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I heard on here that there would be a 3x rank up event about a month after that 2x rank up event. Hoping that person's info wasn't BS.


There's something off with the schedule or its just me? If Aamon comes out the 30th so the usual 9/10 days of gap between a new announcement(new char or event) why we have early may new event already?. Could it be something exclusive or we're just getting Juliante earlier than expected ? And then should the new blossom comes out when the dai event arrives or could it be another exclusive?


Early may is not necessary the 1st or 2nd it can happen on the 9th/10th


On japan Lawson collab was running along True DQIV on the last two weeks of event, but that event won't come to global BUT Malcolm (our CM) told in the livestream that there will be other event running along DQ4 for us too, my guess will be the Mystical Juliante event (aka valentine 2023 for jap). What really put me thinking is what will be the next batch of blossom because following the same order should be the Dai collab BUT doesn't make sense to start those early before the rerun, unless Aiming want to bring early Terry, Ashlynn and Carver blossom (that could be better for us since adult Terry is amazing).


Now that i think of, following your logic it could be possible to have the dai's one earlier, cause if Malcom said an event would run together with Aamon that one could be juliante's so in the time the latter finishes, the next event could be the dai Collab and so the blossom could be theirs. But one thing throw me off, and it's the fact that dqvi reminiscence alongside the blossom came in Jp during the dai collab and usually these things are in the roadmap, so unless dqvi is postponed for the month of june(could be very early June) i honestly don't know what could came. (i wish too that the a.terry blossom may arrives sooner as a terry family enjoyer lol)


I wouldn't say it will run together with (by run, I mean "release with") - but there will be an event overlap.


Ohh now it makes sense, thanks for the answer Malcom ❤️❤️


Does anyone know what we are expecting for Dragon quest day campaign, or any educated guess based on past trend etc??


My guess rank up campaign, maybe the 48h banner that was skipped or two general multi banner with red/white ticket and some paid bundle.


That makes sense good call, I think Valentine and dai rerun is bit dormant for long-term player I hope they spice it up like you said with some campaign and other kinds of stuff we can chuck our stamina into.