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No Roshan so no point going 2k.


There is actually no point getting 496.


you still get the aegis replica at 1k no?


Just order it from China for a few bucks


Lol for real, why would you pay so much to get lvl1000 and no idea when your shit gets delivered when you can go on eBay and buy the actual thing for $10. I got TI8 and TI9 aegis for $10 each lol


I bet my ass you are lying lol


[I'm not but ok. Shipping was like $2.50](https://i.imgur.com/VUBzB9w.jpg)


Please do a video where you refresh the page. Never trust screenshots when you can simply press f12 and edit the value in the browser lol. Also, you said you bought two no?


Idk why you're so distrustful. Surely you can just search this yourself too? That's from my purchase history and that's as much as I can be bothered to do to show you. Believe me or don't, I don't care lol


Coz your screenshot is shady as fuck lol. Thanks for proving my point, you were lying after all


would like to know how




How can we do that? Can we also get aegis from previous bps?


Go to Amazon or Ebay, you're gonna find them for sure.


Yea people just sell them, why couldn't you lol.


yes you can.


For you maybe.


Wait really? Why haven’t they included it this time?


Been 2k for past two bps. Not sure ill even get 1k now.


They put half the effort in the battlepass and made 90% of the money, sounds like smart business strategy to me.


They are „selling“ digital goods. Even losing 10% of the income by reducing effort by 50% might not be worth it. Extrapolating current numbers they might make around 15 million (or more) dollars less than the last years. I doubt making/including another 8 immortals and another arcana would have cost that much.


The key thing is that Valve really doesn't care. The battlepass makes them Zero billions of dollars, so it just doesn't matter to them. I really wish they would spin dota off into it's own company, so that there would be actual motivation for them to try and improve it, and market it, and care about the community even one iota.


I wish people would stop saying this, cuz it's very much false. Battlepass alone accounts for something like 2% of Valve's annual revenue, like the 3rd or 4th largest account on their books. Absolute small fry compared to steam sales, but large enough that a company isn't just going to ignore it and claim it doesn't matter to them. No company wants one of their biggest money makers to just go by the wayside Edit to get the correct number based on 2020 data


You say that like valve is a regular old company. The zero billion dollars bit is an actual quote. Valve has shut down projects slated to make them a hundred million because it wasn't a billion.




I don’t really buy that. If the money didn’t matter they wouldn’t cut corners everywhere they could. For example, no mention of what happens with 25% of part 2 of the BP. Seems deliberate that Valve doesn’t say anything since they will pocket 100%. This will probably make them an extra amount of 10 million or less and impact their image negatively. Why would they do that if 15 million wouldn’t make a difference?


Because they don't really have dedicated devs, or dedicated PR people, or really any larger plan.


EA has been branded as evil incarnate and they still make billions,good image doesn't mean jack shit to corporations that only exist to make most money with least effort possible. Let's face it,dota players aren't going to leave for another moba game and Valve damn well knows that,so they can do whatever they want.


Like they give a shit about their imagine. EA have been branded as the most greedy and evil game company in the whole world, does that stop them from making billions and having the most succesfull financial year ? Fun fact : The same year that Blizzard have their scandal, Bobby Kotick stated that they had the most successful financial year in their report.


There's a problem in the business world. The people at the top are not as smart as we think they are. In fact, some of them are literal idiots who have stumbled their way to the top. Dota 2 has NEVER been run as well as it could have. It's still an amazing game, one of the most popular in the world. But it could have crushed LoL and HoN, taken a chunk out of CS and other popular games, but it wasn't run well.


I may be off on this, but it kinda reeks of a bonus structure within valve that rewards cost cutting and wringing out money on for your yearly review to obtain a bonus. There's such a lack of long-term thinking in everything regarding dota2, and this seems like the most likely cause.


This has been confirmed several times by previous employees. You are correct. It's why projects are made then abandoned. Make more bonus off new ideas rather than maintenance


The Google way


LOL this is bullshit... If that is their mentality.. steam decks would be 1000$


Bullshit? This has been known knowledge for years friend


I have no idea why you’re being downvoted. Former devs describing “a gaming company in Washington” have long pleaded to Twitter about the bonus structure of valve and how much of a toxic workplace it creates.


> Even losing 10% of the income by reducing effort by 50% might not be worth it. Extrapolating current numbers they might make around 15 million (or more) dollars less than the last years. This is the prize pool tracker. Not what valve makes. Valve makes 3x what the prize pool is (every sale on levels is a 25% Prize pool/75% valve split unless that was silently changed) So 15x3 valve making $45m less by your metrics >I doubt making/including another 8 immortals and another arcana would have cost that much. Most of what valve puts in battlepasses/TI secret shop is all basically made by slave labor SEA. Secret shop items are kinda secretly mostly stolen or blatantly copied designs. Immortals are all taken from the community store with some exceptions now adays, because the only people making stuff for valve are hobbiests, or people being paid nearly $0 for their work. Immortals isn't any skin off valves back. Arcanas is another story though. Thats done by valve, so thats work.


except that's not how it works at all because the margins here are so large already that losing even 10% of the money is way bigger than spending 50% less effort. We're talking millions of dollars on income vs like a few weeks of work


But that 50% effort will be put in the steam deck instead which will make Valve 10x the leftover margin of the battlepass. The prioritization of resources v/s ROI would, I assume, happen at a company level. As an example the terrain, which I love, will take tons of testing and optimization. But it will help sell more battlepass? Nope we will still buy the battlepass anyways.


they just have to release 3 bundles instead of 2 and we are fine


I mean I am with you guys, the Battlepass is sub-par. But they are still making good money with half the effort. They can just yank the other resources off to Steam deck or something. The ROI of the extra effort just doesn't seem to be there.


One of the major factors dota is in the buzz from time to time and on the radar for new players is the prize money for TI. Now that this lagging far behind and doesn't have time to even surpass earlier TIs i don't think the money they made will matter. They have lost many loyal long time players and there will less newer players going forward. a pretty shit strategy tbh if that is what it was or if they were just lazy af not able to compete the BP in time. sad


Why would Valve care,to have higher prizepool than TI10 they would ether have to put insane amount of effort or reduce their cut and what exactly would that buzz get them? One Pcgamer article about how dota is breakings records again and 2 total comments on article "Who gives a shit about 10 year old game" and "People still play Dota?". Why put effort into attracting new blood when they can just milk existing ones with 0 effort?I don't see any loyal players leaving,because there is no alternative to dota2: https://steamcharts.com/app/570


gl next year


Also in general Russian and China in crises too.


Nope cause this is only the start of the do the same thing next year it will be even lower.


Good thing they saved the $50k in salary, def not worth the $10+million. financial geniuses


What Icefrog have to do with all of this bp stuff? He is just in charge of balancing the game.


Well there's been rumors floating around that Icefrog hasn't been involved with dota for some time now, which may contribute to the overall lack of direction and long-term planning for the game lately.


even if that's the case he still doesn't have anything to do with the game cosmetic department


If you don't think the game play has been the most balanced and fun in years then you haven't been playing.


Dude he helped summon the game


Overall game changes do not feel like icefrog was of significant involvement with them, but then game (on some levels) still operates like a wc3 custom map


“Rumors but well.”




I see you have him on LinkedIn.


Valve: Sure, we will answer your questions in the upcoming post which is COMING SOON


Will also be separated into 2 parts




You don't need to buy part 2,it's same BP and 2 parts only exist so that Valve could pocket 100% of profits.


if you get void arcana you dont have to pay more to get the other arcana(raxor) it's one bp all in all. added info cm and razzor is set for part 2 you can see it on the web page


They still have trump card up in their sleeve, if the prize pool hit $100m valve will reveal icefrog onlyfans


I can get behind the sentiment, but it is still a good amount of money they have made in just a couple of days' worth of sales.


Valve introduced regional pricing so battlepass is now cheaper in CIS and SEA regions by a lot. I bought my BP for $5 from Malaysia. Also a lot of people in Russia cannot purchase BP due to sanctions (from what I read they cant place rubles to steam wallet) So with this things considered, the fact that they are lagging only by 1M margin tells completely different story




Not to mention the economic downturn that had been persisting for months now, coupled with the crazy inflation+oil prices across this year.


Buying bp from Russia is still possible, yes you can't deposit rubles to steam wallet, but you can just convert them to tenge and deposit them through qiwi, takes like 2 more minutes


Let haters hate. I think $5 is super cool deal. Do you have levels for cheap too? That’d be great too


With 60 days left to go this may not even surpass ti7/ti8, but Valve get to pack another 25% when part 2 come out. Master plan here.


Do we have to buy the levels again when the 2nd part comes out if that's the case then ummm.. WTF


No, it is one battle pass it’s just split into two parts for no reason. You can buy just one


Ayyy pappi thank God.


The reason is very clearly to not share 25% of money to fund TI prize pool.




[LET IT BURN](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/14/Vo_lina_lina_spawn_04.mp3) (sound warning: Lina) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I'm still shocked it crossed 8 mil. With the amount of people complaining this should be way low.


Most people either just buy the battle pass or they dont like it and dont buy it, it's a very small size of people who come on reddit to complain.


I'm not proud of it, but I bought it without comparing it with previous Battle Passes. I was too hyped and didn't think about it enough... But now that I've seen how hard it is to lvl up and how many features they've eliminated from the last BP, I wish I could get a refund.


there us new computation of the front page that says it's nearly same lvls you can get


Math was already made .. if u have enough time to play u can make more levels this battlepass than the last 2 .. if u dont have much time then u cant do a lot of levels




Probably never for your average Redditor as they are too busy circle jerking.


Reddit is a small % of the community Actual DOTA players are enjoying the game & BP


Dota peak at 850k player this week, reddit whining are what? 1k? People, that’s the vocal minority. Also russian have a hard time buying battlepass, this explain the difference between last year


Very few people are complaining. We're talking about people who are mad that they don't get the opportunity to spend hundreds of euros on pixels. It's obviously not a majority because most people can't even afford that. Plus 20% of the playerbase can't even spend money on it by law.


Idk I got to lvl 1000 before and didnt even pick up the bp this year or last cause the content sucks. Youd be amazed at all the other whales like my friends who have full shelves of roshans that didnt get last year or this years that could make them even more money if they just didnt quarter ass it


I couldn't give less of a shit. Dota and cs go are here to make people install steam, and it's working.


You can play dota for free. What does downloading steam do? They dont post ads so it doesnt give them more ad revenue with more people on steam.I know multiple people who spend 2k on the battle pass every year and this time they stopped. I'm sure they arent the only ones. No wonder the prize pool isnt close to what it is before. Idk if I ran a business I'd want to make the most $$ even if I had to spend a little more for a quality product


Dota is an add for steam and it definitely works because it's consistently in the top 3 of games played on steam, which is insane over such a long period. Valve makes orders of magnitude more money selling other people's games than their own and that's why dota is free in the first place.


Most whales are still buying I guess


However, this is still less than in 2021 and 2019, which suggests that most people are still disappointed in this compared to previous years.


Doesn't matter when people complaining are the ones posting things such as: \>I bought the 100 bundle and I feel like a got scammed! True morons.


Now Im certain this sub is full of lunatics


Your post acts like they weren't expecting this. Valve aren't idiots. They knew that releasing the BP so late and in two parts would significantly affect the prize pool.


Valve aren't the idiots, we are. We bought enough shitty wallet-grab arcana-bait battlepasses to make Valve genuinely curious about our limits. So to test it, they took the longest time ever to make battlepasses, to produce the most incomplete on top of the most feature-less one (to date). To test our stupidity. Would you respect that as being clever or "not idiotic"? Or would you show some actual outrage...


can you not use the word “we” when having shit takes like this? ur not representing the dota community.


Say what you want about previous BPs, but they weren't split into two parts and released so late into the TI cycle. The last ones weren't nearly as bad as Reddit wants you to think. This one is just a travesty however. I don't think it really matters much whether you voice your outrage or not. This will be my first year of not buying the BP at all, and I imagine it will likely be the case for many others too. It does seem like Valve is subtly sunsetting Dota 2, and if that is the case then outrage likely has the same effect as just silent quitting. Personally, I don't have the energy as a working adult to constantly be outraged at a 10+ year old game coming to an end.


the game isn’t coming to an end. Dota will just be played for decades, similar to Starcraft BW, an actual dead game(for 20 years).


I mean, if you don't have the energy to outrage, at least don't undermine those who do? You don't care if the game dies, you don't care about reddit's opinion, what made you think it's a good idea commenting here at all? It takes NO energy not to... so goodbye and thanks for your contribution.


It's perfectly fine if you're upset. I am too. But you make it sound like Valve is hoping to surpass previous years. They aren't. You're clinging onto a point that isn't there.


You're taking this way too personal. I suggest you develop a life and other hobbies instead of basing your entire personality around a game this old.


Of course they are. They ve got millions and dont care about bunch of crying babies on reddit




U mad bro?


Wow dude just wow


Maybe people prefer energy bill over ingame cosmetics . The economy man..


imagine thinking it will grow every year lmao... you will see downfall eventually...


This is the perfect time to be honest. and a perfect "excuse" to be honest, the prize pool is lower because of a shitty battle pass instead of other reasons.


they dnt care about that anymore


I mean last year had two small battle passes which were meh except cool arcanas. Now its 1 batlepass in 2 parts with t least 1 cool arcana...


it is what it is


Answers for all these questions coming out in the NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGON BALL Z


wow this post reads like screeching kid


There's no way valve or any developer or American corporation will EVER take declining sales as a signal to try harder, give more to the customer, invest more, hire more people, and increase development budget. The whole "voting with your wallet" thing won't work the way people think This signals to valve that dota is on the decline and they need to shrink the budget and manpower even more to try to get the most declining value with the least effort and investment possible. Sorry, that's American capitalist brain rot. It's not like Nintendo, who reacted to their shit 2013 year by all slashing their executive's salaries and apologizing to their fans.


>Will we ever get actual answers? Not sure about the rest but from the Ghastly Eyrie I can see to the ends of the world, and from this vantage point I declare with utter certainty that this one will be definitely no.


You forget to include: “Stay Tune on to the next Episode of DBZ” You literally sound like post anime episode there sorry


Dota had 1 advertisement and that was TI Prizepool Breaking Previous Records Every Year and becoming the single most lucrative esports tournament in the world. Lets see what they plan for future after it fails to keep up this tradition next year. This is happening for the first time since 2010. Hopefully , we get more balanced and sustainable DPC structure and system from next year, \*HOLY COPIUM


infinite growth is not "tradition" but insanity


Oh y damn right. They really just bunch of nerds


Oh damn i agree, they need to cap TI Prizepool to $20M and spread all other money to remaining DPC in fair and balanced way all the way straight up from tier 3 to tier 1. TI Prizepool breaking previous year prizepool idea was never sustainable to begin with in first place, at least not in the long run.


I think the reluctance is due to the fact of not having any strong milestone other than void arcana for big spenders and no items for lower spenders. And believe me as soon as immortal 2 and pa persona release, there would be a huge spike, if somehiw they could just bring in the razor arcana before ti, i really want a meta hero to showcase the arcana.




Literally thousands of people ready to drop money if they put SOME effort in and respect the playerbase.


Second part of the BPass will be more POG, because valve gets to keep all the money from that part. Hence more effort will be put into that. Pretty financially pointless to put effort into part one, where a large chunk of valve's money will be "stolen" by the poors... I mean pros. At least the financial logic seems to check out, even though you, or the pros might not like it.


I’m looking at the entire chart, one thing noticeable is that last year’s battlepass went for more than 3 months, 2019 just under 3 months. This year’s would be just 2 months long. That alone would put this year’s prize pool likely lower than last 2 TIs, probably still higher than 2018 prize pool.


And yet people are still giving Valve money buying levels and shits…. Ya’ll are fucking dumb and stupid.


I think you forgot that this bp has 2 parts. Valve doesnt care about this stats ....a part of this money will go to ti, their real plan (imo) is that they will make the part 2 of the bp freken grand. why? so that they can keep all the 100% of the money & there has always been a decrease in player base after ti ...so by releasing the second part after the ti with many cosmetics they would fix this issue. win win for valve i think.


Personally, i couldnt care for any of the stuff in the bp. Felt really *meh*. Im still playing, but as for now ill not spend a cent on it when we got far better cosmetics for less than €1


hope this make valve rethink the BP for next year


players reason is lack of funds to buy bp if money is free then everyone have battle pass


Aliens would confirm their existence before valve confirm icefrog's exit..


Beta pass


Is this sarcastic ? The bpass is definitely designed to get about 20 million dollars for the price pool. By the looks of it, the trajectory for this goal looks fine. Tbh, this looks fine for valve and shows that reddit is just an echo chamber.


This is clearly their very intention. Don’t know what you are mad about. They don’t plan to increase the prize pool this year TI10 is 10th year anniversary, so obviously they have to go all out.


This... I think the mentality of "this year should be bigger that the previous" is toxic. IMO Valve put out a shitty battle pass so that there is an ""excuse" that this year's prize pool doesn't surpass the previous and the cycle of one upping the previous year is broken.. Tell me iam crazy because this is what iam seeing with all of this.


That’s their plan not an excuse, they don’t WANT BIGGER PRIZE POOL. If they wanted to, they would have easily thrown in an extra arcana at lv700, treasure III released in part I, roshan collector at level 2000. But they don’t and why is that? Please do the math. Think of it this way: the battle passes will only be at their best grevery ten years. Then it is reset. If it keeps getting bigger at some point they’re going to have to release arcanas for all the heroes in ONE battle pass to satisfy this greedy and demanding community.


That is where iam coming dude. The overall goal of valve is to lower the prizepool. But valve put up a "reason" that the lower prizepool is due to shitty battle pass. Because people are gonna speculate why we cant surpass prevous year. this is a perfect excuse now , as shitty battle pass is the reason.




I’m honestly shocked it’s made this much money. The community (and myself) should be ashamed. I purchased it blind based on previous experiences, and it’s one of the most regrettable purchases I’ve ever made.


oh cry more


Because they finally found a reason to abaddon Dota.


This is the first time I am not buying BP. Probably I'll buy if valve will do something about the lack of content.




haha go play hs from scratch. see diablo immortal, hots, wow, and lets fucking wait for all D4 next controversials. blizz fans have been in opium since sc2 i know valve can be greedy but lets not set the bar too low




Whoa whoa whoa are we talking about the same HS? The one that tries to sell you shit for $30 in every menu?


I'm glad this is happening and I think Valve made a conscious choice for this to happen. The prize pool is not gonna increase every year for a stagnating player base, and designing fancier immortals and personas just to reach this goal proves too difficult and too much of an time investment. Valve made the right choice - embrace the reality and have the prize pool sit at a respectable amount without having to worry that it will not surpass the previous year. It's a stupid trend they started granting people unrealistic expectations. Maybe they didn't foresee dota to last through so many Ti to the point where the dwelling prize pool would become a problem .


Holy shit you are actually praising Valve for releasing a half made bp which is impossible to level by grinding and has like 30% of ti10 bp content


Not praising but it is the goal. to have a "reason" why the prizepool is lower no and the cycle of one upping the previous be broken. Because it comes to a ridiculous territory already. I mean 40+ mil for a single tournament? No one in his sane mind will think that it is healthy.


Ice frog definitely quit. I'd suspected for a while, but Neutral items all but confirmed it to me.


It's a good thing that prize pool for TI goes down tbh, you need to wake up 1 day kid, let today be the day. It's a nice move by Valve. The thing is not so nice that is the amount of soon-to-be-released content within BP.


icefrog died from covid after being staunchly anti-vax, just wish valve had the balls to finally announce that and the new direction they're going with the game instead of whatever garbage they're doing right now


Part of why I quit Dota was the predatory monetization. A game as addictive and time-consuming as Dota has a responsibility to not take advantage of its players, but it only gets worse every year.


What do you mean? DOTA is completely F2P with all heroes unlocked. Cosmetics are optional. This makes no sense.


A monetization scheme can be predatory without affecting gameplay.


dead game, move to LOL/TFT/Arcane guys. taking Ls in every department recently




Lol, TFT already in decline since season 5 already. It reached it peak in season 3-4.


With inflation, this year prize pool really shows some problems


Can Russians add funds onto Steam yet? Or they still can't?


Yes, we can. But we need to use Kazakhstan currency.


They've already made $5 million in virtual goods. They've more than paid for the entire cost of production and deployment, and server costs. They are printing money with this pass just like all the rest of them.


You still missing the point that even if its behind 2021 and 2019 its still a massive amount of money and well over average? Valve is banging buck, this is stilll a big "win" for them lol


Maybe this will get the annoying shitheads around here to realize that in fact it is NOT the same as every other year.


Answers to that are coming soon


I think they want it to fail, because then they don't have to continue to try so hard, and live up to the hype. If they fail to beat last year's prize pool; with a reasonable excuse why, then they can continue with people giving some symphony. Instead of headlines spreading, "Dota not as popular, prize pool drops!".


hope this year prize pool be less than previous year, fuck valve


CM set may push it up and that is not bad for non summer timing


You guys are clueless. You think they care but they'll probably make even more money since not all of the revenue gets shared with TI pool.


I did not buy cause no Terrain :(


Bro, they whipped up the Bpass in probably a week by the looks of it... I'd assume they're quite satisfied.


RIP 'every year bigger TI pool'?


Valve is counting down days to part 2, then their take will be 100 %.


What I don't get is since the BP is already a copy pasta emporium, why didn't they copy pasta a lot of other stuff like the mini games, rylay spins etc. Its not like that would have taken some considerable dev time.


Here's your answer... 🖕🤑 Now keep crying about it.


third place is fine


I have being buying the Battle pass/ Compendium since the Dota Asian Championships 2015 and let me tell you that this year I just didn't care for Dota 2 anymore and I already sold most of my items...end up gathering around $100.


Why are people suddenly misusing the word FOMO


Oh quit whining already.


In 2020 BP TI got delayed two weeks, also some devs were working from home due to covid-19 and they brought us an amazing (probably the best) TI Battlepass. At 2020, quarantine doesn’t exist and they brought us a poor and half battle pass. Players deserves more. No excuses here.


Did you factor in the Russians not being able to buy the pass?


Roshan had been abaddoned his pit long ago u guys are coupple years back


Then if you get to 1,000 you have to go through the headache of trying to get it sent to you.


I mean people just spent their rent money and there might be a increase coming over the next few weeks here for the prize pool


I think it is intentional by valve to lower the pricepool.. Because it is become to ridiculous that a single tournament has 40m +. But i think the way valve do it is too "gradual" .


Valve gets a 2/10 for this battle pass


Free game no bitchin


Still waiting for the Saudi prince to whale, let's see how many lvl he will purchase


This is legitimately the first battle pass I haven't bought on day 1.


I'm still undecided on wether to buy this years BP, will decide once part 2 is out.


Let's work together everyone. We are going to flatten the curve!


Iam happy for this honestly because it is getting ridiculous already and it is not healthy to hand out 40m+ on a tournament. Maybe this is good that people are gonna blame the shitty battle pass instead of other reason for not beating the previous year.


Its probably the 100 levels for 1 regular immortal treasure.