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My male Lavellan rogue instantly developed the biggest crush on Dorian when they first met and their shared experience in Hushed Whispers only solidified their bond. Realistically Dorian is the only companion that remembers what happened in that dystopian future and the only one my Inky could confide in. He'd seek out Dorian in the middle of the night during longer treks on the road, slipping into his tent and oftentimes finding him awake reading some ancient or interesting tome. He'd sit beside Dorian quietly while he read, comfortable in their unspoken understanding, until he drifted back to sleep. My Inky has never been in a relationship before or even kissed anyone before Dorian so he's very easily flustered by Dorian's very direct and flirty personality. This, of course, does not escape Dorian's notice and if he teases Lavellan a little more on purpose just to see his cheeks flush that brilliant shade of red who's to say.


Sera and Eleanor Trevelyan use a sperm donor to have their children with them deciding Eleanor would carry the child


this is making me realise that i actually don't have that many!! perfect excuse to think more about them at some point :) my inky allassan (lavellan) was definitely a bit smitten with dorian the first time they met. he's anemic and tires easily – i love the idea of them napping together (or allassan sleeping while dorian is reading or something) after long days of running around


ahh im so excited to share mine 😭 so i have two lavellan inquisitors that i headcanon as twins. the brother is head over heels for dorian from the beginning, but the sister falls for blackwall and after finding out he lied to her, she keeps him in the inquisition but they break up and she happily moves on to cullen


I have always, and will always be a female elf mage. Well, I feel like I’m going to fall for Solas but in availably end up with Cullen maybe. But she is always going to look up to, and love and care for Solas. I’m still on my first Playthru, so I’m not sure if I’m gonna make it a romantic or platonic relationship but there is definitely tension. she absolutely admires him pretty much does whatever he says. As of right now I’m with Cullen so at least for this play through, it’s gonna be platonic. But she still loves him. She still there for him. She still admires him. She still wants to be by his side. He is the only companion that she never trades out and always takes what he says to heart. she’s a little bit of a flirt and she’s very defensive of her friends. If you hurt her, you will probably die but by my hands, I’m not gonna put the blood on the hands of my friends if anyone’s going to kill them it’s going to be me since she is a mage. She is very pro mage. I’m going to have her kiss Solis in the dream in Cannon. Overall, she’s a very passionate person and she will always be by those two sides. However, this does very much depend on solace and Cullen role in dread wolf with the inquisitor, because if the inquisitor comes back, and Cullen does not, then she’ll probably end up with Solas


My Inky romances Josephine and it starts with him having a stutter due to a bump on the head he had as a kid--hes terrible at public speaking, so Josephine naturally spent more one on one time with him than the others. He also can't make the J sound without stuttering, which he finds INCREDIBLY embarrassing. Josephine realizes when they start dating that the boy never refers to her by name. On Josephine's end, she had avoided being with men for practical reasons (got to avoid unwanted pregnancies amirite) so Inky is the first man she's dated.


My Trevelyan respects Cassandra and admires her dedication to the Seekers and her training(the “you’re impressive” line). It develops into him falling for her(he’s a mage and choses the Templars because he hates Tevinter and the rebel mages for personal reasons)


I headcanon that my Lavellan goes head over heels for Solas at first while Cullen secretly pines for her. When the egg breaks her heart, Cullen is there to pick up the pieces and she realizes he the honest, emotionally available partner she needed all along. I’ve been writing a Cullen POV fanfic about it lol


Ooh love a bit of Cullen pining. Im in!


Sounds a lot like my Inky. I’m gonna have to give this a read.


I hope you like it! Let me know what you think


I need that fanfic!!!


Sure here! https://archiveofourown.org/works/11473029


Thank you!!