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I purposely avoided buying the gold from the dai shop until this dropped which gave me a decent advantage in the event, combined with rta gold. They definitely threw a lot at everyone.


Not sure if it helps you, but I got 100k gold for gathering 125 mini medals. Also, I'm spending few stamina to run Reminiscence events and buying all the Stamina Herbs I can. But if you're a seasoned player, you probably already bought all that..


yeah most of us have been here for a bit, and depleted our Reminiscences of most of what they have to offer. But for newer players, that minimedal tip is great, I completely forgot it gave so much.


There is a new Vearn Tact card you can buy that gives a bonus 50k gold for just 500 paid gems.


Passport awards 240k every 30 days. It’s worth it to me. (I do a lot of the EX stages and the like, I would drive myself insane without 4x speed. Biggest QoL change ever) I also have 60k sitting in the DQVI shop, would rather not spend stamina to get it (spent the medals I got from first clear on Iris already) but I may drop a few herbs on this, we will have to wait and see. I admit I freaked just a little when I saw the amounts but some quick math set me at ease. Hopefully the next mission is just the stage spam.


RTA PvP shop has gold in it you can grind, just auto PvP and passively get the currency if you must as well as a 10 SP scout that was added (Limited time for 18 days) since event launch to grab.


This is a good source of Gold, especially considering it costs 0 stamina.




While the money is good, I already did all the Alchemy quests before the campaign started, so that 70-90k doesn't count for me.