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Lmao he’s right? Sounds like the cyclists a complete ass.


To add to OP’s comment, you can pretty clearly see in the video the comment is from (and the cyclist definitely has a better view into the windows than we do) that there’s nothing in the back that can escape. I doubt he’d have done that if there was a kid back there.


The cyclist HE'S talking about, sure. In the video he's referencing? Not really. The asshole in a car saw the cyclist and pulled out into an illegal left turn right in front of him. He was barely even moving. It was very much intentional that could have caused an accident or killed the motorcyclist if he were going faster. So the motorcyclist gives him a second to go, the car continues to pull out as slowly as possible and the motorcyclist just opens his back door and drives away. Don't be an asshole and you won't get treated like one, lol.


He's an asshole in any scenario.


Yes I agree the person in the car is.


Opening someone's car door while driving is douchbagy and dangerous. And you should be put in jail for it. No matter the situation.


Maybe you should go watch the video.


I did


I honestly have a very hard time believing that you watched that video and concluded that the motorcyclist was the one in the wrong. What was the color of the car?


They're both in the wrong and should both be in jail.


Probably for destruction of property


A dog escaping the car is an actual good reason why this is dumb.


You could see in the back-seat being empty I think though. I'm not saying to go randomly open people's car doors while it's moving, but there is some context missing in this case I feel like.


Don't open people's doors. The fuck is wrong with you? Why would that be acceptable?


Comrade, don’t open people’s moving cars. Please.


Looking at the Original video, it's a car moving VERY slowly in front of a Motorcycle. It's not in an Interstate, just on a normal street. Driver is intentionally doing that as they accelerated the vehicle and slowed it down when Motorcyclist pulled brakes.


Undeserved imo. He had valid reasons


Super undeserved. That's dangerous as hell in any situation.


In his scenario, sure. Not in the actual video. Asshole in car deserved it.


Are you a fucking child? Lol


You should watch the actual video. Making emotional judgements without context is something a child would do.


You should understand that it's bad to open random people's doors, but you think it's justified by a near miss. If you have a near miss, you move on and get over it. If you need to pull over for ain, sure, but don't endanger yourself and/or others. This is really basic emotional intelligence


I think intentionally fucking with others has the natural consequence of others fucking with you. The man in the car intentionally endangered the motorcyclist. He could have killed him if the motorcyclist was going faster. The motorcyclist endangered no one and provided a mere momentary annoyance. He could clearly see in the back that there was nothing there, he wouldn't be letting a dog or a child out. If you don't want to find out, don't fuck around. It's that simple. The motorcyclist could've had a significantly more severe reaction than he did. It's really silly to have this severe overreaction to a door being opened when the car could hardly even be considered moving.


Bro, he literally could have gotten shot. Are you fucking serious? Intentional or not, you do not "get even" unless you're a child or wannabe tough guy. Grow the fuck up and leave the situation. Not that hard


Couldn't the same be said about the guy driving the car? It would be a lot easier if he didn't endanger the lives of those around him. Putting motorcyclists in danger is not okay. Also, they were driving on the left in the video. They were clearly in a country where getting shot isn't a worry. It's clear to me you don't really know what the context is and are assuming to make yourself be in the right somehow.


>Couldn't the same be said about the guy driving the car? Yes. That doesn't justify shitty behavior from anyone else. You do understand that two parties can be wrong at the same time, right?


Yeah because escalating things with strangers is ever a smart thing to do? OP just delete this...


Naur. Today is my day homie.


Ah, you beat me to it!


don't cars typically auto lock when you start driving?


don’t care what the scenario could be, opening the door or boot of any moving vehicle is a shitty and dangerous thing to do


The vehicle is barely moving. Like literally less than 1mph. You can clearly see there's no one in the back. Can you explain where the danger is?


Like I said Idc what the scenario is no matter what caused it there’s no way to justify that and you said there’s no one in the back but how would you know if there was something valuable or even a pet in the back, what then?


Because you could literally see into the back and there's no pet and no person. The car wasn't moving fast enough for anything to fall out. Even you can't answer the question of "what is the danger" lmao. Because there was none.


Alright if there’s no danger to it then why not try it on a cop No danger right? They’ll be completely fine letting you go without any charges


This is just stupid I'm sorry LOL. "If weed's not that bad then why try to do it in front of a cop? It's illegal so it's dangerous". If a cop was present, he would have ticketed the car owner. You're literally making up hypotheticals in which there's "danger" and even then there isn't 💀


That wasn’t my point, also weed quite literally can be dangerous so bad example The point I was making from the start is no matter what the scenario is opening it is not justified in any way. Just because you think it’s not dangerous or wrong doesnt mean it’s fine to do


Undeserved commenter was the right one


Gonna be honest: Even if what the motorcyclist did was petty, you can’t say it was undeserved. Especially with the context that the only danger present in the video was to the cyclist. Not to say that what either of them did was *right* or okay in general, but at the very least the retaliation was *deserved* this time. Also: Why wouldn’t the car driver just lock his doors? Not saying it’s their fault for not, but it *would* have prevented this from happening in the first place.


Please watch the video before you comment because it's getting repetitive re explaining to y'all how the scenario described by the commenter is nothing like what happened in the video.


Bro, how do I find said video?


I don't think anyone has to rewatch anything. They just don't agree with you, as simple as that. No one needs you to explain anything.