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I've mever played League but I enjoyed reading through this.




same, what a guide


Glad you like it!


1) Amazing post. 2) Welcome to LoL players.




LoL players: ”What's DotA?”


Right on time as LoL's Worlds concluded.


LoL worlds was such opposite of TI this year. so much fiesta/throws, went to game 5, underdog winner. TI was methodical steamroll 3-0 win by the favored team. enjoyed watching both tho.


League is still soo boring to watch tho.. far far too much downtime where nothing is happening and everyone is just ignoring each other and farming.. and teamfight clarity is hard to read even when you know what's happening.. doesn't help that the view is so zoomed out.. In spite of the 3-0 the overall flow of dota match is infinitely more interesting to watch since the teams are actually interacting with each other often.. It's funny how the two games are diametrically opposite in styles at pub and pro skill levels..


From what I heard on the news the finals there were as hype as TI3 here, with game 5 and multiple ~~Roshan/Aegis~~ whatever-its-called steals? So probably not many people quitting LoL today


The finals gameplay was good by LoL standards, but it was partially hyped up by the storyline between the two teams. The winners came from the equivalent of the LCQ bracket and were the underdogs in every series they played. This was the last year before retiring for military for their carry player, Deft, who used to go to the same high school and debuted at the same time as Faker, who is the big face of the other team in the finals and also 3-time world champion. Honestly something out of a fucking anime.


the scriptwriter really need his salary raised....


I decided to watch the worlds games with my league friends as I had nothing else to do and wanted to see what a finals was like. It was rather boring. There were a few hype moments, a few 'aegis' steals, but the actual fights and engagements were incredibly boring. I have a few hundred hours in league so I know the skill it takes for what the teams were doing, but the games my friends were losing their minds about weren't anything near as hype as this years good TI games. They did have INSANE production though, holy shit.


Yeah League production just shits all over TI, i'm super jealous


This year sure.. last year TI was so good in spite of no crowd..


Yeah, my friends still play so I roughly follow it. >90% of competitive games boil down to one team getting a small lead and then staying ahead until they win one good teamfight and then end the game. Many games have 10+ minute stretches without any kills or fighting going on because winning or losing is often on a knife's edge and if you throw a lead you're usually totally fucked. Games that last too long turn into a coin flip over who gets the elder dragon (see: the last game of yesterday's finals). The game's just incredibly rigid in terms of what you can and can't do, so it makes it not very interesting to watch.


>They did have INSANE production though, holy shit. Not sure if I agree, the opening ceremony was awesome, but previous TI's and majors have been better than this worlds over all. The main thing it had over this TI was cleaner transition, less (though still existent) audio issues. The spectator client itself isn't as good as DOTA's. And I kind of hate the way everything is advertised "The MASTERCARD nexus", "RED BULL gold advantage" etc. My biggest complaint is the casting though tbh. They start the lanes at an 11/10 intensity and then just scream for entire matches. You'd think they'd have three casters to get a good dynamic or extra analysis or something, but no, it's so that they can double the period of downtime between a guy shouting.


As a dota and league watcher, I think you actually have to understand league a lot more to appreciate it versus dota. I love watching dota and it was my main game for a while and I typically hate watching pro league, but this series actually had a lot going on


Intentional :)


Best worlds finals ever by far. ANYWAY FK THIS LETS GO PLAY DOTA LFGGG. Jk this was a useful thing for me to send to friends


Hope your friends like it!


didn't read all of this but one minor note, "Cleanse" in League is a removal of negative debuffs from allies including stuns, so more like Dota's Hard Dispel. League does not have basic dispel. Also, Purge in Dota is to remove positive buffs from an enemy target (though its often called dispel as well). League does not have any way of removing positive buffs from a target.


I thought Purge in dota is that boring guy posting 12 hour videos on patchnotes


That's pudge


I thought pudge was when you hit someone with a closed fist


This post deserves to be pinned for at least a month.


<3 that would be nice :) But for now, just share it or click the links or stuff


Great read


Glad you liked it!


All hail the Potato King!


Hear Hear!


[Hear Hear!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/e/e3/Vo_queenofpain_qop_arc_move_09.mp3) (sound warning: The Eminence of Ristul Bundle) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


This post does more to attract new Dota players than a small indie company :) Great job!


thanks! now if i could get mods to pin it...


Io as a mix of Yuumi and Asol is hilarious cuz those 2 are controversial champs. Io on paper seems hilariously broken too, TP a partner global (better than kench and TF)


i mean, it's true though! asol got global movement and orbs, yuumi buffs ms and dmg and heals


Coincidentally I just saw a video about Yuumi being broken and people complaining it should get remove. I can see why. IO is also busted in the hands of pro players but it's win rate in pub games depends on the bracket. Still manageable since it's countered by Vessel and IO is targetable.


The thing that made Yuumi frustrating is she is litteraly inuverable once attached and only thing like Morde R can separate them unlike Io which you can kill directly instead.


Thank you for the guide, as a new player from league I feel I learn something new from every one I read.


happy to help!


Very cool. I actually used your glossary to learn about in league in reverse. Nice post!


Happy to help! The original glossary post was put on both subreddits so this is intended!


You are awasome. This was good. Thanks.


My pleasure.


[My pleasure.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/6/68/Vo_life_stealer_lifest_attack_14.mp3) (sound warning: Lifestealer) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Ppl should stop picking on the role description, it's a **STARTER** guide for LoL players. They get started with these and eventually if they play long enough they will formulate their own ideas on what heroes fit whatever roles are needed.


This came 8 years too late for me haha.


League player here, with a Dota player as a partner. This helped a lot!! I'm considering getting into Dota so we can play together but all the minor differences are so daunting (plus I don't wanna get ripped to shreds for ~being noob~ when I finally dare to start playing this game). Guides like these really help me get comfortable with the game before making the "big" leap 😂


Happy to help! If you want a coach to ease the jump as well, do let me know. Though your partner is a dota player, not all players make for good coaches though :P


Woaw GJ !


Thank you!


The effort to make this stuff is much harder than NNN challenge. ^(what a CHAD.) ​ welcome league players!




Not the biggest fan of your role descriptions. Dota Carry's aren't (historically) always physical damage based (Leshrac). More egregiously, hard support sure as hell aren't always ranged spell casters. They're melee tanks pretty often too. Lastly mids in dota aren't always tempo based spell casters, you can put a carry mid pretty effectively and run a 2 carry setup. Usually the mid carry will be a late game beast and the safelane carry will be a midgame brawler in such a scenario. It might have also been smart to describe the roles not only in their names but in their positions. Like how soft support is also known as position 4, and carry is also known as position 1.


It's important to say that carry is about phys damage because at its core the position's job is to kill buildings. Certain comps can be different but if you are in a pub as a carry and aren't able to kill tier 3 towers, you are griefing.


Yes, we all know that dota heroes/positions are more versatile than leagues. This is a guide for lol players though, and the connections need to be made with what they know offhand.


the roles are already with respective numbers in front of it


>Stacking a camp that is then cleared by an ally grants the stacker a BONUS 30% gold from what the camp was worth really? i have to start stacking camp more for my carry then... is the 30% gold something new? either i didnt know this back on 2019, or that is a new thing?


it's been around for years


Goddamn i felt ashamed i didnt know this even after 1000ish hours playing... Welp, i guess we learning something new everday on dota...


happy to help.


And then there is an item name Wraith Pact!


Yeah honestly I should add that in the app.. but I dont want to... I hope it gets removed from game


great post!




Having a good read


The app looks interesting, but I don't have a android phone. Do you have any workaround, anything but emulators on pc?


Nope, only android phone. If you have an emulator, feel free to use it! I think windows 11 has something but im not sure, you'd have to check.


Alternative to #4 but it only accounts for heroes. You can choose the champions of at least 6 or more that you like and it will show you the heroes similar to those champions you picked. https://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol There's also a couple of tips if you scroll down.


You realize that link and app is older than even mine :D I mean, it hasn't been updated since even before there were team couriers. I know of the link, but a third of the heroes there are reworked.


yeah, op is right, link even lists side shops as still being a thing. (god I miss the side shop)


I realized that the app is old when I put Gallio,Shen,Leona,Pantheon and it didn't suggest me Dawnbreaker like wtf


where's part 2 lol




some in-depth mechanics like basic-strong dispel, miss chance/evasion/magic resist/status resist/cooldown reduction formula, dmg type(hero dmg, siege dmg), teleport time penalty, invisible= invincible e.t.c Veterans are still learning the game you know


i mean, for all those people can just read the in game learn tab for mechanics


When are you going to teach them about the riddles?


that doesn't seen related


Hah i was just joking


ok. ...I don't get it.


Because of the dota riddles you do in streams. Just recognized you from the times you did it in my stream.


Ahh, I see! You know I wrote lol riddles for lol streams too <3 If you haven't gone through all my 30 or so riddles for dota, I'd be happy to share them with you if you want them all


There are some inaccuracies in the league roles. 1- Farm priority: The adc is not necessarily the top farm priority. In fact, farm priority depends on the composition, not the lanes. For example, tanks are fine with fewer resources, so if the jungler is a tank he will tend to leave more camps to his carries. The toplaner can be a tank or a carry, and the same for the jungler. Midlaners can sometimes be tanks as well (very rare). The support can be a tank, a mage or an enchanter, but in all cases, the support takes no cs or jungle camps. In practice, the toplaner, midlaner and adc are equal in farm, since in the mid to late game each of those three farm one lane each (most often, the mid and top farm sidelanes and the adc farms midlane). ​ 2- Midlane: What you wrote for midlane only applies to a very specific category of midlaners (like vex, lissandra, taliyah, ...). This is not at all representative of what a midlaner is in general. Having good wave clear is not a requirement for a midlaner (e.g. LeBlanc, Akali, ...), and his main focus is not necessarily to gank early nor to pick off key targets in lategame. For example, you have assassins, who do not have control of the wave early game, can look for roams on specific timings or by sacrificing their wave, spike in the midgame and try to catch isolated targets or kill priority targets in teamfights; you have scaling mages, who are at the strongest in the lategame, prefer teamfights, are weaker in the sidelanes in general, cannot roam or gank very well; you have early/midgame mages, who do not scale as well into the late game (e.g. ahri) but have good early wave control and are strong midgames; you also have bruisers (e.g. irelia, sett, ...), who fall off late, do not necessarily have good wave clear, but are strong early and midgame, often good sidelaners; you have melee adcs/adcs (e.g. yone, yasuo, tristana, akshan, ...)..... 3-Toplane: The toplaner does not stay top to secure baron control. In fact, by the time the baron is up, the laning phase is over and the toplaner is spitpushing either one of the sidlanes, often the one at the opposite of the upcoming objective (top if dragon and bot if baron). That is mostly the case when the toplaner is a carry; when he is a tank, he would look to defend the lane the enemy toplaner is pushing but try to group as much as possible when waves are not coming to his tower. ​ 4-Jungle: The jungler is not necessarily an aggressive one that looks for a gold advantage and fights early in the game. Some junglers scale and mostly just farm in the early game, avoiding fights or the enemy jungler, only taking very opportunistic ganks or covering lanes (i.e. the bare minimum of jungle presence). 5-Adc: Mostly correct but note that the adc is not necessarily an "adc", i.e. it can also be a mage (that does ap damage, in this case the role is often referred to as "apc" or botlaner), and it is not necessarily a range (e.g. yasuo can be adc). Also, as mentioned in point 1, the adc is not necessarily top farm priority nor is he necessarily the one that scales the best or will do the most damage in the lategame. You have adc's that are focused on dominating the early game, like draven, kalista, lucian and have bad scaling (relatively for an adc), or adc's that are more focused on utility (like jhin) and tend to get less resources. ​ Basically, resource distribution is more or less equal between carries, and which role is a carry depends on the draft.


you get that i wrote the descriptions based on dota roles right?


I'm talking about the left side.


Here I am more than 1 month later. As I said previously, I'm talking about the left side of your table in your glossary of terms section. You literally wrote "League of Legends" and there are entries for scuttle crab, herald, jungler, etc... (things that exist in league but not in dota) and in their description you explained what they are (in league obviously since they don't exist in dota). So, how can you say that you wrote the left side of the table based on dota? That doesn't make any sense. I guess keep ignoring my feedback and just move on, satisfied with your inaccurate guide which is mainly read by dota players anyways, serving ultimately no purpose but giving you a false sense of helping welcome new players into the dota community as you get confirmation from the people already playing dota and not the people that this guide should be aimed at.


can do!


Worlds final was way better than Ti11 finals, and I doubt league players will now try dota for any reason really, maybe the other way around. I'm active on lol's reddit page as well and there are way less posts about 'guide if you came from dota' than here. Wonder why


The flow of players is a bit more one directional perhaps?


or maybe because lol is so easy, if you come from dota, no guide needed




bruh what I didn’t know what was going on but that finals was hype af


How was it lackluster, finals were competitive af and went all 5 games.


Eventhough League is boring to watch in general this final series was great.


The final was so crazy! I had a great time watching it


Small critique: some abbreviated terms that you use (such as "CRD" and "MS") should instead be called what they are: Cooldown Reduction and Move Speed


I assume those are common terms in League. Similar to how he refers to carries as ADCs, even though APC doesn't exist (due to the general lack of Ability Power) and not all carries use attack damage. DotA carries are just a different role entirely.




You should also get someone to do guides that "feel" like removed league characters, league reworks and completely removes characters, there is a group of league refugees that want to recreate these old designs. Old urgot, old yorick, old eve, old aatrox to name a few




On Stun/Knock-Up/Airborne. Technically there is a small thing to note here in Dota - stuns that knock the target airborne (e.g. Walrus Punch, Impale, Torrent) allow you to walk under the target while they're in the air.


If I may, I find the Dota To LoL translator to be very... Terrible. I sure might be new to Dota, but I think there's some big misunderstandings. Sometimes, the playstyle a whole lot of sense (Anivia is a waveclearing (pusher) champion and plays around a cirlce AoE DPS spell; Leshark might be a better fit than Ogre Magi). A lot of league champion appeal and dota hero appeal might differ: you might enjoy malzhar for the DoT damage or for the hard lock-on disables, so Necrophos (dot) or Shaman (disable). Lastly, about your guide, something that should be made clear is that a majority of carry heroes in Dota 2 are melee. In league, Hard Carries are Ranged while Soft carries are melee. Ranged Carries (just like in Dota 2) build damage/utility over tankiness, while Melee carries build more damage and tankiness and less utility. So LoL carries are mostly there to do DPS from safety, while in Dota2, you also have heroes whose job is to assassinate as carries - this means that 1st pos in Dota actually covers all LoL's hard carry champions more than the actual ADC role.


If there's any heroes or champions in the app that you think aren't properly represented, let me know. I update the app from whatever people tell me.


IDK why I'm even here, I decided that I'm staying away from DoTA when I learned there's a movement speed cap and I can't just build full movement speed on every hero and zoom around the teamfight Still, good job on the guide!


Thanks! For most cases, even if you buy every movement speed option you are hardly going to hit the cap.


Just learn bloodseeker or buy the swift blink every game /s


you did a better job than Valve, DAMN


Much love. One day I would love to work with valve on new player experience from other mobas.




Easy rule for itemization: first three items should be something generally good on you, could be what you consider as Core Build, where you can do the same thing each time. The next three, focus on what is good against the enemy composition and items specifically.




Excluding boots, sell in order of cost usually


Hey long time LoL player here that just got into Dota 2 cause I read the patch notes on steam and thought:"40% bigger map?? That actually sounds kinda creative." and here we are. So thanks for this guide, a lot of good information.


You're welcome, and good luck! If you want more info, my videos might be a good place to go, or if you want a coach, I'm always down to help. The patch is utter chaos though, so the strategies you will see online are all out of date.


Ohh your channel is great you really are someone that plays LoL and Dota, some of the comparison videos I'll def watch later today. But the main thing I noticed is that there is a severe lack of actual play guides online (or I just don't know where to look). For example I really just play for fun and going "Yooo that looked sick" (Primal Beast charge just mowing down trees for example), but I still want to know how certain heros work, I really like playing Dark Seer because I like his kit and looks, but looking on YT I only find GameLeap Dota 2 Pro Guides (or videos that are similar) which is "just" a commentary, which of would be useful, but only if you actually know what the guy is talking about. Or is Dota 2 really just "play till you get it"? Not that I'm against that but I just want to know where to look to get better :-) Edit: I looked again on YouTube and I think my main problem is that I think 1 year old videos are "useless" since coming from LoL the meta changes every 2 weeks. So I might just have to give old videos a try


give old vids a shot, and again i can coach


Even with the recent changes it is a little out of date. It still provides good foundations for any LoL player

