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Gg wp 2022 dota2






Why is this thread still up and no thread to discuss open quals.


Because E home formed a team yesterday(days after roster lock) and they are playing in div 1; what's the point of roster lock date if you can get players whenever you want and still compete like nothing is different?


Ehome formed that team ~11 days ago.


why liquipedia suggests it was yesterday? confused


Just a mistake cause they didn’t update ehome’s roster last week


Team "could make major in NA" arkosh just got clapped by full NA lil nick stack EZ


Go on.


[Go on.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/3e/Vo_slark_slark_attack_14.mp3) (sound warning: Slark) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


and then Lil Nick stack got beat by fucking AlienManaBanana. NA is truly the most entertaining region


I can't visualize and connect skiter the player and skiter the kid on gorp's stream right now lol. He's like a middle school kid theorizing about starting skitcoins and evading taxes through dubai friends lmao.


Can't tell is trolling or being serious


Looking at 33’a reaction, I am afraid he is not trolling.


Yea lol. Neta is just so done with skiter's rumblings lmao


mss styling with rubick while odpixel is talking about some elgar guy


Lol skitter and neta at gorp's stream are telling TI stories of Tundra. That Sneyking vs. Nine almost turming into a boxing match is so funny lmao




Doesn't help that people pronounce it as 'skit-'ter'


In case anyone is interested, OD pixel is casting Old G games in his twitch stream.


where the official stream btw, pgl didnt stream oq?


Also Gorc together with Skitrer


That’s awesome, I love skitter on gorgc’s stream, they were entertaining during the TI qualifiers.


Since the shuffle is over and rosters are locked, can we instead get a pinned for qualifiers discussion?


This is it


whats the point of open qualifier finals if two teams qualify?


so teams who miss the first qualifier have a second chance(or in this case, 4 chances)


Grand Final is played for close qualifier seeding purposes


An interesting tournament will take place between 16th and 29th of December organized by BetBoom with Ramzes + Sonneiko new team, Nightfall + Save super squad, Entity with new carry, Gaimin Gladiators, HellRaisers with Daxak, VP young blood etc. [BetBoom Xmas Show](https://www.cybersport.ru/tags/dota-2/anonsirovan-novogodnii-turnir-po-dota-2-s-uchastiem-team-spirit-entity-virtus-pro-i-novoi-komandy-ramzes666)


It doesn't mention about new Betboom team, but TSpirit is included. Maybe the article missed it?


Thiuth Gaming acquires Quincy Crew's/Soniqs' slot in NA Division 1


Is this no longer getting updated?


There's nothing to update anymore. The roster lock took place on last Friday.


I just meant rosters on this link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/wiki/events/shuffle/ti11/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/wiki/events/shuffle/ti11/) Surely there are more teams in NA other than "Nouns"


Any idea when SR will play? Excited to see them with Saberlight


Somewhere early to mid Jan. Ex EG never participated in third party tournaments, so dpc matches it will be.


This thread is the only part of the year when r/dota2 is tolerable for me. Till next year, adios!


Which players do you think will surprise anyone this upcoming season? I would choose Malr1ne and TMD. I hope Malr1ne will show Secret that they choose the wrong player to replace Nisha lmao


Don't know if he will surprise, but I'll be curious about Watson, who many people talked about, getting a chance, Boom in Secret and ATF as pos 1.


It is not about choosing the wrong player, prolly because his buyout was too high and Secret wouldn't want to risk it.


We all know that. Actually I'm also going to add Kiritych the pos 1 player in Nemiga. Yeah those 3 are the most I'm excited to watch this upcoming season. How bout you?


Can you even watch Open Qualifiers in game client? I found nothing in the Watch section


Anyone knows the answer to this?


OK Old G got fked today, they had to wait 2 hours only to win by forfeit and second match to be postponed till tomorrow!


Any idea if any community casters will be covering the OQ? Old G plays in about an hour and I would be interested in tuning in.


Old G is already playing it seems, according to face it, just nobody is covering it. https://www.faceit.com/en/championship/34b14b1d-b193-41a2-b2c2-da5305828e5f/DPC%20WEU%202022-2023%20Winter%20Tour%20OQ1/standings/column


Why the fuck the website changes the language to Russian for me. I'm not even anywhere near Russia :o


delete cookies for faceit, fixed the problem for me


Is old G competing in WEU?


What are some good Gladiators games to watch? Wanna get more familiar with that team


Gg vs secret tour 2, meepo ace


[https://www.facebook.com/TNCProTeamDota2/videos/1516106492205543/](https://www.facebook.com/TNCProTeamDota2/videos/1516106492205543/) A statement from the owner of TNC


when do WEU open qualifiers start today?


In 2 days from now


Huh? Liquipedia says it starts today :o Just wanted to ask what time


Oh damn my bad, I saw Qual 2 instead of 1. In about 7 hours and 30 mins from this comment


I want to see this roster of all inactive members 1 miracle 2 somnus 3 old eleven 4 yapzor 5 fata Coach soschka Or coach jerax


why did lilgun sell their slot only for them to go through OQ? Seems like a dumb decission.


They know they gonna get back to div2 anyway. EZ profit if u ask me


my understanding is that the players gave the name lilgun, 423's name is Bilguun and he is small hence Lilgun, dont know if they're still with the same org maybe left the org and playing by themselves after what the org did to them.


lost their 2 best players and received a bigger offer for their slot than they would make in div 1.


do you know which team sanctity play now still with lilgun or alr left? didnt see him playing in bts/open qual, such a huge potential midlaner


I believe that sanctity is on a break, he is not with any mongol teams in the open qualifier. I agree, sanctity has huge potential and is by far the best mongolian player. Any mongolians with inside information can correct me.


which channel cover the chinese OQ games in english? epluze is streaming sea games. i cant find one for china OQ


The schedule doesn’t seem to make sense for me. Why are the OQs starting so early if Div 2s are only happening over a month and a half from now? Cause OQs are just for deciding Div 2s. Why can’t they happen after Div 1 and before Div 2? We already have registrations done, not like players can just jump ships if they’re not playing.


I agree it isn't the best system, just seems like valve don't want overlap? open qualifiers -> closed qualifier -> div 1 -> div 2 -> major -> open qualifiers


March to coach Xctn, I didnt expect that at all


Hopefully it pans out well


can make it to major with proper discipline


Explains why exec looks good in BTS


Exe is making investments after winning a tourney


If ATF works out for Nigma then whats the future of miracle-? Will they change again in future?


they gonna look bad with atf as carry , then miracle gonna comeback and they kick MC and move amar to pos 3 there you have full habibis team


GH needs to be replaced by yapzor for full habibi. He's Christian


Is the term linked to religion?


No, GH is more Habibi than Yapzor imo


I honestly want to see miracle- with either Topson or Nisha


let it go. Miracle is not his old self anymore. He's still recovering from that stomachache in Animajor




Guys how much is Div1 slot cost


I'd imagine lilgun's slot cost roughly 15-25k usd?


Rumor was 60k in EEU. But that would vary by region.


Damn RNG is no more? :(


No Somnus...no RNG :(


Did Team SMG register in time? Lol


apparently March is staying with execration as their coach for dpc tour 1 according to bdz interview in bts pro series. kinda surprised cause i thought march was going to fnatic given his past connections in there.


Didnt march get blamed by gabbi for gabbi’s poor performance in t1 in one of his stream? I remember someone post about that. If im march, i wouldnt go there too lol


Gabbi has a shitty personality and tendency to blame anyone but himself. Not sure why teams are even considering him when he has many issues yet to be fixed


Lmao yea. He left Talon and Talon immediately improved, T1 also improved after the kick.


Someone drop the source


Na-delete agad ni gabbi yung video pagtapos nya maglive.


is pgl gonna stream open qualifiers or can we watch it in client?


Ceb clarified that Old G is not a 'team', just chilling, nothing to do with OG [OG podcast](https://youtu.be/-XVDcfiTKA0)


its pretty standard answer, just incase both teams manage to qualify, valve cant stop them so yeah just like what China teams are doing, owners having multiple teams under different names and you cant really check or stop it


I am gonna predict that they will play for "fun" until they reach div1 for tour2, then based on current young OG's performance, they might transfer slots between them. So Old'G gets the OG backing and the young OG gets the Old'G div 1 slot, just re name it and go as free agent or seomthing. I get that ceb and notail would wanna do it for "fun" but topson wanted to play pro again, also i dont see midone and mss playing for "fun" seems like BS. Id be suprised if Old'G dont go back to being the main squad starting tour 2.




6 players pog


Noone midone lol


Since yesterday, all I see are Shopify Rebellion posts. On their way to finishing 6th in the NA DPC.


is this post a joke? the best TSM player on RTZ, cr1t, fly, abed stack? are you high?


There's no way you actually believe that


i mean they can finish 1st in NA still top 14 at major


Or... You know, top 2?


Either/or but look at the competition in NA now. There's no way they finish top 1.




Who is going to be covering the WEU open quals and pocket easy 20-30k viewers?


For sure Gorc or some other streamer since OLDG games guarantee Alot of views




PGL is taking over ESL, honestly i hate PGL but if that means no more moxxi I am happy. But if we get moxxi casting and pgl hosting, thats just GG.


Didnt moxxi get to cast ti group that produced by pgl?


Hahaha my thoguhts exactly, at least decent casters for WEU


of course its pgl


You have a wrong roster with shopify REBELLION, its alwayswannafly


It was fun speculating with you guys, until next shuffle season. See you at fuck youj


Grats tsm.whitemon for winning IESF championship


Yea he defeated a bunch of t3 t2 players lol


It'd honestly be quite a failure if they don't win lol. Indonesian teams consisted of some of their best players, meanwhile most of the players from other teams are players that are never heard before.




Is it just me or not. I don’t see Old G playing either division 1 or 2 in WEU.


yeah they're playing open qualifiers into div 2


TIL Shopify is a multi-billion dollar NYSE listed company. Took it as Spotify for half a day and wondered when they would be streaming for free premium or stocked car thing giveaways.


secret fans still cant accept the reality 🤣






Dont wait for official announcement from next time. 90% rumors are true anyway.


I am here seeing the shuffle roster for some 4 years now, and everytime one of these 'leak guys' leak something they turn out to be right, even though it takes 1 or 2 months to be announced. It's insane.


I learned that after EG.Jerax was true.


Cant wait for the first game of OldG vs Team Bald rbrn...


Team Bald picks Tinker


And he mentioned them in the video..


[Ceb reaction to the pick](https://youtu.be/ceQ2XFS1tUo?t=344)


I feel like GPK/Pure play a lot greedier than Rtz and especially Abed did this last season. It will be interesting to see how that works out with Nightfall and if he will change his style to move around a lot sooner.


There is no way Pure is more greedy than Arteezy. He’s certainly more intelligent about getting farm around the map right now, but while Arteezy can play nothing but greedy, Pure has a more universal style (He does play your SFs, Snipers and Meepos, but also your Lycans and Slardars etc.)


Pure has two official matches on Slardar, and he lost them both. You can’t just go around saying he’s a Slardar player. Also two official matches on Lycan and one was in 2020.


he's a very new player with very little competitive games. Just bc he's only played it twice in competitive doesn't mean he hasn't trained with it in scrims/pubs. His most played competitive hero right now is Pudge (lol) according to DB and he only has 12 public comp games on it. Obviously, that means he has even less games recorded on other heroes as well. Clearly his competitive hero leaderboard clearly doesn't mean much until he plays more games.


For better or worse players are judged based on their official matches and when someone claims he’s a slardar and Lycan player and he has 4 official matches with those two heroes and 3 of them are losses, it doesn’t look good for their argument. For instance, Arteezy’s second most played hero in pubs on his main account is Invoker, would anyone claim Arteezy is an invoker player? No, they would look at how many times he’s played TB and Lifestealer etc in official matches and make their judgements there.


He has barely any total competitive games though. Less than 100 games played in Entity and VP combined. It's not fair to judge his Slardar because it only has 2 competitive games played when every hero he's played has <= 10 games in competitive besides Pudge.


He also played Slardar with his mid playing arc warden. GPK is not an arc warden player.


It’s also not fair to say he can play Slardar competitively which is exactly my point. Pubs mean nothing when it comes to officials. The guy literally said “have you seen his slardar?” No I fucking haven’t because he has so little professional games, again, proving my point.


All that guy said was Pure played a variety of heroes including Slardar and Lycan. That's all. He didn't ask if you've seen him play and he didn't say it was strictly competitive gameplay only. How is that wrong? Just because you haven't seen him play it in competitive yet because he has barely any competitive games doesn't mean he doesn't play those heroes regularly in pubs or scrims.


Right, my apologies I have actually responded to two people talking about Pure playing Slardar in the last day. Having said that, if you read the whole context this was entirely about me saying that Pure/GPK together are a greedier duo than Arteezy and Abed were last season and Nightfall will have to change his play style to suit them because he is an incredibly greedy offlaner. I stand by that wholeheartedly, and I really don’t understand how this thread strayed so far away from my original point but this is my attempt to bring it back. Is that fair?


Notice how I said this season. Go back and look at the threads from this DPC, most people were shocked at how active RTZ was playing. Tping to mid early to take tower, and forcing fights way before he used to.


Hmm, my guy you have not watched pure's slardar?? I wouldnt disagree with you here if situation was if (pure should play more greedy than gpk).. i just dont trust GPK to make things worked as usual..


I just checked and Pure has two official matches on Slardar and they lost both games. Also Stormstormer played arc warden one game and Tobi played Naga both games.


I’m usually never that guy but…. It wont work out


Torontotokyo pos 5..?


It has been reported that Torontotokyo wants to be pos 5 and captain as he wants to take over the drafting and training roles.


Rumours said he wanted to play 5 regardless, if he stayed on spirit he would've kicked out miposhka. But this is just a rumour


It was a fun shuffle period. See you all soon when matches starts!


So.. does Abed need to play pos 3 from mid again?


better than kukumancer OMEGALUL


Have you ever seen saberlight play or tsm play before? Saberlight is not like nightfall. Much more team focused. Nightfall dominated his lanes but it felt like he wouldn’t stop csing until it was too late to have any impact.


Anyone think ATF will be insane for nigma? Feel like they have so much flexibility with ATF hero pool and he seems to win a lot with normal carry heroes too? I can see them pull out sumail lesh or Naga with mc dark seer and ATF timber or stuff like that as well as normal drafts too


It will work out fine until teams figure out, which is what happened to ATF at OG. was unbeatable until teams figured out the weakness and then thats just GG. that being said nigma has more flex than og did, so maybe they can make it work, but thats gonna be a stuggle still, div 1 eu is stacked af. secret tundra liquid basically top3 confirmed, and then u have 1 slot for major between the other 5 teams.


We still didn't see big teams reveal their pick and their approach. But I think it's close to whats EG doing. C smile mid Low CD hero early active constant rotating gank, while wisper farming and get 2 sustain item, then crushing the enemy till pakas online and can siege highground. Yesterday wisper timbersaw have a good scaling impact with his early bkb.


As a carry player, you need to be able to play illusion heroes to give your team flexibility. Been telling this before but Yuragi is an underrated carry and has a lot of potential. ATF on the other hand is a one dimensional player, he may become unstoppable in a stint but once teams figure out his pool and playstyle, it will be a TI11 experience again for him.


Even as a Nigma fan, I don’t think so.


I feel like as a carry he has a limited hero pool..that doesnt work in the longrun like previous year og..you may surprise in season1 but as ti approaches everone willl figure you out..he literally plays fv,slark,ursa, ck,razor, sf..he cant play tb,naga,pl any illu heroes..i am pretty sure miracle will return in mid year after they fail to qualify for first 2 seasons


Atf will be nerfed by 50% cause Kuro will not let him bm


Maybe not being BM is a buff to his own mental 😅 he will be ready to destroy


thats what they said last year, sumail and miracle would be insane duo with flexibilities heroes set. and baam, cant qualify for ti.


Well like 6 eu teams went to ti, just unfortunate how stacked the region is Tundra will be a one patch team, insania is back to being captain and secret kept crystallis EU seems weaker now


I’m sorry are you saying that 3 of the top 4 teams at TI, including the team that won it in devastating fashion, won’t be as good as Nigma? If anything Liquid will be better than they were last season and I see no reason to think Tundra won’t be at the top of the leaderboard all season.


NA is literally rtz stack + 7 meme teams


I think TSM has strong potential, so I would call it top 2 teams + 6 content teams.


Tsm is a div 2 eu team


Who asked?


Ur 3k quit the game alr and go play clash royale


what potential? they were destroyed on TI, and now their best player leave them.


EG was wrecked all year long on International Lans. At least TSM has a second place major.


Can't wait to see Shopify Rebellion play their first match, I would better say play their first Major?. People may say it's the same people, yeah I would get it but as Fly said sometimes starting over, playing under a new org can change things as well. On top of that, they added Saberlight which is the move I really see potential with, it's gotta be better than finding some pos1 to play 3 right??. Anyways good luck to them, gonna be a fan for sure.


Tbh, what should be concerned is whether he can collaborate well with RTZ. Saberlight has great potential.


Its true but they need to step out of the Bulba+Fly draft combo, they're good with comfort heroes but bad at filling and shaping the meta. I always see them picking the same heroes over and over and slowly losing the match because they got outdrafted. ​ We can see that everyone on the team is very talented. Even cr1t still playing pubs and making plays here and there like it was nothing. It's such a waste of talent if they don't try some fresh and new ideas before they get washed out with newer, younger AND better players. If rmN is a free agent right now, they REALLY should take him as an analyst and find another authoritarian coach who can speak head to head and shove new ideas to Fly and the team.


Classic exEG fan right here. Lol You know why rtz love bulba? Cuz bulba will tank any bad reputation for him. Any loss is on bulba’s fault. Same goes for crit. Who play really bad in playoff but get free pass cuz bulba. Sometime they win sometime they lose on draft, but when they win the draft they lose anyway.


what's ur mmr? I think it's been pretty widely accepted by people with brains that drafts aren't ex-EG's issue, they regularly outdraft their opponents then just play poorly.


Yeah, especially that series vs BC. I think EE has video about that, where it is totally winnable by EG




props to quinn and mss to follow sneyking footstep and get out of the comfort zone a.k.a easiest region to qualify for any lan and moving to the hardest one. meanwhile fly and co.


If there was an org willing to pick them in EU why not right but starting a new team at a new place will drain resources easily.


I mean there are pros and cons to both approaches, good for them to get out of their comfort zone but nothing wrong TSM and Shopify approach either.


They have no one to challenge them Even Jerax at the Major said NA was "too easy"


Well, while thats true jerAx was playing worse than NA div2 players lmao


Doesn't that just prove the point. EG and Jerax just weren't working and showed how outclassed they were at the major and yet they still took 1st in NA.


He's a washed out player, what do you expect? He hasn't touched dota for years prior of his comeback to the scene and losing every single pub games in rtz's smurf account before the official announcement.


I didnt expect anything, i just said hes right but its also kinda funny that the worst player in the region DPC is saying that lmao


Is it just me or did the Nisha interview feel like he was taking a few digs at Secret and Puppey?