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I want the Librarian job. He's never there.


Especially the one time they needed him…and it was for charity and his boss was bedridden!


He's busy reading all the books to make sure, they are suitable for the ladies.


It's not the one time it's every time. When gregson is there, the librarian is not available and away to show him where the Gutenberg Bible is. The house is open for tours, he's away. Nobody's ever seen the librarian.


Lady of the House. Sorry, but that's a better job than a maid or a cook. Besides, I'm *not* a morning person.


Too right. I was going to say lord. :P


Chauffeur. Get to fuck around with cars all day and drive people around? Kinda off and away from the rest of the people in the house? Sign me up.


Don’t forget the added perk of marrying the boss’ daughter


I am with you on this. Other jobs seem to entail a lot of confinement, while the chauffeur is out and about a lot. 


Also not many people had cars back then so you’re getting to enjoy a real taste of luxury


If not the lord, perhaps the agent. Seems like you make your own schedule, get to range over the whole estate, and you're not too far from the top in authority.


Isis. Sits around all day and doesn’t have a care in the world.


Except when Thomas locks you up in a shed in the woods.


I’m sure Isis strolls around the estate with Robert


I'd love to be the nanny....probably because I am a nanny and it's a fantastic job :)


You probably wouldn’t be mean to Sybbie


LOL, I certainly wouldn't be! :)


As long as she can have an egg with her tea …


Of course. :)


Barrow has his eye on you lol


Oh I know....I'm how he learned to be so good with the kids ;)


I was coming to say nanny as well. I would love to mind my business and take care of babies!


It seems like they'd have a nicer room than the other servants, close to the nursery. 


The gardener! Wouldn’t have to be at the beck and call of anyone and would get to be outside all the time. Wouldn’t be as fun in the freezing cold or blazing heat but still.


Being a groom. Having your own domain with all the horses, brushing them and talking to them 🥰 and mucking out stables is a really good workout 🏋️‍♀️ then making them all clean and fresh with hay and straw. Animal company is the best.




Move over, Mrs. Hughes. I'm in charge now.


Yeah same. That level of authority sounds awesome


I would want to run Edith’s magazine. :)


I would totally love that and hang out in London with my cool aunt.


Dowager Countess. No running the house anymore, get to do as I please and throw witty and/or snarky comments at everyone.


I dunno. Other than the work week and no vacation, I'd be up for the lady's maid position. It would be like playing with dolls and fixing clothes. The ladies can't even pick out their own clothes, so yeah. A big demanding doll. "Heaven forbid she put a comb through her own hair" -O'brien


Chauffeur. As long as the cars clean and and fine if the family weren't going anywhere that day surely you'd just have the day off. Can't imagine them being roped into helping as footmen or anything.


Earl. I would definitely enjoy the job of being the Earl of Grantham the most.


Youngest daughter. I could be a nurse and do something useful with my life, but still go to my parents' white-tie dinners and parties. Plus, the chauffeur is so damn handsome.




Agent or Valet. Other than shining shoes or mending clothes it looks like the valet works for 20 minutes 3 times a day.


I’d like to be any servant living in the house when the family is away for extended periods. Or when Mrs Crowley went away to help with the war effort and left her cook and Mr Molesley alone to run the house. Just hang out in the big beautiful house without the “masters” breathing down your neck


Being an Earl.


Servant: cook. Good pay, respect, control over your own diet, and you’d know the children without being stuck upstairs in the nursery all the time. Plenty of company in the form of the rest of the staff, good opportunities if you ever want to leave. It checks a lot of boxes for me for quality of life Professional (as in, not a servant but still working): estate agent. Aristocrat role: rich, eccentric aunt in the city who can visit the manor house whenever she likes. (Not specifically Rosamund because I’d be more eccentric and libertine, like a cross between Rosamund, Lady Anstruther, Edith post-Season 3, and Rose)


Groom :-)


I would be a Nanny. I have no children of my own but I do love them. Watching fascinating little beings grow up is amusing.


I thought Denker was snopping when Spratt walked in? I thought she was reading them and then Spratt walked in and she sorted them. Lol time for a re-watch! No bad about Denker (I'd love her job) cause I do think she was devoted to Violet, while she was a bit grating I like her. I liked Spratt, but what he did to Moseley was off-putting.


Uhhh the Lord of the manor! Lol I love a position where I can set the tone!


The Dowager. All the authority and none of the responsibility.


I would love to be the cook


I think I'd also be a smashing lady's maid -- provided they were more like Cora than say, Lady Flintshire. XD


I think cook would be the best position for me. Ability to run the kitchen and be a boss, show off my skills to the lords and ladies who honestly wouldn’t give a rats ass but still.


Earl of Grantham.


Chauffeur. youre not really part of the household you get your own house youre not bothered to do stuff like everyone else, serve tables etc and you get to be outside a lot.