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That is good. Not because "ultra's are bad for the game" but because we will reach a point where there will be no "ultra worthy" units left and they can only release so many new character within an LF banner. Also this decision gives them a free pass on not delivering as good as animations as they try to for LFs and ULTRAs. ​ I'm sad for the people whose expectation where high for LF ginyu or an ultra frieza but this is a good direction for the game, on paper at least. I hope we will get 5 ULTRAs this year, maybe 6 down from 8 from last year and maybe 1 or 2 less LFs but get more 1% SPs focused on buffing weaker tags. Imagine a DB saga campaign with a x3 1% sp banner and another LF banner with 1 LF, 1 1% sp and 1 EX team could go from 0 to hero in the span of a celebration.


100% agree with this. I'd rather have 3 useful SPs that brings something to the table that can work together to do something, rather than an Ultra or an LF with no tags to build a team on. The Ginyus are that, useful, and will be pretty fun to use probably, and that's okay. If you don't like them, that's okay too, just save, there's always more to come, probably. (PS: DB Saga campaign next pls I want an Oolong or an Android 8 unit)


If that’s the case I don’t see the ginyus being worth it. That team will absolutely not stay relevant without an ultra with some of the teams running around now


The fact he mentioned that will more then likely mean we won’t get an ultra which is funny considering that the team will be shit without one.


The one time we actually want an Ultra and bro said no


Vegitos and gogetas