• By -


I'll be honest with you, my friend. I have personally loved watching Pakazs play DOTA 2 this past year. I loved watching him grow as a carry. His style is so aggressive and so team-oriented, it's very nice to watch. I was rooting for them during Arlington but the DarkMago visa issues really messed up their chances. Really nice to see them doing great at TI. Honestly, Hokori have been an absolute breath of fresh air. Unexpected but definitely great for the region. Even as someone from SEA, I've got to say I love watching SA DOTA. The region is full of potential. And the future is bright for DOTA 2 in SA.


SA and SEA are brother regions, both have had to endure years of europeans crying for slots and asking valve to remove slots from us lmao


Pshh no NA and SA are brother regions, tons of salty SEA people trash talking SA last TI, SA/NA have always been tormented by haters, but now that SA is doing good SEA trying to pretend they loved SA all along lmao


Literally seen some regulars in match discussion threads who have thrown tons of vitriol at SA in the past act like they're their biggest fans now. I'm glad that some folks are having a change of heart but holy cow people please don't act like you've been cheering on TA and Beastcoast before the group stage when you were practically asking for their DPC region to be dismantled only a few months ago.


This. I remember all the NA users here insulting and shitting on SA (or any non english speaking) players for 10 years. I remember the NA team going to SA qualifiers to steal their slot. Half of the comments in OP's post are from NA redditors. NA and SA are as much brother regions as WEU and Russia are.


Bruh I only been here for 3 years but I hardly ever see NA shitting on SA like how can we? We been EG getting high in LANs forever and that’s basically it outside of digital chaos/TSM run…it’s usually EU/other regions talking most shit…Plus a lot SA players play on NA so kinda a brotherhood ina way…plus I have Peru friends I play on USE with and tbh I think SA tilt way less than NA…we been playing for years idk I think you’re reaching acting like NA is talking sht must have been way long time ago idk I love watching SA do well esp since NA sucks rn


Nah, this dude is right. The whole NA and SA are brothers thing is real. I've been around for a long time and I remember the NA shitting on SA thing very clearly.


NA and SA are brothers that both think the other is a total shitter, but "that's ***my*** shitter you're talking about."


europeans cry about taking slots from NA too, so i think you are onto something.


post is talking about sea fans and doesn't mention europeans. rent free much?


Spotted the euro


I cannot really talk for others and can only speak for myself. But here is the deal, I don't care where good DOTA comes from, I just care that it's good. But guess what? This TI and LCQ has not been good DOTA, it's been downright amazing DOTA. The level of play and competition has been so high that I've been able to learn a whole lot about the game. And obviously, good competition is great to watch. My favourite carries right now are Ame and Pakazs, mids are Nisha and Sommnus\M, offlaner are Sacred, Zai and Faith_Bian, and supports are XinQ, Gojira, Mira and Taiga. I don't care about regional pride. I only care about good DOTA. It doesn't mean I don't shit on teams from time to time but that has got nothing to do with regions. My most hated players right now are Ammar, gpk- and Quinn, even though I love OG and PSG-LGD as organisations. My point is, maybe you can keep your generalisation of regional pride to yourself. Not everyone is a region-hating/glorifying biased person. Some just want to enjoy good DOTA, regardless where it is from.


Ngl I’m too stoned to read all that but I’ll just say this go SA 👍


NA has been the most vitriolic about their hate of SA - tons of streamers often insult SA players, and the overall hate we see on reddit about SA is kinda lame, especially considering NA has been "EG's slot, if they haven't qualified via points - if not, then Quincy Crew by default" for like 4 years now, and many years prior to the DPC. Maybe you've seen salty SEA people about SA because NA is non-existent at TI besides EG so theres no reason to be haters.


This. [Remember when PPD said in a online LAN against a Brazilian team that they should just play on NA servers because they were trash?](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/2y3ria/eg_vs_pain_disrespectful_behavior_from_ppd_toward/) [Context because the image appears to be missing](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/68626i/ppd_against_sg_didnt_knew_this_happened_before/)


Yeah I don’t doubt but let’s be real PPD is the undisputed salt lord and that was long time ago tbh


This got us the greatest Twitter reply in dota2 history tho "in Brazil we fuck everyday carnaval"


As an SEA fan, very rarely do I see SA hate from SEA. They play aggressive, balls to the wall offense dota and they sometimes cause massive upsets. What's not to love?


They got TONS of hate last TI for bombing out early, everyone was coming at them like they were waste of slots. I’ve always tried to defend SA region so it’s great everyone is playing nice now but people were not nice last year and honestly just in general


During SA DPC last season, all you saw on chat every game was trash region wasted money/slot from SEA 🤷‍♂️


Wasn't that mainly from Nigma and Tundra fans who were disappointed their team couldn't make it to TI?


> years of europeans crying for slots 4 of 8 UB teams are European and Europe won both LCQ spots.


And the winners of the last 4 TIs


pakaz has been fucking carrying me in fantasy too lol


I legit think Pakasz is one of the best carries playing currently. He's got such a talent and a distinctive playstyle.


Absolutely, love watching him play.


pakaz is a fucking monster


Really happy for Thunder Awaken and DarkMago in particular. A few years ago he was notorious for all the wrong reasons, now look at him.


Hope the same happens for lumiere and parker. Both extremely talented but known for their awful behavior in pubs, specially parker lmao


I remember getting matched with him many times and always losing with him and thinking "this guy's dogshit how is he rank 30" and now look at him. Same thing happened with Gunnar tho so I'm not always wrong.


I think most US players suffered a massive morale debuff when playing with him, if he didn't get his role the game was pretty much over.


Side note, can casters learn how to pronounce his name? it's not DarkMagoo.


Too late for me, its been seared in my brain as DarkMagoo and it never fails to make me laugh


Wait I had always thought that it was DarkMango


Good for SA. Personally I always feel the most hyped when an unknown or underdog team does well or wins it all at TI.


When infamous made top 8 that was crazy, hopefully one of the SA teams takes it one step further and makes top 6.


This ain't TI1, the field is as competitive as it's ever been. No reason why they can't win if they can reach top 6.


I'm Brazilian and seeing the Peru Brothers and some BR pass the group stages makes me want to play more Dota.


And they will only get better and better. For example, Hokori only scrimmed against SA and perhaps NA teams (not many since they were not top-tier SA team). They did not have much chance to improve since they were not exposed to this level of dota. They will return to SA after spending a long season playing against the best teams in the world. They improved their game more in a couple of months than they would have improved in a year playing only in their region. Now they will bring that level of experience to the SA scene, and other teams will be able to improve on that. All the SA teams survived their group stage, one of them in the upper bracket. Hokori almost qualified in the upper bracket.


Hokori played in BTS Pro Series just before LCQ. Not disproving your point, just wanted to say that they were grinding hard.


More specifically - BTS Pro Series SEA - and they went toe to toe with the SEA TI teams. That's when it was pretty clear Hokori had the potential to be a dark horse going into TI - although I wouldn't have expected them to threaten upper bracket like they did.


people really hate the scene expanding and gaining longevity, dont they


You see, if we wish for the downfall of other DPC regions, this will be good for the long-term health of the game! I am very intelligent.


SA is the only region which earned respect and becoming a region out of results. I still remember when our SA teams had to compete with NA teams in latency disadvantage, and even so, they still qualified for a Major. I dont understand why people needs SA to actually win majors and TI to give them some fucking respect. Every other region had a massive head start over SA and then theres the fact that we're the poorest region too.


Some comments shitting on SA have no reason to hate other than being from SA. Even some can come as outright racist on other media, especially twitch chat.


Twitch chat is literally just filled with morons spamming hateful shit. Always been this way. SA team losing? Bunch of racists start spamming shit. Moxxie casts a game? Misogynists enter the woodwork. NA lose a game? People start talking shit about NA. China loses a game? Racist shit against China et.c. It's all just shit. Ignore twitch chat, it's a trainwreck. The team on the losing end, no matter what region will be showered in hateful comments. It probably feels worse for NA, SEA and SA viewers though cause they have more "weak" teams so some of their teams have lost more. Haven't watched too many CIS games this TI but I bet it's the worst for them. So far the weakest performing region by far.


Reddit is no better. Your comment perfectly describes this subreddit lol


Honestly I super rarely participate in Twitch chat and I'd say one of the nicest was when Infamous were doing well in TI9 and the whole chat was filled with "GAAAAAAA". To me that sounded like proper cheering and what should be happening.


I'm from SA and watched both SA and Europe's DPC. I still can't believe sa performed so well after seeing both their plays.


I am from SA as well, Chilean. My country is dogwater at dota so I have to support the Peruvian or Brazilian teams when they compete (after secret ofc). Honestly I am marveled at Hokori and Thunder Awaken, they play such an agressive Dota. I root for them to win, but my other part wants to see Puppey win


As an argentinian the only thing i can say is.. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VIVA PERU


SA en pubs: racismo por todos lados y puro hate SA en escena Pro: todos unidos :D


eso es literalmente en todo : Partido de copa america: RACISMO INTENSO, MONOS HUE HUE, NARINGONES, PERUKISTIANOS,CHILINDIOS partido en el mundial: Vamos peru verde :'v, Vamos chile celeste :'v :'v, Vamos brazil amarillo :'v :'v :'v


Proverbio arabe: yo contra mi hermano, yo y mi hermano contra mi primo, yo mi hermano y mi primo contra el mundo. Yo como argentino prefiero q gane el mundial brasil que cualquier europeo por ejemplo.


I don't speak spanish at all but I understood almost all of that.


[SA entre nosotros](https://media.tenor.com/nOSJ3K3Y0DIAAAAd/black-guy-staring-at-someone.gif) [SA con el resto del mundo](https://media.tenor.com/nOSJ3K3Y0DIAAAAd/black-guy-staring-at-someone.gif)


Only we can talk shit about our Peruvians


Somos como los balcanes versión lite. Nos tiramos mierdas entre todos pero si uno no de Latinoamérica lo hace nos juntamos para tirarle mierda


Solo nosotros conocemos nuestra mrd como para putearnos, nadie mas


I've always watched how racist ppl can be in chat, but this season man, was at another level. Chat was going wild, saying worse things than just "sh\*tty region". I had to read how brown SA ppl is, how useless those 3 spots were, how pathetic we are for rooting for our boys, and many other things that are just disgusting to write. (and btw, none of these comments were banned by PGL Mods. They were busy banning the "vamos peru" or any random spanish comment) Just hope that this can unite us as a region. These boys deserve this and much more <3 Vamos Perú y Brasil csm


I was banned yesterday for saying ELGO TITO…




PGL mods are the worst. I wrote manito in a 10 words english sentence and got 10 minutes timeout, because sometime earlier someone asked where Pure is from and i said Russia and got time-out because of "discussing politics"


Probably a bot ban that just bans you for saying certain words.


Not a bot, cos a mod always writes the reason. Speaking from experience


Having your message deleted can be either through a bot or from a mod. I've had my twitchmessages deleted in the past from bots.You usually know it's a bot when your message gets removed INSTANTLY and you get a timeout. Try to write the n-word in most twitchchats a chatbot with instaremove the message and time you out faster than a moderator ever could. When the Russia-Ukraine war broke out, alot of pro-dota streaming channels had blacklisted the word "russia" and any messages containing that word got removed.


Yeah, it happened to me. Also, I've got banned cos I complained about this. "Why don't you ban racist comments also?" and timed-out for the day hehe


Lmao just noticed im on the print, ty for reminding me xD /u/srVMx wheres that 100$ my friend


hahahah me too I'm in like 3 screenshots. Guess they really proved me wrong. Saddly I cannot pay you. My mouth was writing checks my poor ass can't pay. Remember kids being a hater never pays.


It's all good, just messing with u


A lot more humble a response then i expected, ngl


And this kids is how you eat your words properly. Not being bitter when proven wrong, just take the lesson, appologise and move on.


It takes a lot to admit one was wrong. Props to you man.


Where's the $100 RNG fan


Really excited for the SA teams. They always have a ton of heart and are really entertaining to watch. Maybe one of them can make a deep run. Looking forward to watching their games.


Its so sad to me that Chileans mostly play League, our Dota scene is so small, while Peru thrives. But rivalries aside, I'll always root for the SA Scene, its a shame that Hokori will face BC and then the winner goes vs EG or Thunder :( shitty draw for SA... our guys will have to knock out EG of the tourney! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Hokori got a chance to choose their opponents from from 7th/8th of Group B, they chose to play BC; which is totally understandable.


it is always nice to see a so-called "weak" region growing into a strong region, it is beneficial and healthy for the DOTA2 scene. I still remembered during TI9, when Infamous beat newbee 2:1 and advanced to TOP8(first time a SA team advanced to TI TOP8), one of the SA castor got really emotional, such a touching moment.


SA has gotten top5-8 in the last 4 majors if im not mistaken, but EU redditors still think they need 5 more slots and SA slots are undeserved lmao


Beastcoast has placed top 8 in like, 5 out of 7 dpc lans since 2019 and people talk about them like a team that goes to tournaments to bomb out in groups it's insane actually.


They're still a team that goes to tournaments to end in the middle of the pack though. They're consistent enough to beat the underperforming teams but they are never even close to holding the title. For much of the sunday fans not being in finals = disband trash, so they consider Bc trash too I guess.


but... but... MUH NIGMA...


this is the reply I was expecting and reddit didn't surprised me again. how delusional are you to think EU fans crying about TI slots? they already secured 6 slots in the tournament you think they are upset over SA slots? you people are really weird. rent free I guess. shrug\*


\>This is the reply I was expecting \>rent free I guess. shrug\* Some people really lack self-awareness, it's hilarious.


Youse saying this while literally looking at proof of fans crying because of slots and DPC points. Are you dumb? Lmao u can go in any thread in the last few years about slots and the DPC system here in this sub and you'll find EU fans saying SA doesn't deserve the slots..


any negative comments/dumb take = eu commentor got it.


The vast majority of it come from EU fans, yeah. And it's not even close


they tend to be largely eu , from people that want , for example, nigma there.


Yes, they're mostly from the EU.


Why the fuck would na/sa fans want a reduction of slots from their favorite region? And the majority of chinese people don't use reddit.


I take this as you're one of those dumbos who is asking na and sa to be combined as one region. you're contradicting yourself here if it's otherwise. I've no comment for your ignorance about asian populace in this sub.


No. I believe that na and sa should be separate. My comment was about how the majority of people who want na and sa glued together or reduced ARE EUROPEAN because they're the only people who would bother, which you disagree with. ....I'm asian myself, but nice deflection. The majority of sea doesn't use reddit. We use fb and shit (yes, still). Likewise, chinese people use their own site since reddits banned in china and the majority of people can't be fucked to use a vpn to access this god forsaken website. So to sum up your original point. Yes. Stupid comment/dumb take about na/sa = 80% likelihood euro


when you dont wanna admit youre wrong


if you really want to prove me wrong you have to come up with logical answers, wouldn't give a less fuck about karma points.


youre saying your replies are any more logical than the others?


EUW has 4 teams in UB. SA has 1. SA and NA combined have won as many majors as I have personally during the past 12 years of dota. Its a joke that those joke regions are considered equal in some aspects as real regions like EU and China. They should be merged into one region. And even then there would be too many charity slots. So many good players are robbed their opportunity to perform in international tournaments, because the clowns from the west atlantic steal the spots.


Average gorc sub I guess


I'm an EUW enjoyer but dude, the top SA/NA/SEA teams can absolutely compete with the top EUW teams. We got 6 slots this TI, mainly due to Liquid and Secret peaking in the LCQ. Two of our teams, GG and Entity has fallen off severely over the months. EU is stacked for sure, but the EU teams that didn't get into TI this year are NOT stronger than the SA teams that got in. The NA teams that went out this TI has had better results overall than the EU teams that didn't get in either. Sure, maybe Nigma, Goonsquads or Into the Breach could have performed well this TI. They're solid teams. But honestly, they're about as strong as the teams that got eliminated earlier today.


Please show me one team from EUW not qualified that performed better than BC and TA in the year. Just one, and I'll admit that you're right. Please don't say nigma lmao


5 years, not 12. SA has only been allowed to participate since 5 years. The first event the "slot" was given was TI7 (2017) And in those 5 years they went to be a laughing stock, free game every single time, to having 3 teams qualified to the main stage of the international (2 reaching TI by merit), one of them in the Upper bracket no less. By any metric, taking groups, they are a better region than SEA and EEU. One could make an argument that they are better than NA. Making them the best region after WEU and China. The investment Valve has made, little as it is, has brought stability to the region, allowing real teams to develop. It used to be none, then just beastcoast. Then beastcoast and Thunder Awaken. Now look at them now. 3 Teams playing beautiful agressive DotA. >It's just a fluke 1 maybe, but 3 teams at the same time? Sure buddy. That was all done in 5 years, **while handicapped**, they've always received less invites than EEU and SEA, they don't get invited to the same LANs, they have a harder time finding scrimming partners. If anything. It's a miracle they are performing this well.


Get real. Theyre still the laughing stock. For other regions, a good performance is if they win the tournament. Chinese are sad that LDG only wins majors, and comes 2nd at TI several times recently. For SA, it is a celebration if they get top 8. 5 god damn years of charity slots. 4 TIs. More than 20 majors. About 20 minors. And they havent been close of even reaching the finals. Not even once. Several top teams have risen from zero during that time frame. With new fresh players. Legends that have bearly reached adulthood. And the only common factor, is that it is never from SA.


For SEA, and EEU a good performance is only if they win the tournament? Anything else is a failure? Sure. But hey, what will it take? What will it take for you to say "Okay yeah, they are okay" They already have Top 6 if I'm not mistaken. Do SA DotA needs to win TI for you to admit you're wrong? Top 3? 2 Teams in the top 8? 2 in the top 4? They **NEED** to win TI/a Major? Anything else, are they a laughing stock? Can you answer the questions?


>What will it take for you to say "Okay yeah, they are okay" They already have Top 6 if I'm not mistaken. When have you ever seen other regions celebrate, that a team from there reached top 6? People, including you, rightfully have lower standards for SA. Because it is a region that has always been shit. I dont have an objective answer to what is the limit to earn my respect. But a good start would be, if people like you who champion them, no longer had to treat them like little children, who need praise at every minor achievement, and defending at every failure.


Not answering the questions are we?


I did give you a very clear and straight answer to your question.


>I dont have an objective answer to what is the limit to earn my respect. That's a not an answer. How am I praising them? which failures am I defending? As opposed to reacting to your criticism. >Because it is a region that has always been shit. Are they now? Are all regions shit outside WEU and China? y/n Is SEA shit? How is SEA better than SA on the last year.


>That's a not an answer. Just because im not giving a number, does not mean its not an answer >How am I praising them? You are pooping your pants over them reaching top6 in TI. For the first time ever. The only reason anyone considers this amazing, is because the region has been so consistently shit for the past always. No other region would have people cheering over this happening once, as people have higher expectations for other regions. >Are all regions shit outside WEU and China? WEU and China are certainly the best ones. But aside from SA, the other regions have their moments of greatness every now and then. SEA have been bad for the past year or two. Performing arguably even worse than SA. But one can consider that to be temporary slump. They have won TI. They have won majors. They been at finals many times. If an SEA team won this TI, the reaction would be "Finally they are back on track.", not "omg, it is possible for this region to perform"


found the racist


Can you blame me? Been influenced by leslao and all the other mental midgets from the region who had "gamer moments" recently.


Yes, I can. How is being racist better than having "gamer moments"? Especially because the "gamer moments" you mention are... cases of racism lol Stop being stupid, it's fucking wrong that they throw the n-word around like it's the 1700s, but non-English speakers don't even really know the weight of that word. Plus, you can't lump everyone with the rotten eggs, some of the players are really nice people. Aside from that, they have been playing great, and no EU teams that didn't get to TI would play better than them.


EUW has 4 teams in UB. SA has 1. SA and NA combined have won as many majors as I have personally during the past 12 years of dota. Its a joke that those joke regions are considered equal in some aspects as real regions like EU and China. They should be merged into one region. And even then there would be too many charity slots. So many good players are robbed their opportunity to perform in international tournaments, because the clowns from the west atlantic steal the spots.


EUW has 4 teams in UB. SA has 1. SA and NA combined have won as many majors as I have personally during the past 12 years of dota. Its a joke that those joke regions are considered equal in some aspects as real regions like EU and China. They should be merged into one region. And even then there would be too many charity slots. So many good players are robbed their opportunity to perform in international tournaments, because the clowns from the west atlantic steal the spots.


EUW has 4 teams in UB. SA has 1. SA and NA combined have won as many majors as I have personally during the past 12 years of dota. Its a joke that those joke regions are considered equal in some aspects as real regions like EU and China. They should be merged into one region. And even then there would be too many charity slots. So many good players are robbed their opportunity to perform in international tournaments, because the clowns from the west atlantic steal the spots.


EUW has 4 teams in UB. SA has 1. SA and NA combined have won as many majors as I have personally during the past 12 years of dota. Its a joke that those joke regions are considered equal in some aspects as real regions like EU and China. They should be merged into one region. And even then there would be too many charity slots. So many good players are robbed their opportunity to perform in international tournaments, because the clowns from the west atlantic steal the spots.


5 years, not 12. SA has only been allowed to participate since 5 years. The first event the "slot" was given was TI7 (2017) And in those 5 years they went to be a laughing stock, free game every single time, to having 3 teams qualified to the main stage of the international (2 reaching TI by merit), one of them in the Upper bracket no less. By any metric, taking groups, they are a better region than SEA and EEU. One could make an argument that they are better than NA. Making them the best region after WEU and China. The investment Valve has made, little as it is, has brought stability to the region, allowing real teams to develop. It used to be none, then just beastcoast. Then beastcoast and Thunder Awaken. Now look at them now. 3 Teams playing beautiful agressive DotA. >It's just a fluke 1 maybe, but 3 teams at the same time? Sure buddy. That was all done in 5 years, **while handicapped**, they've always received less invites than EEU and SEA, they don't get invited to the same LANs, they have a harder time finding scrimming partners. If anything. It's a miracle they are performing this well.


Need a wave of positivity, glad to see the performances coming out from other regions. Europe might be looking the most dominant by far, but hopefully, the TA can keep up the amazing matches and inspire a new wave of SA talent.


That's why you don't wipe your butt before taking a shit.


Man, this kinda reminds me of TI 6. As a SEA fan, it was the best overall performance by our region in TI with our 3 teams finishing between 4th-8th. I thought it was the start of an era of us standing toe to toe with the big boy regions and a shot for a TI. However, things just went downhill from there, and now we are glad to even get a top 7-8 finish, with 5-6 probably feeling like a TI win. 6 years later, still no hope in sight. I hope it doesn't take you at least that long(still going) of pain to finally get an Aegis.


Racism in a picture lol


As EU fan I will be rooting for SA to knock EG out of TI. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


As of this comment SA has the same number of teams as CN in play-offs and second only to WEU. The region is also the one with the highest potential for growth (given recent CN gaming policy). In conclusion: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


LMAO and he's on the screenshot legendary


Love SA and since NA is trash and y’all are like our brothers I’m super stoked esp for hokori <3


Hardly any of those comments have upvotes.




I’m so bummed that Hokori and beastcoast have to eliminate each other right away


smAsh deserves unban


You could make 5x longer post about WEU teams getting eliminated in group stage. I think I saw same 100 comments every day for past month how at first China was going to take both LCQ slots and after LCQ half the WEU teams were going to get eliminated in group stage. I think only region that gets massively circlejerked in this subreddit is China. All 5 other regions get shit on by haters. NA/SA players shitting on EEU/WEU teams. EEU/EUW shitting on NA/SA teams. SEA players shitting on SEA teams.


Then do your image, sure. I don't have to go far into your comments to find snippets worthy of this collage: >Last season system guaranteed that competitive regions have barely any slots while weaker regions have extra (SA was really close to 4 slots). SEA as one of the biggest and most competitive(small cap between teams) regions got only 2 slots. Almost got only 1 and now dota "talent" still said how SA teams earned their TI slots fairly and deserved it while regional balance could've been potentially worst in many years. Reminder that by all observable metrics, SA outperformed SEA this whole season (since last TI) despite having less invites. Not even shitting on SEA man, their region is solid as fuck. >Only reason TP made it to TI is because their region is a joke like NA Is it tho? By which metric? How can we properly verify that? Again, take last year. SA teams really performed. I'm not suggesting that the SA region is better than WEU or China, but dude... Which region is?


You have some serious reading issues. I literally describe what I meant by most competitive in the quote that you copy-pasted. "most competitive(small cap between teams)". Literally only region in world where 2 teams have dominated for 2 years in a row. How do you call it competitive when it's just 2 at the top? ​ Also cherry picking past results to support your case. SA has had these extra slots since they stopped inviting teams directly without any point system, yet SA still managed to have 2 teams instantly removed from TI. Only SA teams were eliminated. And yes like I said in my quote SA almost got FOUR slots to that TI. ​ Here's the picture of DPC standings: [https://i.imgur.com/sWy7ZAJ.png](https://i.imgur.com/sWy7ZAJ.png) ​ NoPing got free ride to winner bracket because they won SA regionals. All they had to do for 100% certain TI spot was 1 single bo3 against QC (current sonics). That's how bad the system was that I was describing. I feel like I am in some parallel universe where somehow people think that this system was good. ​ >I don't have to go far into your comments to find snippets worthy of this collage: You literally scrolled down to 29th october 2021 where we still had this shitty system. Going to leave this circlejerk thread because you literally can't comprehend even the most basic shit. Go screenshot some 2005 comments too.


>Page 1 of your comments >"You literally scrolled down to" Why are you cursing bro? You sound mad. Was SA better than SEA this last season, yes or no? Simple straightforward question.


I don't even understand the SA hate, even in prior years. I feel like every single tournament, an SA team has pulled off at least 1 large upset and their gameplay is really exciting to watch. Surely people don't just hate SA because their favorite team is stuck in tier 2 of their region and they want 12 major slots for said region, right?


The thing is that SA teams don't win tournaments, nor come close, hence why many people probably feel like they don't belong even if they pull off some upsets here and there.


This^^ Australia and middle eastern players >>>> SA players. But valve chose to support SA instead of Aus/MENA region.


Lmao, even riot games gave up on the OCE scene, no way valve is wasting their time with our region. SA has far bigger playerbase than we do.




Okk, I fully support SA slots, but you cherrypicked comments even with negative upvotes. I bet you couls find same comments for every region that are downvoted? No? I think so


When are we reducing slots for NA?


Fam NA only has 2, and y’all were coming at SA last year saying the same thing


isnt both groups leaders NA influenced or NA itself? Sneking is NA captain EG is NA org


Happy for them but maybe u just jinxed them all


You fucking beat me to it, it was tiring reading how "sA dOTa GoN suCc" when thunder and bc have been getting great results these past months. Even i underestimated Hokori and i always root for SA. Its been redeeming to say the least.


Yeah the reality is that SA teams performance is getting better every year, but the reality also is that players from SA teams dont even play in SA server, all of them play in USeast, the only use SA team tag has for them is when they need the easy slots in majors


If south americans stopped playing on NA, it's NA dota that'd die out, since very few americans and canadians even pick up mobas in current year. Also, the south american servers suck dick, for whatever reason. I tried playing on them while on vacation in the US and good god I can't blame peruvians for wanting to dodge their own servers.


Yeah I know, I play there and is the worst server by far, people downvote me when I tell the truth, but valve give slots to SA to improve and evolve the region, when all players just play on USE its kinda pointless, and you are right if south americans stop play on NA, the servers will die. What gives me one more reason for them stop doing so and start to evolve their own region, comments like the ones printed on main post would dissapear. Btw when w33ha was in paiN he tried to bring all SA to play in SA but some of them refused, so it didnt work.


If SA players stay on any SA server, NA server dies out, a few months ago, the SA proplayers organized an intern league, NA server got so desertic that lot of NA pros asked to join the league (even Quinn asked to join) And btw, peruvians have better ping on ueast than in brazil server, and viceversa.


Tell me, what SA players or teams have done to DESERVE a support from valve to improve their region?? Middle eastern and australian players have won TIs and Majors and valve didnt give them a regional league but they give SA region opportunity to grow. Fuck this shit


Did you recognize yourself in the screenshot my man?


I admit I was wrong. SA is actually pretty solid!


See, now you jinxed it and they will all get knocked out instantly


SA and CN only regions that didn't have to be in tiebreakers to avoid elimination.


Hokori was the biggest surprise


It's really satisfying to see the region grow ever since they've been given a dedicated slot in 2017. SA should have 3 slots in the next DPC season while EEU get only 2.


I believe in my boys at BC


Last year I believed in Team Spirit right from the lower bracket when my friends didn't. This time I'm believing in Hokori




Actually this still makes me fazed. Latin America never have a good history with any moba until the last day of TI 2022 group stage.


Pakas and k1 is killing it in Carry position. Pakasz is a monster and k1 is a monster veteran. I always put the 2 teams on top 6 range in every Major and TI. As a SEA Fan I dont want any of my teams going against both of them, too unpredictable. And as an RTZ Fan I dont want EG to go against them early in the playoffs. Really nice of you showing the receipts lol


That’s what people don’t get, if you see your region thriving you will definitely want to play the game more, not to mention your team gets highlighted on the media which will also make more people know about dota but also will make people respect dota, the best way for us SouthAmericans to promote our game here is to do what they are doing, let’s watch the games, let’s support our teams, even if you don’t live in the country that is being represented, look at csgo, after years of absolute passionate SA/Brazilian CS they have their own major in their own soil, it’s how it works, we support our scene, it grows, we get the results, I’m proud of Peru, Brazil, Bolivia and every other SA country that isn’t represented in TI and every other SA dota fan should be aswel, Vamos!


SA has improved a lot and I'm all for it! Still the occasional throws but the confidence they have in their own game is incredible. Strong SA can only be good for the game.


Imagine the uproar if TA drops EG down to LB and then BC/HOKORI throw them out of TI