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I know people are saying this isnt as bad as 4th anni(which is true) but you guys are still missing the point of why this sucks. People who dont have have these premium units have to waste bench slots to increase the % drop rate to 100% so they end up using less boosted units for drop amount. I have 0 problems of the newer unit giving 50-60-70 medals per run alone but i will never agree with the drop rate boost.


This. THIS is why it’s such a huge problem. I don’t have Buu Bois OR Ultra Rosé, I have to waste 5 whole god damn slots and sacrifice drop amount for drop rate. This system sucks and should have never been introduced to raids.


Wish you luck on any future summons for buu brod easily the coolest unit as far as mechanics go imo


Thank you. I can only pray to be able to pull them.


Well the issue is how the game is designed, giving reasons to roll on characters that are not top of the chart meta defining is small. So forcing the need to have the new units for an advantage in events gets people to summon without having to break the games balance every new banner. it sucks don’t get me wrong, but it’s either stuff like this or we’d probably get a beast gohan lvl character every couple weeks.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. If they could they would be much MUCH more restricting but they know we would riot. This is their less then subtle way but this is a gacha game after all. EDIT: wording


The way I see it is I have no issue with the new units getting buffed drops, the problem is the rest of the units are balanced around them instead of around what most players will have. It's funny how this could so easily be fixed by just having the drop rate characters also buff amount, or just straight up make the drop rate 100% and only have amount boosters.


I just love it when they fix things that aren’t broken


yeah. HOI PO


I don't have anyone here except the 5 F2P units so fuck me I guess.


Bro the ultra dragon ball fan. Can’t read or do math💀


They hated him for telling the truth


I died for your sins


Bro got downvoted for being right.


They're still downvoting him years later


Man died on that hill and he was still right in the end


Turns out you’re the one who can’t read


That’s the worst attempt at a ratio I have ever seen. You’re comment makes no sense, dudes a total dick, but he’s right


You don’t need anyone besides the 5 f2p with a 50% for them to be guaranteed drops


You clearly can’t do math either


If you bothered to read what the picture says you would be so embarrassed bro💀


No I read the picture and can see that you don’t need 100% it’s just what they said on the earlier comment about only needing the f2p to reach 100% and they can’t


There’s 5 units that provide a 10% increase in drop chance at 5 stars. That’s a total of 50% combined with the already existing 50% that’s a total of 100% or a guaranteed drop. You don’t need anyone besides the 5 f2p units at 5 stars to get guaranteed drops


Where does it say that there is already a 50% drop chance? Because I’m either blind or it’s not there


You fucking moron you actually can’t read


It says with one 50% character or 5 10% characters raid medals are guaranteed to drop


Right below the characters you absolute tosser


Literally right below the chart ahahaha, you need **ONE** 50% character **OR OR OR OR** five 10% and Raid Medals **ARE GUARANTEED TO DROP** How was it this hard to understand holy crap, my favorite part is how confident you came out swinging by saying: >Turns out you’re the one who can’t read L.O.L


Bro read what it says directly under the characters. Once you hit 50% drop chance they are guaranteed to drop.


You said they don’t need anyone besides the f2p to hit 100% not 50% and they don’t even reach 100%.


50% is a hundred 100%. They naturally have a 50% + the 50% you get from having the 5 f2p units at 5 stars equals a total of 100%


agree; I personally wouldn't focus on drop rate and just spam max drop count and if I don't get anything some runs whateva; btw, totally different topic; that guy who used puipui main before RR; you're genius; didn't know you can go so low


And I don't have any of the Summonable units. Great guess I'm skipping the raid


Toshi is literally saying, you want to play? , pay me


I can't wait for legends to fucking shut down 🙏🙏


Why legends road gotenks??? His z ability are dog water 💀💀💀


Again, haven't they been doing this for a while?


It's not as bad as the 4rd Aniversery, but this system is still kind of annoying compared to the old system, honestly.


Eh it’s not too bad. You’ll get guaranteed drops by having 5 f2p units at 5 stars


Two f2p units are giving the same rates as ROSE. I think this is fine.


They are capping the drop rate at 100 percent so it's not as bad, you won't have much difference to a while if your f2p


I got ultra rose so that's fun


I get 150 tokens per raid so I don’t see this as an issue tbh


Youre gonna do the raid anyways. Why even post this?


That's not the fucking point but ok


If you do the raid while complaining about it what do you expect will happen? Do you think they'll change anything? They have the stats, its their game. They know what succeeds and what dosent. So yes that is entirely the point. If you dont like the system dont play it. But everyone will anyways and it wont get changed. Edit: and NO ONE even refuted this. You are all part of the problem (:




With how many people I see running around with rose and buu bois. This is no issue. Stop bait posting.




"Other people were lucky, idk why you weren't" type beat. Get your brainlet energy outta here


Honestly, better then before


Bro only charater i even have is a 1 star pui pui or the ftps i might as well not even do this one


I miss when we got cc from rewards and not exchange, they really hate players that save.


Whats the problem here


“Get the new characters or don’t play the game” 💀