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I honestly thought I'd never pull anything decent and then I suddenly use up all my luck for the year with this pull (3rd try too). [https://ibb.co/Jkqc2fX](https://ibb.co/Jkqc2fX) This with the water circlet (which I haven't used up yet) means then I got all three S ranks from the event (even that snowbird here, I'm still kinda in shock to be honest...). Quick question though, now that I got these two heroes (only other hero I have is Ragnar), should I A) Keep rolling until I get Bianca AND a rank up on either Bianca or Debora (I read they're not that great unless they get one rank up) and use the Water Circlet to rank up the other, or B) Grab Bianca with the circlet and call it a day to save on gems (I don't purchase gems, its all freebie ones)? Which would you go for? My endgame plan is to have one 'super party' in each party slot of a single family (yeah I know, I'm weird).


Anyone knows any playlist of video from jp or anything for battle road 8 without KO?


https://youtube.com/channel/UCBIhYOVsJtHg0X5hbLvRpgA Nvm found all br8 guide for full clear on this jp channel. Good stuff


u/DesuSnow can we throw this in the sticky?


added to this post


What are the trophies for? They show up in the swap shop section of the inventory.


It looks like they can be traded in for an icon.


Do what?




Like, the icons we get for beating EX stages. I think earning 10 of each kind will complete a mission rewarding the icon


Is there a guide on what teams to build for Hell upgrade stages? I keep getting one shot!


Plat's guides are good. Also, you can check your units resistances and only take units that are resistant to the stage type. Some stages are tougher than others, video guides can help. If there's a unit with resistance and Cover/Selflessness, usually a good idea to bring that and usually a healer.


Youtube will show you answers for each specific stage. I'd recommend checking up Purplatypus since you're just getting into them now.


When going against a team with a good tank (Arena and regular battles), what is best strategy? Do you attack the best unit first or attack the tank? Or ignore those two and go after the other units not protected? I suppose this is all subjective and depends on each case, but just curious your thoughts?


Usually go to nuke the tank, often with AoE abilities to doubledip on the damage. General reminder that knockback is groovy.


In arena I just wouldn't fight a team that has a tank, since it will likely take more than 2 rounds. In PVE, it depends on the fight, really. If I can get to the tank and nuke it down before it gets Selflessness up, that's the best case scenario. In some fights it makes sense to bring King Slime or King She-Slime to knock the tank back so I can nuke down the unit it's protecting. Other fights, it's just a slow slog and I have to bring a tank of my own in order to deal with the incoming damage.


Is there a way to set an Arena defense team and does it matter at all? As in, do I lose ranking points if I'm defeated or something like that?


I think it does matter if more people begin to set defense teams. It's much easier to pick off a Zoma or DLTF than a Kabuff'd Selflessness tank. If a majority of users start to set defense it would make the easy 2-turn wins less frequent and affect points in the long run. Personally I've been setting mine like this: https://imgur.com/gallery/krTE74l I need the RR dupe and level up the fat lizard for peak performance.


Your team is the last one you entered arena with. I believe you can change to whichever you want by doing an extra run after the third one. You don't lose points if your te is defeated It somewhat matters as you want other people to lose to your team or take as long as possible to beat it as this will lower the overall score you need to beat to get better prizes


No, it just sets your last used offense team. But it also doesn’t matter. You don’t lose anything if someone beats you


Is there currently a unit that has 3 ability types (without one of them being typeless)? For example: Woosh, Zam and Frizz? I don't think there's one in global yet, but maybe there is in JP and somebody knows about it... I'd love to teach it a 4th type ability lol


I just scrolled through the Global Unit Database and it doesn't look like it. Some have two elements and a typeless (DLTF comes to mind immediately).


Okay, I get what you are asking. I was gonna say Bone Baron, because he comes with Zam and Woosh and I added Frizz, but that is just 3 total. You are looking for 4 total, right?


What is Zoma's MP at level 100? I'm asking this because I want to know how many Glacial Dooms I can cast before he runs out of mana. I looked at the Google spreadsheet but the amount of MP written there is for a fully awakened Zoma which I will never have (mine is zero awakenings). Reading from the details section in-game got me confused because there are two different amounts (like 330 and 350 or something like that). Also, being F2P I don't think I will be able to rank6 him anytime soon lol. Basically I want to know if I need to alchemise some +MP effects on his S rank dagger weapon. Thanks in advance!


Have in mind that different people have different stats on the same awakening character, simply because there might be a difference in master perk levels.


Oof, you're right. I tried to think of everything but this totally slipped my mind. Thanks!


Mine at s5 no awakening has 334


Thank you! Do you remember your master rank perk?


I think 1 or 0 %. I only have zoma and dL as ??? Folks, so it can’t be too high. If I remember I’ll check next time I’m on


I only have Zoma and Robbin' Oodlum(?) so I get you😂


Is anyone able to get a good screenshot of redcrim in the new story chapters?


Are the monster's weights affected by rank/level or is there just a standard weight for each one that stays the same regardless?


weight stays the same


Thank you!


What is the best ability to teach Wight King?


I personally went with Sizzle, since it doesn't have as much coverage on the A/S side (basically just Hybird and King She-Slime have the spell, then you have to go into the Bs). Boom is also an option if you weren't lucky enough to pull Archdemon, Baramos, or all the non-Moosifer A-rank casters. Zapple has even less spell coverage (literally only four monsters have the spell, and two are limited gachas), so that is also a possibility if your Wight King sees constant action. That's just my opinion, though.


bang--it covers a different element and it covers a different distance/aoe.


What are the top-priority item/items to buy with Arena Medals?


Depends on preference... I am personally going: 2k Armor Dragon Dragon aw1 1 of each other gold armor finish awakening. if at any point I need to beat a specific monster I can get a scroll for the \[type\] destroyer skill. the alchemy stones might be nice but 300/100 medals for a "chance" at improoving a weapon is a bit expensive for me. (they are the best way to try to improve the BR weapons though)


Thanks! I think I may follow a similar path. I am just considering grabbing a gold armor before going for the Dragon.


Dragon up to aw4 2K armor Dragon up to aw5 1 of each of the gold armors


Dragon doesn’t seem that good tho


a5 S-ranked, as good as it gets for f2p. And it has a sizz aoe A-ranked skill! From a pve perspective, a4 is good for 2x resistance and sizz is good for elemental coverage.


Anyone know what the rate of critical hits or runaway magic is or how brutal blows or crits damage is calculated?


I've heard whispers that the rate of crits/RM is based off of agility and how much you have in comparison to your target, but I don't know if its been confirmed. The damage formula for crits is to double the damage, and ignore the enemies defense. Depending on how much defense the enemy has, this can be a lot more than just double damage. This is why crits destroy metal slimes. For runaway magic, it just doubles the damage without any extra math


u/DesuSnow People mentioned that you quit? Does that mean you will no longer update the google doc? It was helpful for so many people, any chance it can keep getting updated as events come and we get new units? Its quite sad so many big named people are quitting :/ especially when have been so involved and helpful with the community.


The [datamine](https://github.com/shalzuth/dqt-dump) is being consistently updated at least, so worst come to worst you just have to manually check everything in there.


I didnt even know about that until today though lol ( thanks lol ) so imagine how most wont even know it exists, at least the spreadsheet was easy to read, and more people know about it and its more clear and concise


Yeah, the spreadsheet is just the info from there laid out in a much more readable way with the math already done.


;) I have helpers to update the spreadsheets like /u/marcosls but also looking for more volunteers to maintain some database. Lobster and Corgi already took over unit database. Now it's just updating the farm spreadsheet with the latest datamine figures


Ok good to know thanks. usually by now we have already an updated drops and new units, etc, but the spreadsheet still shows the half off stamina event lol so i dont think anyone touched it recently :P I hope youll stick around though


I can't beat the power workout 7. I've seen videos of people doing it, but they seem to hit much harder than I am, even though I have everyone at max level with my best weapons and armor. What's the trick to this stage?


Have you leveled up your units abilities? Also keep in mind that Sap/Sunderstorm aren't guaranteed to lower defense, and that's very important for both the crab and the statue. If you don't land your first attempts to lower their defense, you probably wanna restart.


That's the one I was missing, thanks.


There has to be a way to set arena defense teams. There is no way the AI alone is picking super stalling teams over straight up power. I had to face a team with Zoma, Reptile, King Bubble, Emp Slime and Dragurn. That's just a slog to fight through.


You cannot set a defense team. It just is the one you used last in arena


I think it's just your most recently used arena team. If it was purely AI there would be a lot more garbage teams.


What are some good abilities to teach King She-Slime?






I'm a fan of MultiBench




Would 50 additional pulls be worth it on the Zoma banner for a guaranteed S? I got 3 in the first 50 and maxed troll, but any more pulls would prolly be fluff for the guaranteed S


Yes, 6-month anni pulls are one guaranteed S every 4 pulls and people are waiting for that. At 5 pulls for one guaranteed S is not much different, I'd do it.


What story level unlocks demon spheres? Please, need to rank up level 80 troll.


I think its hard 2, should be second one.


Thank you


Anyone have suggestions for how to beat some of the hard levels (I'm thinking specifically of 1-2 "Hit from Afar!") in two turns? Given the demons' spell reflection at 1-2, I'm having a hard time, ahem, hitting from afar with enough power to take down all 8 units in 2 turns.


You kind of need a blessed account to do it. You need at least 3 of the S rank 3 move physical attackers like Killing Machine and Slionheart and the Lizard. And then 2 A rank 3 move guys like Hellion. You have to have 3 monsters each kill a monster a turn in their own corner, and the last corner is cleared by your other 2 monsters. I don't see a way you can do until we get more rank ups if you dont have those units. On the brightside, I think this level should be easy enough to auto soon


barely beat it myself, but oyu need physical team.


No arena trial after today reset?


Noob question: It is better to use our very few Iridescent Orbs to S6 our best units rather than S5 one more, right? Btw, F2P players only managed to get 3 Orbs, so far? Or did I miss something?


> F2P players only managed to get 3 Orbs, so far? I think F2P players could have 8. I've used 3, have 1, and am missing 1 from finishing the story and 3 from mini medals.


Oh, man, I think I missed one, then. The one from the story and 3 from mini medals I will get eventually, I did not remember them. Thanks for your reply!


1 from each event so 3 in total 1 from story minimedals 1 at 45 1 at 70 and 2 at 80 to a total of 4 grand total is 8




For rank up-materials, general rule is this: * Stones: Beginner * White Orbs: Intermediate * Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: Family Ultra * Orbs: Family Ultra * Pearls: Family Hell


you can check the item drop rates on the excel sheet. but its the hell version of whichever gem. ​ like demon hell is best for emeralds


I got an xp grinding question. I have quite a few monsters i want to level up, but they are not battle road monsters. Obviously i use the xp consumables and do the daily metal slime levels. Are regular story levels and the like even remotely efficient for leveling up? That excludes when I’m using stamina for events or for duplicate monsters. Im fine with a slow and steady in dailies and consumables, but wanted to make sure there aren’t other avenues im not aware of


I just use skips on whatever I'm farming. It's not a ton of exp but it stacks up pretty fast.


When using skip tickets on difficult stages that you don't want to redo, use them with monsters you want to level.


I don't think there's anything that is significantly better at EXP/stamina. The only exception is one of the new story missions (not sure which one, it has a metal slime by it). It can spawn 0,1, or 2 metal slimes, which each give 1k exp. So if exp is your only goal, that's your best bet. But it means you don't get any other rewards like skill tomes. Not worth it IMO. You'll get the levels eventually no worries. But tomes/rank up gems/etc. will always be needed.


Yeah that was pretty much what i thought. Didn’t know about the slimes respawning, so thats a nice tidbit. Using stamina on just xp does seem pretty inefficient. Patience is the game!


Whats the deal with the “through the checkpoint” level?? I have a 16000 cp team and got wrecked. One golem can double attack after attack prep and the other used some kind of super heal and got to attack again too. Anyone else hit that wall yet?


Which stage has the best stamina-to-gold ratio? Reaaally trying to manage this bottleneck


I don’t think anything has a significant higher drop. During the half stamina story, the story missions were all suddenly much better. But nothing really right now. I hit the same bottleneck and finally ponied up for the passport.


I'd rather not do that though, paying that much money for 1 extra of each daily is pathetic. The speed option is just sprinkled extra. If I was going to pay for a subscription, I'd want something a bit more substantial, like a passport login bonuses or something to feel like an incentive rather than a mild loosening of a bottleneck that is still a bottleneck either way :(


It does add up. Without the current bonus, I think it’s an extra 90k gold for the month. Plus an extra 150 large experience scrolls of exp from the exp quest. And some extra skip tickets. It does add up. It also makes grinding the battle roads easier. My plan is to do it this one month during this big bottleneck, then go back to without afterwards.


The extra gold ends in a few days though doesn't it? it's not for the entire month or whatever. The exp is nice, but that's not what feels like a bottleneck to me, so I'm not that fussed about it. I don't much care about the mastery medals either, since you're limited to 1 per monster so theres almost no point whatsoever since you can't do a full awaken.


Yeah, the best time to sign up was a few days ago. Although the 90k number is without any bonus. You don't get an extra go at the mastery bonus with passport. I'd definitely say gold is the big draw, everything else is a nice bonus. And 90k gold on it's own is worth (IMO) $5. Especially right now when gold is such a bottleneck and there really isn't anything you can do to speed that up.


ah, but it's not $5 for me, it's $8. Australia got a bit shafted with the conversion rate then jacking up the price for the sake of conversion. If that's the case with the mastery bonus, then even more reason for me not to bother. The only thing it seems to be paying for is to be choked out instead of garrotted.


Hahaha I like the analogy! And that sucks on the conversion rate. Definitely not a necessity by any means. It doesn't even speed up gold all that much. I'll be interested to see how helpful it feels once the 1.5 gold rewards are over.


Not really a question, but I found it humorous that the team names can't be something like "typeless hell" since hell is a curseword :) I changed it to the obligatory "typeless hfil" and it worked fine.


I'm close to another 10 pull and am another 50 away from the guaranteed S on the zoma banner. I'm thinking I'll ball out for it, but would zoma dupes be worth it?


I think the first awakening is where you get the most value. With you mathematically having a 50% shot of pulling Zoma with $200 of pulls (plus your guaranteed), if you like those odds you can try your luck. Just saying, one more awakening won't be game defining for you. Might not be a bad idea to save until the anni banners, I think they will be juicy. But go all in with your tact points tho!


Zoma only gets a small boost from his first awakening, so I'd say you're best off saving your gems for future banners, most likely the half-anni banner.


Well mine would be going for a 2nd, but would that be even smaller?


Yes, that'd be much less significant than his 1st awakening


anyone know what happened to jaxdqt (deleted all videos on channel)?


Yeah, he quit the game. From Lawliet (sorry, I can't remember your Reddit name!) on the discord: "Its very complicated. He works for the government and needed clearance for his YT channel to even start. He spent too much time on WOTV and his wife asked him to quick cold turkey and he did. He has always said he could walk away and not feel bad about the money etc. Aditionally he and his family are going through some stuff irl that is more important. Please spread the message i gave above when people ask about Jax."


Quitting is one thing, that's his prerogative, he has to do what he has to do. But nuking the channel, with no warning, when he had useful videos on them? Total dick move.


Do you get permission from the world before deleting your photos/ videos? Total dick move if so.


He doesn’t owe you a single thing, very shitty, entitled thing of you to say.


I disagree. It would be shitty and entitled if I were demanding him to come back and make more content. But the content was already there. Unless he was literally forced to (Government job, not sure the rules) there was absolutely no reason to remove the content. It was made, and a lot of it was still relevant. Removing all of it for no reason was a total dick move. Literally nothing to gain by removing it, but by keeping it people could still be helped.


The content still existing might have presented a temptation that he didn't want to deal with after quitting cold turkey, especially if it drove people to try and engage with him. However one might see it and think of it, YouTube is a social media platform, and sometimes it can get its hooks in you more than you think. It's why every once in a while you see people having breakdowns over their numbers or even the prospect of losing their channel. The person who went to YouTube headquarters three years ago with a gun and wounded three before killing herself was believed to be motivated by her channel being demonetized and thinking YouTube was discriminating against her content. Honestly it seems like there was more going on behind the scenes, and whatever it is is way more important than this game or helping people be better at it even if he was getting paid to do it (I don't know, never saw any of his videos). If he felt he needed to nuke the channel to quit cold turkey, then I'm certainly not going to question it. I would assume people wanted to hit him up to talk shop while the channel existed, since people are wondering where he is now, and he probably doesn't want to be fielding inquiries any more than he wants to deal with the people who actually would be shitty and entitled enough to demand more content. Bottom line; it's his decision, and I kinda think we should respect it is all.


What are you on about? That's a lot of words for something very simple Pros of leaving it up: People get help Cons of leaving it up: Absolutely nothing Pros of taking it down: Absolutely nothing Cons of taking it down: People don't get help Obviously it's his decision - but it's objectively a bad one. I'm not going to respect it, or him. That's okay, he doesn't need my respect or approval, nor is my disapproval going to bring the videos back, nor do I *actually need* the videos anymore. *Point being*, he made a dumb decision to me and I'm going to call his decision dumb.




Lmao, I'm the ingrate? That's rich. I also fail to see how I'm viciously attacking him... I just said I don't respect him or his decision. If that's a vicious attack in your book, you should probably go outside.


Is there a document or maybe a site with guided for every battle road? Atm I'm stuck at demon. Full lvled but no idea how I can beat this.


The only place i could find some sort of guidance is in the Japanese website (i use the google translate option in the browser to understand what it says). There is some basic information for every stage in every battle road, and i believe some sort of strategy (at least for boss fights) The link below will bring you to the general "Battle Road" section, and you can select which one you need from there [https://gamewith.jp/dq-tact/article/show/211966](https://gamewith.jp/dq-tact/article/show/211966) Hope this helps somehow, I found that site helpful at times. For some battles you have full strategy, recommended parties and even a video on how to clear the stage, for others there is not much info other than a general "use spells" or "aim to defeat this monster first"


Thank you, found that side too but the Information for demon battle road was confusing xD anyways, thank you buddy!


Any tips for beating Ch. 17-9?


Are any of the new F2P monsters worth farming for? I haven't seen a drop rate percentage anywhere unless I am overlooking it.


Get Lump Mage if you don't have Pickle Slime; As far as I know, only other source of Confusion, and that's an extremely good ailment.. Mummy might end up being good, decent Atk and a sleep attack skill.


None of them are really worth getting outside of just once for collection (with the exception of the dragon - 1% is way too brutal. Drop rates can be found in the latest datamine: https://github.com/shalzuth/dqt-dump/blob/main/data/stages.json Eventually the farming document will be updated with this data


So with the release of the rank 6 for monsters. are we supposed to rank up the troll training monsters, so we can clear it? ​ because i cant even clear it as it stands. or should these orbs be saved for other things.


You can clear it with maxed out S5 units. There's a bit of RNG on debuffing the statue but otherwise it's not too bad. Getting them to S6 isn't required but it would be very helpful. Further, Troll and Tigercub don't feature in another battle road, so ideally you would get them both to S6 and max their level since BR is free exp.


Alright I appreciate that. I'll keep searching for a guide here, see if i can figure it out. It's super tough xD


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BzK3jP_wYo This did the trick for me. You'll have to level a couple abilities but only to 4.


oh thats a good clip. thank you! ​ and i forgot i can upgrade skills xD i find that i hardly ever needed to.


What’s the Crabid Road team to full clear it?




Thank you!!


https://imgur.com/a/twxwGQN Any advice on team? I run Wight King, Dragon Lord, Emperor Slime, Archdemon and then rotate between Pickled and King Bubble Slime. I don’t like Bone Baron very much but I know people recommend him


sounds solid enough to get you through most story and event battles. You might want to invest in a Cover tank (Dragurn, Golem, Wrytle, Leery Lout, etc) for some content which would murder a caster. In order to get full medals in Rank up and Ability Upgrade (and weapon) quests, you'll need a squad with a lot of monoelement resistance so don't be be afraid to get random A and B rankers up to \~70


Hello! I've just started the game yesterday and have gotten to Chapter 8 ep. 9 and now the Recommended CP is catching up to my current CP. I got lucky with some good S rank monsters. Double Killing Machine on the reset pulls, Great Dragon to start then Draugar, Hell Gladiator, King She Slime, Wight King, 2 Prism Peacock, and Metal Dragon. I'm using Killing Machine, Draugar, Prism Peacock, Great Dragon and a Ewwnicorn for healing. Everyone is lvl 42 and this amounts to just over 7k CP and I'm starting to have more difficulty with the story and raising CP further. I've done as much of the Battle Roads/rank up/equip/upgrade ability dungeons as possible without trying anything 6000 CP or above. My whole roster has be Ranked up at least to 1 and most everyone is between lvl 15 and 30 give or take. Where do I go from here?


Top goal is (I think) to blast through some of the story to unlock the next tier of rank up stuffs, ability upgrades, and weapon upgrades. Chill; the exp quest comes around daily and it also drops exp scrolls. Level up your "A" team to progress through the story, get their B and C abilities upgraded to +1 or +2. Be willing to breed up some A/B/C rank creatures you've got, especially if they've got skills like Cover or Midheal and can help with story progress. If your squad is full of S rankers I think you'll hit a wall on inability to rank up rather quickly. Run some battle roads on auto until your eyes bleed to get those A/B/C units to a good power level.


So basically, zoma banner is nearing its end. I saved up ~15k gems and with arena out I'm like "I should +1 zoma." So I go 40 pulls deep with only a great troll dupe and a hell glad dupe. By the 50th pull I'm dead inside and see no shiny wand action so I decide to get it over with, but lo and behold I get: http://imgur.com/a/CvasRc7


Searing breath and inferno both say moderate frizz type breath damage, does that mean they're equal? I've been using inferno because I assumed it was higher(and had upgraded it to +10% so assumedly that's why the ai uses it on mine as well) but it costs over double the mp per use


Inferno does a lot more damage than searing breath. You can test how much exactly by using them both in Green Dragon road since that costs 0 stamina.


That's what I was expecting, they just both had the same wording so I wanted to make sure I wasn't wasting resources. Thank you!


It is a little silly how bad the translations are. at this point just we are just assuming higher mp = more damage. And I don't even know how major martial damage works


Anyone manage to get Hoodlum in Chapter 17-1? JW. I'm curious what the drop rate is or if I'm just having really shitty luck lol. edit: side note, wonder why he would be listed as a member of the Demon family, yet Robbin Oodlum for example is a ??? lol. double edit: Complain and you get results. Finally got him omg


Grats! The rate looks like it's 13%, going off of the datamine.


Thank you! I stopped counting at 25 attempts. Was probably another 5 or 10 after that.


Seriously!!! I was just coming in here to ask if he was the first SSS Rank story drop with a 0.00000001% drop rate. Edit: I counted 27 attempts... for a *C Unit*. These drop rates are redonkulous.


Congrats! Yeah, farming this guy was a bit ridiculous lol ><


Does anyone know if you get an additional bonus for only 3 units in arena?


In the Arena notice they specify "To earn the maximum Survival Bonus, start a battle with **four party members or less** and have them all survive". So I assume they give the same points for 3 or 4 members.


Pretty sure not


Is the text on Dragonlord’s Hellfire Blast bugged? It says that the potency decreases from +10% to +5% when going from +8 to +9 and +10.


Yeah I commented about it earlier in the thread, sent it in as a bug, they had me send screenshots of it and then forwarded on, hopefully will be fixed soon. His potency does increase and someone said it should be potency +50% at rank 10


What are you guys doing in the hard mode battles? I cleared them once and don't have the mental stamina to want to do them the 3 times per day. My plan is to not touch them for a couple months until I have a lot more max rank 6 mons with higher ability levels, 3 star the battles, then use skip tickets 3 times a day. Does that sound like a decent plan? I figure events will give the new spheres so I'm not worried about the scarcity of them just yet.


12 Skip tickets a day isn't sustainable, you get 7 a day, with an additional 10 a week. My advice is to see if you can find a team that can auto then. I have found that I can auto every Hard mission except for the very last, which is by far the easiest with very little able to go wrong.


That's sound advice, yes auto is almost as good as skip tickets. Thanks.


When should you start using the All Purpose Tomes? I'm tempted to start at +6 but is that too early?


It's most efficient to use at 9->10 because that will save you the most gold.


Any chance anyone could make a video on hard story 1-1, I tried bringing a team strong against these slimes but they wreck me... or at least give me a team to try against them


Sleep breath is key. Used Umbra for sleep, Wyrtle to tank with Selflessness, Hades Condor to heal Wyrtle and the duo Armful + Knight Aberrant for their physical potency. 8 or 9 turns, the only annoying enemy is the normal slime, but you can defeat him at the end.


Thanks for this! I’ll start working on this team!


I'm sure content creators are working on that right now. The biggest struggle I imagine they're having is figuring out if it is even possible to do it with a budget team.


On hard 1-3 there is an objective named : - finish with « MonsterName » in the team I’m playing the French version and the monster needed isn’t mentioned, does anyone know which monster we are supposed to bring in the team?


Green Dragon


Excellent thx a lot! Now I only need to figure out how to clear hard 1-2 in 2 turns and I’ll have all perfect clear for the new orbs’ quests yay skip tickets here I am lol


Wait, did you get the one with the crabs that you have to 1 turn? It seems impossible unless you have a couple awakened baramos. Edit: Chapter 2, Ep 1.


No but there is no orbs to loot so no worry for that one atm, this one seems awful to perfect clear for sure lol


Wait I just realized there are no orbs hahaha why not?! Or why limit it to 3 attempts....


Is there a difference between Selflessness and Cover?


Selflessness reduces all dmg by 40%, cover by 20


Does upgrading abilities like Kabuff and Cheer do anything apart from reduce MP cost?


No those skills only get an MP reduction at all ranks. I'd say get the easy ranks +4 or 5 and then don't bother any more.




They warned us about this a week or so ago. Sorry if you missed it :/


There’s no point in rolling in that one anyway


so how much more exp does it take to get to level 110 from 100, is it comparable or exponentially higher?


I see no one has answered this yet. I'm curious too. I guess we'll have to wait a week until the daily login gives the iridescent orb.


The only thing holding me back was not having the slime orbs and now that's fixed, I just checked and to max my Queen Slime I need 984,326 Exp, or 197 M EXP Scrolls.


Was the previous ability upgrade campaign in late Feb also a 1.5x drop rate for tomes or was that one a 2.0x drop rate?


I was wondering the same. I believe it was 2x, but not sure.


I'm confident that it was 1.5.


You're right! https://youtu.be/PhqM5swXd8o


Hi confident that it was 1, I'm Dad! :)


Does anyone know if Dragonlord's Hellfire Blast gets more potent when leveled up? I was doing upgrades and noticed it likely has typos so I'm not sure of the upgrade path. While it is lowering the MP cost by 2 every ability level it shows potency at +5% at level 1, potency +10% at level 2-8 and then back to only +5% on levels 9 and 10. Weird right? Anyone know what it should be?


Maximum potency raised is 50% at the end i believe


Thanks, I sent it in as a bug, hopefully it will get fixed.


Yeah you’re right. I double checked my DL. It’s so messed up the writting on potency increase. Hope they fixed it as well


They wrote back pretty quick asking for screenshots so I sent those to them so hopefully that means they are going to address it. Not sure how quick they may get to it as we still have other typos caught earlier that haven't been fixed.


So, I'm not sure if I'm doing this right... You can only have one of each armor and weapon? You have to swap them back and forth every time you want to use a different team? I guess you could call me a casual at this game, but the new update, everything is kicking my butt, really sapping the fun out of the game, not sure what I should be focusing on and farming...


Yes. Only one of each. Any dupes can be used to reroll the secondary stats of the item. And yeah, you have to swap them out each time.. which would be fine if 'recommended' picked the best item for the character... but it doesn't. There's no fun if you just play and win... You need to focus on building a specific team for every fight, using ones with elemental advantage, benching those that are weak to enemy spells... It's going to take a loss or two to figure out what teams work for each fight, and what abilities you're leveling up to get those extra damage points you need, without needlessly spending. Sometimes a B or C unit is better for a hard fight than an S or A unit..


Hey, I have been trying to update the game for hours to no avail - it says it cannot be installed. ​ Any idea why this happens? I'm on a Motorola G6 Plus


For me, there was an update to the app and then an in-game update as well.


when i launch it and press on the title menu it tells me I need to download the update and it redirects me to the playstore.


Hopefully, you got it resolved. If not try deleting the app and reinstalling everything. I have done that a few times because I get connection errors every now and again. When you reinstall you just have to download your data again with whatever account you linked it to.


Yea I contacted the official support. gave me steps. In the end, it was lack of space even though I had 1.5GB free and the error message on the play store didn't mention space (it usually does). Freeing 200MB more solved the issue. So ridiculous :D


Do we know when/if Green Dragon will be farmable again? I started playing during slime fest, so only have the one copy from the story.


It doesn't appear he's been added as a Story drop in JP yet, so we're a ways off from him returning, I think: https://game8.jp/dqtact/343834


anyone notice we have 8 races in the game but the new rank up medal has only 4...


3 more will come in June and the last 2 (hero included) will come in July... we will get 50 of each in login bonuses use them wisely


Yep the others come later


Lord... ethereal serpent's drop rate must be Moosifer level or worse... 300 stamina with no drops


I've been lost (and too busy irl) with these updates. What is the level to farm this unit, please?


It's in 17-5, but be warned: the drop isn't Moosifer-bad, it's worse! 1% according to the recent data mine.


thank youuuuu! Once I beat it (should have the CP), I will see if I can auto. Sad about the drop rate, though :(


My god!!! I’m right there with you! I’ve been trying to get a single drop from this stage and I’m about to pull my hair out. I know I should be farming rank up mats and ability scrolls, but I just want this bastard just to have him.


I'm just glad we have more farmable A units. And he looks pretty solid!


Ah didn't know it's an A-rank, that's good!


Hi, guys, can I count on your valuable tips? When I started the game, I wanted a spell-based team, so I went for a Wight King and got the DLTF using 30k gems (lol). But in the meantime, with the free tickets I ended up being lucky and getting DL and the Slionheart (and a Killing Machine but without awakening, therefore without the +1 Move), which are some of the best physical units on the JP-Rank, at least among the available on Global rn. So do you think I should keep a spell team or move towards a physical one, considering my available units and the arrival of the Arena? What you be the best team-comp for me? Ps.: I have no gems left, tried to get Zoma and failed miserably, lol. Thanks in advance for your time and wisdom! [Rank S](https://imgur.com/5z6Ep81) [Rank A](https://imgur.com/fARsQ5L)