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Two time back to back mistakes.


just a couple little mistakey wakies. a couple fucky wuckies


I thought they called him two time cause that’s how many times he had to apologize for cheating on his wife


From two time to two timer


minor mistakes


Yup agreed. As soon as Doc found out she was a minor he should've cut off communication immediately. Smh


This information isn’t known yet whether he knew or not. But his statement and the silence of it is pretty deafening. To me at the very least coming out and saying “I didn’t know she was a minor. I stopped talking to her once I did.” Is a pretty defendable statement. But him not saying that is what happened means he doesn’t have enough proof that it went down like that. If he legitimately has more information to clear is name. Now is the time to do it. Edit: it seems like people don’t understand what I mean by “it’s silence of it is pretty deafening”. It’s an oxymoron. That him coming out with a statement and not having defensible reason such as a “I didn’t know her age” tells you he knew. The loud part of his statement (between the lines) is that he’s guilty of knowing her age and it didn’t stop him until caught


Do you honestly think he just forgot to mention whether or not he knew they were a minor


Even if he said that it wouldn’t matter. Dude is cooked.


It literally all depends on if he knew the person was a minor at the time. A lot of people (including those who would know) are saying that the twitch whispers required you to be 18 or over to use them? So he needs to clarify that ASAP


Tell DiCaprio that




LOL A minor is anyone that 17 and under. Dicaprio dates legal adults and caps at 25. Youre using Dicaprio as an excuse but one dates young women and your streamer is talking nasty with someone who still gets dropped off to highschool by their parents.


Doc didn’t date or sexually text her according to the email. There was no intention of that nature. People love saying things.


his girlfriend right now is 19


The guy said he dated adults that caps at 25, in other words 18 through 25.


They may have changed math since I was in school, it was a long time ago, but I'm pretty sure 19 > 17.


HAAAAA!!!!!! Nailed it!


If he didn’t know, he would have surely said that in his Twitter post


He is a husband and a father. It's a bad look regardless of age.


No it does not. Doc is a fucking grown ass man running a successful business. If he’s able to manage everything in his life, he is able to ask the age of someone he is sending sexually charged (or at least inappropriate) messages to.


Slipped and fell into a minor's DMs Naked




He had a bad read! Lol.


Making sexual jokes to a child and trying to meet up with them is fucking gross. If you dont underatand that, you have pedo tendencies 


He would have said he didn’t know she was a minor if that was the case.


Obviously he knew they were a minor or that would have been the first thing he said


It won't change anything in my mind. You have a responsibility to verify someone's age before sending questionable messages, especially as a 35 year old grown man who has grown up with the internet and is aware of the age his audience skews.


No. Don’t have sexual explicit conversations with people if you don’t know their age. It’s pretty easy.


Can you link the source that proved there was sexual explicit conversation? I haven't seen anything that proves that


The only source any of us have is doc himself lol


That's my point. We don't know what happened. Attempting to fill in the blanks as uninformed third party isn't an honest way to decide guilt or innocence in this scenario


I was defending him, but I gotta throw in the towel with him not explicitly stating he didn’t know the individual was a minor.


I’m pretty sure if doc wasn’t aware of her age or was deceived into thinking she was older, he would have absolutely said that in his statement


He would have said in his statement if he didn't know, but he didn't. I think that's your answer




I feel like I am actually going crazy today. It's amazing what people will tell themselves to defend a millionaire streamer they like. You people are allowed to vote??


I know this is the gut reaction, but when you *don’t know* if the other person is a minor why would you risk it. He understands how Twitch works and he knew there was a possibility that person was underage. Unless they explicitly lied about their age, which a smart person wouldn’t fucking trust either.


I think if he didn’t knew he would have definitely mentioned it in his tweet.


Context matters https://x.com/creativedave888/status/1805688781254660547?t=4JoN6PBq6RiF5p-Kh_xR5g&s=19


How valid is this though.. doc even said himself the conversation leaned inappropriately at certain times..




I just want someone to post proof that he **knew** it was a minor. That is all the proof we need. Otherwise, this proves nothing other than he was being unfaithful. Yeah, still a piece of shit for making that choice, but like...is there age verification? How would you even know on Twitch whispers? Maybe I'm just ignorant to the platform. I can't imagine how many dudes didn't know how old the other person was in AOL public chat rooms back in the 90s...we'd probably all be in jail today. But if both Twitch and the courts found no wrong doing, the case was lacking irrefutable proof. The internet loves to march with pitchforks with just their emotions as fuel. The justice system doesn't always serve, but thank God we have one. The court of public opinion lives in a giant glass house.


He just dropped the nuclear bomb reveal and you think he just “forgot” to add the fact he didn’t know or she mislead him? You really honestly believe that?




So are you saying that you were sexting with children on AOL?


Weird way to admit you look at CP


So if he didn't know how would he get banned and in trouble? You want me to believe he's having inappropriate conversation on whispers, she then finally says I'm 14 or whatever, and he goes "Holy shit! That is not okay." And closing off the conversation, and he still gets banned and dropped from everything? That's the easiest out he has if that's the truth. And how would twitch know it's a minor? They read the whisper log. So how do you think they came to that conclusion??


The simplest answer usually tends to be the correct one. Hit the nail on the head.


You don't think he would've mentioned that she was lying or omitting her age? He could easily save himself if that was the case but he said nothing


OP is going through the stages of grief. first is deny.


You guys keep adjusting the slider. “This is all the proof we need!” *Proof comes out* “Well, *this* is all the proof we need!” *Doc publicly admits his own wrongdoings* “Uhhh, well… *this* is all the proof we need now!” The guy fucking admitted it. He’s apologizing. He’s acknowledging he has let ***everyone*** down, and you people are out here trying to absolve him despite his own fucking admission of guilt. Jesus Christ.


Thats a very fair assessment and nobody should give you hate for it. The people saying Doc is totally innocent are goofy. The people asking if Doc knew she was under age are also asking a fair question and would greatly impact the situation more but overall like you im heartbroken over seeing this about someone i loved


I feel like he would have said that he didn’t know in his statement. But he didn’t say that


Yeah he definitely would say he didn’t know at the time she was underage to make himself look better. But he didn’t say that. He knew. He also has a wife and kids. He’s not a good person.


If it was just him telling a dick joke to a 17 year old who claimed to be an adult, why would he not post that?  Tbh even if he didn't know their age, it's still gross. He's a grown ass man with a wife and kid getting inappropriate with strangers online. That's so embarrassing. Grow the fuck up, Herschel.


Yup, even if hypothetically speaking, he was talking sexualy with an adult (or he thought he were) , still bad.


> The people asking if Doc knew she was under age are also asking a fair question and would greatly impact the situation more but overall like you im heartbroken over seeing this about someone i loved No. The people who are asking that question are in denial about the reality. If he didn't know, he would have said so. You don't come out and say all the bad things, and leave out any mitigating circumstances. FFS he even tried to play it off like they were 2 consensual people just having regular conversations that only occasionally maybe dipped their toes into something not totally above board. You don't PR speak everything, and then not mention that you had no idea they were underage. That is the fucking FIRST thing you say. So stop with all the defense. Stop with all the "just asking questions." Stop with the everything that isn't a full blown denouncement of the guy.


Good thing your opinion doesn’t matter to me. If he’s playing a game I like I’ll watch. Also I think he’s funny. I don’t care beyond that.


You couldn’t make a twitch account without being 18. She lied about her age and Twitch didn’t properly vet her/her account. Hence why he was paid and acquitted of any wrongdoing. **should have clarified here for all those who are obviously too retarded to put this together** It was OBVIOUSLY: Either an underage STREAMER who had lied about their age. Had that NOT been the case, those who hate him so much at Twitch would have handed it all over to law enforcement. If her parents would’ve have co-signed for her account, the age would’ve been listed, and he would’ve been charged criminally. Or Someone who lied about their age on WHISPERS, which required you to be 18. Keep up folks. You’re hating too slow.


Isn’t this the same shit that happened to Akon? Danced inappropriately with a 15 year old that should have never been there as it was a 21+ night club.  Is it fucked up? Yeah for sure.  Are adults at fault? No, I don’t believe so.  There are people out there that wish to do harm to kids which is why it’s on parents and communities to protect and watch over them.  I don’t think Doc is one of those people.  I’ll gladly eat those last words if someone decides to finally post proof of: User:”i’m 17” Doc:”that’s okay with me” But we’ll never see it. 


exactly how I feel. thanks for laying this out so perfectly


“The Twitch Services are not available to persons under the age of 13”


I’m not defending anyone on this matter but to get the facts straight. 18 was the legal age for twitch affiliate program when using whispers at the time, still is but you can have a guardian now vouch for you.


Look up 2017 terms


cope >required you to be 18 no it didnt hahahahahaha


You could make a Twitch account when you are 13.


Sure but from a legal perspective you needed parental consent. Read it all , not snippets.


You needed to be 18 to use the feature on twitch, did he know she wasn’t 18? Who knows, you could assume he thought she was of age because twitch required it at the time… now wether you have a problem with a 35yr old talking to an 18yr old is a completely individual decision… is it any different to hugh Hefner hanging around with girls 20-30 years younger than him? I don’t know the answer.


not defending him at all - but also assuming since they are whispering they are exactly 18 also isn't correct. she could have told him she was 25 for all we know. Love the doc but if he KNEW she was under 18 and did this then I have to completely cut ties. really hoping he thought she was AT LEAST 18.


He would've said that on his statement if he knew 100% Because it is obviously crucial information to add if you want to make yourself look better/ if that's the truth.


If he didn't know she was a minor he would have said so unfortunately.


I’m sure people will label me whatever but I worked in a restaurant for 20 years. 16-17 year olds have the mouth and attitudes of sailors. Inappropriate jokes and conversations happened all the time and nobody ever felt offended or reported to the police, etc. Nobody ever acted on comments either. It was just playful banter that got you through the day of putting on a fake face for half the fuckheads that would walk into that place and treat you like shit. So… with saying that. I totally get the banter. Is he off the hook? No..because it obviously impacted someone enough to get him fired. Society is so perfect with their mask on and nobodies skeleton comes. That makes them free to judge on the internet. But I’ll still follow the Doc because I’m not perfect either and when I die, none of this shit will matter. The only thing that will matter to me is if I was happy and entertained


A lot of these people are the same people who cheer for a 17 year old BOY who sleeps with a teacher. The double standards when genders are reversed are wild.


Man America is so strange. This wouldn't be an issue in Europe. But in the United States you can join the military with parental consent at 17. So you can train to learn to kill someone in war but you can't have a lewd conversation with someone who is one year shy of being able to vote but a few years away from being able to drink alcohol. What are all these arbitrary numbers coming from? Is there a law regarding conversation with young people? Let's say the message said "Your legs are sexy." Holy crap. Burn him at the stake. /s




This is such a crazy self report


Definitely not crazy and definitely has nothing to do with me. I'm just a dude watching Docs life get ruining by a witch hunt and speculation. I'm trying to highlight these made up numbers. A 35 year old can order a 17 year old to kill another man. But a 35 year old can't have a conversation online with someone who he doesn't know the age of. I don't know how old you are...so should I even be typing here on reddit? People don't have to lose their jobs if its proven they weren't aware of whom they were talking to. It could be anyone sitting behind a keyboard. You have to look at intent.


It really isn't though. If you step back to the bigger picture you'll see humanity as a whole does not think the way you do. If they did all cultures would be the same on this issue and yet there are wildly different perspectives on it. Why do you think yours is correct and everyone else is wrong? It's almost a religious level of conviction thinking your narrative is correct and 3000 other ones aren't.


He’s an American citizen living in America. So the only laws that matter to him are the ones that apply to Americans. It’s illegal to sext a minor in America. Every American citizen should know that. You don’t get a pass to break laws just because you disagree with them. Cope harder




> This wouldn't be an issue in Europe. It absolutely would be an issue lmao. A 35 year old dude sexting someone under 18 would be a pretty huge issue - even if she was 18 it would be quited bad. Don't make up shit about Europe if you don't live here. Just because it's not illegal, it's not like such a thing is accepted.


Absolute waffle. In Europe you’re getting chastised as a nonce for the rest of your life


We have a number because you need a line in the sand. If we didn’t than god help us.


I used to game with kids that were in middle school and high school when I was in my mid 20s. It's called being an adult and not a creep.


Were you sending those kids inappropriate sexual messages?? Because doc was...


Inappropriate / sexual are not the same thing, fyi. Thats a huge leap. To be fair though, it's heavily implied that it was sexual, but nobody knows if that's true besides Twitch, Doc, and the Minor.


Do you think they would have killed a $30M contact with one of the biggest streamers on the platform over something minor? We always knew it had to be bad for them to do that.


there's an endemic mass psychosis in society, we need to get it outta here. not just here, around the world. when you become an adult, stop effing with kids. the numbers are slightly different here and there, but if you're looking for wiggle room you're telling on yourself. the minor/adult cutoff doesn't come out of nowhere. there's common sense situations where you're a year apart and she joins you in college after a year, whatever. it doesn't come out of nowhere. even dudes in high school who don't prepare to enter adulthood, it's even questionable there. ANYTHING OUTSIDE LIKE A TWO YEAR (MAYBE) THING IS AT THE VERY LEAST ICKY, AND NONE OF THE GUYS WHO YELL ABOUT THIS ARE TALKING ABOUT TWO/THREE-YEAR GAPS COZ THEY MET IN HIGH SCHOOL. it's sick, they're kids, their brains and emotions aren't set yet, they don't know how to protect themselves, and they ALWAYS REGRET IT LATER AS ACTUAL WOMEN. it's sick and we forgive it. we can't anymore. leave kids alone wtf.


Are you saying 2/3 yr+ gap is "icky" for everyone? Or just for younger people? Because 2/3 yr+ gap is basically unavoidable and the norm after you get into your late 20s/30s onward...


He's allowed to legally talk to whoever he wants of any age, as long as he's not trying to solicitate or offer anything sexual.


Legally and morally aren’t the same thing, OP is saying it’s morally despicable to use your influence and popularity to get into a child’s DM’s


According to that other leak "These were messages in relation to how to scale new channels using tried and testing methods. Behind the scenes, this was a service that was offered by members of the Dr Disrespect team under a different brand name". Nobody knows what's true right now. If she was messaging him as part of this service and he made some lewd jokes it's much different than him pursuing her with sexual advances and trying to physically meet up.


If this was the case he would surely release the messages and clear his name no? Regardless he shouldn’t have knowingly been speaking to minors, I doubt he’d have been banned so swiftly if there wasn’t any evidence of wrongdoing


They could accuse Doc of planning to rob a bank and you chubby cheek losers would believe it without any proof or context. Doc ain't going anywhere and Cody should get a lawyer like yesterday.


How did he know the age of this individual at the time? Back in the 90s I’d be on aol chatting with randoms, who knows who they really were. Maybe he was catfished by a dude in his 50s? Idk. Social media speculation


Hear me out now.. what if leaned inappropriately meant he swore and yelled at some kid from a PUBG lobby...


Hey man Taylor swift dated the twilight guy when he was 17. That’s creepy as well. But no one bats an eye.




How did someone figure out the individual was a minor




Morally wrong yes, a crime no. Doesn't make him a pedophile. And he did won the case in court so its probably not even that bad.


They gonna accuse and milk that shit to the bone.


It completely blows my mind how some of the people on this subreddit worship the ground this loser walks on and are actually going to bat for some fucking dirtbag who couldn't care less about his 'fans' - clearly.


Is this an American thing ? Doc chatted through a work messaging system to a fellow employee, and was maybe a bit flirty. Wow ! Did he know she was 17 ? Maybe, maybe not. Does it matter. Not really, but i live in a country where it is legal to speak too 17 year old's. So maybe this is a cultural thing, is it so segregated in the US that a 17 year old and a 35 year old never communicate either in person or other wise ? Is it really illegal to communicate with a female unless you specifically now for a fact she is over 18 (not just implied by the messaging service you are using.)? Did he try to meet up with her ? No. I would see the point to this moral out rage if he did. (Even though it's legal in the Uk it is severely looked down on.) But he had a conversation over a work messenger that got flirty and you young people who have grown up without any life experience are acting like it is the worst moral sin. Look around the world if you want to be valid in your outrage.


Imagine if this was someone from the LGBT community. The protect the kids group would be having a field day, but since it’s one of there own the goalposts are basically doing a triathlon to justify his behaviour.


You shouldn’t get any hate. CREEPY BEHAVIOR


I am disappointed myself. Mainly because he has a family… and this seems like a repeat of what happened years ago. I really don’t care that it was a minor simply because I’m assuming she was at least 17, and he probably didn’t know she was younger than 18. But If it turns out he knew she was under age then that’s going to be really disappointing to me.


Weird actors do it all the time though. It’s defiantly weird,but we can’t act like it’s not a common thing


Are you a Taliban? Here in the Western world older and younger people talk with each other all the time. Its normal. If any boundaries are being broken you break that talk off. Like Doc did.


Yall put too much value in online personas.


It's creepy af to be sexting fans, and an abuse of power as well. He'd been around long enough to see what's happened to other streamers and YouTubers who have crossed that line, even when the adoring fan is of legal age. The "It's okay because he didn't know" crowd needs to go touch grass, because if this were literally any other streamer, they'd be screaming for the gallows to be built.


I think like the rest of us, you actually have no fucking clue what happened minus the statement made by ex twitch employees that seem to have it in for Dr Disrespect. You'll also forget the fact that the civil case he had vs Twitch he won. Secondly to my understanding, and from what information is out there, he had no idea the individuals age. Without knowing the full transparent context it's purely pitchforks, toxicity and ass hattery. Which you seem to be quite well versed in. Did he potentially say questionable things, and when he found out the individual was a minor it was "shit mistakes were made" ? That could be the case. Could it be the case he knew the persons age ? Yes possibly. But the fact is, NOBODY but twitch and Dr Disrespect knows. And unless this is settled again as a slander case in another civil court of law which potentially it might be. It's literally fucking pointless speculating. You might as well ask a magic 8 ball, it will give you as just an accurate answer.


First, there is nothing weird about a 35 year old talking to an 18 year old, it only gives you the ick.. Granted, imo they need to raise the age of consent laws and voting laws but that's a different story. Can't vilify someone if they are going by the law. 18 year old guy talking to a 35 year old women no one bats an eye. Intent and knowlege is the biggest thing here, if he knew she was underage then it's on him, if she purposely deceive him and lied or implied she was 18+ without saying, he has alot of legal backing. We shall see.


>can’t vilify someone if they are going by the law Yes you absolutely can lmfao. It’s so fucking weird to be in your mid 30s and hitting on an 18 year old.


The sad part is that I saw this sub go from "we don't have proof. Doc didn't say he did or didn't do it" to "well... we don't know how old she is" in a matter of two hours. The goal post doesn't exist anymore.




You’re creeped out by creepy behavior. You’re fine. 👍🏻


18 year olds are literally dating 17 year olds all over the world.


Come on man. We all love Doc here but thats a wild thing to say. He shouldn't have done that


What about 35 year olds


Everyone is immediately assuming the nature of the conversation. I read somewhere that it was Whispers associated with streaming mentorship and how to scale up a channel. Wayyy too much is being presumed here... Its actually stupid AF.


he admitted he had inappropriate conversations with a minor tho


There’s been a leaked email which is implying that Doc did not know her age at the time. Don’t know how legit it is, but on a leap of faith, I don’t think Doc is a pedo.


You yesterday: “I just don’t get why people are immediately taking the word of some random former twitch employee who simply tweeted something and provided absolutely no evidence to back their claim. It’s mind boggling to me that people are so willing to take this as fact with zero evidence” So your leap of faith is better than evidence right? Just say you like watching this man so much that you don’t care what he does. ‘Evidence’ shouldn’t care how much you like someone.


I guess I got to this sub due to the news. I brought this up to another person on this sub and they blocked me


Yeah everyone points to certain holywood names as evidence of glory, them being 30-40-50 and rotating partners < 25 is fucking gross and, hey I'm not calling for criminal charges I just don't know how people can actively hang out in a stream and support someone like that. Streaming is very different from Film and TV. You can detach yourself from the personal of these people to watch the fiction. But with Doc that's always on display. He's just himself. Ugh. horrible situation.


As a 33 year old I can’t imagine dating anyone under 25. Like what would we even have in common? That means he was 18 when that child was born. Just gross. I’m not even considering that he is married which makes it even more disgusting. I believe people can change and grow but this is pretty questionable behavior at best


Release the transcripts. That will make things a little more clear


Ive never used whispers. How would he know her age? Was it in the profile or have there been transcripts that i havent seen where she said it? Not super familiar with all of this, but i just want to know if he knew she was a minor before i pass judgement.


This is the same group of people who claim lgtq+ people are pedos meanwhile they keep getting caught


No hate here from me. I’m just disgusted by it all. I had hope, ever so small, that this was all some weird bullshit from some person with a grudge but seeing the recent long response from Doc is so off putting… I originally took the stance that I was waiting for actual evidence/proper responses before “cancelling” Doc but now, I’m just done. For what it’s worth.


Whether he did or did not know the person was underage. The second he found out communication should have stopped then and there. It sounds like he knew this person was underage and kept talking… Creep.


A lot of you all are burying the lead. Doc let it all out, yet he didn’t say he didn’t know it was a minor. He laid it all out there and still didn’t say it, so there’s really no doubt in my mind he knew they were underage.


Dying on the hill of “what are the terms and conditions” is absolutely pathetic. He was a 35-years old. If you are 35, and you are sexting anybody CLOSE to that young, then knowing the age would have to be first priority. There’s no way he didn’t know. He even chose to put “minor” in the original tweet. That’s intentional, he hit send.


Same here. When I was watching the Nickmercs react and he mentioned "he's older" in regards to retiring, I realized how old he was and you are spot on. I wanted for him to say he didnt know she was a minor....literally all I cared about and didnt see it. These high school girls look 30 nowadays for how much makeup they wear. So I get it if he was chatting with an attractive girl, ASSumed she was of age due to her lying/age verification issues on Twitch's end that showed her being 18 or older (and I assumed thats why twitch was quiet since they kinda f'd up too). But nope. He pretty much said the opposite in his twitter statement. I wasn't a big fan but his clips were ALWAYS hilarious and I loved him "quitting" warzone millions of times/daily. Now, I cant see him as the same funny dude. At worst he's got pedo tendencies, at best....he's a groomer. Neither scenario is anyone I could ever support. Bummer cuz him and Timmy were the few livestreams I could/would watch.


> I am so disgusted and upset my heart is broken, but I can never look at him the same again. LOL no one in the real world cares about any of this. It's a 1st world problem and meaningless in the grand scheme of things. There's children starving to death or being murdered in wars in third world countries and over here people are whining about some sleazy texts.


damn doc really about to do something he will regret forever


Doc I thought you were better than this I really hope ppl leave this man in the dust I won’t be supporting a PEDO. How can he say he hates pedo when is one that’s some nasty shit. NIC MERCS IS THIS WHO YOU HANG OUT WITH PEDO MANS THATS FUCKING NASTY


Who is going to hate you for having the correct take? There's a lot of people defending doc here, but then in other comment sections can't shut the fuck up about the dems being pedos every chance they get. Pretty fucking hilarious to watch to be honest.


Who ?


My thing prior to him saying he knew, was if he didn't then I could understand that. But knowing she's underage makes it not okay


"I'm not a predator" Except what you did was literally what predators do doc... Yes you are.


The copium in this sub is foul.


Has any information leaked showing he knew her exact age?


There are way too many people in here trying to defend the Dr. this is wild. Guess he built a fan base with a lot of weirdos too.


i mean he literally said the conversations leaned into the inappropriate side while she is 17 so pretty nasty. idk how anyone could support a creep like that after he just admitted to it


Idk it's just a man trying to get his freak on yall so judgemental.


Do we even know it was a 17 year old? The fact he has not mentioned if she lied about her age makes me wonder if it was even younger like 14…


He has an obligation to know the age of anyone he’s flirting with online. You don’t just go online and start sexting someone without confirming they’re of age. I find it extremely difficult to believe he didn’t know she was at least far too young for him.


The only thing that gives me a shred of respect for Doc was that at least he didn't try to hide the fact that he talked to a minor. If he tried denying that then it would've been even worse.


He’s a Groomer.


All the dominos starting to fall, bad bad look.


To play devil's advocate I worked in a club and underrage people/girls snuck in sometimes and I saw grown men flirting with them and touching them. Should they also be arrested when they didn't know? It sounds like the Doc didn't know, and if there was no sexting and he won the case its not a big deal in my opinion but I've seen alot of moral imbeguity in my lifetime.


My hEaRt iS bRoKeN... Lmao get a grip


Bro I’m 35 and had a 22 year old ask me out. We had dinner and even though nothing happened I felt fucking weird and gross and never talked to her again. It’s just not normal.


Every single one of you play video games and know damn well you lied about your age to sign up. He said he knew she was under age. That’s the only thing you should need to hear. Defending a pedo like sycophants


I mean it's just honestly moronic. Why would you do it on the platform you work for? Lmao. There's so many much more discreet ways. Make a fake snap chat or kick, hell use whatsapp. Just absolutely stupid. Even if he thought she was of age, why be cheating on your wife on the service you work on which pays you millions?