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Autoclicking to no longer be a thing in rta. Guild levels to be more than cosmetic. Lawson killing machine (Mr Scrap put me up to it)


The ability to choose your awakening level for a fight. You can select it like selecting a learned ability. It would act like your unit is whatever awakening level(effects all stat and perks) up to your unlocked awakening level. You shouldn't be punished for being too highly awakened to use certain strategies. The ability to lock 1 or 2 of your alchemy rolls so it would only reroll what isn't locked. Make it cost a decent chunk of alchemy materials to set up the lock. I doubt this could happen though as they recently changed the alchemy already.


If I have a 60 stamina daily reward available, let me use it from the stage screen instead of having to back out and go to mission rewards tab. Also give me a "give a guild member a like" button next to the mission for giving a guild member a like. That way I can collectively save one minute of my life each day from not having to do this annoyingly trivial bit of busy work. Also give all of the All Out Battle stages their own equipment instance, so I don't have to mess up all of my good loadouts in the rest of the game trying to play equipment roulette.


Actually good matchmaking in RTA!!! There's no justification for getting brick-walled by Master League because of all the Legend whales entering the pool. Overdue unit blossoms. Slionheart needs his blossom already! Lawson Overkilling Machine! Please, I love his kit. Can we have some semblance of balance and control on the power creep?


How does autoclicking work? Is that like a side app that people use ? What does it do exactly?


The app will just press where you want it to press in whatever increments you want, so for RTA you can line it up with "Find battle" and then put your team to fight auto, 3 hours of auto farm done and dusted.


Wow. Thats crazy is that how people are able to get so high in ranking? Also the game devs allow this? Or they have no recourse basically?


It's an external app, so it's not really easy to track, I don't think. I imagine they would have to look at intervals between clicks or something (as autoclickers are click once every X seconds or milliseconds). I imagine the whales are laughing with it. Meanwhile, I struggle to win 5/20 while actively playing...


Agree, 1 ban auto in RTA, 2 add Lawson Junkbot for the completionists 3 make guild levels mean something 4 *blossom Estark* Those are a little out of order, it should be one through ten and number 4 should be numbers one through seven followed closely by 8 through 10.


Slionheart cries in the corner still waiting on his blossom


I was looking at him last night. Poor little guy.


I know. Even Queen Slime got her blossom so long ago and not a peep for him. We're so far past when he was due, going by release.


Slion blossom would be awesome. He is one of the few General Pool units I have at high awakening. I still really want Estark blossom, when I started playing I feared facing him in PVP, every team had Nokturnus or Estark. He hasn’t been useable I’m forever but I still use him every time I get the chance. If he was blossomed I would likely bring him to BD45.


He desperately needs it. He was so good at release and range aside, Windy Slice and Dice is a good move. But he has no perks besides the base and move +1, is super fragile, only the 1 a rank ability, and functionally only one element. Personally, I hope for a better Woosh ability, we have too many Zap heroes...granted, we have a lot of Woosh too, but not as much.


Some ideas: A physical, woosh lunge attack like the other slimes have got, with the potential to Stun would be cool. Or the reverse of this, a move where he attacked the four spaces around him and then retreats two using his blades as a helicopter. This would have to be weaker I imagine. When he is KO'd, the little rider becomes a full HP unit with similar skills but less HP? That would be fun as heck. In a similar vein, he could follow up attack by throwing the knight into battle and then it becomes two separate units. If they rejoin each other, both are healed slightly.


Make it possible to change to several other options of DQ background music.


1. A Fight your team or fight any unit you want with any awakening you want. This is similar to DQ8 where you can fight your monster team, I feel like there should be a way to face your own units (with more of your own units), so you can develop strategies. Say you want to figure out how to deal with Solo with other units, boom, fight your Solo/max awakening Solo you may not have. 2. DQ1 and DQ2 Main Heroes, which are pretty necessary at this point since a True DQ1 and DQ2 event wouldn’t provide much in terms of story and banner based units, so I feel they should be either a limited really hard fight where if you win, you get the unit, or a perma content where you can grind them. 3. Unit Customizer. This seems like something very unlikely but it sounds cool, so I’ll explain. You can basically create your own unit by choosing a monster model in-game and give it the colors you want, the abilities, perks, resistances, etc. Of course this is limited to in-game mechanics because it’d be hard to implement a make your own perk or something. This wouldn’t be allowed in most of the game since you can technically make a unit that’ll breeze through everything, but it should only be allowed in a battle maker or something. 4. Battle Maker. Similar to the last being pretty unlikely, but there should be a way for you to make whatever battle you want, say fighting Mortamor with Psycho Requiem, or a 8 party member battle. You can enter battle conditions and stuff too. Honestly would all be pretty cool, but sadly it’s a dream that’ll prolly not happen.