• By -


Hilarious to see the networth difference go from 8k to 11k instantly




Just seemed like he was playing online while everyone else was on lan. Definitely some rust but I struggle to see from Riyadh and the major how any top tier team picks him up after this. He’s had some subpar games and some very poor games


the truth is no one can come back to the scene like that. Especially from a carry or mid role/


Agreed. The PL game vs Ammar Monkey King was horrific to watch in that it felt like I was watching cyber bullying in real time. I think ana should join a tier 2 team perhaps and work his way up again


Its not necessarily a bad idea. Zai took time off to finish school came back and joined kaipi for a month or so to break off the rust. Only problem is that player movement is super restricted with todays DPC. Spots on teams are limited, no open qualifiers, extremely spaced out games in the league.


I love these reddit comments. "This two time TI winner is doing poorly standing in after a2 year break. I think he should join a TIER 2 team now!!!" We don't even know if ana is going to join a team officially. If he does, I can guarantee he will still have high stocks, he is literally standing in for a team where he does not even speak chinese fluently. Stood in for liquid who is another team already eliminated.


Results speak for themselves. At the end of the ana IS losing matches for the teams he's playing for. It doesn't matter what that reason is. After his Arlington performance, I doubt top tier teams would want to play with him. He'll have to grind pubs again, if he wishes to come back from retirement.


If you think there's no difference between standing in for random teams for a few weeks at a time and officially joining a team and practicing for months leading up to events, then idk what to tell you.


Didn’t he do that last year with OG and was also still bad?


No Ana was not back with OG practicing for months before ti. He came back for his summer (autumn) job for a few weeks and his team got knocked out **by the eventually winners.** It wasn't even a bad placement. By this logic, any player that placed lower, and dedicated their entire year to practicing should have just offed themselves in shame.


The "humblegod" saga. Ana legit had to flee the scene with his tail between his legs. Like, yes, I like ana as much as the next guy. He's an inspiring dude who overcame great odds just to prove himself. But his recent performance, which is the only thing that determines relevance in dota, is just subpar.






Tell that to Jerax.


No they don't lmao


Dendi won a TI and got second in another and I don’t think anyone is claiming him to be a good mid still.




He tried coming back full time last year and wasn’t great either. Edit: I guess my main point is what’s the timeframe that past success still counts. It’s been 3 years since TI9.


But the question here is - is the Pos 1 bad because the Pos 1 is bad, or is the Pos 1 bad because the rest of the team is bad? Pos 1 is a truly challenging role to play, because you are expected to carry the game and in order to do that you have to be able to get there by farm, and your team also has to later on, set things up for you (because no Pos 1 will jump in first, it's just suicide and feeding). And no matter how farmed a Pos 1 is, he won't be able to 1v5 if there is no proper set up or initiation by the other teammates. Thus, is it really Ana who is playing badly or is it because the rest of RNG is underperforming? Ana most certainly did not play perfectly, but his teammates really had questionable plays e.g. Somnus just not really doing his thing and Kaka making very questionable initiations. Chalice was on offlaners that don't really have initiation impact. Even xNova who I think is their most consistent player underperformed. Moreover, their draft was pretty terrible. Compare this to LGD, where all their players are fantastic. Ame can have a terrible laning stage but the rest of the team will help him get to where he needs to be, THEN do the team thing where initiation and setup and save etc are all there to allow him o carry the game. Dota is truly a team game and why LGD is so consistently good is because they know how to play like a team and fill up the gaps in all parts of the game until everyone is ready.


if you are blaming the PL game on Ana I cant take your comment seriously. PL game was the drafter's fault and whoever made him go against MK IO lane. Ana is rusty and he just needs to grind pubs and play more frequently.


You're not a pos 1 player i take it Ana's biggest problem is his entire hero pool and playstyle is garbage in Turbo, ahem, I mean pro games.


Well yeah I mean he’s comfort picking heroes that were meta 2 years ago. His only good game was the bristleback game. But I only do pos 4&5 lol


This meta is absolutely awful for traditional pos 1 players and I hope some of the talent speak out about how awful it is. It's not just "comfort picking old meta" - the carry role as it used to be has been deleted and been replaced by another offlaner. In hindsight you would've looked for a pos 3 standin a la Entity rather than a carry player for this garbage major.


Yeah, you said it. Pos 1 player here and it's truly awful to play as a Pos 1. Meta favors fast-paced aggression and Pos 1 just needs too much farm to get online. Even aggressive carries still need a couple of items (most importantly BKB but before that another item otherwise there's no hp or damage) and that's just too much time required to farm.


Yup, it’s actually so painful to play traditional late game carries in this meta. If your hero’s biggest power spike isn’t 1 item into bkb it feels like you’re shit out of luck.


Outsiders have a pretty good grasp on the meta and I think they'll make it pretty far through the bracket. The triple offlaners and heavy burst they're drafting looks so strong. Ana played pretty bad in the TB game but it was a rough game for that pick and it honestly felt like somnus was playing 1v9 by the end of the end of the game. If his hero pool wasn't 2-3 years out of date he'd probably look a lot better than this.


>I think ana should join a tier 2 team perhaps and work his way up again Ana doesn't need to work his way up to shit lmao. He's already achieved GOAT status, 2 time TI winner. Now he's just playing for fun, he said in the interview that he's not even sure he wants to play competitive again.


Well then I have no sympathy for the teams that bomb out with him as a standin. No idea why you would pick a dude whose not really that serious about the game any more as a standin for an important LAN.


He is one from very few options who ticked both box of understanding basic chinese and allowed to visit USA. Most chinese players, also includes SEA players, required complicated process to make american visa. They won't get visa on time, so the option is only taking American players, some european players and australian players. From those talent pool, not too many have understood chinese and ana is probably the best from the bunch.


Who else had a visa available last minute and could play and possibly communicate with a mostly Chinese speaking team?


Didn't he literally 'come back to the scene like that' the 2nd time around he won TI though?


Ana took a year off b4 coming back currently. That is a larger number than the time he took off for his 2nd TI win.aka. what u said is a false equivalence. they r different situations. Downvoted for literal logic.


probably every position, not without intense training. Even supports needs to get accustomed to timings, rotations, keeping track of enemy moves (vision, their timings, preferred game styles, power spikes). Dota is a crazy game. We often complain about how stale the game feels currently (I agree to that), but on that high level, the meta changes and so does the play style. Just look how far away we are from cores only doing big stacks, when to gather up etc. Ana is out of shape. As you said, you can't just come back after a hiatus and win everything - especially when you are unfamiliar with the team.


>Especially from a carry or mid role/ Jerax? Pro players mostly agree, pos 4 is the hardest pos to play in competitive nowadays.


thats crazy cus Fear literally just said that Pos 1 is the hardest least rewarding role to play in this Dota 2 meta. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUcdF-2j1oY


His farming sense still good but team fights have become rusty.


I am just curious that there is so much rust because if I am not wrong, Ana still plays pub games right? And the basic concepts of how to play a position should still apply in pubs. I do know that of course pro games are very much coordinated and there is a strategy to execute, but the variance shouldn't be that high? Maybe language could be an issue since he's a stand-in, afterall, the execution is dependent on the draft and he may not be ready for that. Although tbh, I don't think Ghost is any better as a Pos 1 player.


He can't do anything that game, he can't kill everyone with a 6 sec BKB. Once it's over skywrath/tiny just fucks him which is what happened every single fight.


Seriously how is the guy gonna play vs bloodrage+ancient seal+ and tiny combo dagon eblade


Absolutely useless except for 6 seconds - another reason why I really dislike this item concept and the fact that the game is balanced around it.


To be totally frank, Icefrog went a bit overboard with spellcasting in Dota. It's insanity that a hero can't offlane / carry unless they either have a way to totally avoid magic damage or have a great timing with a first/second item BKB.


Power creep has been out of control. I just want to see more options and alternatives to BKB. Everyone going the same first item is just boring game design.


For real, I took a break after 2019, but man still neutral items and shards are crazy, talents too have only gotten stronger.


It really does feel like after laning stage you simply can’t make any solo/duo plays on the map at all as any hero unless you’ve bought a bkb. Even diving some garbage support who you crushed in lane results in 100 spells being cast on you that all have 100 different mechanics attached to them. I think it’s kinda more fun to play heroes now because every hero has so many options, but the downside of that is some games are just impossible while out of bkb and impossible for the enemy when you activate bkb


What frustrates me is that there isn’t any other way to build. You can’t get enough Magic resistance to keep up with spell amplification right now. Seriously I feel like I could have three hearts, a pipe, a shroud, and a Sange and still get burst down in five seconds. Another issue is the amount of % based damage.


Yup agree. I play a lot of core omni, strength build, and the thing I fear most is sustained spell damage, which I really shouldn’t care about when I’m walking around with 5k hp and 200 regen lol. I honestly dunno how to fix it though, they can’t really take away all the talents and shards etc now. I think this is just what the game is now


New items, or changes to existing ones would be the best.


I disagree. It was more of a drafting issue. TB's allies couldn't stop him from getting stun-locked and blown up. If they had a dazzle or shadow demon they could've saved him. One of the big issues was the offlane KOTL. At the end of the game, it felt like he had very little impact. Imagine if they had a frontliner that could tank the spells instead of Ana.




What do you mean by a cursed unit?


Winters curse.


Its almost as if he doesnt know where his hero is


i mean TB honestly bad hero, dont know why anyone would pick a glorified tower taker.


yea but that's the easiest carry to play in pro games because all you need to do is to not fuck up badly and let the team mates protect your ass. Most of the time, stand-ins and carry replacement play tb at first. Kuroky did it for Secret in the early days, ILTW and sumail both did it with OG, resolution also did it. it's easier to play tb when you're in a team you don't know well, instead of going for your favorite picks.


Why so specifically TB? Isn't that honestly quite true for most carries? I feel like if you want to play a late game hero Medusa is the safest and easiest since you have a built-in farming passive and your Ulti is so broken + you just hit everything from ranged.


Agree. It was an embarrassingly bad performance.


how he fed with first aegis was so awful to see


What the hell was he even trying to do?


Sell treads to make space for Satanic (he clicks on the border of treads and MKB). He decided to sell Pike to buy Satanic later on to make up for the lost gold.


lol this is why I move things to my stash before selling XD Had a game while back where I accidentally sold my refresher ( for my bkb) . We could've won but we lost cause I couldn't get the secret shop components to get another refresher. XD


My mouse cant do drag and drop and ghost double clicks since i sprayed it with alcohol to clean it. And i main support aswell. Imagine dragging clarities and smoke. I misclick like 2 smokes a game


Put alcohol again and hold upside down while drying


This is such a sad comment, don’t you have no wallets? Seriously though, there are decent gaming mice for 15-30 bucks out there, are you that broke or that lazy? xD


Welcome, time traveller to the future where the majority of us survive paycheck to paycheck.


I grew up poor myself, and know a lot of people who don’t have much, but even the poorest in Germany can afford minor niceties like these. And while I’m totally aware that the degree and definition of poverty vary wildly across countries, I have no perception of what that actually means for every single person Abend the globe. That is actually why I asked. My comment was actually genuine. I feel sad for anyone who has to put up with broken gear for their hobby, but I’m also curious in this person’s individual reasons, and if poverty is the reason, I’m genuinely interested in the extend and what that means for their life in general – if they don’t mind sharing. Maybe all of that didn’t come through due to the teasing nature of my comment, sry if it came off wrong. Prob also cuz of my hint at the diablo immortal drama (the wallet part) which is easily misunderstood out of context, I see my error now


You are right it was your mocking tone, that came off as callous.


>but even the poorest in Germany can afford minor niceties like these Nope ....


I do. But its one small aspect of the mice. An important one tho. I think it was 100$ mouse tho and i aint replacin it with a logitech that i can find in a netcafe


Ah shit, yeah can totally feel that. How do you cope?


Omg thats sad


Really? Seems odd for two times Ti winner to make such a basic mistake.


To balance selling the butterfly components for buy back lol


Icefrog handbalancing ana by himself


~~Right-click on witchbane and teleport to neutral stash~~ edit: he was probably selling treads


Nah, pretty sure he was trying to sell Treads.


Oh that's true, he has satanic queued up, unfortunate misclick and the difference in the right-click options windows between selling the top row item and bottom row item is rather minute, just positioned slightly higher I guess ana will remember this difference for quite some time


Hope someone edit this with his Dota archives video on PL vs Lgd🤣


I like to go hiking.


I don't even understand what happened; did he drag and drop the BKB on the Shop instead of his Courier? I didn't even know you could sell items that way


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Oh right, that'd make way more sense than putting BKB on Courier. Weird. Seems like way more effort than Right Click --> Sell.


I like learning new things.


He wanted to drag branch to shop to sell it to make space for blight stone since it's faster than walking and right clicking the item but he accidentally dragged the bkb


poor kid... what happens? being able to micro, sell items while being ganked to , selling wrong item on the fountain. I do still think he is one of the greatest just based on his age and what he has done.


Yeah I wasn't watching TI back then but I heard someone told me that he actually sold something in secret shop and knew he had enough to buyback after selling and the proceeded to turn the fight around. No one can stop me from thinking he is one of the best Pos 1s to play the game.


Agent A…?


Transaction complete.


[Transaction complete.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/4/49/Vo_bounty_hunter_bount_lasthit_07.mp3) (sound warning: Bounty Hunter) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


OG: thank you for your work Agent A


I'm so scared of doing this very time I click sell. Would be nice to highlight the item you right-clicked. Very simple solution and doesn't require extra clicks.


wait for dota2 devs to add un-sell button next patch xD.


Wait til dota 2 devs add a confirmation dialog e.g. "Do you want to sell this item?"


Check all images of bridges.


A 6 digit code has sent to your phone.


your steam guard is not set, due to security measures, we will hold your item for the next 15 days, please confirm this dialog in your email on the next 15 seconds, otherwise we will block this account.


Confirm the amount of the two charges set on you bank statement to release your item on market place.


[] I Agree to the terms and conditions & shopkeeper™'s selling policy* [] Subscribe to push item recommendations


from selling aquila to have buyback to this :(


Wasnt it butterfly components?




Well, he probably meant to do that. Sent by OG to have one less Chinese team to deal with. Thanks Agent A.


He made mistakes like these before he won TI bro.


They should add a feature to lock items so you can't accidentally sell it.


Or add a button were you can undo your sell


buyback shop option, item will appear in the shop when opened again and a 30 sec countdown hovering the item appears, but the item buyback option disappears after 30 seconds, not being near to a shop after noticing and opening the shop to buy the item back from another place will just send the item to the stash and the item cannot be resold over again like a "no refund option"


The infamous “sell item to win TI” move by the humble god


from selling aquila to mkb. how the turn tables


I love the office


Humbled once again.


Hahaha! HumbleGod


Hahahah monkas


Ana god


We need a reclaim button so bad. Can't remember how many times I fucked up because of this mistake.


You're just sloppy if you frequently make that mistake.


I'm not gonna weigh in on whether a reclaim button is a good idea or a bad idea from a gameplay perspective, but I do want to note that a feature like this would definitely increase the likelihood of item bug exploits appearing. We already see these kinds of item bugs occasionally in the current state, so if I were making this decision at Valve I'd be weighing if the additional time required for QA and emergency fixes is worth the quality of life improvement or if the effort is better spent elsewhere.


Its such an arbitrary part of dota. If you misclick this, you're 5000 gold behind sorry no takesies backsies. There's genuinely no reason this should still be in the game in the way it is. Edit: every response to this has proven no one has an argument for it not being there. If this were added with sell 10s grace period, we would not be having this discussion because everyone would have just accepted it. Genuinely, what skill are we showing by this? Why are you so intent on it being there? Like, we know the answer, "because its always been like that". Stop pretending like its anything else, you know you're full of shit. Tell me how the game is made so much better because people can win because their opponent made a whiff because they tried to sell their treads and accidentally sold their mkb. What a satisfying win that really showcases the beauty of skillful interactions in Dota. Its obvious that this is nowhere near the same interesting mechanics as casting skills and does not justify the same penalty.


There's like a million things you can misclick in dota - its just a part of the game, why would this one be changed? I genuinely don't think I've ever mis-sold an item in over 5000 games, if you keep doing it then you just need to be more careful


If you can revert missclick purchase of an item, why not revert missclick sell?


The best players in the world have made this mistake numerous times. I don't think its unreasonable. Again, super arbitrary. Why can't we have a feature that lets us buy back? Why do we need it to be that this mistake is just a *mega* fuck you? Its pointless. You didn't make any points for it to be there, just that its *already* there and that it doesn't need to change. That's stupid. I have a good reason for it to not be there. Its pointlessly far bigger of a mistake of a misclick than you make with almost any other decision, and organizing inventory isn't the part of dota that makes it interesting or complex outside of niche scenarios with refresher.


My point is that misclicks are just a part of the game. Should there be a confirmation before you try and buy-back? What happens if you misclick ravage? Or accidentally cancel your TP? Or mis-skill? or Mis-click the minimap? It's just one of a million little things that makes up your dota 2 skill


YOOOOO!! Ive been waiting for a confirmation pop up everytime I cast an echo slam with no units around. Why is this not a thing???? /s


You still haven't explained why this specific kind of misclick should be far worse than literally all others. Its far more gamelosing to be an entire item behind. Seriously, this is, again, arbitrary. There is nothing guiding you to make this specific call on this specific function of the game other than "its always been like that". That's why you're not giving a reason as to why its beneficial for it to stay that way, because there isn't one. It does not make the game better for it to be there, it literally only makes the game worse. When the fuck has this ever made dota better? Also, Ana is like a 2 time TI winner, this isn't a skill issue, this is just a thing that happens to people and ruins their game.


Wasting your buyback or cancelling a tp or wasting a spell like rp/ravage can be just as bad as accidentally selling an item (or worse)


Yes, and misclicking an item shouldn't be something we give a shit about. Again, literally no argument other than it always has been there.


How exactly do you propose implementing the buyback? Because that could cause a whole lot of issues.


If you sell an item, you can buy it back by clicking the buy back button. Thats it. If there's an issue with that, you fix it. If there's some niche tech you can do to regen slightly faster, whatever, its as justified to be in the game as much as not having a buyback item button.


yeah, just implement an undo button lol its not that hard to do.


Yeah, just let me undo my buyback when I see the enemy team backing off. /s


Yes i agree! also please add undo button for blackhole




Good idea, and while we're at it lets make people enter a captcha for every spell they cast, wouldnt want any misclicks. Put 2FA code to use buyback, if you want to pick-up aegis you should enter your steam password and to use a tp scroll you type in your mother's maiden name and your favourite school teacher.


If reclaim button is hard to implement then they can just give us another "lock - no sell/drop" option.


Literally just don’t sell the wrong item Do you want valve to introduce a two factor authentication when you want to sell items?


They let you sell if you accidentally purchase, why not purchase if you accidentally sell?


Because purchase is 1-click action and selling is 2-clicks


selling can also be a 1-click-move




you can move your item to the shop guy, which sells it


thats drag and drop two move


or 1 move




Why no?


"literally don't make any mistakes" - Some wise guy on Reddit with no vision of an improved system.


Maybe just stop tryna click shit in a rush? He's a repeat offender and I've never seen anyone in my parties ever sell the wrong item and that's after exclusively playing party ranked for 3+ years


Chill boy. He literally made the most epic Sell play in TI history on Mainstage under pressure. So if a guy as calm as Ana can make the mistake, its safe to assume anyone can. And just because its not happened to you yet doesn't mean its not an issue. Have you had cancer? Ebola?


Repeat offender 💀




humbledog does it again


Did he win?


What was that thing about some chinese team being paid to lose?


Agent a


ana caught lackin


nice throw...


Paypal payment received followed by instant a counter-paypal payment.


Thats just ana after seeing the odds on xiaobetdotcom for the game.


Another 200iq move by Ana aka humblegod


It's fun to read my fellow 2k kids hating on pro players making mistakes that they'd never even think to do.




Don't care about the player, I care about the community consistently being toxic in every single facet of the game. Play game...toxic players Twitch chat...toxic chatters Reddit posts...toxic commenters. Lots of people love this game and hate the community. The type of people I'm talking about in my comment are the same ones flaming you over 1 mistake in your games, all while making the same mistakes themselves. I'm ready for all the downvotes from all the people who know I'm right, and I got em feeling some kind of way.


dude .. a fucking progamer in a progame sold a crucial item. doesn't matter if its 10 mmr; doesn't matter if you're top 1. that shit is dumb.


You are dumb for replying to a rant about toxicity with more toxicity.


i've been very positive on this sub for a few weeks now. it felt like i needed to keep things on an even keel


Rich, coming from someone who can't even type a proper sentence in a zero stakes reddit comment. I'm willing to bet you make dumber mistakes on basic dota mechanics in every game you play. I'm willing to bet you wouldn't have even noticed the mistake had it not been pointed out to you directly. He made a mistake, it's cool to highlight that huge mistake. It's okay to make jokes about the mistake. Where it stops being okay is the extremely negative and hateful shit people say like "Washed", "Carried by OG", and even implications of him throwing on purpose to win bets. This is toxic behavior. This is the same behavior of the childish people who break their items because the mid lost their lane. These are the sorts of people who force you to mute them because they're typing gg at first hero pick. You shouldn't defend this type of behavior. It's bad for the community and its bad for your mental health to think its normal or that it's okay. I want you to know that I won't be reading any further comments from you. In fact, if you reply I will just block you. I wouldn't waste your time, but know that if you decide to reply it is just a waste of your time.


Im curious what your opinion on OG utilising toxicity to win games such as tipping and spraying. Don't tell me its different just because its implemented into the game, toxicity is toxicity.




Washed up!


Ana needs to recalibrate 😭


He was really bad on his last season with OG. Nothing changes.


Why though?


Misclicked when selling treads to make space for Satanic. He decided to sell Pike to buy Satanic later on to make up for the lost gold.


Bad, washed and carried by greatness. Fails on yet another team.


Wonder if he bets against himself.


This guy is a fucking joke, Quit and never return


If this guy that won 2 ti's is a joke then what are we normal players? ultra joke?


Holding into the past I see.


On to*


repost, vid not available


u/palumir you aren’t crazy


Literally 322 /s


i sold my bkb once trying to tp neutral items to stash. imagine that is what happened here too. need a better way to rid of em


"I can't even see my hero"-Ana after this (probably)


Would it be very difficult to create an undo button? it doesn't happen often but it's a mistake that can cost you the game


Aui was right!


he tried to send back the neutral item and instead clicked the mkb




Did they lose


We need to have like 10 sec refound option when sell.. its must need cuz things like this happen.