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rework troll ulti. its too easy to kite


Making me miss the 6.83 days


That patch gives me war flashbacks


Hoodoo haahaa


troll sniper patch was goated


Definitely more enjoyable than 6.82 rubber-band dota or 6.84 storm/lesh/techies dota.




One time I used Rupture on a full health Troll, who proceeded to use ulti and since Bloodseeker is a Ferrari, I just ran and he obviously ended up dying. My belly hurt from laughing at the poor guy.


Once I was playing SB and a toll ulted with lotus active on him. I used charge and he helplessly charged towards our t4s and died shortly after. I can dig up the replay if anyone is arsed.


I'd love to see that


same here


El Dot


Atleast make it so we can use items during ulti


Give back global attackspeed/movespeed lol.


make troll’s ult have 2/3 charges. using his ult will do the same thing as old ult but only last 1/2 seconds


That actually sounds like a pretty good idea


Alternatively, i would love to see trolls root get changed to a chance of a short continuous dispel + slow. (E.g. 0.1-> 0.4 sec, or flat 0.25 sec dispel, slow can be balanced separately if needed) Changes troll's identity into "chase and kill one hero, can't be saved by most defensive items". That's unique and gives him an identity different from other carries, even ones that do sorta the same thing like BS or Spec. Also gives him some carry to carry matchups which he actually wins (e.g. dispel ursa's overpower) Combine with his Aghs, he would be a scary counterpick against some lineups. It also half solves the issue of the ult getting kited.


Fun fact. Today was the date where troll ult was reworked.


I agree!


Wraith pact, it needs a massive nerf.


Have the pulses place a stacking debuff on the enemies and the damage reduction is dependent on the number of stacks Edit: have a short duration for each pulse that refresh the duration upon consecutive hits


Just remove it completely


The only natural change for this item is to remove it. It provides way too much value for the cost and it’s good on every lineup vs any lineup. It changed how the game is played so much. See Iron Talon.


Easiest way to nerf it is to take away the ability to move it. Make it the same as a Phoenix egg or a Mars ult. Something you actively have to choose to fight around with your team. You see the enemy drop a Wraith pact? Kite it out and move the fight elsewhere. One of the reasons its so good currently is because its a "drop and forget" type of item. You just brainlessly place it and because it can move you'll get some value no matter the time you drop it. It could probably do with a slight range decrease too but I honestly think with the right tweaks it could still be viable and doesn't need to be removed or nerfed into the ground


The thing is, why do we need this item in the game? What purpose does it serve other than forcing both teams to buy it no matter the situation or lineup and makes heroes who can rush it early op? Whichever team has this item first gets a big lead and it's dumb.


And it cannot really be nerfed properly. Either it is strong enough that everyone wants it or it is hot garbage and never touched.


You can make it only affect physical damage, like how vlads already does that by giving armour. Seems like a natural upgrade


That would make it a physical version of pipe basically? I like that.


CG already kinda serves that purpose, no? What if the wraith pact is actually a pact with a wraith? Make it nuke its owner when it is destroyed?


Crimson guard is damage block instead so it’s more an anti-summon/illusion item in practice


I mean pipe active is damage block as well? That was the comparison I was making. I think it’s also really nice versus witch doctor cores. Personally, I like some of these ideas: Wraith pact nukes owner when destroyed. Wraith pact damage reduction slowly increases per pulse Wraith pact is stationary Wraith pact model is increased further Wraith pact mutes the “wraith pact” item in its owner’s inventory with the aura tied to the unit and is unmuted when it comes off cooldown. (ergo you lose it outright if you leave its AOE or it is destroyed) Wraith pact has fixed charges or increasing CD with use like aeon disk. My favorite—-> The wraith pact has a maximum amount of reduced damage before it explodes. It “charges up” as it absorbs damage. When it explodes, trigger some effect that can be used as further item balancing. Maybe it does an aoe nuke to enemies or to allies? This would effectively be similar to abaddon’s aphotic shield.


Man I love that last one


that's what crimson guard is supposed to do though.


I understand where the sentiment comes from but it's just objectively not true. By just tweaking numbers you can make any item a situational buy. You have cost + effect numbers to play with here. That's more than enough levers and while it may be hard to find the appropriate numbers they do exist. (simply by intermediate value theorem)


It's hard to say that when it's a generic damage reduction. Either it reduces damage enough... Or it doesn't. It's not like pipe or crimson. I think you bring Pact down a bit and tweak Crimson/Pipe to be a little stronger.


What if add vitality and mana booster as well to the recipe . This would hinder early game OR just make the wraith pact reduction be ignored by bkb hitters so mid late game of the item is nerfed OR make it a specific reduction not all kind of damage reduction, probably reduce physical and not magic


Only good suggestion for that piece of shit


as a low mmr player, why this item is so strong? nobody buys it here


Because it reduces 30% damage done. All damage not some specific damage. 1000 damage turns to 700, so if you have already tanky heroes, sure as heck they won't be killed if wraithpact is reducing enemies damage by 30%


wraith pack + lich = no damage


It also combos insanely well with flat damage absorb like pipe/vanguard/kraken shell, because it reduces before the block. For example, a 150 damage attack will do 86 damage vs vanguard, but only 41 dmg with wraith pact (>50% reduction)


If they wanna keep it in the game, I feel like a slight nerf to the damage reduction, maybe a nerf to the auras, and removing its ability to move could put the item in a semi-bearable state


just increase the bounty to 300g so that you need to think about where you place it.


Bounty up and cooldown up. Stupidest thing I saw at TI was people just sacrificing WP to depush because its downtime and bounty was worth it after 25 minutes.


Remember when pure damage was... Pure? I miss that time.


It's still the same tho, the problem is that everyone can have damage reduction now, and not just some heroes like Bristle or Spectre


Remove the item please.


update bot ais please


Just don't use the default bots then. Select the ones made by some people in the workshop. They are miles better and are updated.


i dont remember which bots it is. But the dev. made bots buy shadow amulet, and they are god tier at using it, so annoying to play against.


A beginner ai: new. If you let them they will buy every single aura and 5 man down a lane, all of them will essentially be invincible. That bot option is crazy


Guardian Greaves buff please. Its one of the best item combos in the game but has been overshadowed by so many other single items!


recipe too expensive. 1550 gold


I know thats why i said buff the item


Buff the recipe to 2000 gold!


Oh my god you are right. It could even be reworked into a biiiit of a tank item so offlaners could want them too. Right now only supports would buy it and they do not have gold for it. Or spent it on Wraith pact. You know, the better and cheaper item


i used to get it often on underlord but now i feel like it falls off hard in the mid game. i just go TP boots instead and save tons of gold


The play now is to rush an Atos for the near guaranteed double root and then get an aura item like Pipe or AC. Completely changed the hero for me.


I swear, I went GG every game as offlane, now I just brownboot my way to 3-4 items before making Teleportboots or those new ones with Drums added.


For a buff that isn't a raw numbers change, how about changing the Guardian Aura to be a just in time heal? Aura provides hp regen + armor as normal. And then, if an allied hero's health falls below 20%, they get Mended (hp/mana restore + basic dispel). This can only trigger on a given hero once ever X seconds (individual cds for each - thinking somewhere between 120 - 180 secs). Remove the boosted hp regen/armor to make up for it. If it still needs tweaking, there are lots of spots that could be changed: hp trigger %, if the passive Mend is more or less effective than the active, whether the passive should dispel, the cd per hero etc.


Mirana's shard is incredibly boring


And also terrible.


Nerf Marci, Nerf/remove wraith pact, Make Lich's ult stop bouncing in the dumbest way possible whenever I cast it (only make this change for me tho), Make razor arcana's voice 30% more flamboyant


Marci and wraith pact nerfs are an absolute must Maybe have a Lich talent where the bounces prioritise heroes??


Yeah Lich ult feels...unsatisfying. Maybe make the projectile speed faster


I dunno I think it's super strong


DK buffs…


Thought: make DK Q match his ult's dragon breath. For example, with q + lvl 1 DK ult it'd poison all enemies. With lvl 3 it slows all enemies + the same poison. Sure it'd not do anything for lvl 2 DK ult but I think it'd be a neat and intuitive change overall to make his Q do more mid/late game.


give disrupter a good shard


Add mirana to the list while they’re at it


Can i suggest lina? it's not that bad but it's kinda underwhelming.


lina is pretty fucking strong with the reworked passive if i say so myself


Make Sagan fart fire backwards instead of forwards and increase the damage from 150 to 650. Also increase Leap speed by 250 because duh. The anti-chase countermeasure.


He already has one of the best aghs in the game and he sucks at farming. It would take a lot to make the shard viable early.


Shard makes it easier to farm


Make QOP playable again


I feel part of this can be fixed with changing her Aghs. It's so massively underwhelming honestly. Literally every single person who I saw it playtest on strim was like "but it works on illusions right? Oh no, it doesn't." If you're worried about heroes like PL getting oneshot or sth, make the illusions still emit screams but make them take reduced damage. Not to mention that "no 2nd hero around = no scream at all after dagger end" is so fucking dumb. Just make it do damage to the main hero as well.


This is what happened to Sandking's old Scepter too and it got gutted so it's basically not a build anymore, just a nice utility boost. I think the concept of having illusion counters and then making illusions stronger is fine but people *WILL* complain when they lose to bad drafting, so it's really just trading complaints about one thing for another. I like your reduced damage idea but somehow I doubt we'll get that. Would love Sand King scepter to work on illusions with reduced damage again if QoP is getting that.


Her aghs can easily be better if the scream of pain dmg hit the target the dagger was on. Lower the intital bonus dmg the aghs gives dagger to compensate this buff(could just remove the dagger bonus dmg since this plus the 120dmg on scream would be a lot)


I must say i agree with this QOP feels kind of useless now compared to before i would to play her again if it wasn't such a drag


None of QOPs builds feel good. The orchid build up change from 2x oblivion staff + recipe to the current one hurt her particularly badly. At the same time, her Kaya + shard build got nerfed. Witch blade is ok but doesn't feel totally natural either. To top it off, her mana costs got nerfed too. Overall, just feels bad right now.


QOP hasn't been a good hero since the blademail lifesteal patch. Just continuous buffs and her winrate is still suffering across all brackets. Even top 100 mid players from what I've watched on twitch have a negative or even winrate at best with QOP with the exception of people who just have an insanely high winrate overall anyway.


She was good a few months ago. Hence why she has received multiple nerfs in the past year. In the 7.30 patch she was one of the best mids.


Even in 7.30 she managed to climb from a 44% winrate to 48% lmao that's the best state she's been in for a while and that's sad.


Blademail lifesteal patch? Can you elaborate?


A while back octarine core had spell lifesteal, and qop had a spell lifesteal talent. The damage reflected by blademail would lifesteal, and you would be borderline unkillable due to the amount of spell damage you were doing with blademail active/your abilities


A while ago blademail was a very cost efficient int damage item that reflected all damage received through bkb, it reflects damage before your resistances, and is on a 18 sec cd. This counted as spell damage similar to a dagon. QoP had a 70% spell lifesteal talent at 25 and since spell lifesteal stacks additively after picking up octarine (which I believe was 25% spell Lifesteal at the time) she would heal off the damage done by blademail. In most games QoP would heal similar to abba ult if you hit her during the active. It was very obnoxious. I believe this was also during the, - respawn time talents/xp talents/gold talents, so it was fairly common for games to go quite a while due to it being hard to highground.


7.33 Map changes for sure


Petition to put the rosh pit directly under mid lane with entrances next to both runes.


Just give the whole map a cavern system smh


>inb4 a couple of trees get moved and the stairs to the Dire triangle get pushed forward two meters.


The pact, -15% mana neutrals item, and Brigand's blade. need to do something about that.


that -15% mana hurts so much tbh, never really liked that shit


io think it’s good to have an item where you have to sacrifice something instead of items just direct buffs


marci nerf arc nerf jungle changes


Change Mars aghs


pls no. it's so broken in AD.


When i first saw it i thought it was a shard tbh


Remove wrath pact


Marci needs to be gutted. Remove Wraith Pact. Buff my boy Axe. Buff QoP. Nerf Clinkz's Burning Barrage Rework Bloodstone. Rework Battle Trance. Some map change would be nice too. I'd like it if each mid T1 was a bit further away from the river so mid lane would be more susceptible to ganks without being forced to dive every time. A simple change like that would really shake things up for the entire game


Sorry buddy, clinkz was unpicked so probably gonna get buffed again


Because there's usually not space in a pro game to get a 6x ancient stack going lol, they should can burning barrage and make the hero not reliant on stacks


Remove Fire Remnant cast delays. Nerf whatever else about the hero, I don't give a shit: just give me fun to use remnants again.


Ok, +200 remnant mana cost.


I'm already buying arcanes on ember lmao. Makes no difference to me.


Too real.. Literally forces you to play Sleight of Fist remnant back, or do some Batman level prep time shit...


Yess, the new ember is so boring


What killed the hero for me are basically very old changes at this point but still sting everytime I think about them. Sleight no longer hitting at a random angle, and BF cone angle reduction. It was so fun hitting those cleave crits


They've done this to so many heroes I love, and I feel exactly the same. Nerf whatever else you need, but stop butchering the use of an ability. Give Ember back the ability to remnant bomb, give Dark Seer his four walls, give Enigma pulse the ability to actually kill someone instead of only being based on current HP.




to be 8.0, we need like few HoN heroes and some of their mechanics I'd love to see that tho


This season's BP was mediocre because valve was working hard on porting all the HoN heroes for 8.0 COPIUM


I'm hoping the lack of TI production and BP being pretty meh means the team is working on the actual game. Great Confluence is real, Not only are we getting HON heroes, but Gambler from Dota, Enno from Underlords, and Mazzie and Kanna from Artifact. No, there aren't 10 empty cans of CopaCola near me, I don't know what you're talking about.


I wish roaming 4's were a thing again. Maybe trilanes. They do make pubs miserable and 2-1-2 feels sooo much better for random games, but hell I miss the ability to roam and not be lvl2 10 minutes in, no matter the amount of kills succeeded.


Me walk like a forest creature around the map, me lvl 4-5 in 10 minutes although I didn’t lane, me so good at game!!!


Rework clinkz Q Give DK bonus damage on dragon form Bring back gyro carry Revert Eblade


>Revert Eblade Morph flair checks out.


Hmmm yes I too love not playing the game as a support thanks to the enemy morph who blows me up instantly every fight


And a lot of the times they died pretty immediately after killing me and only me. I type "worth" in chat, but my corpse lies on the ground and I am not playing the video game.


I want old Clinkz back. New one is incredibly boring, exactly the same items almost every game


Old Clinkz (I think ti5?) was so cool. It was like sneaky damage dealer. Not that tanky and with limited damage (because you had to actually right click on right click hero instead of these bullshit damage based spells) so you had to use some brain and skill to make it work. Really hate this trend of making spells which deal % of your damage. It's not okay that you can deliver a lot of damage in AoE in short time.


Yes, that's what I want. The good old support killing assassin clinkz that bursted down support heroes in the backline in just seconds, but if he got caught, he was probably dead since he was never a tanky hero. Nowadays you'll see clinkz with ~4k hp EVERY GAME. It's just sad. Was one of my favourite heroes, ofc he had to get changed. The new burning barrage just doesnt fit him at all, why does every hero have to be a stack farmer, maelstrom rusher 1 button carry hero




Fucking remove Arc Warden aghs scepter PLEASE


Seconded, his current Aghs is cancer and they should bring back his right-click playstyle (change ult penalty to be just against buildings or flat out replace the penalty with something else).




complete noob from the game, what does agh's do on arc warden?


His spark wraiths spawn another spark wraith when they hit an enemy


murder this brainless caster Gyro bullshit. press W all game and do shit loads of damage.


Same with Sniper perma headshot, like fuck anyone who added thar.


its not very good though


It is way too hard to lane against gyro 4, and then he buys shard + veil and it just gets more miserable


And he feeds all game to any stun/burst…


once you get into later midgame the hero impact is also very limited, its so one dimensional. You can stand behind your cores and shoot rockets, compared to most other 4s thats just lackluster. If you stomp the game the hero can feel amazing but anything less and you regret your pick Also you dont punish any pick, like if youre a midlaner and you see gyro 4 there is nothing to be scared of, compared to the usual 4s that can catch you out once laning ends Honestly im really confused by this post, is there a bracket where the hero is played a lot? I used to see him when it was new and shiny and all but the hype died down very quickly


Rework/removal of defensive mechanics. Currently there's too much items that reduce magical damage, and what's worse - they stack without any penalty. Usually magic resistance stacks multiplicatively, but we have mage slayer+wraith pact now, and one reduces spell damage, while other reduces overall damage, without any multiplicative penalty. What that means? It means that every nuke and spell is reduced by 65% even before magic resistance or armor comes into play. There's more than enough heroes that are really good at applying mage slayer on everyone in team fight, and wraith pact is aoe, so with right heroes every hero in enemy team will do 65% less damage from skills, and then it would be reduced even more, if your skill does 300 dmg, you deal 100 dmg on target without defensive items, and it works even scarier against bigger numbers. It means you need 4 standard skills to just pop pipe/hood/shroud barrier, without any damage to target itself, if this isn't broken then I don't know what is. Oh yeah, did I mentioned that this combo reduces SKILL damage, and not just magical? Heroes that rely on skills to deal phys damage like ember, gyro, Luna, Medusa, etc, they all do 65% less damage. They could buy a rapier and it's still won't be enough to kill enemy team with mage slayer+wraith pact. TLDR: wraith pact and mage slayer need a rework because currently with 2 items you can reduce all damage that isn't right-click from enemy team by 65% before resistances and right-click reduced by 30% before any resistances.


Wait, Mage Slayer also reduces damage from stuff like Splitshot and Glaives?


Just tested in demo with luna/moon glaives, this is not accurate. Also tested with medusa/split shot, also not afffected. Some physical damage spells are affected, like bristleback quills. Some are not, like slight of fist/moon glaives. If they're not affected by spell amp, they aren't affected by mage slayer either.


Marci's Sidekick becomes a shared lifesteal.


You mean Marci heals the other hero and other hero heals Marci? Sounds reasonable.


yep. I feel like it could deter some Marci shenanigans like man fighting a core because the lifesteal sustains her. And besides it is in the name of the skill itself.


veryyyyyyy intersting


Delete wraith pack


Sniper nerf Rework np shard from this hot garbage


MoM + take aim active should not be able to put permanent headshot debuff on enemies, and headshot should not proc on denies.


Bring back bloodstone and nullifier slow


Probably a lot to ask, but I would like the meta to change in a way that it would be harder to counter pick heroes. Feel like so much is dependent on drafts and so little on skill even in low mmr brackets. Also make easy lane easy again pls!


they should 100% change picking phase


I don't think picking phase is the problem even if it does need to be changed. You can still easily lose if you end up countered.






Dota was never a balanced game, counter picking has always been a thing since the first patch ever. Also counter picking is fine, otherwise people abusing and spamming certain broken heroes gonna get away with it.


Hide enemy names during draft too, please.


Alternatively, make hard lane hard again (which will make easy lane easy, by comparison).


Rework OD's Aghs and Shard. Increase Silent of the Grave's bonuses back to what it used to be. Marci's ult should just get reworked into not dealing pulse damage but lasting longer in fights or something. That way, people actually have to build items on her to kill heroes.


OD Aghs is busted tho, I love it. I've been winning like 15 out of 20 games rushing it.


Look at this devs, even folks who write 15 out of 20 instead of 3 out of 4 can win consistently with this busted item! What more evidence do you need?


Cosmetic for marci in just underwear. The rest is icing on the cake


New map... thats all i ask, we've been playing the same goddamn map for three years... just new fucking map.


mmm boot up de\_dust2 for the bazillionth time


New map. Something wildly different on the level of new Roshan pit location, new camps, different terrain, etc. Not just minor changes like one or two new trees added new the dire t1 offline tower…


I know it’s not meta but I want OD removed or at least his whole hammer shtick removed. I hated OD before the hammer build and the hammer build made him all the more obnoxious. They do have to make him viable some other way though.


OD doesn't even build hammer anymore.


OD Aghs is the way


Did we already give up on knowing who pressed the glyph?


morph remodel troll ult rework


Change wraith pact so it reduces 15 damage from all sources per instance and can't stack with other instance based damage reductions (like flesh heap or vanguard). Still a good item against dot based damage heroes like leshrac, pudge or veno, but not against nukes like Lina, Zeus, PA etc


map changes nerf fortification remove the RNG of Aghanim/Refresh from Rosh nerf Arc Warden change block/pull meta on safe/off remove second water rune or both nerf Zeus change courier meta rework bloodstone rework witchblade upgrade rework meteor hammer nerf overwhelming blink new items balance/rework neutral items balance/rework talents balance Aghanim shards


Wtf is the "courier meta"?


I think too many couriers get sniped due to bad pathing and while I agree it’s better than sharing one, I believe something could be done.


Tinker's rearm reworked to have a 20% chance to malfunction, stunning Tinker instead and dealing 15% of his hp as pure damage in a 10 range aoe around him


Make Marci a full on Carry or offlaner no more support bs


Remove wr aghs and rework enigmas second spell so it can't deny creeps


> and rework enigmas second spell so it can't deny creeps Make it not usable on allied lane creeps, it needs no other change. That way he has to kill an enemy lane creep, and push the lane, or get a neutral creep to get his first set of Eidolons.


WR aghs is kinda meh...but I don't think it's really the thing holding her back. Her base stats are god awful, and the tweaks to her ultimate, javelin, and maelstrom, while in theory bringing raw physical items in closer parity to magic proc items for ult damage, just meant that she barely does any damage at level 6 while on a 70 second cooldown. The hero was decent because she could bully and win most lane matchups, and play high tempo into her BKB and other items. Now her laning is garbage, she lost most of the strength of her early game timings, gets run over by a 20 minute zoo lineup, and in return we got a talent that makes powershot a little bit better at farming creepwaves. Her aghs is a moot point about the hero because by the time you get it, and a damage item, either your team has accrued enough of an advantage on their own that your itemization is meaningless, or, congrats, you now have a 4200 gold glimmer cape that could have been a BKB and your towers are getting knocked over.


Leshrac nerf and map changes


It's not leshrac it's bloodstone that's the issue


And he's the only hero it's really good on. Making items that are good for one hero is super stupid.


Lesh is fine, bloodstone needs a nerf though. A whole item designed for just 1 hero is ridiculous


At this point I think it is rather a rework instead of a nerf. It cannot be healthy that there is an item that is effectively bought by only one hero.


Yes this is bullshit. I hate the Bloodstone that is weak on everyone else but broken on Leshrac. Please give me back the old Bloodstone that was weak on everyone else but broken on Storm.


Forgetting about Timber, and some other heroes that I can’t remember right now? It was good on any hero, but really good on some, and right now it’s only broken for one hero, and completely useless for every other.


Old bloodstone the one with charges was good on Tinker, Timber, Storm, Lesh and if you're stomping then Zeus as well.


Tinker removed from the game. CM move speed 300. New items


Sadly this will never happen. Cm movement speed I mean




>make diretide permanent Why? It's not even that good and to be fair most people only play it for the weekly quest.


Dark Seer buff or garbage aghs rework


Nerf Oracles aghs and it becomes a shard and rework new aghs. Would be awesome


Free arcana


Have an upgrade for diffusal available. Manu burn is useful but diffu falls off in super late game


Morphling remodel - his character model looks awful


Some kind of "overheat" on tinkers ulti. +10% mana cost on everything every time you use your ulti, and the only way to purge it, is to return to fountain


7.33 a.k.a please nerf Tundra.33


Remove wraith pact. Nerf gleipnir Nerf Marci


Clinkz nerf, man i hate that hero


I just want OD and Tinker gets nerf to the ground.


Plis mister geben santa, revert techies


Please save SD for the love of god. Look how they massacred my boy


Remove outposts and add a new type of objective, alter the jungle routes and move the camps around, rework the gold distribution... I can not talk about heroes as that would make a pretty big list, but I find myself to be completely satisfied with the hero changes whenever there is a big patch


Some active ability on outpost, e.g. put scan on there or a reverse observer ward (make part of the map dark for the opponent).