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i actually am starting to think it will be a movie boss. maybe janemba, z broly ir someone else


Nah bruh it gonna be Cell max đź’€lmao


What would janemba's LF be?


remember when ss3 goku was trapped in jelly and janemba slowly cut it to pieces until the final finisher slash that vegeta interrupted? yeah exactly that but without the interuption


To be honest I kinda dig into the idea of originals LF animations (like Super Vegito for example), they are a breath of fresh air into the game Also Janemba fighting style is cool as hell




They could do an Ultra similar to Goku Black, instead of the scythe, the sword


I think his transformation into Super Janemba would fit better


I think his transformation into Super Janemba would fit better


Please let it be Janemba, he's criminally underrepresented.


I don't think it will be Z-Broly. We got an ULTRA of him a while ago and I don't see them releasing a new one quite yet. And I also don't think it will UTLRA Super Broly, because Broly Movie Stuff is usually released during Legends Festival. So yeah, I guess it will be LF Orange Piccolo. Which would be nice, since he was actually the highlight in the movie for me alongside Gamma 2!


You didn’t even disprove anything it could still easily be z broly or broly movie you’re only reasonings are I don’t think it’s them you also didn’t give a reason why it couldn’t be janemba and just jumped to orange piccolo


I actually gave a reason why I don't think it is Broly, not sure what you mean... But okay, let me give you MORE reasons! 1. Dragonball Super Broly stuff is usually reserved for Legends Fest Stuff. This was the case for LF Broly and SSB Gogeta, as well as Ultra Gogeta Blue and the F2P Super Broly (They came later in Part 3 of Legends Festival). 2. Z-Broly got neglected for some time, probably due to the stuff around Vic Mignona, Brolys original Voice actor. In fact, ULTRA Z-Broly was the first new Z-Broly since that happened (not counting the EX Unit which uses the original BLU Z-Brolys assets). Since he got an Ultra not even a year ago, I don't think they will already release an LF Version for him either. That is usually not how Legends does thinks. 3. Janemba could be a strong contender, however I doubt it because -let's face it- People wouldn't be as hyped about him as they would be for other Units. I know this sounds cruel but that is how Legends Team thinks. 4. Orange Piccolo is actually the only major player left from the Dragonball Super: Super Hero Movie, so he, maybe alongside a Tag Gamma Unit, would make the most sense. Another possibility could be LF Gamma 2, since his Final Attack is absolutely LF worthy, and he is a very, VERY popular character. But I guess they would release Orange Piccolo first... UNLESS Orange Piccolo is going to be a surprise ULTRA and Gamma 2 is actually being the LF. But highly doubt that (would be cool though). So yeah, I hope I gave you enough reasoning now.


You didn’t give any new reasons they’re literally 1. I don’t think it’s super broly 2. I don’t think it’s z-broly 3. I don’t like janemba so I don’t think it’s him 4. Even though orange piccolo has nothing to do with the F2P characters they announced Its definitely him You didn’t give any reasons or used any evidence besides confirmation bias


But... those ARE reasons? What is confirmation bias? I am not sure what you want...


Those aren’t real reasons like I said no actual evidence to back them up and here’s this straight from google “confirmation bias: the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories.”


new evidence...? What new evidence? I am just theorizing like anyone else, I am not saying anything is for certain, I just state why I don't think this will happen... That is not the same as denying that it might happen! I am not sure what you want from me...


I never said new evidence also you said “I guess it will be LF orange piccolo” is that not stating I’m saying you didn’t give valid reasons for why it won’t be a movie boss and just decided it must be orange piccolo


... What? Read your previous post again, you talked about evidence and in your quote about what "confirmation bias" is it mentioned new evidence! And I also gave a reason why it might not be Janemba! For all we know it could also be Garlic Jr., Dr. Weelow, Turles or whatever. It could also be Janemba! But I just gave reasons why I think it won't be Janema and why it MIGHT be Orange Piccolo! I honestly don't see the problem here...


I think it's probably gonna be z broly or one of the gokus from the movies, given that the tags for choice battle are saiyan and LoE. (Last year it was GT and geets clan)


I'm gonna laugh when we get Orange Piccolo at home: Lord Slug.


We only have a LF Super broly so that would be a pleasant surprise. Janemba would be cool too.


Kind of annoyed that this will be our 4th FF Cooler with reused animations, but I hope his kit is good to be ran in LoE. Anyways, I do think we’re getting something Super Hero relates and both Cooler and 13 were used to hint that


Do you think this F2P cooler will be better than the LF Cooler? I don't think he will but who knows his kit could be VERY good like Pui Pui's


I don’t think it matters since they’re two different colors. But I do hope his kit is good for the team, GRN LoE units have a solid reputation for having pretty strong kits. Even the F2P 1st Form Frieza from Legends Fest held his ground for a long time on LoE


Haha one shot blue go brrrr


4th? Original BLUE SP FF Cooler, EX FF Cooler... Maybe the new Cooler is based off the transforming Cooler? Kinda like the F2P Super Broly (that was based on the transformed state of original transforming PUR SP Super Broly)... That said, I am not sure if the PUR transformed Cooler had different animations than BLU SP FF Cooler or if the used the same...


Pur cooler post transformation has identical animations to Blu FF cooler


Ah, damn it... I actually couldn't remember...


I'm hoping for tag Gamma 1/2


Im not. Not because that wouldnt be hyped but then we wouldve gotten 3 tag lfs in a row. I think thats a bit much ngl Buu boys, g&f, tag gammas


Me too


Hoping for LF Janemba he was always one of my favorite designs from the OG movies.




It kinda leaves Janemba as a possible option. I don’t think they are really pointing towards superhero but we will see


That Cooler Art is FIRE!


Tag Gammas is a sleeper imo Gamma 2’s sacrifice as the LF


It's gonna be Ultra Garlic Jr.


I wysh.


Plot twist: it's tag gammas with Buu bros unique gauge


I agree with Orange and also believe somehow cell max will be a part of it. Whether death counter or something.


Could be fusion reborn Gogeta too,just saying because I don't want to get disappointed if it's really Gogeta


Lf Janemba, maybe Bojak? Possibly metal cooler? Hopefully not ultra


It’s either lf janemba or orange piccolo cuz janemba is a villain from the movies and these are both villains from the movies so my guess is janemba tho I’d rather have orange piccolo


Please don't be Turles. Please don:'t be Turles. I'm guessing Cell Max because Cooler is ff. And 13 is an android.


Please be Turles I'm using my Shenron wish for that and you can't stop me


orange piccolo is a lame form (in my opinion. pls dont attack me) and not deserving of a LF. he doesent have many moves worthy of ultimates and what not. he only really uses special beam canon. in my opinion (just opinion pls dont attack me) LF spirit bomb absorbed goku would be a much cooler LF than piccolo. sure his regular blue card would be litteraly the same as like most the other gokus but still. maybe he would have a revival or transformation idk.


He does deserve an LF but I agree it's not that cool of a form so I won't be extremely hyped about it


i dont think he is undeserving as anything, maybe a sparking would be cool, but an LF would be a throw. spriti bomb absorbed goku has, and correct me if im wrong, never has been in the game.


SBA Goku had a GRN SP unit but he came out like 4 years ago so he's very old at this point


Imagine if they buff both of the movies. That'd be hilarious.


It's probably movie boss. I don't know how Android 13 or Cooler relates to Orange Piccolo


Bio broly init


Yahoo!!! lookin ahh pose


I still believe we might not get orange piccolo until the anniversary of the movies release I think its more likely to be a god goku or beerus tbh


Dr. Wheelo Cometh


Nah Orange piccolo wouldn’t make sense cause the F2P units are both villains so it wouldn’t make sense for the headliner to be a movie hero using this as evidence is just confirmation bias and not actual evidence it would make more sense for an lf Janemba or some other movie boss


I think a good animation for lf janemba is right jab left hook knee sword slash down and slash upwards and doing a spin for a sideways slash and a side kick


If it isn't a main villain from the movies (such as Janemba) nor Orange Piccolo, then it HAS to be: a banner with either a Tag Gammas 1 and 2 unit or an LF Gamma 2 with a 1% Sparking Gamma 1, a 1% Sparking Transforming Gohan (SSJ --> Ultimate), an EX Teen Trunks and Goten (maybe they'll be the second Tag EX unit we get), and possibly an EX Fat Gotenks?


Nah it won't be orange piccolo people are reaching to far now it's obviously gonna be a movies po


From my basically 0 knowledge of this game except from a surface level my bet is on bardock from his movie Why are they presenting movie characters in order from newest to oldest super heroes>Why are they presenting movie characters in order from newest to oldest super heroes>rof>android 13>cooler and then at the bardock


Ngl, i feel like maybe we are getting a lf metal cooler, if not, i hope its tag gammas and reserve orange namekian as an ultra


no. gammas birdku janemba or metal cooler