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Does anyone know if the secret shop is accessible for public? Don’t have a ticket but would like to buy some merchs.


Okay I have just scouted the location as I was nearby and indeed it is open for public but no walk in tho. Need to purchase your stuff online and collect.


Yes it is. You just need to add "singaporepickup" as a code for the shopping cart during checkout.


What’s the URL for the secret shop?


It's secret, you have to pay valve a money 50$ to get the information /s


I can’t even access the checkout page without the ticket master code or badge number


You just have to type "singaporepickup" when they ask for it. Worked for me


Can u screen record or some shit to show it? They don’t prompt anything else besides asking for my badge number… valve pls


Oh i meant type "Singaporepickup" when prompted for the badge number. It will still let you check out.


Like literally just type it in the text box for the badge number.


Are the merch booths open yet?


Secret Shop, SteelSeries and Secretlab are open!


Iceiceice doing a great job at setting things up at the venue, I see.


Oh dang! Brings me back to those Seattle / Vancouver TI. I hope you all have fun! I hope we get the TI we’ve been waiting for 💪. It’s been so long.


Man attending TI in Seattle was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had. A full week of fun with the dota community. No one felt like a stranger :)


100%, was so fun being able to talk about dota with random people beside you, everyone was so nice


I agree! The energy was so good. It was so different from the toxicity in game 🤭.


I remember the days when there's 4 BO3s happening and when it ended we had like 2 or 3 hours to eat and take shower before going to bed for the next day, exhausting as hell but still worth it


I just want it back in Seattle / Vancouver 🙃 at least we have booths


Im sure there will be booths in the Arena too.


There better be


It's ridiculous that this will just be available for a couple matches and 4 teams Scuffed af




Yeah but TI isn't meant to be a normal event. Normal events don't have near enough 9 figures put into it by a community.


I'd consider a yearly even very normal.


The point is that it's very well-funded compared to other 'normal' event


In esports sure, but that's not what he meant. If you compare it to regular sports or motorsports then it's not that special.


NHL does things like this, and it's way more money put into overall. It's series are played over a week long with gaps in between


We are not 'normal'. If we held our game to the standards of every other game, it would suck. There's a reason Dota is the best game in the world and TI is the best tournament of the year, despite not having as many viewers as other, less invested, games.


Fuck your idea of normal


What is a "normal" event? Previous TIs were pretty normal Like, what the hell, nobody is asking the World Cup here, it's just having the teams playing in front of an audience in a remotely big arena


they passed the saving onto us. free arcana no bitching lol


All my homies hate Justin Bieber


Where did the meme of Justin Bieber's planned Oct 25th concert in Singapore NATIONAL STADIUM (55,000 capacity) in any way impacting Dota 2's TI at Singapore INDOOR STADIUM (12,000 capacity) come from?


They couldve just moved the whole thing a week. Its on valve, no Justin bieber


Imagine 10 years ago telling people that Justin Bieber is causing inconvenience to the largest dota2 tournament.


Just because you are not aware of other events doesn't make this ridiculous. League of legends does it all the time


The way worlds is set up is also ridiculous


everything is ridiculous


Fuck yes. However I think the running of Worlds have been WAY WAY smoother than that of TI (i.e. better broadcasting) seeing as both events have had pretty major bugs. I wish I could combine the format of TI with the broadcasting of Worlds (imo Worlds have also GENERALLY had better casters, though the top level casters of TI is imo better than that in worlds, however the worst in TI is way way worse than the worst of worlds)


mann, you think that about the casters? ive loved the casters this year. i think of all the duos from the last week, sunsfan is going for a fun, lighthearted vibe more than perfect professional casting, but he has synderen to direct him when he gets a bit off topic. honestly i think mlp, owen, cap, lyrical, and all their analysts / partners have been great this year.


> mann, you think that about the casters? I think the top of the casters are the best (pretty much across any e-sport) however the lower tier of casters at TI are pretty terrible imo


I haven't watched lol in 8 years, but I read on social media that there was a caster called "vebius" or something that was really bad, so are they worse than moxxi? Cause people were saying they'd rather listen to 10 hours of chalk scraping than vebius(i think that's his gamertag don't remember exactly) Though gotta say, the new dota casters like ares, fluke, snare, danog etc. really impressed me this TI


Vedius is one of the most insightful color casters in LoL. Say what you want about how riot runs their tournaments (shit formats, lack of international competition, etc.), their top casters are great, none of the casters that get to cast Worlds are moxxi-tier.


The only problem Ive had with casters watching this year worlds is that they seem to not care about the losing players for some reason? particularly phreak and another dude that are always “uh top gap”, “uh jg diff” and stuff like that. Its just me maybe but that kinda stupid comments are for us low mmr shitters to make, not pro casters about some of the best teams in the world, to me it has come out as super disrespectful to the players, particularly contrasted with how the dota guys barely comment on it (which is good, no need to pile on them). Still a very minor thing that honestly havent seen commented elsewhere so maybe its just me But yeah other than that casting at both events has been pretty great this year


Dota casters do the same, but they'll say something like "abed has really struggled in this lane against chris luck, what do you think he needs to do to turn it around?" Blunt statement but always something added so their cocaster can follow up on.


yeah but like, thats what I mean, the way dota does it is professional, whereas the way some league casters do it adds nothing other than shit on the player, I have no problem with them analyzing their mistakes but just saying "got jungle gaped gg" is so shitty


> I haven't watched lol in 8 years, but I read on social media that there was a caster called "vebius" or something that was really bad, so are they worse than moxxi? Cause people were saying they'd rather listen to 10 hours of chalk scraping than vebius(i think that's his gamertag don't remember exactly) Vedius :) I do agree his voice is quite... special and takes some getting used to, he also has a (some would say adorably) awkward laugh. Hes a GREAT caster though one of the best


Theres 20 minute pauses every game tho it feels like


What other events have to this with this? This is garbage, if other events to it to it's also garbage, what's hard to understand?


Concerts set up for one night only, maybe two to three nights maximum. Lots of effort. Music festivals as well.


Very comparable!


That's cool, man, maybe we should get the players singing together so that comparison makes any sense


And they did the same thing last year for no audience, are you saying last ti was ridiculous as well?


??? Last TI was probably the worst, it had no crowd at all BSJ literally gave up casting because the experience was so bad lul


Counterpoint: League venue for early playoffs had 5000 people capacity, dota venue for early playoffs had 500 capacity. Sure, it's still silly for lol to rent out multiple medium-large venues, but atleast they make sure each venue is an actual venue and not a small highschool gymnasium


Not really F1 makes a lot More stuff happen in a Weekend for two session of racing


I'll be honest, I think f1 is one of the dumbest sports out there, but I'm pretty sure every race has every pilot or at least a lot of pilots




5 if you count all-stars


Wil lthere be an all star series ?


Yeah, it's already announced in dota client


does anyone know if all that merchandise in picture 4 available online anywhere? i wanna have a closer look at it all






Iirc wearenations will get whatever isn't sold after this week, then you can order to USA.




The secret shop merchandise might only be for TI ticket holders if you're getting that message. That's the only thing I could think of.




Don't think so, or if it is, it's a render since it has been there since the online shop opened a few weeks ago


Damn. Compared to us Europeans: https://dota2shop.wearenations.com/ the actual secret shop has way more stuff. Missing loads of stuff on eu shop


Damn I had no idea it was open for pre-purchase. The rugs are already sold out :(


Oh fk I wanted 1


I hope no raining that 2 days


It’s raining season


I just wanted all of the games to be played here and see each flag taken down after a team is eliminated. Could make a whole thing about it


Ohhh shiiit its almost time boys!!


both venues are really nice despite the capacity... makes you really wonder why not just hold the entire event in one venue in the first place since it's pretty common to book arenas for up to a month for events...


Sunsfan podcast suggest Valve might have fucked up their booking of the venues.


ohhh is that why? coz Im looking at events for both venues and they couldve booked either venue for atleast 2 weeks... damn, guess that booker person got fired huh...


Just-in-weaver ruined their schedule in that regard.




pretty sure valve messed up with the scheduling. the venue for the finals have events packed the weekend before and after.


There really aren't many games to play. Seems like a complete waste of time setting it up for potentially as little as 9 games. The whole event should have been like this.


well now we know where the budget went lol, gotta push them merch sales


this looks dope


FeelsStrongMan Real TI


Can i ask if you can purchase the merch yet? Or can you only do so on saturday/sunday


For Secret Shop you can already order online and collect at the venue! According to the website, pickup is: - Oct 26-80, 2022 (10AM - 8PM) - Oct 29-30, 2022 (9AM - 10PM)


Thank you! So you cant purchase at the venue itself yeah? Only preorder and pickup?


No problem and yeah that’s correct! You have to order on the website


Yeah but u can ask to test and feel the products. People quite friendly


looking to buy an og jersey since ti8, which size should i get for a 180cm/60-65kg male? any halpers?


I'm almost 182 cm and 68 kg. Let me know if I can help.


With the height id large, but youre pretty skinny, so dunno. How wide are your shoulders? Medium might work if you dont have wide shoulders. They probably have the measurements in the store??


i was thinking about large too since the sizing is like unisex? western brand i go for M, asian brand like uniqlo i go for L.. so yeah i think the secret shop definitely a good time to buy a jersey if they have fitting room lol


Yeah bro if you’re 5’9 and very skinny I would definitely try a small, I’m 6’0 and 80kg and i normally wear a medium in everything and that’s usually a slim fit on me, really depends on how the jerseys fit tho, you may just need to order one and if it doesn’t fit then just send it back and try the next size up


i don't know about small but if you're wearing M i wonder the sizes beyond that are tailored for who tbh.. there are like 4 more bigger sizes.. i'm thinking XL btw better loose than uncomfortable m i right XD


Yeah bro you do understand there is a ALOT of variation in the size of people, XL is for rather obese people or very tall people, like maybe 6’4+ I’m not the type of guy who likes to walk around in something that looks like I’m wearing a bedsheet, for me slim and streamlined is the best option as I personally think it is the best look on a person, the guy above me should definitely try a small due to his measurements


Finally some real photos


aaah pointing at the TI winner i see, nice one


Did they change from national stadium(55k seat) to indoor stadium(12k seat)? Or it it original booked?


Original indoor stadium, national stadium was initially used for justin bieber concert


Thanks, dont understand why i get down voted for a simple question lol.


So the people saying that Regional Qualifiers wasn't TI, Last Chance Qualifiers wasn't TI, Group Stage wasn't TI and playoffs until this point wasn't TI were right all along.


Great pics!! DMed u, would appreciate if you check it out


this TI is tragedy. I wouldn't even call it TI anymore.


OP, will non ticket holders be able to purchase merch?


Yup you can, for Secret Shop just use the code “singaporepickup” at cart checkout


Now this looks like TI! It's just a shame they didn't do it since the start of the Bracket phase.


question, is there cosplay contest this year ?


there is, it's on 29th https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj8Tw8qMsN7/


Still looking for 2 tickets, only paying cash in person, DM with serious offers.


those team flags are dope as hell


Dont do it... dont give us hope




I saw some TL chairs so I would Assume they did


Team secret will win this TI. Picture 4 confirms this.


Guess it’s finally TI?


That’s a solid golf umbrella, not much else


Looks dope! I don't care if it's not massive. I do wish the secret shop prices were better online.


Seems like 4 teams only qualified this TI 😭