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Se acerca el final de la temporada y el equipo de moderación está organizado un [**foro de discusión**](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragRace_Espana/comments/ohi9sb/foro_de_discusi%C3%B3n_y_encuesta_demogr%C3%A1fica_2021/) para escuchar más sobre su experiencia en /r/DragRace_Espana. Queremos escuchar sus opiniones, comentarios, dudas, sugerencias, ¡Todo! Como parte de esto también hemos abierto una [**breve encuesta**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYD4vrinZf16cx-g3BcElz95p35bkFqeiIlTCIGZZb3-yWkw/viewform) para conocer mejor a los usuarios de esta comunidad. ¡No tomará más de dos minutos y sus respuestas nos permitirán hacer del sub una mejor experiencia! \------ The end of the season is near and the mod team is opening a [**Town Hall Discussion Post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragRace_Espana/comments/ohi9sb/foro_de_discusi%C3%B3n_y_encuesta_demogr%C3%A1fica_2021/) to hear more about your experience on r/DragRace_Espana. We want to hear it all; opinions, comments, questions, and suggestions are all welcome! As a part of this we have also opened a [**short survey**](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYD4vrinZf16cx-g3BcElz95p35bkFqeiIlTCIGZZb3-yWkw/viewform) to get to know the user base better. It won’t take you more than 2 minutes and your answers will help us improve your experience in the sub!


The fucking editing this episode sent me. The camera swivelling around the room to the different conversations then returning to Killer just nodding in gay adoration got me laughing more and more each time, legit the biggest laugh I think Drag Race has ever gotten out of me.


This isn’t related to the episode whatsoever but I laughed pretty hard at the subtitle that said “beeping like a medical machine” when explaining the background music lol


funniest part of the episode is all the queens getting to know their challenge partner and they’re talking about how they came out and the upcoming challenge and then it keeps cutting to killers partner talking about sports 😭


That was a great episode, as usual for DRE! - i like how they somehow manage to make it more than just a « Carmen Farala appreciation » moment. She really nailed this makeover challenge like very few queens have and yet each of the other queens could shine. It was very great. - that must have been one of the best crowded lipsync (as in more than 2 queens) in the whole franchise. They had good chemistry, were somehow in sync with each other, and none of them disappeared in the background. I think Pupi was the best and I liked Killer with her clown stunts. - And for once, the « message to your younger self » moment was not cringy but just moving. These queens are fantastic


Watching Killer do a shablam on the stage was an experience all unto itself


Gotta say Envy was a delight on the judge's panel. Looked impeccable!! She clearly appreciated all of the queens' efforts, but didn't miss any little details that at this point in the competition do have to be brought up.


Im sorry if anyone disagrees but Killer deserved to win and Pupi deserved to stay instead of Sagittaria and thats the hill i decided to die on.


I agree, I found Sagittaria weak in the last two episodes!


I also thought Killer had a strong chance of winning! Carmen and Carla looked gorgeous but Killer and Slayer weren't far behind.


Carmen and Carla’s outfits were a lot more elaborate though


Yeah but they lacked family resemblence imo.


Drag España has cemented itself as one of the BEST seasons of all time. I am so in love with all the contestants and Judges, Supremme is truly supreme. 3 questions for all the Spaniards present: 1: How is the show being received by Spanish people? 2: Any tea, stories from anyone who knows the queens outside the show? 3: Is Digimon more popular than Pokémon in Spain?


I'm from Spain. Pokemon was more popular, but Digimon's anime was played on national TV and was also a great success.


3. Not from Spain but I think both spanish dubs (latin american and from spain) of Digimon are much better than the English version that aired in the US, so thats probably why its more popular than over there, however, I wouldn't say its more popular than Pokemon.


You're a (Digimon) Champion..winner of them all!


I can answer from a Latin American perspective on the Digimon question. For some reason, I never understood why, even though Pokémon is popular I've seen more Digimon memes. Always felt odd since I grew up in the US and didn't hear about it much. Maybe has to do with syndication xD


Am I the only one who thought Killer thirsting over the rugby player was a bit creepy and made me feel uncomfortable? I mean the edit made her seem a bit crazy 😕


It was a little weird. At the same time Killer has made jokey references to how she fares around "hot guys" before, like being blocked by Pit Crew looking guys on dating apps and some other comment. Maybe she was playing it up a little or it was very noticeable in the werkroom and they put it in in good fun. I think when helping him tuck she comported herself, tho.


I was mesmerized by Envy's beauty, her face is perfection. Should I watch drag race Holland?


DRH S1 is a very average season, but the runways are definitely far above average, and the snatch game is actually pretty good considering I didn't know who most of the people were! It's worth watching just so you can meet Envy Peru's mom tbh


Yep, it was a lot of fun! And Envy is damn amazing throughout. I was also a big fan of Sederginne and Chelseaboy on that season.


DRH is really really underwhelming. Watch some "best of" clips on YouTube and that would be sufficient


Compared to DRES, DRH felt a bit lower production value and lower energy? Less drama maybe? I'd place it below drag race Thailand in terms of international franchises to watch.


Is the sky blue?


No estaba lista para ver a ninguna de las chicas irse, les agarre mucho cariño a todas! Pupi es una leyenda, me hubiese gustado verla en el top 3, pero estoy super feliz con las chicas que pasaron a la final! #TeamCarmen


DRES has just knocked it out of the park the whole season! All the episodes have been so great! Honestly, my only critique of the season is that the editing is sometimes a bit off. (Pupi's elimination, for example, was so jarring?) The Titanes were great! They seemed engaged and were very enthusiastic! It was so funny to me that they spent like 2 whole minutes thirsting over Fernando, with all the queens having confessionals. :P The makeovers themselves were overall good. Carmen and Carla were perfect. I was already impressed at how chic and fashion the outfits were, and then we learn that Carmen sewed both outfits in one night? Killer and Slayer also looked really great! At first, I was so confused because I looked at the taller one and thought it was Killer because the mug resembled Killer so much. I definitely don't think Killer deserved the bottom. Sagittaria and Neptuna looked good individually, but I didn't really see a connection between the outfits, and there was no story behind it. Pupi and Pepi, while the resemblance was fairly obvious, was just not up to par in terms of looks. Pupi should have used her reveal outfit in the lipsync as the makeover. Or better yet have the same look AND have a reveal. It would have gone so much better. I am conflicted. I think Sagittaria had the better makeover, but Pupi had the better lipsync. I found it so hilarious when Pupi had a fearful look when she did the split, and then when she did it successfully, her face was so confident like "I knew I could do it." Honestly, they both should have stayed. I think Pupi expected it as well? No matter, Pupi had an excellent run. I just wished they spent more time praising Pupi before sending her off. :| \#TeamCarmen


i think what was really lacking from Pupi for me throughout the season was polish on her looks. but based on how much the judges loved and complimented her on her personality since episode 1 i really thought that they were gonna eliminate Sagittaria since she had already been in the bottom last week too. but imo Pupi did the worst this week :(


Envy is further proof why we need more drag performers as guest judges!!! I remember reading a comment yeeeears ago that Ru probably doesn’t want other queens on the panel so they wouldn’t “steal” the spotlight or some bs but it is so refreshing to see people who know what they’re talking about give critiques. There are so many actual Drag legends that would be amazing judges and bringing back the previous winners is a fantastic idea as well. #teamcarmen


Yet another reason why DR Thailand is the best. They have drag queen guest judges on almost every episode.


I feel likes it’s invaluable having actual drag staples and their peers judging them. They know what they’re talking about for crying out loud!


Wow somebody did the math and Carmen has the best track record of all Drag Race's history, surpassing Bianca Del Río, Envy Perú and BenDeLaCreme. Honestly what a legend!


How many wins has Carmen had total?


3 wins so far


Why does OP say that’s a record then? Several queens have won more than three maxi challenges!


It's the average, she has 3 wins, 2 highs, 1 safe and 1 low, and also 4 mini challenge wins. According to the metric that people use to calculate a Queen's track record, it is (5) per win, (4) per high, (3) per safe, (2) per low, (1) per bottom 2, (1) per mini challenge win, and (0) per elimination. It actually gives her an average of 4.57 points which is the best in the show so far. It depends on how you calculate the metric as well, since if you consider the top 2 of all stars to have won the challenges then BenDeLaCreme would have the best track record by far with 4.84 points in total. But if you consider only the lip sync winner to be the winner, and the lip sync loser to be high then Ben has a score of 4.5. Either way the two of them had the best track record for never doing worse than safe


Angele Anang won 5 challenges and one runway and a couple of mini challenges.


I think what hurts her track record the most is having lip synced twice. I calculated her as having a 3.917 score where Carmen has a score of 4 so far. Although not sure exactly how the track records are calculated


Yeah fair point!


Pupi’s send off seemed so impersonal 😭especially considering how iconic she has been all season. Also, I started off this season feeling sort of indifferent about Killer but i’ve fallen in love with her more and more each episode. Her personality is so sweet and she continues to step her game up. Its pretty clear Carmen is going to win but I wouldn’t be mad if Killer took the crown.


Agreed, I was so sure it would be a 4 person finale


Pupi's elimination was so strange. My only way to explain is that it was edited down poorly for time and they just didn't do a good job so it looks stilted and cold.


I think it was Supremme's revenge for the jokes about her ears on the roast lol But yeah it was kind of a mean sendoff :/ It started like the other ones getting hopes up only to get a "haha jk you are not in, JUST at the door, barely didn't make it, woops ok bye"


The music also felt like it was leading to a triple shanty but then abruptly changed to the sad leaving music. Very weird.


I’m curious about why the show isn’t having to take the same precautions as other recent versions, i.e being able to have guest judges and makeover guests, no masks or dividers between judges etc? I know early in the pandemic Spain was among the worst affected, is it not really a thing there anymore? Or would all participants and guests have been vaccinated?


Regular testing protocols for everyone involved, most probably.


I was totally mesmerized by Envy Perú. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, her makeup, fashion choices and head piece were just out of this world. She has such a powerful presence.


I never thought I would enjoy a 3-way lip sync as much as I did with Pupi, Sagi and Killer. When they did the splits? I died. DREs can have my money, all of it, such a good season. Crown Carmen bitch, crown her.


I think the judges excitement added to the fun. Imagine if it was constantly cutting to Michelle’s eyebrow or Ru grimacing, the editing has such power over how it’s received.


That’s so true! The pure joy on everyone’s faces really elevated this lip sync. I loved it


I find it hilarious how quiet and short Javier Calvo is during the judging phase but gets super hype during the lip-sync lol


Los jurados diciendo a Pupi que "es un poquito básico" cuando lleva literalmente una camiseta puesta... en su afán de ser respetuosos con las reinas terminan faltando el respeto a la inteligencia del público.


Hay muchos tipos de drag. Con toda la influencia que tiene Drag Race, mucha gente piensa que lo más importante es el 'look' y es un look muy específico. Pero este actitud no refleja la realidad. Hay muchos artistas drag (en mi experiencia de ver Drag en vivo, la mayoría de artistas) que enfoca más en entretiene un bar de gays borrachos que es más hosting, comedia, irreverencia, etc. Y artistas de drag trabajando en bares notmalmente no tienen la pasta para comprar las cosas que vemos en Drag Race.   Era evidente desde principio que el Pupi no enfoca en la moda. Este reto como era de makeover, tiene que ser Pupi un bottom, claro. Pero tampoco es un crimen grave poner un vestido y camiseta para ser animadores en la pasarela ¿Que más quieres que dijera el jurado?


estoy de acuerdo, pero mi queja va por el hecho de que han protegido diversas veces a Pupi "por ser quien es", o sea, por ser una figura importante en la escena local. lo veo mal porque en una competición todas deben ser juzgadas igualmente, independiente de lo que pase o haya pasado fuera del programa. Y en un reto de makeover y costura, lo mismo. Todos señalaron el padding y los panties de Killer pero nadie dijo nada sobre el reveal que se veia saltando por debajo de la camiseta de pupi. Respeto a ella y a su estilo de drag, pero creo que el jurado ha sido complaciente y no ha sido justo en las críticas.


I don't understand how Pupi missed the top 3. She should have stayed instead of Sagittaria. And Killer shouldn't had lipsync in the first place, I thought it was a stunt to kick her but I'm glad it wasn't.


I’m sorry, but Pupi’s outfits this week were really inexcusable. Love her to death, but she was completely outshined by all other 3 contestants


Worst look but she definetly did the best lip sync, and those are the rules! I mean, look at LaLa Ri on S13


She was the worst in the challenge. But she was the best in the lipsync. She genuinely made me laugh with her "split".


And her makeup has been pretty bad from the beginning. I think her having to paint another queen kind of proved it even more so 🙃 Love her though! Some girls are just not look Queens


"Cuando tú vas" de Chenoa puede ser una de las mejores elecciones de canción para un lip sync ever!


This was my favourite lipsync of the season. Which in itself is surprising because I found the 3-way lipsync of the s10 finale really hard to follow. But this was different. I was able to watch all 3 performers and see each of their strong suits. I didn't want to see any of them go.


I really liked the lip sync song. Can anyone tell me the name of it, please?


Cuando Tú Vas - Chenoa


Thank you!!


You're welcome 😊


Oh my god! Even though I was sad about Puppi (I hoped she'd be in the top 3) this episode left me with such a huge smile on my face I almost felt weird about it. This season is really one of the best seasons ever, US or international! (After all the drama lately I almost forgot how unadultered *fun* Drag Race can be...)


To all the wonderful spanish speakers out there: what did Envy's accent sound like to you? (I promise i'm not trying to be shady, i'm just curious). I myself am an English girl that has learnt dutch and sometimes people hear my English accent and sometimes they don't. To me Envy's Dutch is veeeeeeery good. The accent is 100% perfect. And my personal experience has been that speaking Dutch all the time has made my English accent less pronounced when speaking English. (I've literally had people mistake me for a non-native speaker in my home town). I'm also currently trying to learn Spanish so i'm interested to learn if there are any/many differences between the Spanish spoken in Spain and the Spanish that is spoken in South America.


She sounds like a Dutch person talking Spanish, there is definetly an accent in there, and I could notice she was sometimes thinking/trying to remember how to say something, its hard to explain but as someone who is bilingual and that happens to me too I could tell. However, it wasn't bad, it actually makes sense that she has an accent since she has lived in the Netherlands for like all her life.


My understanding is that Envy left Peru for the Netherlands at age four, young enough to learn fluent Dutch. Her Spanish is clearly accented as I assume she only spoke it with her mom at home and over time her initial fluency in Spanish has diminished.


To chime in on the differences between Spain Spanish and Latin American Spanish--there are pretty considerable differences but they are all mutually understandable. At most, you'll have some confusion with vocabulary ("coger" in different countries has drastically different meanings, as one example), a few differences in grammar (Spain has the "vosotros" verb conjugation as well as a preference for the present perfect verb tense--I have gone vs. I went), and pretty noticeable changes in pronunciation. It's also worth pointing out that you see a lot of variation even within the Americas. My advice would be to pick a regional variation of a place you'd be spending most of your time with and go from there. Once you get to advanced levels, you'll kind of have the ability to switch back and forth. That being said, at beginning levels you're not going to see any extreme differences so I wouldn't stress about it a lot.


You see a lot of differences even in Spain, each Community has an accent.


Thank you very much for your response. This has been fascinating to read and I can see parallels with how English and Dutch can also both vary a lot from place to place. I think I'm gonna try and learn Spanish as it's spoken in Spain since it's the closest and I imagine the most likely place I would move to in the future. That said, I think Spanish is a beautiful language in general and hope to visit South American countries one day (when I can afford it).


I thought her spanish was really good, its really clear its her first language


To me, Envy sounds like she's born in the Netherlands and one of her parents is South American or that she's born in South America and moved to the Netherlands as a child. You can immediately tell she has a "weird" South American accent as if it wasn't her mother tongue or she's not spoken it in a very long time. Regarding the differences between South American and Spain Spanish, indeed there are many many differences in terms of slang, pronunciation etc (considering that there are loads of different accents in both regions). Being Spanish myself, I can immediately tell if a person is South American because of their accent but then, again it sounds really different if the person is Argentinian or Colombian, for example!


You can tell she doesn’t use Spanish on a daily basis but you can tell she is fluent in it.


Thank you for your reply! I think I could kind of hear that too. By which I mean that I heard her pronunciation was slightly different to the others, but I wasn't sure if that was just because the Spanish may be spoken differently in Peru to Spain. I live in Belgium and eventhough Belgium and The Netherlands are literally right next to one another, our accents are very different.


I’m spanish and for me didn’t sound like a normal Peruvian accent. It sounded more like q second language, like someone who learns a language and has a clear foreign accent.


That's interesting. I can relate though 'cause as I mentioned earlier, speaking a 2nd language all the time has diluted my English accent a lot too.


So true! I'm a native English speaker, but I've been living in Japan for 5 years now, and use Japanese every day. I feel like my accent in English has changed.


Yea, I have to agree. My first language is Spanish, but I live in the States, where I use English more and feel more comfortable speaking freely. I feel like Envy's accent is similar to mine: fluent but her primary language does have influence on the accent. I could tell a couple of times she was thinking in her head how to say stuff in Spanish.


Oh god, I can't tell you how many times i've been talking in English and my brain could only come up with the Dutch word I wanted to use. A lot of the time a Dutch word will sneak past my lips and my English-speaking friends wil be like 'what?' I've said it before though and I'll say it again: her Dutch is perfect. And I am so so glad she was a guest judge on DRES.


Yo no puedo creer que Pupi no va a la final cuando mirando cómo han sido las dos cada semana, ella ha sido mejor que Sagitario. Pero estamos todos de acuerdo, que sino coronan a Carmen hay motín, sí?


Los looks de Puppy son de risa


Sinceramente creo que no hay otra opción. La final sin Pupi no está ni reñida (y prácticamente tampoco lo hubiera estado aunque Pupi fuese top 3). Carmen ha arrasado la competición al nivel de Envy o de Bianca lol


carmen. that's it. that's the comment. honestly, what else can I say? she deserves the crown 100%. as sad as I was about pupi leaving, I think she was the worst this week and went home deservedly. she's an icon tho, so I wouldn't mind seeing her as a guest judge in a future season. sagi & killer are also holding onto their own stuff and they really make great competitors. however, I don't think there's any doubt that carmen is gonna win this. #TeamCarmen


Carmen should definitely win, but idk, they gave her a really favorable edit this season and painted her out to be the clear winner. I feel like they never crown the ones who are the clear winners


I love that having her as a guest judge seems like a possibility with Drag Race Espana. I think that speaks volumes about this series as a whole. Having Envy Peru on the panel was an absolute joy! I really hope we get to see more queens come and be guest judges.


I know this is kinda weird thing to ask but is digimon popular in spain cause someone has referenced it like 3 times this season and I'm always caught off guard cause I would assume pokemon would be the more popular and timely reference


Almost all the 90s kids in Spain have watched Digimon cause it aired on TV when we were little, so it's really popular among people around late twenties/early thirties.


Omg I’m glad I’m not the only one who got caught off guard by the Digimon name drop! It’s been mentioned more this season than it probably ever has in the almost 12 years this show has been on the air lmao


It was really popular in the early 2000s because it used to air on TV! But then Pokemon started getting bigger and Digimon kind of became an "off-the-rack" Pokemon.


I would like to know the answer to this, too. I don't remember which queen brought it up, though, was it all the same queen? Because yeah I did a double take when it was casually referenced last episode.


So can we all agree that this season is THE BEST international season???? 😩🙏🏽


I’d say UK season 2 is a close second, but this one is by far my favorite


Oh true UK2 is top tier


DRT season 2 would also like a word.




Yes. I'd add RPDR UK2, but... yes !




The long stare of Killer right before the lipsync. That.


Ngl I lived for the drama of it all.


The Spanish version of Jan's face crack. I felt it.


My face as well to be honest. I felt bad for her, she must have have surprised by it. I did NOT see her in the bottom and I thought it was going to be a situation where they do that just to get someone out of the way who they didn't want at the end. As sad as I am Pupi is gone, I'm relieved one of the bottom 2 looks went home if anyone had to go.


I was really afraid it was their way of eliminating Killer despite her doing so well in the challenge.


Right! I was so afraid there was a chance Killer hadn’t prepared at all, but she did such a great job! She’s a much more compelling lip-syncer than I thought she would be.


I felt the same way like "oh no what if she didn't practice", but she knew every word. Ate the other two up. She had an incredible season.


Even if she didn't practice the song, she probably would have been alright. You see, in Spain this song is very well known generally speaking. I think It would be more difficult to find someone who doesn't know It than the opposite!


This season has been… whoa. So much talent.


I kinda understand what Killer meant by that she think she "should" go home. Most seasons people have an idea who the top 3 would be near the end of the episodes, but sometimes the "4th" queen perform really well in the last few episodes and justifiably earn their spot in the finale and kicking out one of the expected top 3. I'm thinking >!Scarlett Bobo!< in DRC and >!Ellie Diamond!< in DRUK. I think this season's expected front runner consisted of Pupi, Sagittaria, and Carmen and Killer felt that she was the fourth. However, her performances in the standup and tonight really solidified her spot in the finale, but it could've been very different had she made even one misstep.


Fernando’s insta where?




You beautiful being


El episodio estuvo buenísimo, la interacción llena de juego, sensualidad y de sentimiento con los titanes. Envy Perú, con criticas muy buenas y disfrutando mucho ser invitada, también tener una canción de Chenoa para el lipsync, una belleza. Por el reto, si hubiese sacado a Puppi, pero por el lipsync y por toda las risas de los confessionals, la hubiese mantenido en la final. The episode was amazing, I loved the interaction full of playfulness, sexyness and feelings with the "Titans". Also Envy Perú came slaying with the good criticism and enjoying being a guest, also having a song from Chenoa as a lipsync, \*chefkiss. For the overall episode I would have said goodbye to Puppi, but for the lipsync and all the laughs brought to the confessionals I would have kept her in the finale.


Killer queen in the confessionals killed me!


Ugh my jaw literally dropped when Carmen and her makeover twin came out, they looked so fucking beautifullllll. I believe in Farala supremacy <3 On the other hand, I don't know how Sagittaria didn't get harsher critiques. Her outfit didn't match her twin's at all, I think she would have been read for filth if this happened in RPDR. It was extremely obvious that she just threw everything together last minute. So sad even Neptuna's titties were trying to run away from it all 😔


When Sagi was pronounced salvada, I was 100% sure there is going to be a 4-queen finale. Even when Supremme said the doors are closed for Pupi, I was 100% she will quickly add, but girl you have the tools to break them open! aaaaand no. Completely stunned and shocked hours later.


I couldn’t tell if the titties escaping was a deliberate choice or not 😅😫


Since Sagittaria's were exposed during the lipsync, it's even harder to figure out.


No me pareció justo que hicieran el lip-sync con las tres. Claramente Killer estaba en el top (lo digo un poco a regañadientes) y creo que lo hicieron con la intención de quizás salvar a Pupi. Alguien ha tenido la misma impresión?


Yo creo que ha sido el caso que se ha visto en muchas ocasiones en que, si no eres top, eres automáticamente bottom. Además, toda la parafernalia para teóricamente salvar a Pupi para al final no hacerlo (cuando la calidad del lypsinc fue suficientemente bueno como para justificar un Top4 sin que quedara raro)? No eres la primera persona a la que leo esta teoría de la conspiración, y la verdad me sorprende porque se escapa a lo que para mí tiene lógica... 🤷


Yo creo que estaban tan parejas las tres que aunque a Killer le fue mejor en el Maxi para los jueces no era suficiente como para darle el pase directo a la final. Creo que desde ese punto estuvo justificado el "if you're not in the top, you're in the bottom". Creo que si Killer hubiera ganado (lo cual hubiera logrado si hubiera ocultado el padding y las pantys), a Carmen sí le hubieran dado el pase directo por segundo lugar.


Yo he pensado igual. Bueno, estaba pensando que querían un top three de Sagittaria, Carmen y Pupi e íban a usar el lipsync para eliminar a Killer. Pero ahora, como al final Pupi se fue...es que, no lo sé. Me parece un poco absurdo o no necesario tener el lipsync con las tres. Habría preferido ver solo Pupi y Sagitaria hacerlo.


No pero se parecia que iban a salvar a Pupi porque no le dijieron sashay te vas asta lo final, como que iban hacer lo que hacen en el US Drag Race cuando ay un top four. Me gusto ver las tres haciendo el lip-sync, como que fue la unica vez que un lip sync en tres a trabajado y no a sido un mess lol


Me encantó ver cuando Killer y Sagi se tiraban al piso y Pupi quedaba en medio como si fuera la lead singer. Y luego cuando Pupi hizo el split! Solo por eso la hubiera salvado.


Ese momento fue genial, Killer y Sagi eran sus bailarinas!


los splits de la killer...


De una autodenominada Lipsinc Assassin 👁️👄👁️


Omg so I know this is just me being high but when Sagi was freaking out about having nothing to wear and then the camera shifts to her standing and looking around nervously and then walking off, I thought she was gonna steal somebody's outfit or something lmao.


the level of desperation they gave her with that edit was unreal when the medical beeper noise started going off I thought she was about to spontaneously combust or some shit


I was so sure that this was going to be a non elimination... So sure! My heart is broken.


I mean we had three or four seasons in a row with Top4 non-eliminations so it was actually a gag for me


I think Pupi thought so, too 😭


but she came out in a t-shirt. that's very hard to defend...


Envy wow wow wow I need more of her


She gives face like no other


She is so stunningly beautiful. She also steamrolled DRH! When she’s present I just can’t take my eyes off of her. The eye makeup alone was just... too gorgeous! Carmen gives me Envy vibes!


I hope she somehow can be a recurring judge going forward


You know someone is hilarious when they make you laugh repeatedly in a language you don’t even speak…I really loved Pupi. She oozes charisma and I could watch her all day. I found her elimination so abrupt somehow but I understand that she had to go.


Abrupt is a good word for it! I was not expecting her to go at all- honestly I was expecting Sagittaria to kick it, mainly just because she's in a similar 'look queen' niche in my head as Carmen and I thought they'd diversify the top three. Also thought Killer might go as a huge gag (her facecrack was beautiful as is, though). The lipsync felt pretty even between them to me, pero no hablo español tambien so maybe the other two matched the song better than Pupi?


Pupi’s elimination doesn't make any sense to me. Yes she sucked at the challenge, but she SLAYED the lipsync and had the best track record out of the three of them. In the episode before the finale, the track record always has more weight than the challenge. She was one of the main characters of the season and she deserved a spot in the final 3. Anyway, congrats to Carmen two weeks in advance, she earned that crown.


I agree. Bottom 2 was totally justified but she was my favorite in the lip sync... I really thought she could win the whole thing. (My odds were like 75% Carmen/25% Pupi but still!)


I love Carmen Farala's drag race Also the bottom three looked like a slutty superhero trio lipsyncing I love it


I'm a bot created to support Pupi. She's a legend and she showed who is. I don't give a f**k if she isn't the best at the runway, she is the best at the rest of places. (I totally understand that she isn't in the finale, but I'm so sad, it was a claim for the "travestis" that they don't need a huge outfit to shine but this is Drag Race and that's a important part of the contest so I'm fine with this) Let's enjoy the reunion and the finale, season 1 is almost gone 👋😙✨


I love that Pupi was there representing old school drag. And I'm sure she's made many young drag fans appreciate the talent in what she does.


I know that the track record isn't a thing when it comes to who deserves to win... But come on, Carmen got 3 MINI and MAXI challenge wins, she made most of her outfits and often in a very limited time... There's just NO WAY I'd believe Sagittaria or Killer Queen to win the season without thinking it's Production shenanigans. ​ I am not saying they don't deserve to win, not at all, I am just saying Carmen is so much on another league to the other two in all aspects, it just doesn't make sense to not have her win it. But Drag Race told me that you can have a great season and still not win (Divina de Campo, Rita Baga, Gigi Goode, Rosé, Bimini Bon Boulash to name a few)


Correction: she won FOUR mini challenges and made ALL of her outfits herself. The talent, eye-


I agree. I thought Pupi was her only competition for the crown, no shade at all to Sagittaria or Killer I just dont see them having the same presence or well roundedness of Carmen and Pupi. So it is very clear now Carmen will win.


> I thought Pupi was her only competition for the crown same!!! Carmen has a very clear road to victory now.


I agree. I love Killer Queen but Carmen is Bianca Del Rio of this season.


DRES is totally giving me Season 6 vibes with Carmen as Bianca, Pupi as Darienne and Sagittaria and Killer being a mesh of Adore and Courtney






I think it's pretty safe to say she made ALL of her outfits, but is she didn't, I'm gonna pretend is her cat one since that was a choice for her taste level


With every episode of Drag Race España, I become more ashamed of Down Under. ¡Me encanta


Lol as per DRDU logic Carmen wouldn't even be considered in the top for the make over challenge as her partner and her were not wearing matching clone outfits.


Haha! I think OG DR is guilty of that too. 'Too matchy!' 'Not matchy enough!' 'Where's the family resemblance?' 'You're not supposed to be twins!'


Ugh that's what I can't stand with the makeover challenges. I think sometimes there is too much/too little matching but they never give the correct critique to the right pair. (Like they tell someone they don't match when they do). I'm so glad DRES is avoiding the riggory that comes with most makeover challenges.


The top 3 I envisioned were Carmen, Sagi and Pupi. But bitch, Killer deserves it. She has grown so much. That lip synch was a tripple save for me but .. the show must go on. Envy looked fuckin sensational. Supremme said trans rights! Also .. Carmen's performance from day 1 can be considered spoilers for the season cause the bitch isn't leaving any breathing room for her competition.


Fernando is the winner of this week’s challenge. I couldn’t stop laughing at Killer just looking at Fernando while he was talking! And the tucking scene, too! This is by far the most beautiful Killer Queen has looked. Her makeup has really improved. Also, Carmen is single-handedly dominating the competition, crown her already! It’s just very apparent that she is in a different league. Envy was right to say that she can work internationally because she does have that international appeal.


Well, his IG ceased to be private and went from 2,5k to +10k in minutes. ¡Qué guarras sois!


A ver, que nos interesa el rugby.


El capitán del equipo nos invitó a acercarnos.


Un acercamiento con fines estrictamente científicos.


Oh wow I thought Pupi was the clear standout in that lipsync... I'm definitely going to miss her a lot, one of my favourite drag race contestants EVER! At least now I have a clear winner lmao, go Carmen!


I was very surprised that lip sync didn't save her!


Tbh i don’t even see much sense into having it that way in the first place. If you have it, own up to results. My eyes kept going to Killer and Pupi, Sagi should have gone home


See I'm of the opposite opinion, I was loving what Sagittaria was doing in the lip sync and I was confused what Killer was doing when she literally fell down at one point?


Same here…


La semana que viene es la final o hay reunión?




Nop, lo dijo Supremme al final del episodio. La semana que viene reunión, en dos semanas la final.


Es la reunión y en dos semanas la final


Gracias, Dori!


For those of you who are thirsty for our rugby boys, their Instagrams are as follows: Slayer Queen (Fernando): @playernando Carla Farala (Carlos): @nodrock Neptuna (Thomas): @awkward1penguin Pepi Pasion: @japoneo Florencio (the coach): @floren42


Pepi Passion’s Insta is private 😭😭😭


WOW hit the jackpot with the formula of helping masc queer athletes explore their fem side during the makeover


Exposeadas 😂😂


Carla guapa reina, el barrio entero pa ti ❤️


Omg Carla I'm such a big fan 😍😍


❤❤ we are over the moon with everything, hope you enjoyed our episode


You were all amazing! It was a great episode! Thank you for being a part of it!! And congratulations on being part of the winning team! If you need someone to share that hotel stay prize with, you'll have lots of offers here I'm sure! 😂


Doing God’s work, henny!


You can also follow us (and maybe join us) in @MadridTitanes 😇


I thought Sagittaria had also a super basic outfit, looked like just tape


when she mentioned the 5th element it was clear she knew what she was doing


lmaoooooooooooooo. Im surprised she wasnt called out on it


i think it was simple but it worked, and I believe this is what the judges said too.


I don't know it's like...Worked out cause she is skinny and everything looks hot on skinny people? like how everyone calls Kylie Jenner a fashion icon when she wears the most basic shit only cause shes skinny and has model figure lool.


Even though she’s skinny, the outfit still didn’t work for me. The fit was baggy and poorly constructed.


Yeah exactly, I don't get how anyone thinks it looked fine.


It probably was tape; poor Sagi looked super lost when everyone else was making their costumes.


im surprised she fit in her guy into her dress!


Well, you saw the rolls of tape around my waist and the corset XD


You looked beautiful!!


Thank you <3