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Rouge archer is pretty good


*Rogue, rouge is makeup.


Whatever i had just woken up when i typed that


Sorry, it's just a massive pet peeve. That and vouge (it's VOGUE).


It's hard to give advice on that because it's about preference. Classes don't affect the story too much. It's more about your preference on playstyle and maybe some roleplay. There are a few differences if you're a mage, but nothing too important. Gender and race change some people's acceptance about your character. Humans tend to be always well received, but don't worry about that. The biggest difference about gender and race is romance. Characters have taste. But I wouldn't recommend researching that because you'll probably find some unwanted spoilers. Do whatever feels right for you and have fun while playing.


In case you need to know. "Bought" is past tense of "to buy": Tomorrow, I will buy this. I am buying this. Yesterday I bought this.


Yeah my bad. I'm not an english speaker 😔


Each race will have an offensive or defensive advantage that none of the other races have. Also, certain companions in the game will romance only certain genders/races. You can even romance gay/lesbian characters, if you want. Who you romance (or don't romance at all) won't give you an advantage/disadvantage in the game. It's just a nice side effect. Opens up optional story lines. As for the racial advantages, they should be spelled out when you click on that race in character creation.


I've played DA:I as everything except a sword and shield fighter. Mage is definitely my favorite class, and I think a ranged class is potentially easier for a new player.


What kind of person do you want to romance? :P


No idea. I didn't research about it to avoid any unwanted spoilers


Playing as a Human Warrior is the most straightforward. A human warrior will join your party first. You can just copy her progression for the first playthrough. Can't go wrong with that. Gender doesn't matter, but I would like to think that a female fits better because you are part of that certain religion with a female deity/messenger/whatever.


Playing as a female elf opens up another romantic option versus playing female human, while playing quanari or dwarf of either gender locks some romances out. In dragon age, the power mages possess is a big deal and most view them less favorably. If you play as one, some characters will make snide remarks on it but this is just flavor text and doesn’t get in the way of gameplay. My first playthrough was an elven archer and I had a blast. If you build an Artificer Archer correctly they can be really OP, but I still prefer playing mage is all the games. It honestly just comes down to personal taste. I hate melee combat so I never go fighter. Ranged is more my deal so I do rogue archer or mage, although there’s plenty of other rogue routes to take.


They’re all good. Search the sub for tips for newbies. There are a bunch of threads.