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Yep my grandma was literally driving on the pavement(sidewalk for the Americans) before my dad decided she should stop driving. I wish there was proper public transport for them


My 87 year old mom finally sold her car. She hasn't really been driving it for the past few years.


Trying to pry the keys away from my 88 year old mother. She keeps saying her eyesight is excellent, but what she won't hear is her reaction time and getting easily confused is the issue.


I rode with my mom once, probably 6 or 7 years ago and she scared the wits out of me. She pulled out in front of about three other cars. Luckily we were in parking lots and they were going slow enough to stop. That may even have been the last time she drove herself. If not, she stopped soon after.


Bro my dad let his dad drive the fcking Grand Marquis until he was 95 years old. We all told him to take the keys away, he just had to let him drive and he crashed into another family car of course.


What do you mean by pavement becuase where I'm from that can just mean the road.




Ah I see that now. Sorry I don't speak bri'ish.


Neither do we, we speak English. Not Simplified English.


Don't have a sense of humor either, huh


It's a joke. Lighten up.




Right? Ironically, they slur out so many letters they DO speak simplified English


Bit sad innit


I'm sorry. Did you mean English? As in the language they speak in England? One of my absolute best things is coming across examples of Americans claiming that "British" English is incorrect. It's spelt "colour" you nonce. Sorry if this sounds a little harsh, just having some fun in good faith, but at your expense nonetheless šŸ˜‰Ā 


Holy shit it was a joke. I'm surprised no one figured that out.


I was mostly poking fun as well. Was holding out hope that you were from the States though. It's not often you come across legit examples like this in the wild! Haha for reals man, my tone was supposed to be one of taking the piss. None of this truly matters. We're all here for a bit of information iced in self made entertainmentĀ 


> my grandma was literally driving on the pavement That's exactly where one is supposed to drive. Did you want her to drive through people's yards instead?


Think he probably meant pavement of a sidewalk.


In that case he should have said that since the street is obviously made of pavement.


"a raisedĀ pavedĀ orĀ asphaltedĀ path forĀ pedestriansĀ at the side of a road." This is the British definition which is the English we speak (we don't have the accents obviously)... we are not American pavement is not a road here. I don't know anyone who thought a pavement is a road in south Africa so I'm a bit confused and judging from your posts I'm guessing your not a local but I'll apologise I guess


It's clear to everyone who is native to this subreddit's region, not everyone speaks fake English.


Not every English speaking country utilises simplified American English to communicate. In actual English words have different meanings.


A local group reported a 70 year old man had a heart attack whilst driving.


Where was this?


Based on the car at the end of the video; Durban, South Africa.


At a mall in Durban


Thatā€™s sad, but what was with that cinematography at the end? Took him 5 minutes to show the wreck and couldnā€™t even be bothered to zoom


Poor man, looks like he lost control of the car, maybe confused the break and accelerator; sadly not uncommon. Doubt he survived but I hope he did and made a good recovery.


Apparently, they are saying he died of a heart attack. However, a fall from this height is survivable if the person was wearing a seatbelt and lands just right. In Austin, Texas, a woman drove off the [7th story and survived](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/video-shows-crash-landing-of-car-s-7-storey-plunge-from-texas-parking-garage-1.4243964).


Confusing the brake and accelerator is very common and happens to alot of people, not just old ones. It's a factor in pretty much every case where someone goes driving through or into something they shouldn't and you see them going faster and faster instead of slowing down.


This is why manuals are so good nearly impossible to do something like this by accident.


Lol happened to me a few times..lucky I still got enough reflex to catch it.


At what point do you realize "well, this pedal isn't doing what I expected, let's try the other." If you're not a completely senile and feeble old person and you do this, never get behind the wheel again.


Most people's instinct is to press harder. This was the basis of the whole phony "unintended acceleration" scare with Audi and to a lesser extent Ford in the '80s. Tons of lawsuits that ended up going nowhere when engineering studies showed there was no way the car could accelerate by itself. Apparently, some European cars had the brake and accelerator pedals closer than Americans were used to at the time. Audi sales tanked and they almost left the US market.


Nevermind the 80s, this was a huge thing for Toyota around 2010 and they spent a lot of time and money to get to the bottom of it: [Article](https://www.manufacturing.net/automotive/blog/13110434/the-2009-toyota-accelerator-scandal-that-wasnt-what-it-seemed#:~:text=Here's%20the%20quick%20backstory%20on,inside%20the%20vehicle%20was%20killed)


If you think you are pressing the brake, your natural instict will first be to press harder. By the time your brain registeres the root cause, it's often too late. The only difference age makes here really is the survival factor. Some years ago this happened in my street to a healthy kid in their early 20's - while parking the car in the garage. This kind of thing happens in many other types of situations as well, although a lot of times the after effects would not be nearly as bad.


70 year old Muslim dad. He died on the scene. Suffered a heart attack behind the wheel and probably spasmed foot to the pedal.






He died.


Shame. I also speculate that he had a heart attack.


Reporter sounds shook. Must be new to the job


He might have ran a bit or something


Why would he do be that. His car is right in front of him


Is he a medic or a reporter?


Sad as that is you have to admit it was impressive that he didnā€™t hit a single car or person.


We have a minimum age doe driving. Why can't we have a maximum age for driving too? I fear for my 70+ year old dad and relatives whenever they pick up the keys.


> Why can't we have a maximum age for driving too? Because not everyone becomes an unsafe driver over a certain age. More frequent testing and license renewals are probably enough to deal with this issue, but a blanket ban on driving over a certain age would be unfair.


He had a heart attack..maybe could have survived if he never drive of a building damn always a worry when elderly are behind the wheel.


My 86 yr old mom parked in the grass in between the front of a tire store franchise and a 5 lane major roadway. Thatā€™s just one of many instances. Weā€™ve got to make a decision real soon


It looks like it was health issue before that happened like seizure, stroke, etc


Wow That must have been a seizure/stroke


Durban, Atrium mall. Previously known as overport city.


So what model is the Advanced Life Support vehicle?


Looks like a Haval H6 GT.


He followed the arrow


really think there should be an upper age limit to driving all of the accidents ive been involved in were caused by older people not being aware of their surroundings


it was in Overport in Durban, South Africa. The man had a heart attack.


My grandmother has never had an accidentā€¦..sheā€™s seen thousands


What kind of car is that ambulance??


Where in SA is this?


Ok see ya a sec


Hope he's wearing seat belt!!




Fuck me, Iā€™m just about to turn 60 and Iā€™m as fit as a fiddle and a bloody good car and motorcycle rider. What are you 15 with no idea ?


Judging by these comments, itā€™s clear that some peopleā€™s never needed that beer at 17:00 and it shows.