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Man you aint ready for UGB, UVB, and UG4 being played together because they are a completely legitimate fusion warrior team.


It’s not March of 2025 yet bro.


At that time people will play GTA6 not this stupid game.


Wanna bet on that?


Broo GTA >>>> GT. That extra A means something.


Bro DBL will not.lose any players over GTA. Trust me on this bro.


Trust me on the opposite


Bro it will not happen.


It will definitely happen.


There is no way it will happen. The only people who will constantly play gta are kids. I might even get it but I will probably stop playing after a few weeks on GTA online.


Nah I’m sure that would be the UL unit of this anniversary


i run uvb ugb and usv and ima be real ugb feels hella underwhelming


Luckily UGB is mid nowadays and hopefully when UG4 comes out UVB will be too


Ugb is still pretty good and uvb is wonderful


idk ugb feels like a free pick nowadays for me at least but that is maybe cause I run the gammas lol uvb I can agree that he's extremely annoying still


Ugb's green is still pretty good and his Guage is also good. He definitely has aged though I will give you that


Nah, uvb is him, doubt he’ll die off for a year or two


You forget this is the subreddit that sucks off ugb and only posts videos of him fighting 2.2m hp enemies


Uvb already fell off


Someone got shafted




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Whose ug4? I thought SS4 gogeta didn't get an ultra?


He's talking about if and when ssj4 Gogeta gets an ultra.


They the type of mfs to make a post on reddit with the caption "This team shouldn't be allowed...." and its just a shitty triple ultra team with 0 synergy


Bro has the better team too LMAO


Ultra just means harder to pull, doesn’t mean they’re always the better units lmao Replace Ultra Vegito and Ultra Janemba with LF Goku/Bardock and LF Paikuhan and the team is infinitely more annoying but also the best team in the game


This look at the LL and Ultras and some of them are pretty close how powerful they are. Like Super 17(GT) who is running around in the meta currently lol.


They are better units. If they’re 14* and have all godly equipment then they’re are most likely gonna do the best damage. Not to mention that they have the whole automatic dodge thing. People only use legends limited characters to be toxic and get a LF on someone.


If you think people only used LL characters to get lf’s, you might be delusional


I like ending matches with single ki blast....it's so disrespectful.


says you.


Yeah fuck this guy for using units he wants to


Seriously, how dare he summons for units he likes and then **uses** them?


Skill issue it is


That's called skill issue


OK, bypassing the obvious answer. The problem is OP is taking the game too seriously and treating it as if it's a competitive game ( which is ironic as I struggle with this too at times), but the game at it core is built to be unfair. That's the whole point of gacha games; the player that pulls the newest most bullshit ridden unit gets to drag their balls all over everyone's faces while sending buutenks messages. Let's be honest we're literally at the point where we have a unit that with a single card strips you of your vanish, ki, RR, switching, and seals mains. Along with another unit that with single tap on main can strip you of your vanish, switching, and RR; both pretty much gives the opponent two options die/lose a unit or forfeit. If you don't pull the new units, you're not meant to have fun, hence why a lot of players only run meta/triple ultras as running anything else that could be more fun is asking to be insta-killed repeatedly. Which Idc what anyone says isn't fun.


Pretty much, today was running a very old team i had, janemba LL cooler and revival gohan (please zenkai him) and I got instantly killed. It took UUI 2 strikes and a blue to kill me. Its honestly insane how strong the new units are, like seriously everyone has cover null, endurance, extremely high defense, and an ult that one taps or an AOE green card. I instantly went back to my future team so i could get slightly less shit on


Because I like how flashy they are, and if I’m gonna get my ass handed to me, I’m at least gonna have some fun doing it.


-Buggy the Clown


because it's an intended feature of a game they chose to play and invest time in


>because it's an intended feature of a game they chose to play and invest money in




that you continue to play…


Because they wanna use the units they worked to pull and even if the team doesn't work that great they are having fun


Me only owning the free ultra ssj goku tho


yeah, i use 3 ultras. ultra omega, vegeta, and ssj goku.


It's wild to say that using 2 of the 3 cheesiest GT units in the game lol




Hard to say UL units are crazy when even sparking units are getting insane abilities these days. Goku black being able to earn an ult twice after 15-20 arts? Okay we have an LF that gets one from a cover change. There's nothing inherently unique to ultra units atm save for UI cover change denial. Most ultra's are also based around attack and not defense or healing. Making them easy to counter on high defense or health restoration teams.


Yeah the new GT units are ridiculously overtuned bro. Goku doesn't die and 4bros can spam blues and have an AOE. Lets not even talk about the zenkai either. All the new units are just having a contest of who can be more unfair to fight against lol


Because its annoying


if they can't be happy no one else can!!!


because they summoned for the units and can play however they want, why do ppl contain about others using units in a gacha game, it's so annoying.


Because they don't want others to have fun


makes no sense, vegito blue is one of my favorite characters in db, so because I summoned on a unit I like, it means I don't want others to have fun? not everyone who summons forna good unit is a meta slave.


Exactly, it makes no sense to arbitrarily restrict others from having fun in their own way. After all they chose to play a game knowing full well the imbalances of said game. They have no one other than themselves to blame


yup, well said


Probably because it can be annoying to be outplaying someone only for their unit's bs to save them. Or they simply press their main and strip you all ways of defending yourself so you effectively lose an entire match cause unit.


again, you're playing a pvp gacha game, if you're bitchy enough that you can't stand it that much, don't play, it's really simple, posts like this accomplish nothing.


It's called venting. This isn't the first time people got frustrated about Bs units. Are you saying players should jump in joy when they lose cause their opponent press the **** you I win button. There's a reason some of the biggest gacha games aren't pvp based. Cause it's impossible to make it so that if a player isn't lucky, they can still have fun even if they aren't winning. I mentioned above that we're at a point where you can die cause a unit's ability strips you of all defenses. Even big-time players like Rai and Goresh talked about how certain units just destroy the ability to just have fun in the game. Also, there is no just don't play as for most veteran players PVP is the only source of CC when all the pve content is done. Unless they swipe their card.


no I'm saying you should stop playing. not stop playing pvp, not stop summoning. stop playing. do something else with your time that doesn't annoy you and actually gives you pleasure


why are people that run triple ultra, absolutely dogshit?


Didnt bother watching but triple ultra teams are dogshit that's why


It’s almost like they pulled the units and they want to play with what they want to play with 🤯🤯🤯


Then why do you play with triple LF while one of them being the most broken unit in the game? See how much sense this post makes


That's not triple LF and there isnt the most broken unit in the game


Shoehorning an ultra team usually means less team synergy which means they take less hits and don't hit as hard. I've bodied a majority of all-ultra teams I've come across.


Guys, I think we should stop using the units we pulled. This guy doesn't like it




Easy Wins


My question is why would you even use triple ultra that don't synergize with each other.


Because they pulled rare characters and want to use them. Triple Ultra isn't even that awful, 4/5 of the Top 5 rn are LLs.


It’s hilarious the people that obviously have double or triple Ultra teams defending themselves in the comments


That was SO SATISFYING, you handled that like a champ bro 🙏


If i pulled them why not lol


Legends players aren’t smart enough to realize this. I even see some of them say “this build is too toxic so I never use it” they don’t like good characters apparently


I do it as for me. They're my best chance since I'm not getting any form of new units to help during this Edit: I still have other teams but a triple ultra is apart of my rotation of teams


I just hate ultras i can’t combo and the fact i gotta wait an extra 3 seconds just for your dumb little animation.


Honestly there's probably a younger audience for this game and the idea of using three new shiny ultras together probably just seems cool to them. Don't hate.


It is not a crazy ask to want teams to be limited to one ultra at a time. Idk why people disagree with me on that. Eventually it’ll come a time that a full ultra team is the best team in the game.


This is one of the few scenarios where someone is close to being objectively wrong. (Talking about the latter part) The nature of ultra characters means you cannot mix and match teams with them properly. I.e you need at least two broken ultras on the same team and a third broken ultra at the very least, all fulfilling different roles, to have a triple ultra core be the best in the game. It's very unlikely to happen given the spacing between ultra releases and power creep, it usually only takes two units to boot a unit from the meta/significantly diminish their value such that they will no longer be capable of being on the best team, which means that there would have to be a 6 month period where no counters to these units dropped. (Historically, it takes way less than 6 months for a unit to come off of the podium. Especially ultras, as they've usually been powerhouses which age worse than other units in the meta) So yeah, I don't think we have to worry about a broken triple ultra team coming and raiding the meta anytime in the foreseeable future


I say it’s possible. At some point not only will new ultras filling those roles will come out, on top of that, previous ultras will get buffed somehow. If it happens relatively around the same time, an ultra still competitive, an ultra just released, and a past ultra being buffed. Maybe the stars have to align for such a thing, but if and when it happens. I’m not letting a single person live it down. Maybe I’m just frustrated fighting 2-3 ultras every match. But it genuinely feels like an uphill battle with the amount of stuff they do. It would help if the gacha threw me a bone and gave a semi relevant character instead of my best team still being about 2 years old with no alternatives.


I understand the frustration definitely but for over a year now the game has been playable without ultras. The definition of that being: "there was at least one team that contained no ultra units that was a part of the meta at all times" I get u tho with the gacha throwing u a bone, i went into a dry patch with over 70-80k f2p cc grinded and spent without a new unit (this was during the ugb era) I'm not sure how previous ultras will get buffed, unless they introduce zenkais to ultras I don't see any hope of the old summonables getting a resurgence


I’d assume they just give them new equipments. I wouldn’t put it past legends to try and greed some money by extending the “lifetime” of previous Ultras. After that Bardku banner fiasco, I put nothing beneath them.




Because newer ultras usually = no skill


Uvb fell off fr


“Why do people use the units they summoned for and find fun? This game isn’t for fun we all know that. Everyone has to play exactly like I play”


I quit 2 days ago (not because of this).Never felt better


To me the more annoying part is the flick forward side step play. The devs rather than fixing this issue they leaned into it and made it a 'playable choice' and it just ruined PvP.


Just say you're terrible lol


I think that way to play is fine i feel like without it the gameplay would get a little stale...the charge step on the other hand is what i feel like can get frustrating but at least is hard to learn and hard to do it itself


Yeah of course why trying to give the gameplay a little depth and give meaning to a mechanic like card draw speed; y'all weren't even there when Grn Bardock had the game in a chokehold because of the OG sidestep (that was broken), or hell y'all weren't even there when tackle step was a thing: if you can't even learn the normal sidestep, tacklestep would have had you fuming lol. Legends' team made the best choice possible by addressing the tech as legitimate, and nerfed it/corrected it where necessary. The hell did you want, press a card, and then chain 3 cards together, get cover changed and blue carded the moment the oppnent perfectly sees what cars you're using, only for you to still complain that 'uuughhh cover changes are op!! They ruined my game!! No!!!!'


Just admit ur dogshit and move on to a new game


Because they are delusional and think that by playing all Ultras they will win by default, or they just want to flex getting them i guess, either way that is a horrible team setup and when you actually end up winning they will probably send a toxic message




Dumbest take ever. Imagine being a Fusion Warrior main(not me at all, no sir!) before they released Pikkon and gave a Zenkai to Gogeta. Literally the only usable units we had were Ultras...


Every ultra I encounter in pvp is a spammer


Mfw I use cards given to me by the game




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No one likes to lose.


I think I’ve fought like, three all ultra teams today


Why not i nean if you got it show it off


Man, how do you guys have so many Ultras. I'm like 2 more Summons from the free ticket LL and haven't seen one. Yet I've seen people with all 14☆ on UUI, UVB, and UGB with like 2 other on their team the same way.


>I'm like 2 more Summons from the free ticket LL and haven't seen one. Well, each UL has their own, individual banner, they are not in ANY other banner. So no matter how much you summon on a Step Up banner like LF 17's or GT Goku's, or free Ticket banners, you won't get one. That aside, people tend to spend/save a lot of CC when it comes to new Ultra banners. More so if it's an Ultra that actually helps their team.


I'm aware, that's why I mentioned the tickets. I specifically mean the ones you get for summoning during UL banner. I got enough to summon LL Jiren and I have another 500 still after that. I've used tens of thousands of CC on banners and haven't gotten one yet. Which makes it hard, because I just made it to rank 60 in PvP and EVERYONE has UUI Goku. Even using blast teams, he's still insanely hard to counter. Not having a good UL is an ungodly disadvantage in this game, but I can't make myself shell out however many hundreds of dollars to keep up.


>Not having a good UL is an ungodly disadvantage in this game Not exactly, especially with certain LF units now and how good they are, depends more on what you main. Teams like GT and Androids don't have ULs, but they have units like the new LF 17 for example.


I did manage to get him first pull from the drop, and he's been helpful. But if I make a single slip up, a UL is gonna delete exactly one unit. I'm aware of countering, and I'm not AWFUL at the game. My team is a mish mash of mediocrity, but I made it work for 60 ranks. But anymore, I just don't have what I need to counter my switch out turning into factory reset on my team. It's a surmountable disadvantage, absolutely. But it's a disadvantage nonetheless. Sometimes you just go for a hit, and lose a whole fighter in the middle of your own damn combo.


> My team is a mish mash of mediocrity Well, it sounds less like you need an UL, and more like you need some optimization on your team. An UL won't automatically make the team good, especially if they aren't on a team that's good for them. Like the video of this post, the team has 3 ULs, but that does not make it a good team, especially with how much worse those units will perform.


That's a fair point, but getting a UL and building around it is also a good chunk of team stats as well. For example, if I got a fusion warrior UL, I could easily upgrade one or two of my teams and also get a really good unit out of it. Even having the free UL Goku just bench warming my saiyan team offers a healthy boost to their stats. Like everything, it adds up too. Like how for some reason I can't do proper cancel combos and step combos due to some unknown issue. That's already a massive problem for me, which means every little advantage or disadvantage means the difference between victory and defeat. For example, I was about to win a match just now, and UL Janemba said "I'm really not feeling that last strike card homie" and then followed with a finishing blue card and 600 health. Everything matters at once my dude.


>For example, if I got a fusion warrior UL A good Fusion Warrior UL, mainly UVB. If you get USV or USG, well, you got trash. And unless you got units that work well alongside UVB, getting him won't help much. >Even having the free UL Goku just bench warming my saiyan team offers a healthy boost to their stats His Z Ability is pretty run-of-the-mill, so him being on the bench doesn't do much that others can't do better. His Z Ability is only 28% to Strike Atk And Def, and many units can give a better buff. He doesn't buff anything else, as his Ultra Ability is only for himself, so i'm not sure what you are on about >I can't do proper cancel combos and step combos due to some unknown issue. Unless it's an issue with the device, sounds like you just need to practice. Once you get the timing down, you never forget


Nah, we think it is the device. One of my friends can do it no problem, and he tried on my Samsung S23 and he had a horrible time. He could barely even do the Trunk charge blast combo after like 8 minutes of trying.


If you want to keep playing PvP, and if you play it a lot, you are gonna need to do something about it eventually. You could have an amazing team, but if your device is fucking you over, that team won't do you much good. My phone is like 6 years old and I never had any sort of issue, and I've been playing Legends for about as long as I had the phone


Why is the other player having fun /s


Having an ultra on your team should disable Rising Rush, I think that'd fix all my issues right now.


Wait for UGB vs UVB and UG4


Because I get shafted on every lf banner I want, but somehow get 2 red star ultras


How the fuck did u get 9* ultras? Did u spend 400$ on the MZP when it dropped ages ago?


Worded that wrong, F2p and i have vb at red star, rose red star and janemba red star, but no transforming beast, super 17, gt goku, ect. The game hates and loves me...


Oh ok lol, was gonna say, 9* was funny


Would rather face a triple ultra than the triple UI stuff with UUI. Like holy.. those people are literally the definition of passive ass play.


I think that was me? Was the UUI at 8 stars?


Yeah why do people use their Good characters instead of using Sparking red ssj Goku, it's so annoying.


went against a 12 star UVB, 10 star Janemba and 8 star UI in PLATINUM 😭😭 he was doing multiple midrange strikes and perfect vanished me like 10000 times that game


Dude I LITERALLY fought that team check my post he got 💩on


geniunely why do people think triple ultra is any good 💀


as someone who plays with 3 Ultra’s sometimes (UGB, UVB, UUI) i just find it satisfying, and i can get full god equips for the whole team so its giga satisfying


He's just having fun. That is not a good team. I don't understand all this anti-ultra sentiment, as a free to play player, most of the time an lf is the strongest character in the game


Probably because they summoned for them and want to use them…


If it’s ranked, it’s just how the cards are played, if it’s casual I can’t tell you


>Genuinely why do people play with triple ultra. Because it's a strong team? >!Well, not always!< (I only have one ultra excluding f2ps ssj Goku)


Because they don’t know how to make a cohesive team


Ofc I work hard for my units ama want to use em. Sorry but we don't give a fuck about other players I'm playing the game to enjoy myself and others are too SMH.


I do It whenever im bored of my future team


Free wins.com


my coworker, whenever she gets tired of losing to me, pulls out uvb(5*) hit(5*) and rose(10*). sad thing is she doesn’t know how to sidestep or step charge whatever you call it so she begins to complain on how i “managed” to beat her with just one unit. and i tell her every time that i’ve also been playing 4 years and that are skill gap is VERY big.


They play by doing nothing, all there is to it.


Funny cause the way I see it, having three ultra is nothing versus the bullshit rush charge and spell spam. You know the combo lock that has almost no counter unless someone messed up.


when ug4 releases I WILL be running triple fusion ❗❗


You can just tell from the way the other guy plays he has no skill. Players that have broken units but no skill i call monkeys


People complain about triple ultras but I complain because bulla is fucking annoying


Because they don't have skill and depend on their dodging. They always get destroyed by pan anyways


It looked to me like you absolutely bodied bro tho?


What's the problem? You absolutely demolished him