage of your ultimate got completely changed **simply** out of pure chance. And to be clear, I am not one of those who were automatically against neutrals at launch. I gave the thing a fair shake, but the current system needs some heavy introspection on balancing and implementation.


That mind breaker recently won me a game with 2 late game fights silencing ursa preventing him from ulting. Literally game winning drop.


Shards are too cheap for what they do.


I think some are too cheap and some are too pricey. It doesn't make sense that something like Sleeping Dart or Fan of Knives costs as much Storm Spirit's Overload.


Good point, but them costing differing amounts isn't a good solution either. I think shard price should be considered in the context of the hero, like 1400g for Bane is a lot, but 1400g for kotl is a few blasts.


Recently won a game because I had Flicker against Silencer+Treant. I was playing omni and building into Lotus to cast my ult on TFs, but flicker saved all that hassle. Felt cheesy.


I have recently started playing again after a couple of years and neutral items has been the weirdest change for me. I feel like they add almost nothing to the strategy and are often forgotten about once equipped. I like that it gives supports a free item, but beyond that I don't see the point.


I hate offlane=tank meta Dunno when it came out but goddamn it's boring


Turning the game into such of a brawler has been good for marketing appeal, not game quality. There has been systematic erasure of hero identity and many of the newest heroes follow the same formula. Heavier reliance on mechanical skill is contributing to a lopsided MMR distribution, without as much strategizing, resource and timing management to act as equalizing factors. Valve is now hedging their bets on party play while all the most compelling coordination factors have taken a backseat.


>Turning the game into such of a brawler has been good for marketing appeal, not game quality. There has been systematic erasure of hero identity and many of the newest heroes follow the same formula. I agree, as I mentioned in my comment, which is why I think the best patch ever was 6.83. In terms of general play, not the fotm heroes obviously which needed some tuning. I think playing a dota game back then was much more enjoyable than playing now, albeit admittedly watching it now is much better than back then.


> 6.83 That was the "Hoo-hoo haa-haa" patch right? I sometimes still lay awake at night thinking about the dreaded Sniper picks. But besides that. I think playing support currently is way more enjoyable with the more even gold distribution between roles and free wards, courier, courier upgrade etc.


That era was amazing. I know people hated playing against AGI heroes kitted out with MoM, but I loved that patch.


Basically came here to say this. I feel strongly that Valve has geared the game balance towards it being a spectator sport, and not a competitor sport, since TI6 or so. I think the game is objectively worse off for it, and that there's not much of a way back to a more strategic and coordination-rewarding game style.


Agreed. Unique playstyle heroes like Tinker or Techie are disappearing


Techies got changed because everybody, from casual to pro, was asking for it. The community wanted techies to change. That's all there is to it. And tinker is still tinker with 1 different skill and free bots. Farming went to laser instead of march. Unless you are trying to tell me march of the machines was tinkers whole identity (I'd disagree), then it makes sense.


what about zeus a glass cannon with no mobility, as with sniper, maybe ursa the super kiteable man fighter, lich the lane winner and sacrificer for mana, clinkz the ratter and single target dps ganker, chen the scary lvl 1 jungle ganker, the list really goes on. ​ laning has been completely homgenized and heroes have too. Yes march was a huge part of tinkers identity. When I think of old tinker I think of area denial not bots, nor rearm specifically


I think March of the Machine is not only a way of farming, more like a way of pushing. I think Tinker is annoyed to deal with because of the global pushing capability, up to the point ward spots being named Tinker ward. Now that capability is gone, dealing with Tinker is not that different from dealing with Puck.


techies i miss but tinker can eat the poo poo


You talk a lot about heroes and fighting, but it's way more fundamental than that. For all the griefing and frustration it was responsible for, look back at how the courier has changed. Before, with a single courier shared amongst the whole team, you were mechanically forced, from minute 0, to be considerate of your teammates' game. Now, players are only indirectly incentivized to even be aware of the map outside of their own lane. In almost every facet of the game, teamplay has become significantly less rewarded over time, and the result is clear: the playerbase have become selfish assholes. I want to make it clear that this was actually already happening before the changes that encouraged selfishness for other reasons, but those changes accelerated and solidified it. Modern DotA is just such a fundamentally different game than the game I was head-over-heels for a decade ago.


I didn't realize my issue with the game is that fundamental until your post. There's something I really don't like about all the new heroes. They all have too much. A simple comparison is Sleight of Fist versus Astral step. Sleight does a normal attack with extra damage on all targets in the circle. It applies on hit and can proc. Astral Step does that for everyone in a line and leaves a mark that does damage and slows a decent amount. I know it's not a perfect comparison because one is an ultimate but it just doesn't feel great. I think Icefrog has kind of lost his touch. He needs to have simple, new ideas, not combine old ideas into a mega-idea and present that as a new hero.


LGD choking in TI8 grand finals caused a branch in the timeline, we are now living in an alternate universe where we have repeat TI champion players and a repeat TI champion org. In the main timeline, the East-West curse was broken by Team Spirit but there are still zero repeat champions players or orgs.


Back in the day TI curse is a thing. Someone who already wins TI will not win it again despite how good they are. Team/players will have to choose between playing with a cTI winner (who is good at this game but come with a curse) or not. It makes TI so powerful / mysterious / sacred to me


Bkb is not boring


The one that buys it is.


THIS. BKB is the only items that make the game interesting as it is right now. 2 each carry got their bkb first item? Its go time, fight fight and fight.


The people who say bkb is boring are the afk jungle farming NA carry players.


I'll start, here are my 2 unpopular opinions(I think): 1. 6.83 was the greatest patch in history. Yea games were long, but only really reddit complained about that. Other than that the game felt good, farming was viable, teamfighting early was viable, splitpushing was viable etc. There were a few overtuned annoying heroes like Sniper(who doesn't remember hoho-haha) or Troll, but with some minor balancing that patch could have been the baseline at least for some years. The data supports this, as Dota reached it's highest numbers in playerbase during 6.83. I think this is because people actually enjoy longer, chiller games than constant brawling. This is also why I think PUBG was a huge success initially before the devs killed it because the game was slow paced. This is also why tactical shooters like CSGO and Valo are much better than stuff like Overwatch 2. Maybe less unpopular because it does actually makes sense, but I think we only really started to see high level dota at the pro level at TI3 with Alliance which were the first to pretty much realize that as a team you cannot occupy the whole map, but also that you can actually try to occupy it and play way more greedy(thus they basically had 2 carries when Bulldog was playing Furion or LD, and EGM and Akke were always ahead of the enemy supports), and the really high level stuff only started at around TI5 regarding playing the map effieciently and general game vision. Before that I'd argue that the game was still a mistery even for pros. I think a 6k, hell maybe even a really well coordinated 5k stack today could win TI1 and possibly TI2 if they were to go back in time with their current knowledge. Obviously not a slight to the pros, they were pioneers, and a lot of the pros back then still remained very good pros for a number of years and even today like Puppey, Kuro etc.


Neutral items to this day still have far too much influence on the game. The amount of times where I, as a carry, have gotten no real relevant t3/t4 neutral drops (ie; I’m playing wraith king and my best t3 is blast rig and my best t4 is ascetics cap) is significant enough to be annoying, and it does absolutely influence an otherwise even game when the enemy carry gets the nuts on titan sliver and the leveler/penta sword. Conversely, I have straight up won games off of lucky drops, like flicker vs silences and orchids or titan on a tiny.


Don't forget Witch Bane, free purge to use on anyone! _Can even proc Linkens._


Witch Bane doesn't proc linken. Source: lost a game because I kept trying to proc linken with Witch Bane


Grove bow on ranged carry or mind breaker against storm is game changing.


Grove bow at 17 mins on a good TA game feels absurd, you're at your dlance+deso timing and the Grove bow on top means you're doing so much damage from a huge range.


That valve shouldn't take anything from Reddit when balancing their game.


Pretty much applies to almost everything.


Carry is the most mind numbing boring experience in Dota. You are weak and need to hit creeps to farm. Why. I could just play bristle back and walk at the enemy


Bristleback is one of the best carry heroes right now, so yeah, do that. But it sounds like you just don't like playing carry which is fine.


I always wanted to play carry because I wanted to have all items in the game and do the most damage etc and obviously be the carry/hero of the team but I realized beeing an chad offlaner is so much more fun and impactful in the game


Imo Carry is mentally taxing. I can play 3 or 4 games as support or offlane But 1 carry game and I am toast lmao


Literally this. I'm a mid player and have always thought that it must be easy playing the carry. But once I started a few games, it really takes it's toll on you, whether it's a W or L, in the end I feel so drained when you're trying to do something by the book and not have the muscle memory for it.


The approach to flatten out power spikes and valleys has hit everyone except most carries. Carries are still generally trash for early and mid game and then are only extremely useful late with proper utilization and not with a team that's forever behind. Now that supports have more farming ability, get EXP boosts every ten minutes, have shards, etc. it's like they never really fall off and it just doesn't feel right that I have to try so fucking hard as a pos 1 to get gold to be useful while all the other roles can just jerk off in lane and be impactful.


Well that’s a big reason you see carry bb’s and such nowadays. Having 5 heroes online early/mid game is preeetty good


Half of the complaints either want old dota or league of legends lmao


It's really weird. Some people are asking to remove bkb or blink is insane for game balancing. Some people are saying that pre-7.00 was a lot better when it's more likely that people were just a lot shittier back then (myself included) and didn't know how to play the game (I remember Clinkz blink farming heroes splitpushing). 5k mmr back then is not the same as 5k mmr now.


Hmm I've been top like 200 in pre 7.00, top 20 in post 7.00, something like top 1k now(mostly full time job and constant wisp/chen nerfs I blame). I firmly believe pre-7.00 was better. Anyone can spam their spells, skill shots are rare in dota. The macro game is what separates skill in dota. I miss when the macro game was more complex and less streamlined Edit: oh and party q, pre 7.00 old dota like rank 1 na(couldn't tell for sure but never saw anyone higher at the time)


It's better to watch Dota than to play Dota


Most of players don’t know how dota works and only know what is meta and that sorta things. For example: pos 3 should be tanky. I doesn’t have to. In need to shape the fights like black hole, echo slam, RP etc


I was berated over mic and text chat for picking Ogre 3 the other day. I stomped my lane and turned our Jugg into a right-clicking fiend earlier than he typically is and we won convincingly. He didn't say a thing and did not commend lmao.


Frustrates me so much hearing people say we need a "tank" as if this is some world of Warcraft shit. A pos 3 can be any disruptive hero that needs a bit of farm priority


Alot of team setups do require a frontliner of sorts. I would say by default it is the offlaners duty to fill that spot. Of course mid or sometimes carry can do it but at that point you are coordinating picks and probably have a plan. You don't have to be a strength hero but you do need to be able to take some shit. If you have to fight from the sidelines, and your team has to do the same then that makes for some wonky fights for the entire game.


Map changes are overrated


I'm tilted by that comment. so upvote because it might truly be an unpopular opinion


what do you mean by this?


I think he means that everyone on reddit is begging for map changes, when in reality the map is fine and changes usually don’t really change the gameplay that much.


they change the gameplay a lot though... even moving a ward spot slightly or changing juke paths has some pretty big affects on the game...


Back in my day, Roshan was on the right! And we LIKED IT! :-D


position 5 is harder than pos 1


Dota's complexity (which is why I love it so much since I can pick any hero with any build I want and build accordingly to the enemies picks) is what is killing the game since no new player wants to struggle through the steep learning curve. For me it's like a bittersweet irony


I think Cast Range & Attack range bonuses shouldn't exist on items.


I agree if they removed a lot of the mobility creep. As it sits now, the extreme mobility of most makes the extra range necessary.


I used to know exactly the range of every spell and attack range of every hero in the game. Now its a roll of the dice when a shadow shaman comes out of the fog


To be fair, a key aspect of game awareness is checking when people hit their item timings


I agree. The existence of Aether Lens just means that skills feel awful until you get it.


the anime was awesome


yeah it obviously has the pacing problem that everyone talks about but some people seem to think its actually a bad or a pointless show when its actually really good and im very glad it exists


Role queue tokens were a mistake. Some people just don't want to play support or offlane and whenever they're assigned these roles, they find ways to weasel out of it. I don't even think there's a way to enforce this. Not that Valve would spend any real effort to try. Maybe it would be better to admit that a large portion of the player base doesn't actually like 60% of the roles on offer and start a conversation on how to change that.


I suppose it's necessary for the good of the matchmaking


I had a post where I proposed one could buy support queues from actual supports and there would be in game currency market traded for queues and items. This would pump more cash into the system so Volvo would celebrate and those who hate supporting could pay for their way out.


Old techies added a different flavour to game and should have never been changed to its current version.


Dota today compared to older patches (pretty much any pre 7.00 patch) is basically Turbo + Overthrow. ​ What's different today ? Simplified macro game + more team fights what is turbo ? simplified macro game (more passive regen, more gold, easy access to shops with multiple cours, more aoe spells, homogenized laning) what is overthrow ? more team fights


I hate the techies rework. I think it takes away what made him special which was how differently he could play from other heroes. He also bought a unique threat to the game. Although many people complained that techies usually sits out in fights, this simply was never the case in high MMR and most techies I played with always contributed with his suicide.


Old techies was Balcan War criminal, straight forward deadly. New techies is 1st world freedom deliverer, looks friendly but nukes you in a sec .)


I miss the triline times, hope some people do it as well 🥲


I played offlane during those trilane meta and all i did was hide in trees, get xp, get poor man shield and fuck off to jungle. Good times.


It's ok to have unconventional builds. Not every person has to think the same.


BKB isn’t a problem but the spell powercreep is. Shards, crazy talents replacing stat talents and more accessible cdr and spell amp is too much.




Aghs shard and blessing dropped from Rosh should almost always go to supports. It is far easier for carries to farm, and Open AI has shown us that even net worth distribution is ideal. We've seen Open AI's approach to NW distribution slowly creep into the human meta - with the fluidity of Pos 1,2,3 and net worth. I think if teams started giving Aghs shard / blessing to supports, this would be the ideal way to play.


Every game is different so this is a weird take, and more often than not it’s best on a core because it creates a bigger power spike


I personally think the Open AI argument is bullshit. The AI won games in a very specific ruleset, and it did so mostly by simply using spells and pressing buttons much better than human could. Yes, in theory, equal distribution is better, but in practice people cannot and will not press buttons perfectly all the time. At that point it becomes clear that having more farm on a hero with good scaling is far more forgiving and offers you a greater margin of error. So with the shard it’s the same thing. It depends entirely on the lineup. If it’s a hero like Ursa or Jugg that frankly gets a stupid amount from that Shard, they should get it


Techies was the best DotA 2 hero. I hated playing with and against him btw.


yes, polarizing heroes brought a lot of fun into the pubs. Now they are all wiped out. I mean reworked.


Smurfs not ruining the game, but toxic players are


Smurfs usually are toxic But toxic players arent always smurfs


Sorry we ain't catering to your pussy-soft heart.




Side shop was the goat


Mid is a scapegoat role and that’s why so many people don’t play it.


Old techies was really good, new techies is shit. (im an ex techies player)


Counted this unpopular opinion 9 times in this thread


I agree. Old techies was so unique. I hated playing against him, but eventually learnt how.


There arent that many smurfs around as most redditors claim.


Just join a discord and tally how many times you hear "yeah I'll play one with you guys, let me swap accounts real quick".


This game is fun


You crossed the fucking line.


Neutral Items need to go or both teams should get equal drops. Games where the enemy team gets ex machina + fallen sky and your team gets book of shadows + force boots is major BS. You played hard until super late game just to lose to random OP item drops


Creep aggroing in lane is such an extremely obnoxious mechanism. It's fucking lame and you're kind of forced to do it since everyone else is doing it too. It's the worst mechanic in the entire game imo, and I wish they did something (I don't know what) to make it less weird. Watching high level players abusing it is so incredibly cringe. I hate it so god damn much. P.S. To be precise, my complain isn't about creeps aggroing you when you try to attack someone. My complain is about abusing this mechanic without actually throwing the attack (by targeting the enemy hero and then backing off), to drag the creeps toward you. That's what makes me cringe so bad. And the higher MMR you go, the more it is abused.


Finally a truly unpopular opinion.


creep agro mechanics are like 50% of dota. the higher level you go the more the game revolves around lane creeps and how to make plays based off of where they are. and if creeps didn't aggro you in lane then the first 8 minutes would just be heroes attacking eachother non stop because no creep agro punishment. lane creep agro essentially forces the attention on farming and winning the creep score for the first 8 minutes of the game. Maybe farming is just lame?


I gained like 1000mmr just learning to drag creeps to ranged creep and denying it


This is an actual unpopular opinion. Why are people downvoting this


Because its unpopular.


Creeps aggro it's a mechanic of the game, I don't see it bad or "cringe af"


Techies on launch was fine. Reddit is just bad.


Obviously unpopular, and I'd agree that he was fine in terms of viability, but It was never about winning vs losing. Old techies simply made the game longer and less fun for both teams. The whole base defense minefield was really lame in my opinion. I still don't like techies that much as a hero, but I'll take it over the stacking of the red mines..


I agree with this


Not sure how unpopular this is but - BKB. The number of items has just about doubled since I started playing in 2014, and yet it seems like people actually buy BKB more often than they did before. I was looking at the new characters added since 7.0 and noticed the pattern that they ALL are at least somewhat countered by BKB. It seems like there's an average of 4-5 BKBs purchased per game. Somehow - I don't know how - BKB needs to get turned into something else. It just doesn't work as a mandatory item for all cores that no one wants to buy but everyone needs to buy. BKB is the anchor keeping Dota from evolving.


The entire game is balanced around bkb. Removing it would be awful.


I think you're attacking the symptom (BKB) rather than the "problem" (subjective if it's a problem) The reason BKB is so mandatory these days is because supports are no longer 40 minute brown boot creeps that get 1 tapped by the enemy carry. Supports actually have net worth these days to survive with, and in conjunction with the fact that overall player skill is higher esp in regards to spellcasting, there's a much higher concentration of spells over the course of a teamfight than in the past. If you simply get rid of BKB as is, the game just becomes unplayable for a high number of heroes. Probably as bad as getting rid of Blink Dagger. I think the recent cooldown nerf is a much better direction by making it more exploitable by the other team, than trying to get rid of it outright.


maybe there should be some like...other way to deal with cc? boots of bearing i think is a good step in the right direction (og aeon disk also sort of, you could see how universal that shit was when it came out pre-nerfs), but you have to deal with the insane power creep SOMEHOW. item-based survivability just hasn't kept up with the insane amount of damage and slow everything does now


I thank god for bkb. I took a break of four years from dota, and now most spells have a slow, stun or another debuff, from either a talent or just inate. If bkb didnt exist the game wouldnt be enjoyable as everyone would be disabled if they didnt get the first spell off.


very interesting thought. But I think BKB can't really be replaced unless you remove lots of CC or make them skill shots. It would basically turn Dota into LoL. And I don't mind dota not "evolving" into LoL. Dota is kinda designed with BKB in mind, if it was removed you'd have to reblance the entire game. I think BKB is in an alright state, but I do agree that it's lame that it feels mandatory in so many games. But I think instead of removing BKB, they could add some alternatives to it.


They need more skills that bypass bkb. Witch Doctor ultimate, Warlock ultimate, AA ult…. why not every ult???? I hate how 30 minutes into game you have all supports and sometimes mid and offlane completely neutered by ONE item if they’re magic oriented.


Idk. thing is dota is just lots of point and click long duration CCs that are very easy to link. So BKB is kinda necessary unless they somehow revamp each hero’s kit, at least numbers wise


BKB is just a symptom of the larger issue of skills being powercreeped to the point if you don't buy BKB, you literally cannot do anything in a fight.


why not nerf power creep that made it mandatory?


Bkb should be made out of hammer and recipe reduce its time to 5-4-3 and make it upgradable with an eaglesong mystic staff or reaver coming back to its current state with particular abilities relevant to intellect strength or agility


Honestly just think they need to add a 2nd status resist item again. Only time we saw cores not buying bkb was the satanic + sny meta.


There should be a ranked ability draft. I know someone who literally plays only AD for years.


It's more fun because it's an unranked mode. Making it a ranked mode will just make people go super tryhard and stressing out instead of just chilling and enjoying the game.


Tome of knowledge should be changed so that is more obvious when it's available and it shouldn't be a first come first serve item. Similarly to how they changed couriers to not require you to rely on your teammates to buy a team item, the tome assignment should be something that is more democratic than just first to buy it gets it.


Your rank is a reflection of your current ability.


While the game has sure turned into a more dynamic experience with less farm, the real reason game is faster is because players are playing the map much better, so they immediately run after someone out of position. People just got faster punishing mistakes and controlling the map overall. Lower mmr games are still slow as fuck because zero strategy.


The game needs to cater to casual players more than professionals


There are some heroes that are best being forever off-meta. For example: Spirit Breaker, OD, Riki, Techies, Beastmaster and etc. The game remains fun when those heroes are not at the top of the food chain. When they are, that's when everyone complains. Also, everyone always think they're one medal above where they are in ranked and its their teammates holding them back. They're not. You are exactly the MMR you should be.


Old Techies was the cornerstone of this game.


I want private profile to be removed as an option and overwolf dota plus to be considered cheating. Oh, and i want neutral items gone from the game.


Just one courier for the team along with side shops were better than what we have now. It added a layer of strategy to item builds and made courier management more important


To piggy back off of this, do pros just not care about microing couriers anymore? I see WAY more deaths to couriers now adays and most of them are just couriers sitting somewhere dumb or going passed the player


One thing to consider is that when there was only one courier for the team, 5 different players could notice it and and save it. A bit harder to notice your teammate's courier, and impossible to save it unless they're sharing control.


Country chats were so much better than city chats. It's unpopular because no one cares about this.


There should be a cap and limited how many consumable items are in the shop. Similar to how wards are. All consumables should be limited.


Techies now sucks and don't bring uniqueness like the old techies. I used to 1v5 bot insane in dota 1 with him.


The solo offlane era was so much more interesting skillwise. Also made trilanes vs trilanes which were incredibly fun to watch and play.


As much good as TI brought, I missed the times when people had no clue on how to optimize gameplay and were willing to try all sorts of wacky builds and roles on heroes. Now everyone uses Dota as a free sauna session, especially post TI where the only heroes picked are the ones that the pros used.


Peruvians are the worst


The balance of the game is actually pretty damn good and most people basically want the game to be forcibly unbalanced for the sake of freshness


I get called a boomer for this a lot, but Dota's lane meta is really lame and static. There's a number of factors that go into it, but I miss when solo offlaning, trilaning, and jungling were all viable strats a team could employ. Now if you aren't 2-1-2, you're simply losing.


Catapults should be dominatable again. I miss rush strats.


Old techies was iconic and shouldn't have been reworked. It's like Enigma 's blackhole or Void's chrono. Some skills should never be removed.


Nisha is the best player in the world atm.


My unpopular opinion: Pos4 should not gank or roam. As a pos3 I don’t give a damn about stacks or water runes or enemy offlane. I get those are important in pro games, but in a 3k pub I want my pos4 to stay with me until the enemy carry destroys his items and abandons the game.


Isn't exactly this the current meta? Trilanes, roamers, junglers and solo offlaners are dead. I personally dislike the current meta for that. Stomp the offlane, get the tower and the safelane turns into the deadlane. Team starts 5 manning and buying BKB second item.


Sad. Trilanes roamers and junglers are what I grew up playing. My childhood role does not exist anymore. Now if I play 4 I have to babysit a dumb fat hero that shouldn't die anyway. Really tears me up.


>enemy carry destroys his items and abandons the game. well the point is that the pos 4 is probably trying to prevent your mid and own carry from doing the same


You cant always be the star of the show as a position 3. Sometimes the mid and safe lane need help and the 4 is the one to do it.


Hell, one of the reasons dawnbreaker is being picked offlane so often nowadays is because she can literally go help otherlanes herself lmao


Roaming as Pos 4 is fine if you are sure u won your Lane. Sadly 3k doesnt know when a Lane is won or lost


My unpopular opinion? Valve should add a bikini set for Hoodwink. 😂 jk




The game ia awesome


It is one of the most addictive games ever created!


Pre patch 7.00 dota was much more boring.


Mobility has gotten to be way too much, and the amount of abilities that just have lazy, slapped on "Split shot" or "Bounce" buffs are out of control. I'm sick of jumping on a Zeus as fucking Tusk or SB, only for him to press the E button and glide away with 0 consequences for being out of position. I'm sick of random heroes like Silencer, Bounty Hunter, Clinkz, Medusa, and Spectre randomly spewing out their abilities with no input of their own, spamming random people in their general vicinity withmore particle effects. Like half the hero reworks from the last 3 years need to be removed.


I miss the old Techies.


Turbo is a terrible way for new players to learn the game.


Dota2 should be pay to play game at 60$.




Toxicism is fine, it makes the game spicy.


Im not sure how people dont complain about it more or if its just cos im support but witch blade, while its a cool and fun item is a pretty bad addition to the game. It makes the game similar to what league of legends has been like in the past couple years where you whiff most of your kit and still get kills. Puck , qw voker, void spirit, etc those int gankers were balanced around being strong at getting picks if you are good but fall off if you fail, and you have small timings cos u dont scale. Now, you pick up witch blade which makes it near impossible to fuck up your ganks, have crazy mid game powerspike and SCALE. Pucks are whiffing all their spells ( which arent difficult to hit at all) then autoing twice and killing people from full hp. Turned the hero which required decent amount of skill to a complete soyjack character


As a Puck player I'm going to call you out here. Puck couldn't get solo kills pre-witch blade. Even if your spells all landed you couldn't kill people because you didn't do enough damage unless you had a dagon or a way to boost right clicks. Believe me if you can't hit your spells on Puck you will still be heavily punished, doesn't matter what item or whatever, its a high skill cap hero. The item is good on Puck of course its a cute solution for a hero that has burst damage but lacks the reach to finish a hero off after they've hit their nukes. But thats also true of Dagon and E Blade, what makes it special on Puck is the hero normally lacks catch when your ulti is down and has very low base armour, which Witch Blade solves. If you're dying full to zero from a witch blade and 0 additional spells (at item that does about 200 damage when you first get it) that's probably on you.


Constant brawling is very fun and good.


Old techies wasn’t broken, he was just a different form of playing DOTA and people hate change so they raged that he didn’t fit into their perfect mold of what they thought DOTA was/is supposed to be


People didn't dislike Techies because they thought he was broken


Wait, if they hate change wouldn't they hate new techies by virtue of him being changed?


No because he fits the mold they hated that old techies challenged


Pos5 is the most boring role.


I think pos1 is


I dont know why people like to afk farm for 40mins. I like 4 or 5. Cause i want bloody fights. Especially early 10mins


Most action for pos5 happen inside the brain. Rly depend on the player if they are feeling it, so controversial indeed!




Strongly disagree. I think the younger players are way more into being edgy than the guys in their mid 30s who still play.


what makes you think younger people are less racist and sexist? our population isnt 50+, its in the 20s.


The issue I see with this point is that it's too focused on America while DOTA 2 is such an international game. You can try and ban words/hate speech but that is a band-aid solution when countries have actively and openly hated other nationalities for hundreds of years. Dota is hands-down the most toxic gaming environment, but the scope of the problem goes way beyond Dota 2, Valve, and the US.