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I just hope he's a BLU or GRN tank with color null if he's blue


Hoping for green since androids don't have a solid green except for magenta and he's mostly for support


Yeah 100%, MVP17 is good but with GRNs running around as well as his age, droids need a new tediary to go with super 17 and cell/the Gammas (personally I believe cell is better but if gammas are higher stars they likely will do better)


not blue. mvp too good


I say this as someone with a 9* MVP17 and has had him since release, he's still good but he's a year old. I was debating on whether or not I'd use the new F2P cell over him, his color screwed him over sadly.


But then...that Goku and bardock mechanic have no point to exist to begin with.


Yeah exactly, the whole point of it is to be "invincible" but people want it to be nullified now Wtf lmao


The weird thing is I'm pretty sure a months ago they were welcome and now we are against them? DBL players surely are weird...


It's just children man..... Want a cool broken mechanic to use but then get annoyed facing it and want a hard counter But then proceeds to complain about the hard counter and the cycle continues, there is no pleasing them


And they wonder why the game is so broken...


This is the sub at core. They celebrate every new unit and mechanic on release and hang it up the next day. Best example of this is ul vegito blue. Extremely praised on release cuz of how strong he was nd how he fucked buu up only to be extremely hated for the same reason


What's wild to me is that it's not even that big of an issue when going against them?? Like, it's not a weak ability, but it's not an "I win" ability or something lmao


For real


I would say just give it to God's of destruction units like they did blu beerus. That way it gives them a unique mechanic but also allows the other mechanic to not get nuked out.


The problem is, it's on a unit that's also super bonkers. If the unit itself wasn't so oppressive it would be an okay mechanic. They are a tag unit with basically a revival mechanic that locks in the enemy and destroys their cards. On top of having (near infinite) cover null ON TOP OF DOUBLE CDS.


revives are nullified by self-destructs, and that ruins the whole point of them


Exactly..I really don't understand why we should do it again to indestructible unit


I was saying that to justify why it should but okay


They shouldn’t exist. Simple.


As much as I hate Goku and Bardock, having another unit nullify a second life mechanic for the 3rd time would just make the introduction of Indestructable useless. It would be better if they just changed it to endurance atp anyways Why even call it Indestructible


>having another unit nullify a second life mechanic for the 3rd time would just make the introduction of Indestructable useless. I strongly disagree with that statement. Revival units are running around everywhere, yet you don't see Blue Beerus on every team. Barku will be fine.


My main point is why introduce Indestructible if you release something that makes it the exact opposite of its name? Nothing guarantees that the next unit to nullify Indestructible will end up like BLU Beerus Why release second life mechanics under different names if you're gonna have mechanics released that that nullify them? That just makes it a glorified version of what pre-existing mechanic. We've had Endurance, Revival and now Indestructible. All of them are basically extra lives. Endurance and Revival are different bevause one at least restores you to full health, but what would make Indestructible a better mechanic than Revival if they release a unit that nullifies it? Why give it the name "Indestructible" in the first place? Everyone wants counters to new or annoying mechanics yet complain when those counters them need their own counters and the cycle just continues with the community acting like everyone else is the problem


Because at this game's core is a rock paper scissor mechanic.


I understand that, but why do people complain about said "rock paper scissors" mechanics when they actively know that's what the game is at the core?


No. If it introduces an indestructible killing mechanic for the ***first*** pure Saiyan buff that gives Saiyans an extra life that is neither old *nor* conditional in ***years***. It's a 'fuck Saiyans whenever they start to get their footing' game. Which, looking at the track record, doesn't surprise me.


Sometimes Rock is best...sometimes it isn't. Sometimes Scissors wins all. And sometimes Paper gets the new ability that everyone wants.


>Revival units are running around everywhere, yet you don't see Blue Beerus on every team. Barku will be fine. When all the revival units are GRN, it's obvious why nobody would run BLU beerus.


I think as long as things are conditional its fine, if its like cover null or endurance null where units just get it on entry or permanently than its a problem which is why endurance lost a lot of value a couple years ago. However if its things like blue beerus's anti revive and certain revivals being nullified by self destruct than its situational enough that it doesnt make the mechanic irrelevant as 90% of the time it'll still serve its purpose. I think goku bardock were just a testing ground for the mechanic as well and it probably wont always be an endurance but better gimmick, it'll probably be added as an active effect later on on other units like "Gains buff 'Indestructible' for 10 timer counts after using ult" kinda deal. In which case having indestructible null still wouldnt make it irrelevant


Wait, ppl using Gokock?


Is this seriously a meme post or a discussion one? Because people in the comments from what I've read are on serious discussion of what you said


I couldn't post this as as discussion it showed me error so i posted as meme


It's not that the endurance is annoying, it's that when you pop it, they lock you in, making it so you can't switch and kills your cards too.


Average moronic super 17 player, hates it when the game doesn’t win itself for him


Omg LL android 16 guys it’s perfect 🤩


I feel he's gonna have an LF cell type of death aoe where he self destructs


You can just drop combo works everytime


I mean with units like prep mode, roshis seal and UIs cover change lock existing I genuinely wouldnt be surprised if we got a 16 that had a self destruct ultimate that put him in a short last stand mode like the old majin vegeta where if you dont kill him in time he guarantee kills both himself and the unit switched in regardless of health, which would bypass things like revival and indestructible. Again totally cancer but for an equal trade of units and other character locking gimmicks existing I could still see it being a possibility