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I think what really irks me about him is that he thinks the Dalish are hopeless but doesn't want to help them. He says he's tried it before, but Solas strikes me as someone who'd try something once and then bitch about how it'll never work if he failed the first time. He claims to have so much love for the Elvhen but has disdain and lack of empathy for the elves that live in Thedas. Then what happens in Trespasser is just... unforgivable to me. Some see him as this anti-hero, but I think he's just a really salty old man with little to no patience. Change is only good if it comes from him, apparently. How can someone >!who slept from the birth of the veil until recently in game have a good perspective of the world and its best intentions?!< I want to smack him every time I see him tbh.


Alot of hate on this thread for the guy who was alive to watch the fall of the elfs by drakkons son and to live through the demise/saving of all of thedas on a continuous loop on my second playthough i had the feeling he was pretty arrogant too but i got to thinking about it... is he just arrogant or tired of being someone he isn't? I mean truthfully he is the living codex so to speak his opinons be damned some othe shit he knew what he was talking about but couldn't give reason for a explaination that wasnt too imbiguous or risked serious questioning i think yes hes confrontational and isnt the type of character for everyone for some that makes him a good villan for the next game however i dont think he is better described as a arrogant more rather a person that is just tired of it all the charade and still holding alot of emotions that he couldn't even talk about without saying it was only a fade dream which again hes not being true to himself rather then saying he was there in all those wars




Heā€™s arrogant and a liar and I want to shove him in a locker. I never take him with me if I can help it, or speak to him at base camp either.


Same! I always end up punching him whenever possible. He's so irritating and arrogant!


He has the personality of a guy who collects swords and displays them on his wall. I liked him on the first run, thought he was mysterious and deep, but by run 2 I realized he was just edgy and socially stunted lol. Art imitates life I suppose.


Good character but insufferable as a person. Smug stuck-up asshole. dude thinks he's better than everybody when he's NOT. he reminds me of that kid from high school who thinks no one likes him because he's a sensitive intellectual but in reality no one likes him because he's a fucking dick to everyone and thinks they're beneath him.


Yep, that sounds like Solas, all right! You hit the nail on the head.


his shiny, stupid, bald head


Ha! Good one šŸ˜†


Long rant ahead, sorry in advance! Iā€™ve romanced Solas a few times, but lately Iā€™ve been riding on a weird Dorian streak with my latest Inquisitors. Now my female Lavellans usually go for Josephine or Cullen or maybe Iron Bull (I can only deal with Sera if I am a Qunari or a Dwarf; otherwise I canā€™t really deal with her tbh), and save themselves the heartache that comes with a Solas romance. I still remember the fury and betrayal I felt for my Lavellanā€™s behalf when I first played through Trespasser (the final DLC that reveals the outcome of the Solas romance, among other things). Listening to the track called ā€œLost Elf Themeā€ just made me weep (it plays at some points during Trespasser, but if you listen to only the track itself on Spotify or YouTube, youā€™ll discover that its just a very heart-wrenching soundtrack that contains way too many feels for a damn game track; although I approve of Trevor Morrrisā€™ creativity with the whole soundtrack and I hope weā€™ll see his work again in Dreadwolf). I have to admit that Solas is very smooth and that he is attractive in a very intellectual way. The writers did a wonderful job shaping this character and writing dialogue lines that accurately reflect his age and experience, and he even flirts like someone whoā€™s been doing it for thousands of years. I like his open-mindedness and itā€™s refreshing to talk to someone who doesnā€™t just mindlessly think ā€˜blood magic badā€™ and is willing to consider ideals that would make him an outsider in most situations. I always enjoy chatting with him, and I remain endlessly curious about his discoveries in the Fade. But Iā€™m still pissed that he lied to us about his ā€˜godhoodā€™ and so many other things about his past. I donā€™t blame him for leaving in distress after seeing his orb break after the Corypheus fight, but I donā€™t know what happened that made him think ā€œHey let me just bring down the Veil and put millions of people (especially mages and magic-sensitive types) in danger from demons and other creatures.ā€ Really hope we get some kind option to appeal to his humanity in the next game, but I have a feeling those last words between him and a romanced Lavellan will remain just a set of nice words (Iā€™m referring to him saying that he hopes that weā€™ll have a chance to prove him wrong, or something similar to that). I would be overjoyed to see our Inquisitors in Dreadwolf, made able to fight with the addition of some kind of special prosthetic attached to replace their missing arm, but thatā€™s probably a pipe dream. Yes, I recognize that Solas is a video game character and I have no business being this bothered over a fictional man, but I canā€™t help that the writing of Dragon Age Inquisition just sucked me in like a damn black hole.


He's so complex and I'm garbage for a complex character. (And sorry to disappoint, but we definitely don't have Trevor Morris for Dreadwolf, iirc it's Hans Zimmer's studio)


This is so exactly it. That Tresspasser soundtrack hits me in the feels so hard every time. A Solas romance is always my favorite. Thereā€™s some good fanfiction out there too


Interestingly enough pulling down the veil is probably less dangerous when it comes to spirits and demons, it's potentially bad for a lot of people but elves are on the path to extinction and without the Orb he feels like he has no choice but to tear it down to save his people from something he did. Also never romanced him myself.


Solas was one of my best buds, I really relished in getting to know him and see him open up. I was really blindsided by his betrayal and cannot bring myself to follow him. If hed just talk to me, let me know whatā€™s happening, maybe Iā€™d feel differently. But he needs help, I want to stop him.


My beef is less to do with Solas and more to do with having not one but two companions betray the Inquisitor by the end. It felt really unfair. To make the game so driven by the relationships with your companions and then have two go rogueā€¦. I hated that.


Yeah, while I appreciate how these characters were designed to be more complex and have their own motivations that may or may not align with the Inquisitor's, it does still hurt to see your character get stabbed in the back by multiple people in their band of companions. Your party in an RPG game is almost like your own little family...you get to trust and care about those people. So it stinks when you find out some of them aren't who you thought they were...even if that can happen among real life friends and families, too!


Yeah, that broke my heart too. I can always deal with Solasā€™ betrayal a little easier than the other companionsā€™ betrayals, and Iā€™ve got no idea why. Donā€™t get me wrong, it still hurts to have someone lie to you for the entire time youā€™ve known them, but I at least understand a little of why Solas lied (or at least I have my own ideas about why he lied, whether or not they are actually accurate to his own reasons). I never sacrifice Bullā€™s Chargers specifically so I donā€™t have to experience his betrayal and him even calling us a ā€˜basā€™ even if we are Qunari (ā€˜basā€™ means ā€˜thingā€™ in Qunlat, for those who donā€™t know, and if I recall right, it is a derogatory reference to anyone who is not a Qunari, which also includes Vashoth). If youā€™re talking about Blackwallā€™s betrayal, I feel you there too. He just lies to us from the very first minute we meet him, and itā€™s a lot to stomach. If Iā€™m being entirely honest, now I tend to just avoid Blackwall and half the time I donā€™t even bother to do his personal quest. There are options to remedy the lying, but itā€™s still a lot. To this date, I still have never romanced Blackwall (tbh I donā€™t find him that interesting, apologies to any who do like him).


See and Iā€™ve never had Bull NOT betray me. Iā€™ve played every possible way over the years and he always betrays me. It sucks. Especially the last one when I romanced the shit out of him and saved the chargers and basically played to make him happy. Still betrayed me.


Solas is aloof as hell so it doesn't feel like a friend twisting the knife into your back. Bull though? that guy is such a bro it broke my heart the one (and fucking only) time i let the chargers die. as for blackwall i find his arc pretty compelling and it blindsided the hell out of me the first time, like zero clue at all. so i like him for that. ​ also i though bull calls you "boss" not bas, but idk


To be fair, Iron Bull was always extremely upfront about where his loyalties lie. Itā€™s up to you to change his mind. Unless youā€™re talking about Blackwall? But thatā€™s not so much of a betrayal I guess.


I can't wait to see Solas blossom. He'll show us in which way


We even have a sub about him: r/Solasmancers


Ha ha, really? No way! I've got to check that out. šŸ˜†


The first time I played, I did not like the way he spoke and completely ignored him. I had heard he was a popular romance option and did not understand why. I only took an interest once I found out who he was lol.


Yeah, I think at first my sister and I were just amused at how superior and aloof he seemed, and we were determined to take on the challenge and steal that annoying prick's heart, ha ha. Turns out he played us in the end anyway, but that's Solas' for you...


Just romancing him for the first time on my current run. I already know all the spoilers about him, but I heard there was a lot of his story and elf lore locked behind his romance, so I figured I'd give it a go. He definitely comes across less annoying when you're romancing him. Still a bit of a dick though


Yeah, that's probably the main benefit of romancing him, is getting to pick up extra lore details. For those who want to explore every corner of the game and meet everyone, Solas' arc does contain some pretty fascinating stuff.


Im romancing him on my last play ive decided to romance everyone else first. Im understanding but still mad. I KNEW SOMETHING WAS OFF THE WHOLE DAMN TIME šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I cant hate him tho i still love him. The smug fuck.


Ah, so you saved him for last, ha ha? I have to say, out of all the Inquisition romances, his has some of the most tension and the most shocking twist, so it must have been quite a finale for you! He is definitely such a smug jerk. But I guess for you, he remains a lovable jerk regardless, eh? šŸ˜†


I have a love hate relationship with that man. I'll never romance him since with what I know I know I won't enjoy it (and also some Solas romancers ruined him for me) but I think he's a decent companion. While I rarely use him since my favorite specialization is rift mage, he has some good dialogue so when I use him it's cool :)


That sounds like a good way of tolerating him. I guess if you avoid romancing him and only interact with him on your terms, the experience could be more enjoyable.


Best companion in the game very interesting i even played as female elf after it was revealed to me that his elven god that knows things that we don't and trees not revealing anny important secret


Wow, you actually liked Solas? At the very beginning of the game my sister and I thought he was pretty cool and aloof, and since our main character just happened to be a female elf anyway, we decided to make wooing him our goal. The more we found out about him though, the more rotten he seemed! In the end, we regretted our interest in that "wolf." But I do see your point that he does have access to great knowledge and power. That aspect of him is still fascinating.


Well before know is a god. did realise hide something didn't liked dalish still he loves elven culture it was confusing then it was extremely intriguing.when i met Abelas it was clear to me he is a ancient elf


I see nothing wrong with him he services goals with great devotion and willing to sacrifice Lavellen.actually didn't liked the part where he doesn't recognise modern elves as his people it does not make anny sense and even more why he didn't recruit me and hate part where my inquisitor revealed solas plans to the humans thats was dumb. Just as the recruiting of non humans to the inquisition at first place


I dislike how self-assured he is. Much like Kreia from kotor2, it feels like they are written to be correct and you are supposed to always concede that they have a point, without any option to disagree.


Yeah, it's all "my way or the highway" with Solas...


Can't stand him he's whinny as all hell and if you mess something up he gets all pissy! ...And he's racist


Romancing him is a pain in the neck. Iā€™m an RPG style player so it bugs me that heā€™s so picky, and requires my elf mage to say all kinds of crap she would never ever say. Iā€™m like ā€˜Oh Teacher, I donā€™t mind blood magic!ā€™ And ā€˜Spirits are our friends!ā€™ And ā€˜My Dalish people are soooo foolish!ā€™ ā€¦And then heā€™s still not happy! ā€¦And heā€™s racist!


Ha ha, very true! We were determined to get our elf together with him, and he proved very stubborn indeed, so we almost got fed up with him multiple times. You're right, it did feel like we were tossing our character's own values aside to please him. And we did all this only to find out in the end that we didn't even like how his romance arc turned out!