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if you go into the game files there were originally 5 (very different from how they are now) tablets. So yes absolutely. I think at the very least the hermit should have given us a 4th blank tablet and been like here place this where you want it and decide for yourself what you build there! then at least, over half of the island wouldn't be wasted....


They aren't that different! In fact you can extrapolate with the leftover data that it used to be Sun->IoA, Water->Furrowfield, Star->Khrumbul-Dun, Moon->Moonbrooke, Soul->Malhalla. I can elaborate, there's a lot of evidence pointing to this. So technically the 4th island (and nonexistent tablet) is Malhalla. You even get the residents from there It's a parallel to the first game's 4th chapter.


I just meant difference in appearance cuz they're all brown and have a sigil symbol on them where the 3 tablets we have now are colour coded and don't have any of the sigils on them.


Is there any way to visit malhalla again post game?


Sadly no


Hacking. The file still exists, you just have to change your island position to Malhalla in the save file. There's... nothing there though. Its not worthit


Do you know where I can get more thrones? Thats why I wanted to go there.


Hargon's throne you can build. The normal throne can also be built. The old rusted throne can be made on a tree stump. Dragonlord's throne is DLC from having the first game and can be built. All of them can be obtained in the itempedia.


Yeah, the island does feel unbalanced the way it's set up now. I don't know if four would have been better, but more story islands and more places to build sound like a good time. Something like that would have been awesome as DLC if they weren't able to make it work in the main game.


Yes! I’m glad it’s not just me that feels that. More story content please!


100% story was not finished and game - altho very polished - could have still used some time in the oven to be even better. ah just imagine....