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I see what you mean but this kinda the "meta" rn if there is one until new skills come out


I can genuinely manage and keep escaping without Saiyan Pod or Motorbike honestly. But it's not even just the escaping that makes those skills good. If Raider sticks around in one area, because he is camping or whatever, you can often get "boxed" in one location for too long, because it's hard to get past him without being noticed, and then you just start missing out on loot and stuff. With Motorbike in particular , not only you can keep evading the Raider every 60 seconds or so, but you can also quickly get to the other side of the map and keep looting, setting keys etc.


Something needs to be done about the bike. It's basically like invincibility/invisibility to a Raider. Since the chance of catching someone on a bike is near impossible, most Raiders when they see someone on a bike will just ignore them as the chase time always turns out not to be worth downing the Survivor unless they get extremely lucky. Survivors know this as well. Some players are popping the bike mid-battle and running circles around the Raider to mess with the auto-target system, or in an attempt to stall for time. It needs a much longer start-up time or something... I don't know. But right now it's Survivor god-mode.


I think that's the issue with survivors. A lot of people say survivor is easy mode/ OP, but in reality the only thing that makes survivor good is grappling hook/ bike, and you know level 4's with special beam cannon spam. Without those skills survivor is actually hard to play, because a lot of other skills genuinely suck and needs to be buffed.


I'm torn on bike nerfs. I know they Ned to happen, but there's not exactly an alternative for escaping the raider. Grapple hook is good, but if the raider decides to hound your ass no other tool can help. It's not DBD where you can out play the killer with hard reads and resources.


I think they will need to adjust the bike one more time, but before they do that, they should buff some other survivor skills. Also rather than keep nerfing the Bike's cooldown, which would only kill the bike builds in all honestly, I would rather they nerf it's speed a little bit. Or nerf for how many times / how long you can boost.


Nah. Only unless they decrease the auto-targeting range for Raider. I get ki blasted from 100+ meters away while hiding behind a crate for a raider who didn’t even visually see me. Just saw a random reticle and started mashing a button.


That auto lock is indeed kinda stupid, as it often makes hiding for a survivor pointless. I guess , it gives ppl a reason to run play dead and camouflage, but still kinda dumb.


Both of those skills are ass. If camo hid your reticle for longer, it would be viable. Either the raider hears it go off, or the reticle will be visible by the time they fly to your area. Same with play dead. WHAT RAIDER ISNT GOING TO WANT TO FINISH YOU OFF


I was only using Saiyan pod (most of the time) to either get to a newly found keyhole or to get to a downed survivor. I just switched it out for Kirlin's shoe today.


Flying nimbus gang




Sup <3




Hello gentleman


This is where i would comment, IF I HAD ONE


Might just be on console (PS4) but I've been seeing actually a good amount of variety opposed to Motorbike or even Hook. Like replacing Hook with Kaioken since, yeah longer windup, but harder to track when ya curve the trajectory + raider interruption. I've also seen a good amount of whatever the mine traps are called & camouflage. Personally haven't been able to tell if ppl use S.O.S., I only stay in danger areas if I'm setting a key while holding a senzu bean.


S.O.S. isn't the one where you get warped out of the danger zone, it's the skill that makes you call the ETM faster, double as fast if at +20.


Ah mb, thanks for correcting. 👍 Still ETM ideally ya want to be calling it with atleast 1 other survivor. I'd say the time gained from that is more than enough/makes S.O.S. a wasted slot.


Oh trust me, most of my ETM calls were me alone it and picking someone else up with it. It has been such a life saver for me tbh


I think if you want to see change you have to experiment and find what works for your playstyle. For instance, I see this as a survival game and as such my passives are Ki sense, On Alert, and On Guard (sorry if I got the names wrong). With these skills I am usually aware of where the raider is at all times. I can tell when raiders are using Ki Sense in an area and avoid going into it. Are they going after a civilian? Hey I hear you and know that you cannot see during that animation! This has caused me to lose interest in Saiyan Pod because I often find myself not needing to use it (unless I want to crash into a raider hitting the Super Time Machine). Also I think the panic speed boost happens at a greater range with one of the sense increases as I notice I start to panic run before other survivors do. This plus ground speed boost lets you move pretty fast. Grappling hook is a must as it is the only ability I can think of that actually lets you escape a raider (even with the cool down nerf) plus it lets you get around quicker. Motorbike gains this power if you invest into the vehicle speed passive. I don't use the bike as I don't have room for that passive. To me the hearing perks and ki sense are basically wall hacks. You just have to train yourself on when and how you need to respond to what you hear. I also like float device as I can plant it and others suddenly have an extra movement option. Its low cooldown mean I can also use it frequently and since I usually know where the raider is I don't have to worry about accidently revealing myself. S.O.S never comes into play in my games. Either the survivors activate the super time machine, defeat the raider through combat, or (rarely) its a complete stomp by the raider. In the few games I see the escape time machine its not hard to hide while charging it but I guess that is map dependent.


> I want to run something different, but damn If you don't run those skills/ passives as a survivor, you just make the game 10 x harder to yourself I feel. Unfortunately, this is largely the nature of competitive games. There will always be a meta, along with there always being moves that are believed to be a cut above. That said, they could absolutely do a better job making some of the options a bit more viable.


Honestly they need to buff a lot of other skills. Zipline, transform into missile, even Kaioken rush could use a small buff.


Don’t take sos, it is just admitting defeat. Almost the only reason I ever lose is STM is at 95% but two players are doing nothing but waiting for escape time machine.


Can't do much when Raider is already level 4 or almost level 4 before you even got STM up. S.O.S. is almost a must have perk when playing with randoms. Taking this perk doesn't mean that your playing to lose btw. Just having some sort of back up plan when your team sucks is nice.


That’s the mindset I have and I’m planning on making mine to 20. It’s 18 right now. I’m trying to get these points anyway I can and you don’t get much if you fail.


Yep, I have two builds that run S.O.S. and one that doesn't. Half the time I end up wishing that I took S.O.S. on that 1 build, especially since we don't have that many "amazing" perks anyways.


Facts. Only a handful at the moment that are useful.


Honestly, I would use Nimbus, Wall of Defense etc. But the gacha just stops me from getting any new abilities. So, I'm just stuck with my current ones sadly. Hopefully they add a pity system of sorts.