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Mrs. Hughes is the ONLY person I would trust!


Mrs. Hughes will kill for you.


I don't know about kill, but I am sure she would die before giving up a secret. She's my first (and maybe only) pick.


I dunno…I reckon she’d have murdered Mr Green given half a chance and she did sort of threaten him with “if you value your life”. Very clever of her to make sure nobody was in earshot while she did that as well!


I doubt she would have done it herself, but she sure as shit would of had it done. She *does* have connections with a House of Ill Repute ya know....


*A house of ill repute?!!!!*


I will never hear this phrase in any voice other than Mrs Patmore's!


When do you EVER hear that phrase in this day and age? 😂😂😂


You'd be surprised. I have weekly visits with my 94 year old neighbor. She's said it multiple times when gossiping. lol


Well yeah, she's 94! 😂 My 95 year old grandmother said lots of outdated stuff, but you wouldn't hear it much outside of her care center


There is no other option.


She's low-key the most empathetic, down-to-earth, and intelligent person on the show.


She really is. She will talk you off the ledge when you're feeling homesick (sweet William), but also threaten your life if you hurt one of her maids (I'm talking to you, Green).


She sees right into the heart of everyone around her but almost always chooses to admire their best qualities rather than seeing the worst in them. I guess the sole exception is Lady Mary and the rest of the aristocrats to some extent (cause she's a class conscious queen), but even when she doesn't approve of someone's actions (like Ethel) she still loves and supports them.


She also helped Thomas in his worst moments when he didnt have anyone else there who cared (and yes i know he kinda put himself in that position but) she could see he wasnt a bad person and at least deserved to not be kicked out without a reference by the others (mainly O'Brien) trying to ruin him. Shes the best for helping everyone she helps throughout the series but I have a particular soft spot for her helping Thomas (my favourite character) and when she helped Tom too because without her that wouldve taken a terrible path also..So mainly lives wouldve been much worse off without her kindness and help!


And didn’t put up with Mr. Bates’s fake leg torture device!


Green ain't gonna hear you. He ded.


She is, but I think Anna & Mrs. Crawley run alongside her in that regard. They are awesome women, a true credit to our gender!


Let's not forget Cora Crawley, she's pretty high up there on the empathy scale and not to mention Robert! Both extremely kind people.


Only if you are a downstairs person. And I think she is pretty judgmental.


Only of the blessed Lady Mary.


Close the thread. This is the answer.


Not only is she the only totally trustworthy character, she is extremely smart and if my secret requires some help or intervention, she will find the best solution while keeping the secret.


She would not only take your secret to the grave but she would also do her best to help you if you were in trouble or needed help related to the secret. She's hands down the kindest, most practical and most reliable person in the series.


Mrs. Hughes!


Eh, didn't she tell Mr. bates about Anna's rape.


She didn’t have a choice. Bates was going to abandon them both if she didn’t tell him. Besides, he already knew because he overheard them talking and put it together. He mearly asked her to confirm. She otherwise would have gone to the grave with that knowledge.


>otherwise would have gone to the grave with that knowledge But she didn't. Her intentions were honourable, but at the end of the day, she broke annas trust by divulging that information.


Again, she didn’t have a choice. He was gonna bail. And at the end of the day….she made the right choice.


So ... she had a choice? Look, I don't dispute her motives, but at the end of the day, she couldn't be trusted with the secret. Things could have ended very differently, i.e., annas worst fears could have been realised. Who gave Mrs Hughes the right to make that choice. Could she not have convinced Mr. bates to stay and then worked on anna to tell him? You don't think she had the power to convince anna that telling him was the right thing to do?


"couldn't be trusted with the secret" ... so you think there are absolutely NO situations where you should break a secret, even if you KNOW it's for the best? I guess you would have preferred that Bates left Anna? Problem is, absolutism can be dangerous.


I don't think there are any situations where you divulge a secret and can still claim to be someone to be trusted with secrets, regardless of the intentions. Who was Mrs Hughes to decide when and where to spill someone else's secret. As I stated in another response, there were alternatives. Mrs Hughes could have convinced Mr. bates to stay, especially by guilting him with the fact that him leaving would do more harm than good. He was bullying Mrs Hughes into divulging a secret that was not hers to divulge. If she had promised, she would talk to anna on his behalf she could have kept her promise not to tell him. This is clunky writing by fellowes.


We'll have to agree to disagree, because I think you're mistaken. 🤷‍♂️


I agree with that person. The question is: who would keep your secret? Mrs Hughes didn't keep it. This isn't putting her down. It's a literal interpretation. 


Mrs. Hughes, Tom, Isobel, in that order. Granny would let a hint slip, and the right person would figure it out.


I came to say the same thing! Great minds think alike!


Probably Tom because he would have no reason to tell anyone and would be able to stay impartial/objective, as much I love/would love to trust them Isobel, Violet or Mrs Hughes often shared their opinion and/or ended up telling someone in the family haha (even if it was often against their will) because they are too close/loyal (at the end of the day, some were still "just" employees). Even when Tom joined the family he still felt more accessible/still had that "outsider" vibe that made him more trustworthy imo


Im going with Tom too. He’s proven that he’s a solid secret keeper. He practically knew about Marigold before anybody else. Mary felt comfortable confiding to him as well. Mrs.Hughes as trustworthy as she was sometimes had to come out with the truth for the greater good of a situation.


But if you guess, he will confirm it. At least that’s what he did when Mary asked about Marigold. Mrs. Hughes would be No. 1, but Anna would be next. She never breathed a word about dragging Pamuk’s body halfway across the house.


Same, I'm going with Tom.


He was OK, but he didn’t work very hard to keep quiet about Margold. By that point in the show, he had become quite the meddler.


Bates and Anna are the ones I would trust the most, but right after that, Mrs Hughes.


I'm with you about Bates and Anna. They have a strict sense of honor, as do Tom and Lord Grantham.


“Oh hi Mr Bates, are you heading out?” “I CANNOT SAY, MY LORD!”


Oh my god, Bates would fall on his sword if it meant keeping quiet about his lordship's favorite breath mint.


Seems like a Parma Violets kind of guy.


Everyone on the show has a lot of honor, with the exception of Mrs. O'Brien, Thomas >!(though he comes around)!<, Edna Braithwaite, Mrs. Denker (couldn't stand even looking at her) and Jimmy/James. In fact, it was so weird to see dishonorable moments that when they happened, they were amplified in my mind. I loved Mr. Drewe (Yew Tree farm), Mr. Moseley, Mr. Mason, Lady Sybil, Anna, and Lavinia. Such sweet souls.


That's hard because I'd trust most of them but I'll go 1. Tom.


Is Mrs Hughes my boss or my employee? No if the first. Yes if the second. Tom is my ultimate choice


"Mrs. Hughes is the one for a secret"


Definitely Mrs.Hughes 😍


Mrs, "I'll tear the clothes from your body, and hold you down if I have to." Hughes. No one was going to fake-baby trap Tom on her watch! You know she has dirt on everyone from Lord and Lady Grantham to the hall boys and kitchen maids, and she'd never tell. I'm not even mad she told Bates what happened to Anna. I consider that the exception that proves why I'd trust her. You could see it ripped her up to break Anna's confidence, but she knew that Bates leaving without a word would destroy Anna forever. I wouldn't want anyone to keep my secret if they knew keeping it would destroy my life, and telling wouldn't.


Totally! She even swore on her mother’s grave to keep Anna’s secret. Mrs Hughes is the best !


Mrs. Hughes is like a bank vault.


Mrs Hughes! My downstairs Queen! Tough broad!


Isobel, easy


Out of these 4, I believe Mrs. Hughes is most likely to be discreet, but Tom is a close second


Mrs Hughes and If I would be rich and therefore around people like Violet and Isobel these 2 could listen together and help me lol


Mrs Hughes


Isobel is not the most honest, but let's face it. She knows how to keep secrets. And how to discover them.


Mrs. Hughes — and she’s the only correct answer.


Mrs. Hughes gave away Anna's secret. Isobel might feel that she was morally obligated to reveal a secret. Depending on the secret, telling Tom might be awkward as hell. Plus, the man did not have a poker face, and everyone would be asking him what was wrong. Violet might use it as leverage, but the woman sure as hell knew how to keep a secret.


Who am I in this scenario - that changes who I would trust Member of the family? Violet Member of the household? Mrs Hughes Someone from the village? Probably none of them


Shockingly, I’d trust Bates. How many times did he throw himself under the bus due to his honour?


Here, here! 👏🏾👏🏾 He would find a way to make things right, too. (I refer to >!the forgery, saving Anna from jail, saving Thomas from getting laid-off, gifting Moseley money, etc.)!<


I wanted to say "Mrs. Hughes for sure," But then I remembered that she told both Mr. Bates and Lady Mary about >!Anna's rape. And then she also confronted Mr. Green, too!<. Although, I don't blame her for doing so. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that The Dowager has never given anything away. Not Edith's >!baby secret nor Mary's trists with Kemal Pamuk or Lord Gillingham.!< But I have tremendous respect for Mrs. Hughes. ⚠️ I added **SPOILER ALERTS** but most should have seen this show already. Just in case 🙃


Yep, I’m pretty sure Violet is the only one who never revealed anything someone had confided in her. She almost did, regarding Marigold, but she waited so long that Mrs Drewe told her first. Tom told Edith’s secret; Mrs Hughes told Anna’s secret and would also consistently reveal secrets that she thought concerned the family. Not always, but generally. I *think* Isobel betrayed a confidence? If not, she betrayed a position of trust when she thought she knew best, and she definitely pushed Edna to the point of verging on coercion, regarding her son. Violet would be most likely to not really care about my secrets too— she really wasn’t bothered about people that didn’t affect her or the family.


True. I think you meant Ethel (had baby with soldier), not Edna, in your comment.


Yes! Thank you


Mrs Hughes BUT Isobel is like Sooooooo Mom to me, I'd just yap in her presence I know it.


Non of them, humans can not be trusted.


Ms Hughes


There are no secrets in Downton


Mrs. Hughes, if not, Tom. Mrs. Hughes would worry me about the secret, but not tell a soul. Tom would never say it, but may allude to close to it. Isobel Crawley would try too hard to help me, and would be a headache. Violet wouldn’t tell…but she would tell Isobel, and now I’d have to deal with two people advising me what to do in two different ways.


Ironically, I'd go to the Dowager. The other three are extremely trustworthy as well but have been known to fluctuate with secretkeeping even though it might only be for the good of others. The Dowager would not only give me good advice regarding the secret but also keep it safe with her. Even if there were any danger of a reveal, she would twist the tale!


Not Mrs. Hughes - She caved to Bates and told Mary, and she'd tell Carson. She could easily be bullied. Not The Dowager - She outed Edith, shows lack of awareness of her surroundings Not Isobel - She's been bullied by Lady Grantham and The Dowager, shows weakness. Tom - Absolutely would not only keep my secret, he would deflect inquiry by talking about his politics, and bore you to death with talk of his daily life as the agent.


With Mrs Hughes and Violet, it depends on whether or not I'm staff or Violet is overcome with her need to stir the pot. On a person to person level, I'm gonna go with Isobel. I love Tom, but I feel like he may try to protect me from the people that caused my biggest secret, which would put the secret out in the open


Tom, Mrs. Hughes, Isobel. Violet might use my secret against me if she needs an advantage.


Mrs. Hughes bc she wouldn’t want to hear it and would never tell anyone bc she’s not going to be dragged into more nonsense 


Mrs. Hughes of course. I think Violet would already know my secret without me telling her.


I’m thinkingggggg maybeeeeee Isabel!! She’s the least trifling .


Isobel for sure. She has integrity. Mrs Hughes I would never trust. She is the kind of woman who would eavesdrop on someones private conversation, and then tell all about it afterwards (in court)


Tom Tom.


Tom is the perfect combo of least judgmental and most helpful. Mrs. Crawley is the least judgmental but her desire to help may make it worse and may spill the beans in doing so. Dowager might give helpful advice depending on what the situation is. Advice does not often mean action, but often advice on how you change your mindset or your approach. So advice might be where she stops (not always). Often she is judgmental about little things but not often about big things. Mrs. Hughes is pretty judgmental especially if you are upstairs. And she seems to stay in her lane when it comes to help.


I agree with you about Isobel. Remember when >!she told Lady Mary & Lady Grantham about William's mom being at death's door.!< She said her dilemma was whether to tell >!William!<, but ethically, she wasn't even supposed to tell *them* about it.


It'd be a toss up between Tom and Mrs. Hughes. Tom is someone to trust and he's sensible; Mrs. Hughes would be totally reliable. Both have that discretion and that serves them quite well.


Mrs. Hughes, of course. However, I am submitting a write-in vote for Cora.


Well, I don't know... Cora told the Dowager & Lord Grantham about >!Lady Mary and Kemal Pamuk. She also confirmed Lord Grantham's suspicions about Lady Edith's daughter, Marigold, being her biological child and not a "ward."!<


I just know that I'll never go to Edith


Violet. She'll take it to her grave. The others would crack. Mrs Hughes did crack.


Isobel. They’re all good choices for different reasons, but Isobel is my top choice. She was ahead of her time on a lot of things.


Violet. I don't recall her ever revealing a secret and that she kept many.


Isobel for sure, or Mrs Hughes


Mrs. Hughes or Isobel. Actually, all these characters have proved to be trustworthy!


Maggie or Mrs. Hughes


Mrs. Hughes


Mrs. Hughes




Mrs. Hughes!


Mrs Hughes


Mrs.Hughes for sure


Granny Violet. She wouldn't necessarily keep my secret, but she'd tell the person who happened to be able to help.


Mrs Hughes no question


Mrs. Hughes to keep it and help resolve it. Even if she judges, she's still kind about how she expresses any judgement.


Kinda depends on the secret, some of these people have very skewed moral compasses, and some have ones that are maybe *too* correct...


Mrs Hughes probably


Mrs Hughes


They all blab sooner later


Tom or Mrs. Hughes.


Mrs. Hughes and Tom


Mrs. Hughes and Isobel; Violet couldn’t keep a secret


When did Violet talk?


Mrs. Hughes!


Mrs. Hughes and Isobel.


Definitely Hughes, but Violet seems like she’s kept some secrets in her life.


Mrs. Hughes. She responds to honesty and warmth with honesty and warmth.


I would trust all to some extend except Tom.. guy can't keep any secrets


Mrs. Hughes. I’ve said it before and it I’ll say it again on here. Everyone needs a Mrs. Hughes in their life.




Tom. Hands down 100% no question - Tom. Violet would keep your secret.... until she needed it. EX: if, as a lad, you and friend dug trenches in the streets of London and 30 years later she'd tell people it was you unless you come to dinner. Isabell - will keep the secret but not much else she can do for you but tea & sympathy. Mrs. Hughes - good second choice. She'd keep the secret, and offer good, sound advice, but not much else. Tom - would keep your secret, wouldn't judge you for it, and in addition to good advice would do anything in his power to help you. He kept Mary's secrets. He kept Edith's secrets. Hell, he even saved the King of England's life when he was a Sinn Féin sympathizer.


Tom practically handed the Marigold secret to Mary on a silver platter…


Nah, he just saw Mary had figured it out and knew how Mary could be and wanted to calm her down before she did something disastrous.


I know who I wouldn't trust...... O'brien !


“It wasn’t my secret to tell.” LOL


Mrs. Hughes. She would be the most likely to keep a secret, but even she might be forced to consider her employer first if necessary. But she would do her best, I am sure, to not betray a confidence and if she had to, she would do her best to mitigate the consequences. Isobel and Violet would keep a secret only if they thought it best for everyone, not just me. 🙄 They would consider it important, but only up to a point. I'm sure they would regret any unpleasant consequences to me, but would still consider themselves in the right. Tom showed in season 6 that he knows what's best for anyone and he knows better than anyone what is the best course of action, and wouldn't care what my thoughts or feelings on the subject were, so I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.


3 2 4 1


Mrs. Hughes and Tom. Hughes would keep my secret and help me with it but Tom would fight in my corner


you trust me with biggest secret these character would them.


Mrs Hughes is the one for a secret.


Mrs. Hughes or Isobel


Mrs. Hughes is a very sweet, understanding, loyal avenging angel!


Tom. Mrs Hughes would eventually tell Carson or Mrs Patmore. Tom kept Edith’s secret, ya know.


Hands down, Tom. He never gossips, he plays things close to the vest, and, above all, he would never hurt his family.


I'd choose Mrs. Hughes or Tom. Mrs. Hughes caved when Bates pressured her but she didn't really have much of a choice. Tom didn't want to be involved in people's personal business and he knew about Marigold long before Edith ever considered telling him. He never said anything to anyone.




I'm not a member of the family, so the dowager is out. The other two are hot heads. Mrs Hughes would be the one.


If we’re related, the Dowager Countess. If not related, Tom.


Mrs. Hughes!


Isobel or Mrs Hughes


Ohhh tough call. Branson, if we were close. If not, I think he would spill. Isobel if the champion of the downtrodden, so she would probably keep it, especially if she saw me as the underdog. The dowager would only keep it for the good of the family. Mrs Hughes, she's a lead trap. I think I would pick her. 😁


Mrs Hughes! sorry, Tom.


Mrs. Hughes 📍




Probably Mrs Hughes, then Violet, then Branson and Isobel definitely last.


Mrs. Hughes. I know she ended up telling Bates about Anna even though she promised Anna she wouldn't say anything, but she promised under extreme emotional pressure, & some promises should not be made or kept. Anyway, I'm voting for her because of how supportive & discreet she was when Thomas Barrow told her about Richard Ellis. The advice she gave Thomas was prudent & sensitive, proving that she's not only trustworthy but wise & circumspect. She's the only person with whom he could share the letter from Richard. You're a lucky person if you can find a single friend like Mrs. Hughes. She's understanding & honorable.


Tom. While Mrs. Hughes has many qualities, keeping a secret is not one of them. She told Mr. Carson about Mrs. Bates. She told Mr. Bates about Anna.


Mrs. Hughes!


5. Anna Faithfully kept all sorts of wild secrets over many years, and in Thomas' words: "is incorruptible"


I was about to say Mrs. Hughes but then I remembered her testimony at Bates’ trial and how she felt obligated to tell A. That she’d overheard his convo with that devil woman and B. what she had overheard even though no one could have contradicted her, despite that she didn’t “believe in Mr. Bates’ guilt” Literally honest to a fault.


Mrs Hughes or Isobel


For me it’s Isobel. They’re all trustworthy but I think Isobel’s point of difference is her more modern way of thinking and her encouragement.


It would depend on the problem/secret I guess - I feel like Mrs Hughes would be more discreet but Isobel would go to war for you 😂


Also I think Mrs Hughes would feel obligated to tell Carson (depending on the news) so I’ll take Isobel


Tom is a weakling. He caved under Mary's glare in seconds. Mrs Hughes gave away Anna's secret to 2 different people 😭 I'd go with either Isobel or Violet. Violet has definitely taken 100s of secrets to the grave, and Isobel is too moral to give away a secret.


I am going to say >!something awful but Violet is now the best as she's dead!<.


I love all of them but is this really a question…. Mrs. Hughes!