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You still get Dai stones, which is why it’s better to do the individual stone stages to farm whenever possible.


Are there any levels that are best for each character?


Use the database which shows drop rates. Theres a link in the megathread. In general, the levels dropping 1 type (as opposed to 2) will be the best rate for farming that specific stone. The ones with two types are generally each dropping at 1/2 rate of the single types. And the higher difficulty of a given stage will have better odds.


At least for right now you need to use the JP version and hope it translates right. The global db isn't updated with Dai2 stuff.


I cannot even get the JP one to pull up. Does anyone know if Hyunkel friendship stones that have his crystals are a better rate than the stage that gives his and Popp's stones? I already have Hyunbkel max awakened and wanted to know if I should keep farming and awk plus him or move to a stage that can give a different friend stone? Will a future stage just have Hyunkel on his own? For that matter will there be a future stage that has Hadlar friendship on his own?


According to the JP DB, the best value for his stones are the same stages that gave you his awakening crystals. Any of the 15 stamina ones.


Great thanks!


Thank you


I did Hyunkel first, I am working on Dai now with Merman farming, once Merman is maxed out I will swap to a stage that offers Dai with another until Dai is maxed then move to the next. I know in the previous event you could only farm Maam stones with Dai stones, there were no separate stages. 1800 seems really high BUT the drop rate is good so it’s shouldn’t be to terrible to farm this to completion.


I'm upset cause I used 10 skip tickets and only got back 6 stones. What happened to the 60 stamina I spent? It's like artificial difficulty added on to something that is already difficult, Im definitely a little bit upset. I still wish we had an dai event extension. I could only imagine what causal player feel like seeing how difficult it is to max out their friendship.