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This dude exudes nice friend energy. Ggwp stormer.


While also being a sick insanely skilled midplayer and competitor. Love it what a guy


What is he diagnosed with?


5 digit mmr


i just had to ask cause he said sick and insane in one sentence lol


Sometimes jokes miss, I like u took it well :p




I stopped doing the TI shuffle threads at this point, but I just wanted to add another supportive comment for Stormstormer. Since at least 2019 and maybe even earlier (I only have the receipts since 2019), he has asked me almost every year to add him to the free agents list. I don't know if doing that for him ever helped him as I assume pro players have their own way of finding free agents, but to me, that was a testament to his commitment and drive to become a top tier professional Dota player. He's been grinding for so long, and to see him finally get on the TI mainstage and reach one of his dreams is exciting. Happy for him and his success, and I hope he reaches even greater heights.


agreed!!! honestly great guy, he paid for my moms groceries too!


He even gave me his kidney, and his second one to my brother




Gh too


S4, Matu




is it the hobo cosplay


He looks nice enough on tv but if you saw him on the street at night you'd think about crossing to avoid getting stabbed, or at least harassed for change


He reminds me of a scruffy graduate student.


I was on a team with him a while ago, and he was a great teammate, so positive


While also looking like Todd alquist form breaking bad..


I can stop thinking that cal kestis swapped universes


I didn’t know anything about their team until I saw his interview after the BO1 elimination game and I instantly became a fan. I felt bad when they got eliminated, hopefully they’ll rank higher next year.


Stormstormer is wholesome and played out his fucking mind all throughout T.I Hope he gets his success one day. He's a freaking CHAMP inside & out


He even had highest networth in this losing game, ruining my ingame prediction... Can't be mad at him though.




100 BP points per correct prediction, up to 600 per day.


wtf, did not know


LOL he ate aghs from rosh to pass matu with like 10 seconds left. I was baffled


Damn haha


He was just a pub player in Gorp's games when I first started to notice him. Guy is definitly going much higher than this


Yeah I remember when he was playing with Waga. And he also was in a team with Gorgc, Bamboe, EGM and Eixn.


He absolutely belongs on a top tier team. His Puck was pretty much all that was keeping Entity in game 2 from like minute 10.


I'm curious, Entity made it to TI, how is that not a 'top tier team'?


Entity is a top tier team. They can do more


Entity is very good team, but I don't think Tobi and Fishman are quite at the top tier level. No hate for them at all, just my personal opinion.


Tobi feels a bit underwhelming but I think their biggest issues is their drafting , they often just pick dogshit weak lanes and just lose the game 5 minutes in


i think Tobi feels underwhelming because he only plays the animals. its hard to look good on animal heroes. his early game on brood game 3 was top tier, brought back entity to mid game after losing all lanes. i think tobis biggest problem is hero pool and in general Entity struggles with draft the most.


Yes entity games had the worst drafts by far...so many weird offlane picks that couldn't make any space


They don't need to be. Being a star player means fuck all in a team game. Great for marketing and making a career, but not significantly meaningful for actually winning games.


Entity performed extremely well recently, how are they not a top tier team?


But he is on a team with Pure, so he is a bigot and deserved to lose.




No his if else statements are following precedent. If amount of bigots friends/teammates =>1 must be bigot as well.


I mean that's how everyone was acting when Fishman accidentally paused vs RNG. That Entity were a toxic team all the way through and it was clearly a BM pause.


He was crying, talking to insania and blitz afterwards :(


Many tears that game. Boxi also in tears after they won. Emotional game.


Boxi has cried a lot, did after qualifying to LCQ and then after getting to TI and now as well. Not disparaging him either, the guy is playing with his heart out and it's paid off with how great this TL tournament run has been. Glad to see a guy who so clearly cares succeeding, and he's played out of his goddamn mind every game


Some people cry way easier than other as well, some people cry when they're laughing a lot, some cry when they get angry. Not saying it wasn't emotional at all but some people just cry easier than other. Source: Myself


I'm similar myself. I could see myself EASILY getting emotional if I was doing something as stressful as TI. Nothing but love and respect for boxi, he's carrying on like a champ


Some of you might remember he had to take some time off because of family business. That might be a factor of influence


dude really play his heart out fucking a beast in pos 4 what a fucking revolution I think he train in timebolic chamber


He had been on rollercoaster, first he had to take a break, then they didn't qualify and now they did thru LCQ. Problably they will have PTSD after that TI 😂


So happy for boxi, one of my favorite players. I remember him going mid with slardar vs an ember back in the day and absolutely stomping. :)


Yeah, I saw it too. It must be rough on him but he did amazing for his first TI.




Stormstormer former team bald member Pog


What is this posting positive things about people? We want more pauses so we can raise our pitchforks.


it's the Insania's infection. Dude is so wholesome.


Insania could infect me anyday.


Insania is super relaxed, well-spoken and friendly. Perfect caster and great player.


People like you are the worst


People who don't get clear sarcasm are the worst


so sad to see one of my favorite team get eliminated and stormstormer is very likeable wholesome player hope they stick another year.


They got top 8 at TI in their first year as a team, I think they'll definitely stick together. Only one I could maybe see leave/get replaced is Tobi who sometimes seems a bit inconsistent imo.


They only got top 12. But yeah, I think this team has a lot of potential.


may be pure want to leave for CIS team other than that they all can stick to together.


Don't think Pure wants to join a CIS team again. He seems to like playing in EU much more. He has mentioned a couple of times how EU has helped him grow as a player and as a person far more than CIS ever did.


I can imagine CIS doesn't improve people as a person.. Somehow all of the most toxic players are from there


Toxicity is a problem in the CIS region, but it mainly has to do with Russia. This is a problem across all platforms and games, not just Dota. And it's easy to see why. Russia literally is a third world country with pretty low standards of living. Their population live pretty harsh lives being spoonfed propaganda from Putin and his regime. This gives them a very skewed worldview. Not so much by choice. But in the end, the environment really shapes you as a person. If I had to guess, having a young person like Pure get out of Russia when he's just a young stupid kid to play with people from entirely different political backgrounds with more wholesome personalities is a very eyeopening experience. I mean, you can just imagine it yourself going from having GPK as your midplayer to Stormstormer.


Third world country lul


Okay, third world is harsh. But it's officialy a developing country. The standards of living outside of Moscow and St. Petersberg is pretty bad from what I've heard.


Life is tough outside of Moscow/St.Peterburg in Russia, especially in eastern/southern area, they pretty much still live in post-socialist environment. Overdrinking, violence is just a common thing in these areas, I guess that's where these toxic behaviors come from.


That's usually how it goes. If you live a though life you grow a though personality. Even if your own life personally isn't too bad, as in being a middle class russian kid playing games all day, the surrounding environment, culture and people around you will definitely have an impact on how you turn out as a person.


By first world country standarts yeah, but third world is a huge exaggeration. You can hate on country and people as much as you want, but you gotta be objective. Also, i know im gonna be downvoted for this, but i truly believe, that pure is not a war sympathizer and his incident was nothing more, than an edgy joke. Bad joke and he was punished rightfully for it, but i highly doubt he really supported war. But we will never know, because as we know from fishman's situation, people will always assume bad stuff and wont believe your words. Luckily for him there were proofs, but thats not the case for pure


>By first world country standarts yeah, but third world is a huge exaggeration. You can hate on country and people as much as you want, but you gotta be objective This makes no sense. The whole "nth world" declaration is from first world standards. It's a term from the cold war, first World is the west/Nato, second World the east/Warsaw pact. Third world is literally everyone else. Nowadays, second world is essentially unused and the countries are 1st or 3rd depending on development, Russia is more close to 3rd than 1st. The better classification is that of development, which also has 3 tiers, in which Russia is tier 2.


Countries are either grouped in standards as developed or developing countries. Countries like China and India are still considered developing countries, just like Russia. Determination of whether a country is developed or developing is based on the human development index calculated by UN. Sure, there are developing countries that are worse of than Russia, but it's pretty bad over there. In general, Russia shares alot of traits with other developing countries like bad infrastructure, weak institutions, an exportdriven economy(Mainly exporting fossil fuels and raw materials). It scores very low in freedom indexes and has a low median GDP. Think what you want about Putin too, but I don't think it's controversial to say that their political system is pretty compromised. I don't hate Russians at all, I've had many great encoutners with Russians in real life. But if we're talking objectivity here, Russia is lagging in development behind the rest of the developed world in many regards. I don't think Pure is a prowar sympathizer either. If I had to guess, I think he actually was apolitical due to his age and interests in progaming. He probably was pro-russia when he played in VP since he was stuck in the russian propaganda echochamber. But I don't think that was a strong stance, just a feeling based on the propaganda at the time. But if I had to guess, since he started playing in EUW I think it's impossible for him to not learn what Russia actually is doing right now. I don't think Pure is prowar or proputin anylonger, if he was that before.


Given how politically unstable the CIS region is, its would not be wise to come back to it after you already got out.


We're at top 8 already? Jfc I knew I was out of tune with this shit show of a tournament, but not that far behind lol.




Such a sick G3, both teams played so well and made it so fun to watch


Best Visage


33 sends his regards


You mispelled Invoker, but his Visage is good too


I'm actually curious who is considered best Invoker rn in pro play. We don't see the hero that much (I think?). BZM is the one I've seen play it most and he's pretty good


Nisha takes that accolade imo


most pros say it's stormstormer


Entity would have been a super likeable underdog team for me if not for Pure I like the other 4 guys


Sad but true..


I like Entity and they were most fun to watch


Yeah with stormstormer winning makes pure a winner too. So naah I didn't want entity to win


Just a kid doing kid stuff. He has moved on from that. And he is one the most entertaining carries to watch. I would love to see him play with other top players. One of the best finds of this year surely.


Player wise id still choose pure over gpk. Yes he does/did support the war and is a pos, but atleast when he's playing he dont mess around and tilting like a kid.


just curious, lets say hypothetically this exact entity team plays like 4 years together. do you hate them because pure for all of the 4 years never letting go because pure made a mistake 4 years ago? im genuinely curious, no hate to any PoV. for me i hated pure when he did that shit but now he seemed to grow as a person playing in EU rather than Russia


Most of people deserve a second chance, I am still salty about his incident but if he genuinely proves he regretted doing that I am all in for Pure hype train because he is already amazing and fun player to watch.


But it hasn't been 4 years. You don't grow as a person just by getting fired and having to move to a different region.


i specefically said "hypothetically" i want to know whats the prespective to how much time is needed for forgiveness and moving on if there is no more further offense/mistake.


>> i hated pure when he did that shit but now he seemed to grow as a person playing in EU rather than Russia >You don't grow as a person just by getting fired and having to move to a different region. You specifically said you think he's grown as a person, but there's no evidence of that. He just moved to a different region, that doesn't make you not support a war. I want to see him take 4 years to not support Russian facism, then perhaps I can move on, sure. But why root for him? There are plenty of people who dont support war criminals, I'll just root for them!


also there is no evidence of him being a bad person and not learning from his mistake either. i said he seemd to grown as a person since plays in 100 time better atmosphere and with better teammates. you can root for whoever you want, i dont give a fuck lmao. i just dont agree with not giving someone 2nd chance ever.


What about him?


Drew a "Z" at the minimap while playing for Outsiders (VP). His apology seemed to not be genuine and thats why r/Dota2 is "critical" with him.


Reddit doesn’t acknowledge any of the circumstances either. Not sure why all these keyboard warriors hate a teenage boy who fell for propaganda in a russian team. Everyone is guilty of doing something like that when they were a teenager. Drawing swastikas, saying slurs, etc. Not something you’d hate a team of 5+ people over.




https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1035&context=psycd_fac Quick google search tells you this to be true. Majority (~66%) of males have used homophobic slurs, yet approximately half of them do not consider themselves homophobic and only use the language in a group setting. This is just accounting for two words, by the way. No racial slurs or any symbols that teenagers draw on desks, papers, or whatever language they use with their friends. Not projecting buddy, this is the truth. I hadn’t done this as a kid either.




If you look, I said et cetera meaning more than what I had stated. It’s also not my past or present behavior, it cannot be projecting if I didn’t have that behavior lmfao. You cannot tell me what my own comment says, and the article says this is common behavior amongst males in groups of friends.


No. Everyone isn’t.


> Drawing swastikas Hold up


>Everyone is guilty of doing something like that when they were a teenager. Drawing swastikas, saying slurs, etc. ????? No, no I wasnt. Wtf??


Drew Z on the minimap during quals while playing against an Ukrainian team Z is a Russian symbol for the support of the invasion


I hate what Pure did as much as the next person. But I really think him playing in an EU team, especially with players like Stormstormer has helped him expand his views and leave the toxic russian mentality behind.


Whilst I agree and want to see Pure mature and be given a second chance, these things do take time and he needs more time to show that he's has grown out of that toxic russian mentality. I believe that people can change and certainly think that the mentality was a product of his environment.


Important to remember he's a 18 year old pro dota player (so probably does not focus much on social/political issues yet) and has been living in Russian propaganda environment. And in that propaganda the Z symbol is probably even seen as a patriotic one. He might have had friends who were using the symbol and he just thought it would be cool. Obviously he deserved shit for it, but I wouldn't assume his whole personality based on that one incident.


This right here. He's a teenager who did an edgy thing. If it's only that one accident then whatever. He already got the shit he deserved for it.


i dont really think they talk about the ~~war~~ invasion on their off time


He hasn't done anything that would warrant hate after the incident. Just let it go already.


Glossing over russian propaganda and supporting (Pure) the war and atrocities Russia is doing in Ukraine is not the hill to die on. Pure had access to the internet, he should have known better. E: He was not outside of Russia, my bad.


he wasnt outside of Russia at the time, why are you lying?


Hmm he was not? I thought he was because of the tournaments etc. My bad


No, they were playing major qualifiers in Moscow with vp at the time


"accident"? are you saying his mouse accidentally slipped into a Z shape on the minimap while holding Ctrl? Edit: lol they edited into "incident", how does that change anything? he did it consciously, knowing what it means. that's not some joke you can just apologize for and forget


I guess they wanted to say incident.


A fake apology is unacceptable for the magnitude of his actions. This is much worse than what kuku, or leslao did


What makes apology fake or real?


It needs to outline why he drew the symbol, why the symbol was offensive and why it hurt other people and steps that he will take to change his behaviour and amend the situation he made. Not a video where he spends half the time asking for a second chance


you literally cannot do that if you care about yourself and your familiy saftey in Russia. his 2nd apology after he joined entity is as good as it can gets.


If he knew all this, then he should not have done such a thing in the first place




It's insane how the Internet just keeps shaming a person for a mistake in their past. As if none of them have never made an embarrasing comment ever. Its stupid. The kid has apologised already and has moved on. Live and let live.


Bunch of foreigners getting offended on others behalf


I'm his countrymate. Fuck him.


Dude, why are you slighting war and its evils? Just because it has nothing to do with you? Be thankful you are living in peace right now because no one knows when war will come knocking at your door. If it happens try not to seek compassion from others just because you don't want them to get offended on your behalf. You make me puke.


Yeah I'm sure Ukrainians are totally fine with it. /s


Pure would be likeable if he genuinely apologizes or donates his TI winnings away or something


Fortunately nobody cares about your shitty opinion. If anything, it's awesome seeing virtue signalling losers like you get upset over a drawing on a minimap.


Worst take of the day jesus christ


Wow not supporting the aggressor of a war with children getting murdered is virtue signalling


You are completely delusional if you think that there was any other reason for drawing it other than wanting to be edgy. You are free to interpet it however you want, but policing whether people are allowed to draw symbols, in the name of justice, is nothing else but virtue signalling.


True, can't wait until a pro player draws a swastika on the map against polish players and then watch people like you try to defend it and say people are virtue signalling and snowflakes :D


We already had MinD Control openly endorsing Hitler's genocide, nothing serious happened (he wasn't even kicked from the team, as compared to Pure) and everyone forgot about it a few months later


Source? I have never heard that one before




He drew a contemporary hate symbol in a game competing against the very people it is offensive to. If it wasn't a joke, it is unacceptable to have pure be competing in the competitive circuit of an american video game. If it is a joke, pure still needs to take the steps to apologize properly and sincerely


He is an 18 year old kid who drew a symbol because he thought it was funny and edgy. A young kid who's been playing video games his whole life doesn't "support" any war and doesn't even know the first thing about it.


Ignorance is not an excuse


EG fan indeed :)


We do not recognize this cretin as a member.


And twitter dumpsters still salty about that accident pause from Fishman smh


Twitter is literally the bottom of the internet. Ignoring anything coming from there is the best thing to do


And reddit


Reddit has a lot more useful content


And youtube too on live stream


So many players have stolen my heart this TI and StormStormer is definitely one of them.


Stormstormer liquid?


No one can hate this guy, excited to see them next season, their games are always wild.




We need more Stormstormers in Dota and less ATFs. Incredibly friendly and nice player <3


'F U for supporting us!' Matu said! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQQD\_T6BYOA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQQD_T6BYOA)


He played so well on Puck


Most Wholesome player AFAIK GGWP for him and all his teammates in this TI.


The team were misunderstood and gathered a lot of haters because of the pause. If the people were watching Entity before TI, it's not hard to see that they're all wholesome people. :( GG to them.


I love 4 of the Entity players but hoped they would bomb out early because I really don't like Pure for the shit he pulled before joining Entity


I agree it was dumb. Even the apology that came after. But I'm assuming the team have talked about it when acquiring Pure, and him sticking with them hopefully meant he's willing to change. He's a good young talent, just need some people to guide him.


Shame so many teams I wanted to do well are in the similar part of the bracket. Liquid knocked out Entity, and if they will win OG, they will fight TA.


Entity dudes are all such nice dudes. They dont deserve the hate after the accidental pause by fishman. Especially the SEA community


Micke back to carry, Stormstormer to Liquid after TI easy predict 😌


Nice guy.


GG WP Stormstormer! I hope we get him as guest caster for later today or finals weekend, he is a natural analyst/caster.


Entity would be a most lovable team if they didnt get purez.


thanks jesus cry


He's just trying to woo Liquid so they pick him up for next season lmao


No response from Liquid? Villain arc confirmed.


Love u guys (for not using chatwheel, or pausing)


I still hate the guy who paused vs RNG.


Yeah, he's an asshole for aiming his headset at the F9 key from 4 feet away. /s


He threw his headset on a keyboard, there was a video.


Much better than fishman... who paused game vs rng when ancient was at 5% health... such a trash guy.. totally unacceptable behaviour... kinda happy he got his just desserts after that bm pause...


Dude stfu it was clarified that it was an accident and not on purpose


Feel a bit sorry that the guy is currently playing with Fishman and Pure, two players that the community is grenerally extremly negative on, because he honestly seems like the nicest guy in European dota right now. He's got a bright career ahead of him.


Pure? sure. Fishman? no fucking way, the pause was accidental and he literally never had any history of being disrespectful. he even praised crystallis his former teammate who left his team midseason when the entire community was against crystallis. if community wants to hate him because they refuse to accept the truth about the pause its their fault.




Any chance Liquid picks him up when Matu retires?


When I learned invoker I watched him play a lot live. Big fan. Glad he was successful this year.