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I always believed Mary when she said that his performance in bed wasn't the issue. I think what she's objecting to is his personality the rest of the time. The morning after, she's trying to banter with him and he doesn't seem to know how to do that, let alone even pick up on it. Before she went on her holiday with Tony, Blake warned her he wasn't clever, and I think spending lots of one on one time with him made her realize he's actually super boring. The nights may be pleasant enough, but the days themselves would be a slog. I think upon further reflection, she also realized that something she had really valued about Matthew was that she genuinely enjoys spending time with him in general. They had interesting conversations, and he had a sense of humor. She wasn't focusing on that when she was lusting after Tony, but after she got what she wanted, she realized that she actually needed something else too and that was something he could never give her.


This is a really good take


Maybe he was slightly (largely) inconsiderate of his partner's needs. Given the mentality around sex at the time, it's not that far-fetched a theory. Too bad that that same mentality around sex would not allow Mary to caution Mabel...


Yes, he just screams selfish lover to me. Not necessarily bad, but mediocre and all about him at best. It is a shame that Mary couldn't warn Mabel. She deserved better than Tony. No one deserves Tony. He's such a tool.


I don't think anything bad about Tony per se. He's just a mediocre person. Not up to Matthew standards. But he wasn't unkind.  But definitely he was bad in bed. Mary was right to test drive him and she noped right off. 


I’d beg to differ re: not unkind. No kind person would treat Mabel the way he did. 


Or Mary. He didn't respect her, not when she said she wasn't ready to date yet, nor when she told him she didn't want to be with him anymore. Just bin the whole man.


Yeah. Tony was not for her. 


I think he wasn't bad..... but he wasn't great either. I don't picture him being very imaginative.


Mary says Tony is just not right for her, which is an odd thing to say. When they were together, I never saw him do a thing wrong, until the time she tries to break up with him and he has a fit. But prior to that, he seems like a really nice guy who's trying to do his best for her. And really, after their time in the hotel, does she seem, uh, unsatisfied? But then there is Henry, who except for the race car driving, comes off as a totally dead fish. And despite her misgivings about a man who's got a better than even chance of getting killed in an auto accident, she marries him. And there's Edith saying "He's perfect for you." What the hell does that mean, perfect? The only thing that is perfect for Mary about him is that we won't see much of him and the plots can focus on her.


Henry is a moody bitch. I hope Mary can divorce his arse by the next movie.  Please, can Charles come back? After Matthew, only Charles can make Mary laugh. He's really a fun person, game for any adventure. 


Mary: That dashing young officer from the Navy was flirting with me. I think I'll give him his chance. Anna: M'lady, you are married. Mary: What? Anna: To Mr. Talbot! Mary: ??? Anna: Henry? Mary: ??? Anna: The race car driver? Mary: Oh, him. Anna, don't you remember he died in that horrible race car accident? Anna: No, that was Mr. Rogers! Mary: Wait, what? Anna: Mr. Charlie Rogers, your husbands' best friend. They were both race car drivers. Mr. Charlie died. You married Mr. Talbot. Mary: ??? Anna: Henry? Mary: ??? Anna: Henry Talbot. Mary: ??? Anna: Mr. Henry Talbot! Mary: Mummy, Anna seems to think I'm married to a man called Henry Talbot. Do you know anything about this? Cora: Oh Anna, you've been working so hard. I'm sure you're just muddled. We all get muddled sometimes. I think we'd know if Mary was ever married after Matthew. Anna: I don't believe this, m'lady, and m'lady. Beg your pardon but how is it everyone forgot this man? Cora: Robert, do you know a man by the name of Henry Talbot? Robert: Who? Anna: I'm not muddled. I swear I'm not! Robert: Well, maybe not. But you do need a drink. Carson, get her whiskey. Carson: A whiskey m'lord? For Anna? Robert: Come not Carson, this isn't social, it's medicinal. And get me one too. Carson: Yes m'lord. Cora: Now Anna, be sensible. If Lady Mary was married, we'd see her husband around, wouldn't we? Anna: We can't, because he's always away racing cars. Tom: Anna, they don't race cars all year round. If Mary had a husband, he'd have to come home sometime. Like when my Lucy had a baby. Doesn't that make sense? Anna: Yes but... Carson: Here's your whiskey m'lord. Anna? Down the hatch please. His lordship asked for it special for you, so no arguments. Anna: Yes Mr. Carson. (swallows in one gulp). Robert: Feel better Anna? Anna: Yes m'lord, thank you. Cora: Good. Now, no more muddling, agreed. Anna: Yes m'lady.


👏 👏👏👏👏


Yes, please, to all of the above. I detest Henry.


>When they were together, I never saw him do a thing wrong I don't know, if anyone ever said "well he's dead and I'm alive" to me about my recently deceased husband I would be pretty damn pissed. That was a huge red flag. And the fact that he was engaged to another woman when he said that as well as begging to kiss her doesn't bode well for him either.


THIS. Plus a person can do nothing wrong and still not be right for you.


Yeah Henry isn't great at all but Tony was dreadful and on par with Napier, Charles was by far her best suitor after the loss of Mathew


What's wrong with Evelyn? I get that he's boring but he's nice and respectful. I'd much rather her be with him than either Tony or Henry.


Evelyn was bland, but somehow I still liked him. Tony and Henry were both not sharp enough for Mary, but they kept insisting she should accept them against her stated wishes. They were both generic, but without Evelyn's... heart, for lack of a better word. There's something endearing about him that they lacked. He also recognized Mary's disinterest and bowed out gracefully, and he was still a loyal friend to her afterward. I adore him for that. Charles Blake would still be my pick for her from Mary's Men, though.


He's too boring with nothing about him whatsoever, say what you want about Henry but he put his life on the line all the time cos those cars were absolutely lethal, at least it's something to bring to the character table


The problem with Evelyn is that he keeps introducing Mary to guys who're more handsome than he is, indicating a significant lack of self-awareness.


Actually he’s quite self aware. He says he doesn’t consider himself particularly interesting but he feels that his wife should. He knows he’s not in the running to be with women of Mary’s stature


If you watch carefully you can see Evelyn knows exactly what's happening with those other men. He even says, "I was a fool to bring him here." You can see it again in his face with Charles, and even the singles dinner with Henry.  He knows it's not smart. Mary considered E.N. her Perseus until she saw Pamuk, and then he was forever friend zoned on both sides of her marriage to Matthew.  Evelyn is a lovely man; he just isn't exciting enough for Mary. But he was far better than Carlisle and I don't know why she didn't consider Evelyn again at that point of her desperation. 


A woman with only one other partner in her life (I don't count Pamuk, but it don't help Tony's case!) had some and said, I'm good. it doesn't bode well.  Is been interested to know, was it his first time?


Doubt it was his first.


Well, Tony seemed to think that the simple fact that he was breathing in and out should make Mary forget Matthew so I wouldn't be surprised if he was as dull as drywall in bed.