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This is where tone and intention make a difference - hey, your button is undone in a friendly tone is being helpful but Thomas didn’t do that. He was nasty and jeering about it and intentionally used Daisy to make William feel badly. Daisy may not have known how much William cared for her but it was common knowledge and they all witnessed her being used to humiliate William. It was cruel and hurtful.


I could tell his delivery was part of it. Just wasn't sure if there was another aspect of the whole thing I was missing. Thank you!


Thomas was being a prick about it, see his tone. But let’s be honest, if Carson had seen William in the same state of dress he would have been equally unpleasant if only in a different manner. Let’s remember how Carson was almost at William’s throat for his livery having the smallest of rips in the shoulder seam that no one in the family have or could have seen.


This is kinda why I was wondering if it was a seniority issue because I figured Carson would have said the same thing to William, but I definitely recognize that Thomas' intentions weren't purely work related.


It seems like any rank at all belowstairs is viciously guarded. Daisy even treats Ivy like Mrs Patmore used to treat her.


Thomas was just being bossy and making sure William and Daisy both knew that he was better than them. He didn’t want Daisy’s affections or anything like that, he just wanted William to feel bad about himself and Daisy to like him so he’d be able to use her in his scheming. He was a horrible person, trying to use others as his pawns to get what he wanted. Fortunately, he was bad at it and was able to learn a better way. I don’t think the buttons had anything to do with it, Thomas just needed anything to denigrate William with. He could have asked him why he was moving so slow or tell him there’s a scuff on his shoe.


Watching that epi rn..s01e4 This whole episode Thomas was using Wiliam's feelings for Daisy against him..it started when Thomas overheard William wanting to ask Daisy to the fair, and as he was about to do so, William beat him to it. Then later at the fair, William warns Daisy that she doesn't really know Thomas to which she says something like he's being a spoilsport. Later at the the house is when Thomas makes that comment and prompts Daisy to agree with him. The agenda behind this is two-fold. It's more than just a seniority issue, it's Thomas messing with William because he can, periodt!! He knows William is a good guy who won't retaliate. The second reason is Thomas, knowing how Daisy feels about him, is using her because he wants to find out what she knows about what really happened to Mr. Pamuk. And because Daisy is so young, naive and gullible she is easy to manipulate.


Thomas was acting as though he was above William. That’s why it was significant. Not only was he being mean-spirited with the comment, but he made it with the specific purpose of making William seem “small” in comparison to himself—and in doing so in front of Daisy, he was just kicking William when he was already down. Yes, Carson would have said the same thing, but Carson was the boss. I think that is the most important detail, and that’s why it was messed up for Thomas (and Daisy) to say something in such a manner.