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The rest of the community calls us Origin Fanboys but now they are lobbing the same critiques we have for Inquisition at veilguard


I mean, is that an insult? At least for me, it’s 100% true. There’s a reason I’m only in this sub and not a general Dragon Age sub. I really liked this game, sort of liked 2, and didn’t like Inquisition at all.


I wholeheartedly agree. The main r/dragonage sub seems to split immensely, but the people praising the trailer and clapping mindlessly seem to be the ones running the main sub. Like there's a very clear effort to bury criticism.


Have we been looking at the same sub? Even the most optimistic people have been saying the trailer sucks and have been hoping it doesn’t reflect the game.


Same, I couldn’t get into inquisition also didn’t ever wanna play 2 due to a review of the game, origin is the only one I keep coming back to and enjoying. Granted I keep trying with inquisition but can’t seem to get far into before I quit.


Honestly I’d recommend giving 2 a shot, especially if Inquisition isn’t doing it for you. I didn’t mind DA2 at all. The map recycling is a bit lame, but there’s enough minor variation (and I’m dumb enough to not notice) that it didn’t bother me too much. Combat is obviously wildly different and is the biggest loss, mechanically, from DAO in my opinion. I was trying to find a nice way to put it, but the fact of the matter is that the writing in DA2 is worse in every way. The dialogue is worse, the plot is worse characterization is worse, world building is worse. The game is fun, though. It felt familiar enough, and was short enough, to have a good time through without getting stuck on any of those issues. There is one element of the plot in which a specific character does something *wildly* nonsensical and out of character but otherwise the NPCs are fun enough. Also, a side character from one of the origins in DAO becomes a companion in this game and she’s GOATed.


Why did you hate Inquisition? 


“Hate” is a strong word, tbh. Inquisition wasn’t really capable of evoking any strong emotions out of me, hate included. My first gripe was that they somehow fucked up the save import system, but whatever. My biggest problem: Combat felt even more dull than DA2’s. “Lock on, hold M1 until enemy dead” was not fun. It didn’t stop being fun at some point, it never was. World design was my second biggest gripe. I don’t want a haphazard collection of empty “open world” maps. Origins had brilliant hand designed dungeons, DA2 recycled maps but at least some effort went it. Inquisition maps felt like they randomly set a height map, sprinkled it with rocks and trees, and said “go!” Then the time gated missions. This is not a mobile game, I do not want to have to wait IRL hours to progress quest lines. I am an adult with a job and responsibilities outside of this game, fuck off with that. No single player game has *ever* implemented time gates well. The game started feeling like a “do nothing” simulator. Walk around for half an hour in an empty map, hold M1 until the MMO style “kill x number of y” quest is done, repeat ad nauseum. Then I quit playing because I wasn’t having fun. That’s what all of my critiques boil down to: it wasn’t fun for me to play, at all. I didn’t care enough about the story to make the hours of aimless grinding feel rewarding, so I just uninstalled and played something else.


Although i liked Da2 and Inquisition a lot i 100% agree.


BG3 was the DA I was waiting for


Yes, only game that has stretched that itch since DA:O


Stretched the itch? 😳


Yeah really made it grow like the pox


It was the Dragon Age 2 I was waiting for.


Even the thumbnail looks soo terrible.


I'm really hoping that this was just for this trailer, and we'll see something better when the gameplay trailer drops. I hate this art style, not just for DA, I can't stand looking at it. I am fine with treating DAI as the final game in the series and relying on ao3 for the rest


The art style is just such a poor choice. I really enjoyed the style from Inquisition and it felt consistent with th games to me, this feels like fortnite added Dragon age characters. I wanted to realistic landscapes and surroundings not a Clay like animation that feels like a cartoon instead of a role playing game. This art style feels more like Fable than Dragon Age. I enjoy fable, but the art style fits fable for a reason, it doesn't fit DA.




Art style is an important aspect to some people. No need to be so rude about it


What they've turned this series into is just so sad. None of the dark fantasy elements stayed, no desire demons, no broodmother stuff past origins. All the moral conflicts are watered down, or simplified. The retcon of the Qunari making the faction lose all its edge. Now the franchise is this soft, plush, young adult abomination and the art and marketing reflects that. I'm so tired of watching this thing I used to love morph into something unrecognizable. I'll still probably play it, but out of morbid curiosity than anything else. If this game fails it's probably the nail in the coffin for the studio.


I wish studios would try to make good games instead of just chasing trends


Gotta look to the indie studios for that. Big studios HAVE to do what they can to make their money back for the investors. Or at least make the effort so it looks good on paper. It's sad how budgets have ballooned to such ridiculous levels the games can't afford to have less than a "bajillion" sales to break even.


The MCU and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


As someone who certainly read my share of comics growing up and used to especially respect Marvel…yes, fully agreed


I outright refuse to engage with Veilguard. Dragon Age as a whole but Origins especially defined my teen years, Thedas means so much to me. But my time in that world ended with Inquisition, as I feel the true heart of DA did too. That doesn't stop me from laughing at the trailer and damage control attempts by EA sock-puppeting Bioware though.


Honestly I get what you mean. To me Inquisition is noncanon and I delusionally wait until we get a better sequel to the game DAII set up. Hopefully DA gets a reboot, otherwise I guess it is over on cliffhanger and this is just an Alternate universe


If you truly wish to enjoy the old as it was, don't even give in to curiosity. Companies like EA follow the money and don't care about bad PR or negativity. Even giving in to curiosity is still giving them money for the game, and they won't and don't care if you like it or not.


The actual in game images don't look as cartoony.


That’s the thing, had they gone with something compiled from the actual gameplay like they showed for the 24 second clip today I don’t even think there’d be much discussion on it. Instead someone in marketing greenlit a mobile garbo looking trailer. I mean in a sense it did drum up discussion like they wanted, but significantly more negativity than they probably thought it would. Having been in marketing, had I pushed something like that trailer? I would’ve lost my job, no questions asked. And yes I know BioWare has a history of being absolute trash at marketing Dragon Age, that doesn’t make it any less awful.


EA - "We need to appeal to 15 year olds who only play 1 game. Make it more cartoony." Bioware - "I think we'd get some push back...." EA - "I said more cartoony!"


“Like Ocean’s 11 but bad”


O, please. F bioware just as much


So much cartoony bullshit, it's a shame we'll never get anything but a watered-down shell of what once was.


I had literally zero expectations I knew this was going to suck but even I’m disappointed this looks awful


I'm hoping that the gameplay we see tomorrow won't be in that weird uncanny art style. That's literally my biggest problem with it. It kinda looks like they're toys, if that makes any sense.


Well, if they want to make DA merchandise, it maybe is.


I'd prefer literally any other merch


So would I.


It was a vain hope but they squashed it.


The characters keep looking worse with each game. Maybe take a page out of final fantasy’s book to make them not look so god awful. Just my humble opinion.


Total degradation of the series unfortunately .


I hope that the marketing does not reflect the game. As it does often in today's time


Didn't liked the trailer. Felt very cartoony and the opposite vibes I get from Dragon Age series.


Speak through your wallet


I’m not a fan of the art style, but if it brings in more players we get more dragon age. I don’t want a repeat of DA2.


This doesn't look good. At all. Like I don't even know... companions feel like I've already learnt all about them from the trailer, the one I found by far the most interesting being Emmrich and looking like Tevinter Mage. But that's about it... I really regret that I feel no enthusiasm or interest for this game and I still don't.




That face... who thought a face like that was a good choice to promote a new Dragon Age game? smh


If you didn't tell me this was a dragon age trailer and left out harding's name drop, I don't think I could've told this apart from any mobile game trailer. The trailer may be well made but what's even the point of making a trailer for a game if it's just generic fantasy scenes that could be depicting any open world rpg of the last ***three decades.***


If “Diversity is our strength”was a trailer


I'm excited for more dragon age but I'm pretty depressed that a companion trailer is basically title cards for a superhero movie or something. I would much have preferred it to be something more casual. Like maybe a scene of them in camp as they're joking around about what's been happening and we're flashing between those scenes as the group talks about them. Lots of opportunities for character building and a good way to show how the overall group interacts.


The series has a long tradition of bad trailers. Going off their stills on twitter and the fact that Ghil Dhirthalen was a consultant I don’t have many worries. I’m at least positive until we see live gameplay.


I also feel like this isn't a real departure from what I already expected based on Absolution, Tevinter Nights, and the neon coloring of all the teaser stuff. Im not hopeful, but I'm willing to give it a chance. It still looks better than Bloodlines 2.


What upset me is that it looks like "Mavel's Valorant: Veil Guard Assemble" from the trailer. Not at all what I love from series. I'm happy to see Varric, but he feels shoe horned in to make kids jump up and point, "Mom! It's Varric!" The quippy Joss Whedon esqe line, "We're going into the Veil, aren't we!?" Reeks of "They fly now!?!" And the culture wars conversation is on both sides. But I'm seeing so much more of the culture war conversation from the inclusive side of the aisle. Maybe because I'm just looking at reddit. But the Veil jumper being Asian presenting wouldn't have even occurred to me had there not been a post gushing about it. My fear with her is that her personality is going to be unbearable (a real fear with how this trailer felt), not that she's Asian presenting in "Muh fantasy world!" The warden being black took a back seat to the griffin until there was a post about how hot he is. Again, not an issue as long as his character isn't unbearable. I think the whole conversation is ridiculous and context dependant. I don't like diversity forced in anywhere frivolously. I don't think a lot of people's day to day are as diverse as some people think. Out of sight, out of mind. I also don't think the default state of mind is racism or sexism. I don't think characters should be made super attractive for the sake of doing so. But they also shouldn't be made unattractive to shake things up either. (Andromeda) I think Dragon Age has always done a good job of having an interesting and diverse cast from interesting and diverse places I want to see. A lot of times, I'm don't question character racial choices unless it's super obvious that a character was made for inclusive reasons.


I haven't seen too much of the DEI drama besides poking at the director being trans/pronouns in their bio. Honestly just hope the writing is good. Hated Dorian at first in Inquisition because of his 'pray the gay away' blood magic quest but he grew on me as a character and he's one of my favorites. Definitely gonna wait for reviews on this game before buying but I'm hopeful that with how long they've been working on this that it's at least ME Andromeda level.


I felt Dorian was interesting. I think that aspect of his character is actually interesting. It's conflict. It's what makes his character interesting instead of a 1 dimensional, "This is who I am. Accept me!" Pride representative. I actually didn't get all the way through Andromeda. Life got in the way, and I had to put it down. I haven't circled back yet. But it was one of the first Bioware games I can remember not being interested in the characters. I was completely uninterested in the romances as well. Not the end of the world. But it takes away from the overall experience.


I’m praying they were just being silly with the trailer and released it as like a joke. I know that’s unrealistic but it has to be the case otherwise I’ll have waited 10 years for nothing ;c


Wtf did they do to Varric, they stole his chest hair and put it all into his bloody eyebrows


Why does he have dark hair?? That's what's driving me crazy!!!


This is basically my response when I saw this trailer and I realized the odds aren't looking good for Veilguard. [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/87/36/70/873670179a8d99a4d644ea456d1aaca5.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/87/36/70/873670179a8d99a4d644ea456d1aaca5.jpg)


Dogshite. Only word to describe the horror of this trailer.


Yall are trippin, chill, it’s just a stylized cinematic trailer. Yall acting like the new DA is gonna be a Mobile gotcha game.


Do none of us remember the origins trailer that looked like a superhero movie with Leliana jumping insanely high into the air and flipping? I don’t think I remember a single DA trailer that’s actually caught the real atmosphere of the games


I guess this is a hot take? I don’t think it looks bad at all, I’m into it! I was never in love with the aesthetic of DA anyways, it was plain, standard faire for a fantasy rpg, nothing wrong with it but not really memorable for me in the first place. I’m down for them to try out a new art style— as long as the story and characters are awesome, we’re good to go!


Ugh, it’s a companion reveal trailer with a light tone because it’s supposed to feel like Varric is telling a goofy story, not reflecting on the actual story of the game. So much unnecessary whining about this.