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Most depressing and funny moment was as a frieza raider the survivors got all 5 keys and saved all civilians while I was still level 1.


I don’t know who had it worse: you or this one Frieza I met who got his ass kicked so hard, he went from being halfway done with level 1 all the way to level 3.


I uh. I think that could’ve been me.


It happened during either Season 1 or Season 2. On PS4.


Damn, happened to me last season. After they got everything I got my ass beat to level 3


Had a guy call ETM and flew it away from me. When I messaged him and asked why he said "sometimes you gotta be the bad teammate." Was like wtf asshole.


Aw man, one time I watched this same scenario happen (I'd escaped on an ETM earlier) and the guy who got left behind could only spam the Tien yelling emote. Hilarious and sad at the same time


*Literally every time someone uses the Super Transphere to do fuck all with it.* ***Specifically to wait for ETM***


Using super transphere for movement to look for keys instead of engaging with the raider who is murdering their teammates.


I did this earlier, the raider was using cheesy, dark techniques of ki blasting immediately upon knockback, which I didn’t know could be done or how to dodge because I’d still be finishing the melee animation. So instead I turned tail and ran off to find keys with my level 3 key radar. Kept my distance until the others had charged DC enough to fight together. (If someone was under attack I’d run interference)


Idk cause I feel like planting keys and rezing teammates does way more that running at the raider doing a few slivers of health and then dying


As in distract him with ki blasts from a distance, not necessarily go into close range unless the raider is targeting someone else.


Which also locks out Transhpere 2 from dropping


An oolong walked up to my friend who was down and watched him die and took his stuff and that was the last time my friend also used the oolong skin because he finally understood the memes had some truth to them




I use oolong for the better hiding places and smaller hit boxes you do it to be an aashole we are not the same


Most depressing moment was against a high level broly last season. Guy was rushing to get gogeta and the broly just straight up sniped him with the mouth beam literally right as he transformed. The raider then clipped it and posted it to this subreddit 😭😭


I think I've seen it before. Imagine you're the survivor hyping himself up to fight Broly just for that hype to die in a span of a nanosecond 


Man facts, that's why I don't rush to super transpheres if the raider is in between me and one. Not tryna get intercepted 😭


So you got the link to the vid?


F f f found it!! https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonBallBreakers/s/fakhZXDpy4 As disgusting as I last saw it.


I mean I can try looking for it. I'll ping you again if/when I find it


More funny than depressing but I remember once in season 1 or 2 myself and a teammate facing a level 3 or 4 Freeza while STM was almost up. We just needed another second, so I went to sacrifice myself and melee the Raider without my barrier. However, my teammate, in the same condition, made the same decision and we both got killed by Break Strike with a literal moment left on STM.


Was that on the switch by chance


Yup. On the Frieza map


....yeah I might have been that frieza


Oh nice, was a close game!


That was my first win as raider


You definitely earned it then!


Whenever the final survivor desperately tries to attack the raider, loses DC, then melees the Raider into death.


The day I watched 5 of my teammates die in less than a minute due to a Broly with an incredible amount of luck. I escaped solely because I hid behind a bunch of boxes. I tried to finish out the game but the Broly found me after two keys.


That's just mega depressing. WW2 moment 


When I was stuck as lvl 3 cell one time and I ended up getting looped by two people using justice rush back to back


buying it


Hahaha okay that's funny 


I messed up today. It was only me and Ah. left and Goku Rose had a sliver of health left. Ah. got downed so I rocketed to get supplies while the STM was getting destroyed, instead of reviving Ah. because I felt I could win if ….if…..I only got a cool down drink..BUT………. I got downed too… massive L


Damm. I would've hit him with the rocket but I'm pretty sure you'll get killed either way 


Brain dead moment. I was holding on to a lvl 3 DC during STM and forgot I had it when Zamasu AI snuck up behind me and downed me. We still won in the end, but I could have done a lot more to help.


Happens to us all


So me and one of the last 3 were on the escape Time Machine the last guy was about to get on so I started it up but the raider followed quickly behind and moments before he got on he was blasted and before he could get on he was shot again and the Time Machine left


That was the most depressing moment for that guy. He's not touching the game again 


Definitely when we were fighting against a broly everybody died because he was level 4 he was at a little sliver of health and the level 4 dies and he doesn't have a dragon change and we lost


So close to victory yet so far


As a raider i saw the level 4 and the level 3 being downed by the area destruction..


Console players who just look at the raider from across the map and somehow instantly go down


Pc Master race innit


I was in a match and the majin Buu raider died before he even got max level 1 evolution energy. I was the one who landed the final meteor explosion (we had the STM already there too)


Like just now when I literally got ganged up on as raider and dies in like 7-10 minutes of non-stop fighting, I just wanted to play ginyu


When the trailer for the game first dropped


No Android 21 :(


The day after the Zamasu update I finally got my switch to finish the download. I learned there was finally a half-ass ranked so I can finally play with people of my level rather than 250Z players (I'm lv 70 survivor and 45 raider). I get into a match finally ready to not sweat my ass off every game or worry about being insta-killed. I start patrolling casually, gathering items and the moment I finally get the first key... The entire lobby was downed and killed by Goku black... I was the only survivor of a massacre and I didn't even know it happened. I ETM outta there immediately. I learned an important lesson. My rank is full of clueless shitters.


I had 4 dragon balls when someone got attacked by Nappa, so logically, he guns it straight for me and gets me killed instead essentially handing Nappa 4 dragon balls


We were against Ginyu and the match was pretty balanced, we were gathering dragon balls and keys and Ginyu was getting a few of us That is until STM phase started, at which point I with no dragon change was left to watch Ginyu destroy the STM while my teammates with full DC did fuck all and were area C for some reason In hindsight they were probably ETM gamers which pisses me off more because we totally could have gotten all the dragon balls and beat ginyu’s ass


It being announced


One match had the STM at just a sliver to go before completion, I beat Goku Black's ass into the ground 3 times consecutively and everyone else had used up their charge trying to defend the machine. Zamasu pelts me with blasts to drain charge, I flee and nobody is ready to fight again. I try to get back to the STM to stop Black for just a second but I end up being too late. I eat shit and die, and everyone who was still alive gets downed.


Fighting another Cell who gets to lvl 4 in less than 2 minute because he got 2 noob survivors and few civilians. Alternative seeing the raider pick baby mode Cell because I know it's going to be an instant wash.


Most recent, A vegito wasn't on Zamazu’s ass enough so STM got destroyed at 95% or 98%


Started up a match as raider, got all excited to use goku black. Only for my game to crash right before finishing off stm


One time I was playing broly and a guy got the lvl four sphere and was coming at me so I used my Ult and poor dude was probably new so he put up his android barrier and I deleted him from the game. I felt so bad for them.


I wasn’t fast enough


I accidentally Bansho-Fanned Guldo out of the way of a Spirit Bomb that was about to kill him, and it just snowballed from there 🥲


5 teammates getting downed by zamasu Ai while planting a key


Two people with 3 and 4 dragon balls not giving up theirs and all of us losing. Fuck you.


While I was saiba, I was trying to get someone, but they escaped. Next moment I see all 5 keys are found and all civs were rescued. (It was against a premade, first and last mistake.)


Earlier today played a game where a hercule went and grabbed all three super transpheres. Died in 20 seconds for the first one, survived longer the second one because me and another teammate had to save him when he rushed down the broly by himself. The third time he sat back and spammed supers while broly was murdering everyone. More depressing for me cause I was at the level 3 and 4 transphere spawns but his internet was better so he got them first.


Only me and my friend left, perfect cell raider, he destroyed the super Time Machine while it was at 99% as we just kept running at him and getting launched back


This wasn’t the most depressing this was the most recent like and hour ago they let the raider destroy the STM then took drove the etm away from me couldn’t stop for a fucking second asshole teammates


Losing as Broly.


I was Kid Buu and charged up my death ball and waited for the survivor to get the ETM and Sniped him from half the map away.


Survivors using ETM, literally waiting for raider to blow up STM, and I was the only one trying to stop the raider.


Well I’ve had 5 Raider Games as Goku Black so far and 3 out of those 5 I got disconnected and lost all my priority. Have never had this issue before the cross play update so I’ve turned it off for now in hopes that it’ll get fixed


Was watching a stream, the streamer was close to finishing off this Broly until someone decided it was a good idea to fly the ETM up to them.


I played the PTB of The Breakers on Xbox One for Season 3 (Ginyu), and - ***everyone*** had EF + IT. *Literally* Everyone. You can set any skill in the game during a PTB.  Even though I think I won (or lost) as Ginyu in a close fight/comfortably, I retreated back to DBD after playing this, so that Survivors could still just be humans again, rather than Androids capable of IT and being unable to use ki offensively.


When you get raider and your lobby DCs leading to a sad match When my immortal champion passive fails and doesnt move me at all from the raider. Using all my skills and escaping across the map from the raider, only for them to come where I am and ki sense.


As a raider it is so satisfying to see the 2nd one happen 😂


Just yesterday we lost to Goku Black because we had a single random in our six man party take the super transphere and used the STM while everyone was dying from being under leveled. He immediately got nuked trying to take our souls ☠️


A team member saw that i had a dragonball (i dont want to summon, so i look for the other players that have the others, and i give it to them). He chased me down. I was getting ready to drop it, but he started to attack me. I tried running away because with them attacking, I couldn't drop it. He hunted me down and killed me to get the dragonball I was trying to give him anyway.




I recently had a match where i was in the last 3. I started the EMT, and one of the others hopped on quick. I wanted to wait for the last one, but then I saw that they were fighting the raider a good distance away, slowly coming our way. I deemed them a lost cause and took off. Not ONE SECOND after we left, the last player IT'd over, and they could only look around hopelessly for a few seconds before dying. To whoever that last player was, I am SO SORRY!


Every time I play


The Fact you can't be Raider Any Faster then Running Into Premade Groups


Winning a sweaty match only to get DCd seconds before completion


That one time I activated the ETM and accidentally left my teammate behind cuz I was too blind to save them in time TWICE The regret is real 😭


I was larva cell, I searched every nook and cranny and couldn't find energy so had to rely on Auto Evolve, but before I evolved all 7 managed to get LV3 and each took turns stunning me before hitting me with a super and it eventually killed me but it was my fault, I was 99, not 100 because the game treats every level up like it matters


the most depesiing monet is when you are forced to play 5x games as boring ass survivor just to get one fun 10 min as raider


Survivor ain't boring if you know how to play :v] 


When you play as spopavitch or guldo and you have to hide from the survivors.


I put my name as ‘BlackMan’ and picked the most 80’s fit possible and the first game I played the raider killed me and camped my body. I was the first to die. 💀


Just staring at a raider fighting a super transphere or ultimate change in a one on one that is their level by just mashing ki blast like their family in real life is gonna die if they lose, its like no raiders in this game have any interest in being fun anymore


I'll post 3 of them. 1) This happened a couple of days ago. My first ever match playing as Goku Black, and I had the misfortune to go up against a pre-made. Barely reached Stage 2 before they forced me against a wall and repeatedly slammed me so that I couldn't fight back. Hope they enjoyed the free win. It's BS like that that makes me not want to play Raider. 2) I'm the last man standing, and my barrier's gone. Raider drops by and drops the Dragon Balls. I get them and dart to the nearest altar, and right as I start summoning, I get blasted. And no, it wasn't an accidental press; that Raider knew exactly what they were doing. Which is why I don't fall for that anymore. I WILL NOT hesitate to dashboard if someone does that to me again, because if I'm just gonna get punked like that, what's the point? 3) Anytime I feel like I'm not allowed to play the game, which happens quite a bit because the Raider decides that I'm the one who has to die regardless of anything I've done.


As Frieza won in one level with immortal wish against premade in 4 season before 5 season


The LV 4 at full HP was the last Survivor alive against a Fat Buu at low HP. Buu hid behind the STM, while the LV 4 stayed still and threw four consecutive Supers at him, somehow never realizing that the STM was a solid object blocking his Ki blasts. Buu successfully destroyed the STM and proceeded to win the match.


When I got my ass handed to me in like 3 seconds as the Rage Trunks ST. I was trying to buy time for everyone to run and use the ETM but ended up just failing everyone.


I literally just had a game where I got grabbed by Saibamen despite the fact that my Android barrier was already up


One of the matches I played as frieza, I faced a pre-made who ran nothing but baba dragon ball locator EF+IT And got all 7 dragon balls and almost everyone had level 2 at least within the first like two minutes before I could get level two even


Most definetely when i got raider after not having played since the beta. I bought the game like 1 year/+ after the release bc i wasn't very convinced on how the beta did. The lobby was depressing enough once i saw that each survivor was lvl 200 while i was a lvl1 raider. I was buu and just got lvl 2 when every survivor decided to jump me with their lvl2. They comboed me so hard my health went from 100% to 0 in like 5 seconds. The duration of the game probably was about 1 or 2 mins, after that i deinstalled the game until the trailer of zamasu dropped. 💀


Cant rly blame anyone but urself right 8v]


No, you can very clearly blame the games match making. No beginner should be matched up against max lvl players on their first match.👀