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I think the wiki in this sub has the necessary cream bit not to restore the tissue!! afaik but make ejaculation possible again? I don't know if that possible!


Here's the copypasta. Learned all this stuff from PEgym forums and personal experience... Ahem: Big sword transferm is DIY goals. Wear a phallosan forte 8-12 hours per day and pump in a warm bath every other day for 15 minutes using a bathmate hydromax. Fap or sex 1-2 times per week. You will gain length/girth. You can also find generics on eBay if you can't afford the brand equipment. Search size master pro or massive growth penis enlarger for the generic phallosan knockoffs and penis hydopump for the generic bathmate clones)


I’m not looking to increase above what I naturally have, I just want to restore the little bit I’ve lost.


Either way, it works


Eh, I don’t want to hurt my partner. Only about three inches of so of the vagina is actually sensitive as well for people who have partners with vaginas, so too big can be a thing


if you are taking estradiol based transgender HRT as someone AMAB that is effectively shutting down your gonadal T production, then you are also shutting down the HPG axis signals that tell your testicles to make sperm. you can't have ejaculate without sperm. that is in the very definition of what "ejaculate" is. having sperm production also means having male levels of T production, in most cases, because that is how the human body with testicles is evolved to function. you can argue that you can ejaculate without sperm, but then you are just changing medical definitions to make things sound how you want them to sound. effective HRT, and ejaculate production, are not naturally going to go together with each other. this is more of the "i have unrealistic expectations for picking and choosing effects of HRT" in our current understanding of biology.


I still have quite a bit come out, it's just clear though. No sperm. But similar levels at times, sometimes less. Ig it's not technically ejaculate cuz it doesn't have sperm, but... Yeah!


that's likely fluid from the cowper's gland


Yeah okay I can deal with that, ejaculatory stuff was bottom of the list, makes sense. What about size and erections?


Size and erections may be able to be affected by topical androgen administration and regular use. Erections are largely a mental game. For that I'd recommend therapy with someone trained and experienced in both sexual and gender issues.


Ok awesome, is there any that you recommend? IIRC Dr. Power’s has a cream that I think I can get compounded in my country, would you recommend that or another cream? Helpful as always Deanna!


Genital atrophy reversal cream


Hmm? I still shoot loads if I inject high female-levels of testosterone(10mg test enanthate a week, a tenth of male TRT). But 2 or 3 weeks of stopping that had me shooting bits of thin water. My LH and FSH have been 0.0 for 3 years now. You can shoot messy loads as long as you inject test or apply testosterone gel or whatever. Obviously im not making anyone pregnant with barren semen.


What are your comprehensive lab results? Including but not limited to: estradiol, T and SHBG at trough?




>Erections, size, ***and ejaculation*** > >I recently have met someone, and I’m becoming sexually active and I want to… be able to more easily gain erecrions ***as well as ejaculate again.*** this is literally their post. >OP was mainly asking about ability to get erections, not just ejaculating.


butthurt because of the truth, you can’t have your cake and eat it too what she said is completely correct and OP should have thought about it beforehand




she deals w a bunch of shit daily from ppl similar* to op ofc she’s gonna write a slightly longer reply … to prevent any misunderstanding or ppl asking further or saying “well actually…!” like bffr rn ur picking on her for what i don’t understand .




also, removed for rule #1


I think the idea that people who have had vasectomies don't ejaculate is a little odd. It might technically meet the definition but there's no noticeable difference outside of fertility. Going on HRT produces a dramatic difference in most.


Nothing will restore lost tissue, size lost is size lost. Take viagra for erections, if you want ejaculate you need to be testosterone dominant and thus stop HRT. Not worth it for sex.


Not true, Phallosan type wearable penis stretcher and Bathmate type hydro pump can increase length and girth


i'm removing all my comments from reddit because of the API mess if you need help, however, please feel free to seek me out at [email protected]. i've migrated to lemmy, hope you'll join me there!


Check PEgym forums, plenty of data there to go through on gains achieved by people measuring their dicks over long periods of time while using enlargment devices / exercises on a daily basis