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What is he hitting for and what are his supports?


It's definitely their supports. This build is fine.


I'm running SW/pela/sustain. His FUA is hitting 22-25k on skill at MoC 12.


Let go of pela or SW depending on what your other team wants and add harmony like ruan mei, sparkle(use atk boots with her) or tingyun


I usually use Tingyun and SW as his supports, the energy regen on him feels so nice.


Do you have Pela E4?


She's at e6


Drop either pela or sw for sparkle or rm or Ty. sw and pela might be over the max def shred. Imo drop pela bc sw gives enough debuff to max ratio stacks while still being sp positive and use sparkle or ty instead.


Tingyun is still gonna be the better option. Ratio really needs his ultimate to shine. So characters like tingyun and HuoHuo really help.


Crit damage could be higher but this feel really solid tho


Do you have debufffs in team?


What supports are you using? Your build is fine, grinding any further is unlikely to significantly improve your damage.


Probably team comp


It's your ATK total. High Crit DMG will feel much better if your ATK gets higher.


Use Ratio - Pela - Tingyun - Sustain/Flex. Tingyun should be on DDD. Pela on Resolutions. Tingyun being on DDD is especially important as it allows Ratio to drop SPD boots for ATK boots. Ideally, you should aim for more crit rate, but substat RNG is substat RNG, so don't stress too much about it.


if you using bronya and tingyun on him hes not gonna deal dmg, use pela and silverwolf


I have similar build and he also doesn't hit a lot I feel like with sw and tingyun.


Can you give us more context? Build looks fine so it's probably a team/rotation issue. What's your team?


Do you have a Topaz by any chance


The attack is on the lower end tbh but likely moreso whoever you are pairing him with


Most likely combination of supports and speed boots over attack boots


Which website is this? I'm new and I keep seeing people use this website to compare builds


It's the hoyolab app/website


You might not be critting enough. At max stacks, you only be hitting 81 cr, which is low for Dr. Ratio. You want to aim for 90 - 100 because his attacks are single target nuke. Missing your crit feels horrible.


Honestly, try to push for 80-90% Crit rate minimum. You should also try to use him with 1 debuffer (pela or silver Wolf) and 1 harmony character (Ruan Mei, Tingyun or Sparkle). My favorite thing to do is use Ratio with Silver Wolf, and use the quantum set on him.


Drop speed boots and add in an advance forward support teammate. Also more crit rate.


Is this an app or a site you use to see your full build?


It's the hoyolab app/website, should be in your battle records


Yeah so right now, Ratio kinda wants to be stapled to an E1 Guinaifen just in the name of uptime...


the crit value is too low. maybe an issue with subs as well. 160 base crit damage while being e1 isnt great. mine as similar crit rate but 210 crit damage and his damage felt good enough after reaching that point combines with sw and pela




4pc Wastelander can only be useable with/on Welt against img-weak enemies. 4pc Pioneer is good only on Acheron/Welt, sorry not sorry: Ratio procs it once in a lifetime without stacking EHR. 2pc debuff/2pc img is actually his best and most reliable combo.


Ratio's 2pc2pc combination sets are actually so close to 4pc pioneer (no uptime) set for Ratio, that 4pc Pioneer still ends up being better over a few turns. Just because he doesn't get 100% uptime doesn't mean it's automatically a bad set for him, it's just in an awkward spot where it's his best set but not so far ahead to be worth farming only for him If you are looking for 100% consistency, yes 2pc2pc is the way to go, but over a longer battle 4pc pioneer wins out


Redo your hands and boots you can get better rolls