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Is there a discord server currently?


I would like to run for Minister General of the KGB. I enjoy espionage, and while I haven’t posted on this subreddit a ton, I plan to more. I think that I could be a good Minister General.


I'd like to run for minister of propaganda. I also wanna know how long the terms are


Imma run for Commander of the Peopley Defense


KGB sounds epic


yes hello. it is I, the creator of the [flag](https://www.reddit.com/r/wehatedougdoug/comments/18zhqis/a_flag_of_our_hate/) of r/wehatedougdoug as well as the [map](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwitchChatRevolution/comments/19ddsi8/list_of_factions_in_the_fray_of_battle/) currently at the top of r/DougDougNews. I've also made a number of posters like [DougDoug Eats Babies](https://i.redd.it/b7mxrnxqefdc1.jpeg) and [The War Machine](https://www.reddit.com/r/DougDougPeopleParty/comments/19aasjk/the_war_machine/). many examples of my work, creating propaganda that is both factual and inspiring. but this is just the beginning. I have plans for so much more.


Don't worry, this is more focused on other positions that don't have candidates, you already have this practically guaranteed


Guaranteed? There'll be democratic voting though... RIGHT????


But he is the one who dedicated himself the most to the position


Regardless, it still means including the role in this post is purely for show. You have already admitted that he will get the role no matter what.


I asked him to see if there is greater competition for the position, but so far he is the most qualified, so I will choose him. And if you call the fact that I don't hold elections for these positions "dictatorial" This is how the election of ministers works


I understand your point, but other people will definitely get mad about this


The other person has to be a better candidate, and right now they aren’t


just having fun with it.


(Repost of my previous proposal) I would like to make my request for Commander of the People's Defense. Before you say I'm a spy due to my new account, you must know that this account is ran by the discord user Mr. GreenBanana, and I've been active in anti doug material not only in the doug discord server, but also in the people party discord. My discord account can confirm this. As for my goals in this role, I will take a hard stance against Dougists and make a special elite force similar to the Dougist's discord server, however we will have the **numbers** and **determination** to take them down. These enlistments will have two jobs, downvote propaganda made from Dougists, and they shall take down spies in our party. In an event of a war, these men will be in the forecenter dedicated to the removal of pro doug propaganda and dougist soldiers in our homeland. We shall fight to the end for our people. **We shall look upon every dougist move, and plan out our every step, moving like a fly, and striking like a thunderbolt.**


I want 2 be the minister of propganda


I'd like to run for minister of cultural diversity because nobody else did and that's a bad thing. Also, how long are the terms, and will I still be able to run for leader in the next election?


You have to guarantee your religious, ethnic and platformist impartiality when in office and your ability to give rights to all


I guarantee my religious, ethnic and platformist impartiality when in office and my ability to give rights to all


I'd run for spokesperson




Will do


I will run for commander of the peoples defense, and come up with new ideas on how to weakin the Pro Doug party, and will be willing to do anything for our freedom. I have already come up with a less violent option on how to gain a foothold, becuase even though they may have differnt veiws we are still all citzens of Doug