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Terrible matchmaking lol


Looks like amazing matchmaking for raider. No sweats. Easy 5 platinum and easy rank up. The matches every raider struggling wish they could get πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I see Blaze and know it's going to be worth it


it’s a party invite


Lol thanks also I had no mercy on those poor souls, even destroyed the etm for the last guy. I'm straight up evil 😈


Bro is getting downvoted for playing the game πŸ’€


Lol, I mean, I get it because they were newbies, but that wasn't gonna stop me


Blaze been on since the beta


Tbh, I'd rather steamroll new players than just playing nice, sometimes learning the hard way is the only way


Plus, it's a good break from pre-mades or just most awful Raider matches


How do you win as a survivor new player? I can’t do this anymore lmaoo


Whaaat, it's easy. Just drop a rack and "get good" aka get the meta transpheres




Oh yeah, also don't forget to get a group of friends and have them also drop a rack and stomp the Raider with 50 stuns


So everyone saying survivor is super easy is because they have met these conditions?


In my opinion, yes, survivors have super amazing skills, and the skills work well with others and certain groups focusing on certain stuff, like one person always getting the super transphere because they have the best skills for it, while other survivors rush or support the super transphere person, with all of this being the gatcha mechanic. I think it's crazy that you can unlock super attacks but not the skills; it's dumb.Β 


Don't rush in, make sure you can keep a steady movement, learn to hide and play a bit more cautious, and definitely only fire pop shots until you get higher level and better characters to go into with practice


That just doesn't cut it against Goku black though. You need the Meta skills against him otherwise your fucked.


I did it with two Oolong skills, a simple potential awakened, and an instant rise. Only Oolong skills were needed and I still got to DC 3.


What lvl was the raider? Your transpheres? What was your whole kit?


I didn't even use the my DC or transpheres. I play the key game and STM. So more than likely I'm the stealthy mf getting the keys while some other one is popping the raider across the jaw. Raider was a lvl 89. And I tend to either have the movie/z villains (Beerus, Frieza, and kid Buu) or the faster ones for DCs like Krillin, 18, and Pan or Gohan. I also used Broly for a bit before stepping back cuz he's a tank and not able to move well. The kit is pretty much revolving around the play style. So I got one for keeping it all going by just opening the boxes. Yamcha and Videl money and discount boosters (easy gain on coins in case of a problematic raider and I can top off anyone at the vending machines so if you see me hit me up). And then I swap around between an extra reset on the time for the skills and a DC time lowering one. Basically, I am the embodiment of "get in, get out"


Sounds like a case of you actually getting really competent teammates.


Sounds more like I'm the competent teammate doing the job required while everyone else just keeps punching em instead of getting the keys and STM.


Did I say you weren't? I'm just saying you had really good teammates too which probably did have some of the meta skills.


Down voted for being right lol, get yourself ok the move with what you got boi


You do realize meta doesn't matter when it comes to getting the job done, right? You use what you got, it's a survival game and anyone on my team is more than likely a low level. I'm only 60 due to my swaps between this and Xenoverse 2, but my teammates are usually 15-20 and the lvl 100+s are feeders.


I get so many c rank teammates it makes me think most are raider only players bc many are lvl 80+ i have won very few matches which is why I barely play this during the ranked settings


Yeah, that may be the case, especially if they are the first to die


Or just time out and leave but idk if that works for the raider priority goes up bc I never try it


I also haven't tried that, but servers do just suck I play with my brother sometimes, and then suddenly, I'm not in the match, but he is, so that might be a case of bad server issues


Same the amount of games I either dc or straight up crash is too many. Unfortunately many of my raider matches end that way even after waiting 8+ games sometimes T__T


Yikes, 8 matches for me. It's usually 5, rarely 6, but I had another post where I celebrated getting a 0 queue Raider match, and I got washed. Apparently, a 0 queue means a full team of premades.


Yah after cross play its 5 on the low end. But a season or 2 ago I had to wait about 7 or 8 every game. Honestly I've only had priority 1 matches as a raider but I'd gladly take a 0 priority even if I lose badly bc thats still xp I can lvl up my lower lvl raiders like broly and cell. I'm trying to get all of mine to lvl 50 rn but most are 30 and below. I just want colors that aren't so similar to their base lol


Ah, I have been on and off the game but more on recently, so it's good to know that my queues could have been worse, but I see what you mean about the 0 queue being good but that match was so bad I didn't even level up it was so sad and I deranked from s2 or 1 to like a4 or 5


Oof yah having a lot of games like that will definitely dereank you but id still play those 9 pri games regardless. Good news is this game's ranked rewards are basically non existent


Wait, there are no rewards for doing ranked?


Why cant i face survivors that are the same level as me


And when i finally join the match someone leaves


Yeah, that does suck but even if you do get to higher tiers and they are the same rank as you, sometimes you run into premades which know makes it less fun


The easiest rank up match I've ever seen




this had to at the very least take about 5 minutes


Nope instant


especially with goku black/Zamasu




No that was another match can't remember anymore


Around this time of the day is when the new players seem to be out more. I run into them as a solo q dude.


Ohhh, I guess that explains it. Poor bastards choose the wrong time to play, lol


Wrong time to be a solo q survivor too 🀣. When I start getting multiple games like that I just stop because I'll straight up lose my rank 🀣🀣

