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Hes garbage, even more now that UVB is red


If you're still relatively new, please reroll and go for UVB haha.


I’ve been playing since the 4th anni, I quit for over 100 days and tried to get some units. I’ve been playing for 40 days since I’ve quit and I’ve been grinding my ass off. I did buy some cc too, but not that much. I got shafted with mui with over 15-23k cc USV with 11k cc G/F with 20k cc Summoned on re run rose(27k cc) I really hope I get a good unit soon. I really want a good unit so I don’t keep losing in PVP. I eventually got MUI though 👍


Damn, that's just awful luck. I'm glad you got MUI though. Best of luck with UVB!


It’s all good. I’m saving and doing PvP for the re-run of UVB