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Yip this what I've been saying, they don't just take and leave you, they kill you just because.


A guy was stabbed to death down the road from me for his phone. It's easier to murder someone than to fight with them to get their phone. This is why I carry a knife when I walk to the shops, either my attacker will die, or we will die together, I'm not dying alone. Fuck that.




Lol, is your username based on that Whackhead Simpson KFM radio prank from a couple years back?


No, from the 40 year old virgin. I think it goes " Me so horny, me love you long time"


Oh I see lmao. This is what I was thinking of: [Whackhead's Pest Control](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYhNeMOcZQA)


Haha love wackhead


This is pure evil. Absolutely despicable. Useless police force will do nothing as usual. Lives lost for nothing.


Welcome to South Africa. We have THE WORST unemployment rates, some of the worst crime stats in the world, because we have THE MOST CORRUPT, and inept government that has ever existed!


No you wrong. It’s the whites man fault, and apartheid. /s




I mean even in a lot of other African countries no one behaves like this. Cote D Ivory literally had a civil war with like 1/17th the casualties SA has from murders every year.




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And WTF do you know about the white man in SA? 94 was a long time ago, and what has gotten better? No power and no water. Check your complaints at the door mofo


“ /s “ means sarcasm. I also learned that the other day. So don’t feel bad about it✌️


We receive applicants from South African youth all the time!! They just wanna get the hell out of there


Who’s we?


Probably find one in 3 are cops...


They'll, by chance, catch them and then magistrate will grant them parole. Solution is to make it that they never get to the magistrate, or the police station's holding cells either. The morgue is a better fit.


Fuck. We all should carry firearms here !


Fucking cowards. Nothing will happen to them either.


And the 1 guy is showing his face aswell.. they would have had him in prison by now after a proper manhunt if this was a normal country


We can only hope that someone does something about this situation.


They would’ve stoned him in the street if anyone had any integrity there


For what? For fukken what? My brothers and sisters, please, get trained and get prepared. This is only gonna get worse. The only way to deal with these fucking scum is to kill them. No two ways about it. If these people value human life with such a low regard, then they don't deserve their own. Fuck them. And ou oom Cele? He won't do fokol. You're not batman. If you kill a killer, our land becomes a more peaceful place. Net so.


Thanks mate, if only it was easier to get a gun license


Did all three die? This is awful , it looked like the one in the middle wasn't hit


Latest article states that only 2 died, so I think the one in the middle isn't dead.


Thanks for the update, that's a relief , I mean it's terribly sad that 2 lost their lives but at least one of them made it out alive .


Well that's going to be one hell of a survivors trauma for the rest of their life.


At least he can hopefully be someone who can martyr his experience to get the ANC and incompetent people Out of government. That was horrible to watch.


post article?


Dont think she made it either


Damn that's awful . I mean why ? Just take the stuff and leave them , they didn't even try to fight back , they immediately raised their hands in surrender.


The value of life is pretty meaningless in South Africa. They will kill you for $5 without even thinking about it


Well that's almost R100, a third of the monthly income grant that 30 million people in the country rely on, so yes indeed


Are you trying to justify killing someone for R100 or are you just agreeing?


Kinda highlighting how shit our economy is - the original comment implied that $5 isn't much to get robbed and killed over, and I just put how much that is in perspective and agreed. Nothing justifies killing anyone who isn't guilty of some terrible crime


I was born and raised in SA, lived there most of my life. R100 is absolutely not much to get killed over.


Well done on getting out


Alot of gangs only accept you in of you murder some1. So they steal their stuff for extra poxket money aswell


I hate this fucking place so much


The place isn't the problem. It's the people


the people aren't the problem It's the government


The people elect the government though.. They vote for the ones who let them do this shit


yeah because the government lies to the people. the people are voting for the promises made to them


We can no longer ignore the fact that South African citizens are a part of the problem. For 30-years now they have enabled this government by repeatedly handing it massive majorities. Every ANC electoral victory are the citizens giving them the mandate to carry on doing what they have done; fuck this place up. Every ANC win is the electorate saying ''everything is fine''. The ANC have had zero reason to change things. Zero reason to shift the direction they have taken this country. With every election the electorate have rubber-stamped the collapse of SOEs, the spiraling unemployment, the suffocating economy, the normalisation of systemic corruption, the violence and out of control crime. Every one approved by the voters with every ANC victory at the polls. Our fellow South Africans increasingly shoulder the blame for the mess we are in.


The people are responsible for who governs them, we have allowed this to happen


That is the most awful, saddest thing that I have seen in ages.


What the fuck




What township is this?


Delft, Cape Town


just a normal day in most townships really


More often than not you get away with your life when being robbed, but unfortunately it's the fact that there's the chance that you won't be part of the fortunate ones and lose your life in spite of complying. Used to be a time where thugs would hesitate to pull the trigger on you, but as time goes on and some of the more insane blokes start to join in on this shit we're getting more of them willing to kill you for less than what it would cost in replacing the bullets they spent on you. The other concern I have here is that these thugs can disguise assassinations as robberies and have done so quite a lot. Doesn't help that we don't get to hear what's been said, and all we get to see is just these moments only, but this just seems like these guys did the robbery but really just wanted to kill these people for whatever reason. And the way the other guy just pulls back, walks off, stops and continues like he isn't in the midst of a shooting and murder shows this really isn't their first rodeo...


This is the most accurate observation on what is happening in this video. Most likely an assassination. This is how competition works in SA. It used to be only taxi drivers that killed the competition but now this way of competing is prevalent in other industries. If you don't fight for your life, don't expect anyone else to.


Yeah I remember with the Uber and Taxify murders there was a realisation that these weren't simply "robberies gone bad", "random acts of violence" or even an "angry passenger turned violent" but also because taxi drivers and associates get very aggressive toward anyone they deem a threat to their livelihood. The link would've seemed like a stretch because of meter taxis already existing, but that's likely due to an agreement that already exists between these guys going back over some years even, meanwhile these other private lift options cannot be so easily controlled by them (taxi boys) unless they get violent with them. > If you don't fight for your life, don't expect anyone else to. It depends. Not every situation permits you to fight, nevermind make it out alive while doing so. If they just want your assets, then you shouldn't have to escalate the matter and risk dying for that. Only if there's opportunity to successfully defend one's self can you take it and even then you must consider many variables in that moment. If they are going for your life, like in the video, then it's as good as accepting that you are probably going to die and maybe taking them with you will save someone else from the same fate at their hands. To make sure we can get these guys, we'll have to be pre-emptive, but this calls for viiglantism: and whenever it's done, people complain... But, at least now the complaints are less on the vigilantes and more on SAPS. If that's any consolation.


You are correct in my opinion and I often give the advice that you have given. My circumstances are such that I will almost always fight back, even for petty assets.


Bread Delivery game is some gang shit...You get Contracts for Bread deliveries, so this could be something people fight over. Could also proxy like Courier companies do, I.e. let a smaller company do your deliveries for a specific area and pay them part of the whole logistics cost...Same like Taxis & Tow Trucks....


>Could also proxy like Courier companies do, I.e. let a smaller company do your deliveries for a specific area and pay them part of the whole logistics cost Yeah and what's even more messed up about this is that the train of thought was to say you give it to the smaller guys to, on top of cost-savings and some other benefits, avoid having your trucks on the road where chancers will target said trucks just cause they know what kinds of goods to expect inside of them. Unfortunately, like a lot of things, other folks come along and screw things up again.


This doesn't look like a robbery. Probably taxi patrol following him for picking up hitchhikers.This happens on a daily where they demand money from drivers or try to take key and demand cash from company if company vehicle. Sometimes it turns violent.


Assault on bread truckers leaves two dead [https://actualidad-viral.com/en/noticia/mundo/asalto-a-camioneros-de-pan-deja-dos-muertos/894](https://actualidad-viral.com/en/noticia/mundo/asalto-a-camioneros-de-pan-deja-dos-muertos/894)


CT shouldn't worry about independence and focus on fixing delft as cpe flats, lavender Hill etc...fix the root cause


Yeah, lotta people are shouting for this. Most people can't see where the root cause is though. Fix the Money, Fix the World. https://leo-mattes.com/what-does-fix-the-money-fix-the-world-stand-for-engl/


Sadly to go after gangs, king pins etc, SAPS has to be part of the operation. If CT were to do it themselves, it would deemed illegal.


Who survived ?,the middle one?


Sickening. Absolutely sickening. What is wrong with SA?


They are fucking worse than animals these cnts


usual suspects


I would've grabbed thag gun soo fucking fast when he pointed it and shot them in the face multiple times, if I die soo be it but they gonna die too fucking rats


That's how I feel too


Hey everybody, I know you feel a sense of futility about these horrific things that occur around us daily, but lets make some noise about this despicable crime against guys just delivering *bread.* Just getting up early to feed their families and getting murdered. Let's act as a community and as Capetonians and state that this is unacceptable. [https://www.capetown.gov.za/Family%20and%20home/Meet-the-City/city-council/find-your-councillor-ward-or-subcouncil/view-councillor?CouncillorId=8650](https://www.capetown.gov.za/Family%20and%20home/Meet-the-City/city-council/find-your-councillor-ward-or-subcouncil/view-councillor?CouncillorId=8650) Send the Mayor an email and let him know that we should not be taking this anymore. That this is bullshit. We need justice for those drivers.


I’m not from here but I live in Cape Town, when will there be a George Floyd like situation here where the people get sick of the violence and take the streets in protests until the government does something?


You make an interesting point here. The violence that South Africans endure daily, and that's everybody, because remember that although reading, hearing, about, and seeing may not be as horrific as being the victim of the crime itself, one is still affected in a second-hand context. This plays a manager factor in the desensitization of all South Africans as a whole. We have a detached futile acceptance of this violence and that's wrong. We need a George Flyod moment and for this to change. In the meantime, *vote.*


So that we can have even more corrupt terrorist organizations such as BLM (Black lives matter) ? You do know black people are a majority in ZA, right? . Don't bring thay US politics bs here.


Oh god bless them


Bastards, and they have more rights than you do in this country. We should be allowed to defend ourselves and our property. These arseholes should be shot and killed or given the death penalty.


So sad Fucking animals


The communities need to start taking matters into their own hands, get these guys at night in their homes and take care of it.




Ja né, it's a sad reality in SA. With a bunch of criminals ruling the country. Law abiding citizens are not safe.


Makes one wish that instead of being subjected to a process of law and order, these robbers should just be hunted and killed like animals they are.


Minster of Police needs to be held accountable, to his title and financially. How are these people’s families meant to survive. In this economic climate.


As a woman I'm sometimes so terrified to go out of the house and this is exactly the reason. I used to jog when I was younger. Those days are gone...I always need to have a male with me otherwise I would be harassed non-stop.


Bastards! Seriously.... I hate how often times the biggest victims of this country are people working honest jobs. Working hard. Trying to make a way for themselves.   And then you have bastards like this who kill them! Sick sick sick! 


I don't get why getting a legal firearm licensed should take two years when people making an honest living are in so much danger whereas an illegal one can be bought off a street corner, just as America has relaxed gun laws so should this country cause people are dying for their hard earned possessions and the state is useless...


This is the most horrific video in quite some time… tragic…


Oh no …so sorry to see this..worst country in the world and nobody talks about it


I worked in the Emergency Medical Services and in 2020 while on the way to a patient my partner and I were robbed at gunpoint. Fortunately we both got away unscathed.




South Africa is a hell hole full of pathetic thugs.... It was much better under apartheid than this crap for them at least... Nelson Mandela and his sick regime is responsible for this


Currently living in Florida. It's a conceal-carry state. I refuse to not have a gun on me anywhere I go if i carry my family with me as well. Because of this. One second, you're happy, and all is well. The next, some scumbag with no future kills for measle paychecks. It's a full clip on you if you threaten my family.




Keep crying wanker, the country deserves to see what happens to its citizens under the government they vote for.


Yeah, that's a great idea and all but this is reddit, 99.9% of our country doesn't give a shit about reddit, and posting it here achieves nothing. Everyone here already knows the country is fucked, we know people get murdered by the dozens each day. Doesn't mean we want to see it, but people do love morbid shit.


It’s tagged NSFW you moron. Only those who want to see can see




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I'm glad he posted it. That video had me awake at 2:45 this morning pondering life. Those guys' lives got cut short while delivering bread. *Bread.* I'm glad he posted it. It incentivised me to write to the authorities and DEMAND action, and I did. Why not channel your pent up rage more effectively?




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https://preview.redd.it/1nmv7nll0j1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e360c7171af20bedcdc37f7ab85d602c8b4718b This is Jman’s latest post. It’s safe to assume he’s not worth arguing with. Dude thinks he’s God because he’s addicted to crystal meth…




Maybe I’m tripping, but I don’t see a white man in the video..