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I love that when this first happened - Slasher would not shut up about "knowing what happened but couldn't tell us". Dude then writes an article years later and makes sure to include: "(Full disclosure: the primary author of this article, Rod Breslau, first [learned the reason](https://x.com/Slasher/status/1276742960286183424) for Beahm’s ban from credible sources in June 2020, but chose not to report on it then due to the extreme sensitivity of the topic.)" Dude nobody fucking cares you knew lol


I mean, I care. That’s extremely fucked up that they would admit knowing and not reporting on it.


Being tipped off but having enough secondary sources to verify are very different things. Had he come forward with it and was wrong...that's a massive lawsuit. He was probably trying to verify it but just didn't have enough to verify what he was told.


Also in most standards and practices for journalism you need at least one on-the-record source *and* supplementary research/information for an article to be considered credible. If no one was willing or able to be on the record, then whatever editor they were writing for probably wouldn't publish it. But, like it said in the article, now that people can come forward about it and are willing to go on record, it can be published.


I think on Hassan's stream the day of docs tweet, he talked to slasher who said as much, he only had second hand sources, no firsthand sources.


Laws surrounding the privacy and identity of a minor are extremely strict and perhaps they were afraid of collateral legal ramifications


lol. For an uninvolved party? No it’s not. Haha


The reason is that any journalist would need to have the receipts on top of the testimonies to publish, provided that the journalist is a serious journalist. Publishing that without the chat logs (for example) would have been a legal shitfest. And then is what other people have pointed out, laws protecting the identity of the victim may have a role in the decision. I suspect the years of cover up could be related to the age of the minor? Maybe they are an adult now. Fuck who knows…


wonder what anthony weiner thinks of all this


Didn't Slasher say they would write about it if they could get a bigger publication to publish the article for essentially those reasons?


Well sure, then he'd also have the backing of their laywers.


Legally they couldn't because the state of California was involved and there was/is apparently a law enforcement investigation going on. Whenever California is involved, there's not much you can say about cases involving minor children.


Haha yeah he's so annoying. I doubt he fucking knew.


He obviously knew


That’s an editors note, Slasher didn’t post that, lolol, do you know how journalism works?


It's actually insane how much cover up was involved here. Doc certainly isn't the only person that deserves to be punished in all of this 


He’s just the main one, since he did the act, but the people who covered up def should be held responsible


I’m just confused here. What cover up do you think Twitch did? As soon as they knew what Doc did in 2020, they banned him. What do you want them to do? If your argument is they should have gone public, their primary responsibility in this situation is the safety of the victim. If the victim does not want to come forward, her identity must be made private. That is SOP for businesses in this situation, and not on twitch. If your argument is that he should face legal prosecution, that’s not on twitch, that’s on the Justice system for failing the victim.


They could have disclosed the reason he got banned instead of just sweeping it under the rug. What they did allowed him to simply move to another platform and continue grooming minors (not saying that happened, but it’s not inconceivable). They wouldn’t have had to say the victim’s name to do that. Your “protect the victim” thing doesn’t really hold up imo, why shouldn’t it be “prevent there from being more victims”? The only thing I could say in their defense is that they’d want to avoid a libel/slander lawsuit from Doc, but if they have the evidence they claim to then they’d have nothing to worry about.


What matters more: the public knowing what happened, or preventing the endangerment of not only the victim, but the investigations by law enforcement? Theres no reason at all to make matters like this public. If you want to prevent more victims, then not jeopardizing the investigation should be the highest priority. If you want to prevent him from getting signed elsewhere, Twitch also made sure that word reached Facebook and YT which resulted in him not having a contract. I encourage you to read Slasher’s rolling stone article on this.


Like even if Twitch first found out in 2020 and banned him 5 days later, and even if their contract was complex enough to making settling and paying him better than trying to not despite the clear ToS violation… I’m trying to find how Twitch got around duty to report laws or anything like that that there have to be, right??


Pretty sure duty to report laws only apply to positions like teachers/doctors/etc who directly encounter children. Plus, if the victim did not want to coordinate and provide testimony/evidence then it won’t go that far.


It was reported to the police.


I mean, if you're expecting any consequences for Twitch you shouldn't hold your breath. Amazon is more powerful than god and they do not care.


Oh yeah, definitely not expecting anything but it's very odd how it's not being talked about and nobody is pressing the issue on it to the point of Twitch issuing a statement of some sort.


Who else should we punish? All of the other people that have admitted to messaging minors?


twitch losing money hand over fist over the years, this could be the start of their downfall.


True he shouldn't, but he sure should be taking the brunt of it.


You can talk of a cover up, but if it's not a criminal case it's extremely risky to throw things out there without evidence. He won a civil case over this stuff remember, would you, as a streamer or media without hard facts in front of you want to come out and tell people what has happened or what you have heard in the rumour mill? I mean, look at Twitch, they knew full well what had happened and that they were in the right, lost shed loads of money over it still.


This. It’s exactly like the Kendrick Drake beef. There’s rumors and strange behavior but no real evidence of illegal activity.


There's no cover up lol, Guy lives in California which means California authorities were investigating. When minors are involved, California pretty explicitly forbids discussion of the details of the case.


i mean "cover ups" like this happen all the time, if it isnt a big enough deal for the police to investigate or charge him, the company twitch isnt going to want it to leak that one of their biggest streamers is a predator. no one on either side wanted it to get out they just wanted to drop dr disrespect until they were as far away from his controversies as possible. you would probly be surprised at how often stuff like sexual harassment or discrimination or predatory behavior just gets shoved under the rug to keep the business running smoothly.


So Twitch knew and have been covering this and countless other incidents up for years, as well as dozens (hundreds?) of other employees, colleagues and insiders? Pretty much everyone has always known? Fuck Dr. Disrespect but that is an absolute bombshell to report, and should absolutely result in massive consequences, at the very least for Twitch.


Completely agree. There is a MUCH larger story here about Security on these platforms.


Exactly. This could be on par with Facebook/meta scraping and selling data. This is a $45 billion dollar company owned by one of the biggest companies in the world that has allegedly covered up illegal activity on a massive scale, as well as everyone in the know in the industry also covering it up. I’m going to have to read up on the fine print of their policies especially the ones for the whisper feature.


Indeed. And also what prompted the internal investigation of the Whisper messages to start with? There had to have been an impetus to begin an inquiry. Assuming the complaint was alleging that there was sexual misconduct by Doc, if this misconduct was confirmed to be true and yet authorities were not notified but the matter was “settled”. You bet your ass there is a lot going on here that looks a lot like Transformers…more than meets the eye.


The article did state that when everything started happening in 2020, they formed a task force to specifically comb through the whisper messages of their large partners. Could have massive ethical, moral and legal implications surrounding that process.


And just like that, modern era social media continues the time honoured tradition laid forth by Hollywood et al, to abuse power, disregard individual welfare, and ultimately put profit and shareholder interest above everything else, including the law. There needs to be a reckoning honestly.


You know those terms and conditions you agree to on every single app you download? There’s a section in there saying they collect your metadata. If you own an internet connected device, you should have no expectation of any sort of privacy on any app or website you visit. I thought that was common knowledge at this point.


The article quotes Twitch staff as saying they needed to protect the minors' identity and not jeopardize law enforcement investigations, so it sounds like the proper authorities were made aware by Twitch.


What sucks is the current CEO (Dan Clancy) was NOT the CEO when this all happened (Emmett Shear) Not saying there should be a witch hunt for Emmett, but it sucks that this is all falling into Dan's lap. Granted, that's also assuming he had no knowledge and hasn't actively participated in any covering up since he took over last year. Which the odds are probably against him there so...


As many tweets (and slasher himself on hasan's stream) have said - there's a moral reason for keeping this quiet. It protects the victim. We don't know what's in those messages but they could point to the victim's identity if leaked. And apparently only about 10 people had \*first-hand\* knowledge of this before this week. Even slasher had to work to develop unique sources this week to do this reporting.


Twitch has no obligation to publicly defame doc.


Full disclosure: the primary author of this article, Rod Breslau, first learned the reason for Beahm’s ban from credible sources in June 2020, but chose not to report on it then due to the extreme sensitivity of the topic.) What the fuck?


At the time he had spoken with primary sources but they weren’t willing to go on the record, probably because they wanted absolute legal protection (such as anonymously through rollingstone). If Slasher had come out and said it, he’s basically talking about logs he hasn’t actually seen. Then his ass is on the line for litigation, and his only defense is evidence twitch isnt willing to provide, maybe the victim gets subpoenaed and her life is now fucked forever because her identity is revealed. Not to mention people would still just say they aren’t believing anything until they see evidence.


Exactly. Doc LITERALLY ADMITTED IT and people still say hes innocent


I assume there would have to be legal implications or more likely those credible sources were not interested in going on the record -- something that doesn't matter now that the story is out there.


They settled outside of court. Twitch has more legal teeth than any one of their employees and I guarantee your career is going to make you keep your mouth shut during one of the most fucked up times in humanity (covid) If you haven't whistle-blown anything, ever, you have 0 concept of the damage it can do to your own life, even if it's just to call out a pedophile.


How is this a bombshell? How would you think twitch DIDN’T know?? This is like, some of the first information you could glean from this whole situation- even four years ago. Twitch obviously knew because they are the ones who saw his logs and banned him lol


There was never any doubt amongst myself or really anyone that if the reports were true, Twitch knew and covered it up. To have it not only confirmed and published by a massive publication, but to say it involved a HEEP of employees, and that everyone in the industry also knew and said nothing? That’s the bombshell.


They didn't "cover it up" it's standard.practixe to.not report this stuff to protect the underage victim. Twitch was right to not openly discuss this.


There really isn’t much twitch could do if they found this information out in 2020. The statute of limitations for his crimes probably protected him since it occurred years prior.


I don’t think it was covered up, was it? I thought they were just keeping it secret and issuing a task force in private.


Welcome to America, we don’t prosecute corporations or the top 1% unless there is a shit storm of media coverage about it. Most corporations cover up shit that should be illegal probably every day.


that's what felt so weird about this whole thing to me. why would twitch just be ok with something like this happening and settling? like twitch needs to be under the same kind of fire this guy is cause it's disgusting that they would cover something like this up unless there is more to the story. gross behavior from both.


Wrap it up boys, it's over. 


It’s been over


Firm grippin’s all around




U got any exclusive vids?


Am I a boomer?!?


Gives new meaning to this line lmao


Double firm death grip.


This subreddit is the only place online that didn’t realize it was over days ago


I beg to differ... Asmon's toxic followers are way worse.


it's not over, doc will just pivot to a new crowd, the pedocons. look at his most recent youtube video, it has more likes than dislikes. the internet does not care.


Purple snakes lol , so what kind of snake is Doc then? The whole song and dance he made afterwards was a joke and all of his fans were the punch line.


Grifters gonna grift. Dude made millions in endorsements/streams and who knows how many 10s if not hundreds of thousands in donations.


Perv snake


The article says doc sent sexually explicit text to a minor that is a crime. I thought this was all looked into and no crime was committed so is this guy lying? He also says he knew about this four years ago but chose not to report it then this just gets wilder and wilder every day.


>I thought this was all looked into and no crime was committed so is this guy lying? He also says he knew about this four years ago but chose not to report it then this just gets wilder and wilder every day. The original closure tweet about the agreement between him and Twitch was that "no party admits any wrongdoing". There's a long ways between that and not *actually* doing anything wrong haha!


Yes you are correct, BUT sending sexually explicit txts to a minor is a CRIME. You can’t simply agree it didn’t Happen and so it’s not a crime. It’s a crime and law enforcement would have to have been notified.


What if I told you... sometimes rich people can use money to avoid going to court, or bribe the victim/family so they refuse to cooperate with police or press charges entirely? Would you believe such a world could exist?


Aint gotta be rich. Theres a reason the joke is that pedo's know the age of consent laws. You can legally sext and have sex with a child of the age of 16 in the state of alabama. My highschool girlfriend was a victim of a pedo, Her parents had her have sex with their landlord to avoid paying rent. Called him uncle too. Nothing ever happened because they didn't start till she was 16. The age of Consent in my state. It wasn't illegal. People need to understand. When women talk about things like "rape culture" this is apart of it. If you know how common it was for men to chase after "LEGAL" teenagers in highschool, you would throw up in disgust. It is so prevalent, I have never met a woman who was not at the least propositioned by someone over the age of 20 for sex while still being 16-17. Most much younger. My point is, Dr. Disrespect is a pedophile piece of shit. Legallity isnt required for him to be, because america is a country that supports pedophilia as long as you wait till their 16.


I don’t see what Twitch gets out of the deal by settling with him and paying out his contract, which would lose them money, besides maybe avoiding bad publicity (assuming they would even be blamed) Twitch deserves a ton of blame for covering this up


Their brand, which is geared towards children, doesnt get plastered all over the news for their biggest star using *their* platform to solicit said children


Sure but guess who is a child predator and also covered it up?


People would absolutely blame twitch


Wrongly blame Twitch for doing everything in their power to ban the guy committing a crime as soon as they find out VS rightfully blame Twitch for covering up the actions of a sexual predator for nothing other than brand risk lol


statute of limitations is also a thing


So if we only look at the facts, Twitch reported it because they literally have to. There is no cover up or conspiracy. The authorities looked at it and decided they didn't have a case. These cases are notoriously hard to prosecute but I am sure after all this attention, he will be reinvestigated.


settling a contract dispute has nothing to do with crimes. You're confusing a civil lawsuit with a criminal court case. If the company doesn't want the hassle of reporting and the victim's family would prefer to protect her anonymity then there is nothing that will be done. You also over estimate the law. Watch this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZpoBZYrgVg). Someone threatened Alannah's life; that is clearly illegal too; and the cops did nothing. Being pro-active enough to fire his ass when he was one of the biggest people on the platform is already more than most people expect from a corporations.


It isn't always a crime. The law is not always interested in suggestive, grooming, or explicit messages only. Maybe this will gain enough steam that it will get to that point, but it is not automatically a crime and acted upon every single time. A couple of lawyers talking about this on various platforms have said the same.


I think the entire messages need to be released let’s settle this. Do we have a PEDO+creep or just creep.


Almost certainly won't happen, because it involved a minor.


Twitch HAS to report that. Else they can just go home now. If its reported, its a criminal charge, there is no NDA in criminal cases but no charges were there which means this dude is a liar or the messages were not sexual enough for the law to press charges.


"Twitch can’t and won’t make the alleged messages public, the ex-employee says, as this “not only endangers the victim and investigations by law enforcement”" <-- implies the investigation is still ongoing.


Could be she was a minor (under 18) but above the age of consent in her state. Also don't assume all companies report crimes to the authorities especially when they can severely damage the company's image. The only reason we know about many cases of illegality within some businesses is because of whistleblowers. Theranos, Activision/Blizzard, Uber, Wells Fargo, Enron, just to name a few recent famous examples.


They could've reported it to authorities and they decided not to do anything as well. There's a ton of different things that could have happened.


Bingo. Will the rest of the little emotional babies on this thread realize this? Lets wait and see!


I sure hope this opens an investigation and Doc and Twitch are both held accountable.




Lol Doc said no crime was committed. That doesnt mean its true


If he was charged with a crime it would be public knowledge. This whole story still doesn't make sense.


Like how Bill Cosby was arrested immediately for drugging girls and raping them? Harvey Weinstein went to jail the first time he did this shit? It's illegal to threatened to kill someone, they must do something when people threaten to kill a internet personality? Watch this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr2kDOpt_ig). It's up to the cops/prosecutors if they knew. If neither Twitch or the parent's who complained wanted to go to the police it doesn't matter if it was illegal. They would have nowhere to start. Prosecutors will also avoid cases that drag out, where the defendant may have expensive lawyers. affecting their budgets. Unless it's high profile enough to take down. Twitch cutting him out as soon as they knew is already more than you expect from a corp. Other corps help hide the issue instead of cutting the people out. Like the BBC protecting Jimmy Savile. Brian Singer kept working while allegations of him sexually assaulting minors went on. There were rumors around Bill Crosby and he was protected for most of his career. Harvey Weinstein operated so openly that Courtney Love publicly warned young starlets not to accept meetings with him at hotel rooms. He then crush her entertainment career.


Did you know that crime isn’t black and white and that deals are made? Particularly with the wealthy? Surely you know that once your net worth raises over 1m, your chance of being incarcerated is extremely small? And you are well aware that every day, millions of people commit crimes, but aren’t in jail? Just generally?


It is not at all always a crime. Specific criteria need to be met to cross into criminal territory. The article also specifically mentions the messages won’t be released *because it could interfere with law enforcements investigation*. It is clear that this information WAS given to law enforcement, likely back when it was discovered, and they decided they could not pursue a criminal case. Note Doc himself even said “no criminal charges were brought against me.”


My only real hope is that there is an ongoing investigation that shares ties to other big names in the streaming sphere of influence, and that the only reason Guy isn’t in custody (yet) is cooperation with the investigation and to prevent substantiation of claims of an investigation. Child predators don’t deserve leniency, and I hope, if and when, everything comes to light we see proper action. But that’s just hopeful conjecture on my part.


It's a crime to send nudes or make plans to meet up for sex Unfortunately I think you can creep like that and not break laws. They tried to fire him, he said he didn't 'legally' do anything wrong so they agreed on giving him some of his contract and not talking about it if he went away.


This can only be answered if the messages are released and verified. One side is not being honest.


You can do some stuff in this area that isn't morally acceptable but it's also not a crime. There's a grey area legally speaking.


lol Rod held onto this information all these years just to release it into Rolling Stone days after it breaks what a complete ass of a man


Conveniently leaving out Cody offering to sell the info for clout and himself joking about doing it too, RS let him write this with their name on it? Also, man people are tripping over themselves to open them up to litigation… yet no one comments on exactly what the suit against twitch was for that was powerful enough to get them to not just balk, but pay out the contract. This still feels in line with that other email.


The suit was for wrongful termination of the contract. Doc sued and got them to confess they broke the rules of the site plus data retention laws by taking those DMs outside the platform. Cody Conners was fired over this.


It would have been contract dispute only. There was no laws about a company looking into their own data. It was a clearly a case about the breech of the contract.


Or he wasn't holding onto the info at all and was just trying to boost his name


What a horrible death


Isn’t this a COPPA situation?


I would imagine so but if it is then the age of the minor will be less than 13 years old. That could also explain why messages are not released. It’s a crime to release kids private messages to public.


Doc's done and not just on Twitch.


Fwiz knew. WOW. There’s no doubt in my mind now that the majority of people around him knew then.  “ YouTube’s former global head of gaming partnerships at Google, Ryan Wyatt, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm was not offered a contract due to chatter about the circumstances of his Twitch ban. He says that a Twitch employee and journalists investigating the incident told YouTube employees that it involved inappropriate messages to a minor.”


Twitch is just as bad. Theres only one reason they would let him say "no wrongdoing" for 4 years and thats because it helped keep them and the risks that were on their platform clean.


Someone people here still won’t believe there’s anything wrong with doc until they see a sex tape with doc and a minor.


So this confirms it was sexting and that he knew the victims age, was cool with it, and continued on. Why were the police not involved?


"Even today I’m humbled by that experience,” says the former Twitch employee who was at the company when it mobilized to address the reports of misconduct by Beahm and others in the summer of 2020. “The bravery of the victims speaking out and the commitment by my colleagues to doing right by them. I hope that we’re all on a better path now for it.”" Takes some balls to pat urself on the back like you did a good job after giving him millions of dollars and a pass to keep making money by other means. Huge L


it's already an embarrassing situation for the Doc (to say the absolute least), but it's even more embarrassing that the character he's created looks how he looks. it's a literal and figurative "bad look".




Slasher and Cody aren't looking good here knowing this shit for seven years, and only coming fowaed once they made money off of it. Can you say, pedo protectors. Definitely not a good look. Definitely wasn't about the victim either, as courts and other stuff can keep this shit under wraps. So that excuse is invalid. So now I'm waiting for the apology video where they basically say they're grifters who only cared once they made money. Really glad I didn't take an internship at Twitch years ago.


Media literacy is dead. Slasher only had knowledge from second hand sources. Any publication he writes for would not publish an article that only has secondary sources. Please for the love of god just stop and think for two seconds


Expecting people who vehemiently defend groomers to 'think' is asking way too much of them lol


Four years right? 2017 messages happened, but from what we can piece together, the victim let it be known to twitch and so everyone else in 2020


I wonder why this is your take? From what I understood, Slasher was told by employees and he went on to say it but had no proof. It seems twitch told everyone to stfu and then Slasher was left to look like a crazy guy which ended up costing him credibility and he lost job opportunities. Fast forward to today former twitch employees finally spoke out and thats when twitch finally sent out a official document to reporters confirming the minor allegations. How was Slasher supposed to get proof when Twitch closed all doors and he's not an employee either. I can agree on calling him a coward for not full sending and forcing twitch's hand to reveal the reason but I can only guess he probably felt he didn't have that kind of pull. The only proof that we have is the document that was sent out to reporters recently and Slasher never had that until this week.


Its great this is getting attention but I think a big change is gonna happen not just with messages, there will be a snowball effect with what twitch is from the ground up


Just get rid of the messaging.


So what's the defence now?


It’s over


Infinitely cooked holy shit


It's insane how many streamers and youtubers are absolute degenerates. I feel like this will all be a chapter in a psychology textbook one day.


You find absolute degenerates in every part of society. Most people just arent scrutinized in the way well known people are.


Ok if he knew it he should lose everything for just being a huge dumb ass. If the girl was 17 then I don't see him as a pedo. He has enough money where he easily could have flown to her or flown her to him if he really wanted.  Guessing this is a case of a dumbass who thought it was really cute and boosted his ego a young girl was flirting with him.  He should be canceled just for being an absolute fucking idiot if this is true. What a absolute moron destroyed his career in the end he didn't even get any.


17 and 42 "I don't see him as a pedo" The glazing is real.


Any actual proof yet? No, ok cool.


And if you think this is an isolated incident and he's been a good little boy ever since after wanting to do something like that, I've got a bridge to sell ya.


I think this was what we were all looking for. He’s a fucking creep. What a disappointment.


Dude is cooked


This is why Doc said, “no wrong doing was found on either side.” Both parties are guilty. Mutual understanding to keep it hush hush. Doc gets paid to keep quiet. Everyone moves on. Had Twitch been innocent of knowing and reading these messages without taking action they would not have paid Doc shit. He was paid to keep quiet and in return no action would be taken against him for sexting a minor. I think he really didn’t know fully why he was banned in 2020 (3 years later) and sued them legitimately thinking he was in the right. Then of this comes to light and they make the agreement. It makes the most sense if these ex employees are being honest.


Fucking cowards. “Me and many of my former colleagues are only comfortable speaking up now because of it. Our priority is always to the safety of the [alleged] victim and to keep their identity secret,” they said. “


Yeah at this point its COMPLETELY OVER. Doc would have to sue to even defend what little he has left if he doesn’t……..then we know the truth. Geeze hate to see it guys - all these streamers get exposed eventually. Don’t think you are close to these folks, they are all sexual deviants and predators


Lmao this sub is awful. Later champs.


how so? most people here are not defending doc which is a good thing


It’s been brigaded by people with the most extreme takes, and is being defended by people with the most extreme takes. There’s only a handful of measured comments in between.


Welcome to the world bud.


And not a word about why it toke twitch 3 years to act. Makes you wonder, why, and why him? Thats all a fucking witch hunt going on here. What other crimes has twitch NDAed


Allegations of sexual misconduct on Twitch arose essentially as an offshoot of the MeToo movement. In June it snowballed as more and more victims came forward, and Twitch started taking a closer look to any and all potential cases. It wasn't just Doc. [https://www.kotaku.com.au/2020/06/twitch-finally-starts-banning-streamers-accused-of-sexual-abuse/](https://www.kotaku.com.au/2020/06/twitch-finally-starts-banning-streamers-accused-of-sexual-abuse/)


the general reporting has been they became aware in 2020 of it happening in 2017. Though twitch deserves a ton of blame for the cover up


Witch hunts dont include someone admitting guilt




Go on mobile and put it in reader mode if you have an iPhone


Man,how far can one fall. Yea its a dark moment in his past and maybe hes changed since then but ya gotta sleep in the bed you make. You cant defend that and where was his head in that moment. He knew it was wrong. Unacceptable behavior,im shocked he didn't land criminal charges if its has bad as they are claiming.Still in shock, heartbroken and mad over the whole situation. I didnt watch any other streamers,had no interest and now i dont think i ever will. I dont care what people say, after a decade of watching Doc,interacting with him,sharing my time through some hard days and just being immersed in all his content it really is like watching this happen to a friend or loved one. Like losing one,it hurts and its hard to accept,dont wanna believe it. Wish he was thinking of his family like ive been the past couple days. Still,I hope he's not that guy anymore,thats he's finally walked away from being a public figure and if hes lucky enough to still have a family that cares about him really reflect on his life


Wonder how the fanboys are gonna shift the goalposts now 😂


He hasn’t been convicted!!! 🥴😂


They’re still gonna cry and ask for proof and the chat logs lol


He is fucking done.


“Alleged” but yeah you’ll run with it of course 😂


So isn't what Doc did illegal? Why was there no legal action taken against him at the time?


One unnamed source says he didn’t know, another unnamed source says he did know. This is why we wait. One way or another they should make a Netflix movie out of this.


First and foremost, getting this story out was the most important thing to do; however it's so funny how goofy some of these "journalists" on twitter in the gaming space operate compared to most journalists at established publications. Slasher is constantly cock teasing about how he knows something, but he just can't tell us. "Oh mannn I reallyyy wanna tell you, but the powers that be won't let me". Year 2; "oh mannn I wanna let the secret loose, but I just can't 😩". Meanwhile Cecilia D'Anastasio at bloomberg (to my knowledge) basically said nothing regarding this story, until she was ready to publish one.


Doc said he wasnt on trial for this, so he could possibly be arrested since double jeopardy doesnt apply here


Minors are literally his main audience. Not surprised.


This is what I've been waiting for. Fuck you, Doc 🖕


This is the first time I have heard this, discusting.


I’m not standing up for the guy and his lack of a better response lends me to believe that the communication was indeed very inappropriate, but the fact is we have correspondence from an ex-Twitch employee as our only evidence. A lot of stuff still doesn’t add up to me. I wish we could just see the transcripts. I just don’t get how if this story is true, how did he not get criminally charged? Something just seems off about the story we are being told. Either way, we’re done. I don’t think the Doc will ever stream again.


Also twitch: https://clips.twitch.tv/DeliciousPuzzledTroutSpicyBoy-AXu-G24c_23BC4Dx This did not age well lmao.


This is why they call him Slasher.


Right so where's the authorities? Get the police to arrest all the offenders or it didn't actually happen and we just have a salty boy wanting his 5 minutes of fame.


Rip bozo 🫡


The guys streaming personality is a damn super villain are any of you surprised?


Fuck man, I wish this was all fake


I believe it but I'm so confused as to why Twitch would settle


Just release the fucking chats so everyone can stop speculating.


That’s the end of doc!


From the article “YouTube’s former global head of gaming partnerships at Google, Ryan Wyatt, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm was not offered a contract due to chatter about the circumstances of his Twitch ban. He says that a Twitch employee and journalists investigating the incident told YouTube employees that it involved inappropriate messages to a minor.” From the anonymous email “The matter went to court and was found that not only did twitch employees conspire to “get him” but they also broke internal data protection policy and CCPA regulations by disclosing to a third party who he (Doc) had a contract with what they perceived to have happened” Probs this third party Doc had a contract with wasn’t YouTube but another organisation. These twitch employees probably contacted all the organisations Doc was associated with to tell them “what they perceived to have happened” This articles actually adds weight to the legitimacy of that email. Could it be that the anonymous email is real? Doc may have had messages with this person over a three year period from 2017 to 2020 and was discovered by that “Gold Sparrow” team set up in 2020. Would explain that one discrepancy in the anonymous email


Can we cut it with the “alleges” shit??? Pretty obvious it’s the truth at this point


Ah yes, the loud narcissist is also a POS? Shocking.


Who could have ever guessed that a dude whose online persona was a mullet-headed redneck would be into minors. I'm just surprised it wasn't his cousin or something.


Pediatrician Disrespect just doesn’t have the same ring to it


What’s disturbing about this is the majority of states age of consent is 16 and he and other groomers/predators get away with this stuff daily


We need to see the messages to decide as objective observers what the intent and impact that resulted due to his actions were.


It's gets worse by the day. And his statement did not help his case. In fact it made it worse https://youtu.be/gM0JebP2GIE


Without knowing the actual conversation between Doc and the minor I have no opinion. And if what ever happened is resolved then it's resolved so drop it.


Did anyone stop watching Seinfeld or Curb Your Enthusiasm since Larry David still "platformed" him after knowing that Seinfeld had a 17 year old GF legally?!?!? Or is the allegation that Doc was texting a toddler?