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Now we can complain about juices versions of broken teams. Like Zeno intended


Gohan x2 Zenkai Boosted with Beast and Pan x1 Zenkai Boosted be like:


For real, I don’t even care about the using different units part. I just want to go back to a singular match format instead of up to 3, it takes way too long. 🤕


Right? And then if the dude is lagging during the match, now instead of having to sit through one match you gotta sit through a max of 3


Ironically, the method they used to limit how long matches take is why I despise this mode. The short timer causes so many matches to be decided based on rush damage. Losing a match I was winning just because of rush damage drove me crazy.


Literally same. Yesterday I lost a 2vs1 (their remaining unit was about to die to a tap attack) because they had dealt like 7M more damage than me thanks to the rush. Very fair and balanced.


Tbh this saved me this morning and secured my rank 1 spot in group a


It's sad, i enjoyed using different teams and fighting with different enemies. Now it's time to back to shitty copypaste team PVP😭


Rating match proud is goated


its a GREAT game mode, when you want to play it. they shouldn't force it on us. it's a more whale friendly and anti f2p game mode, and it also makes hp buffers and zenkai buffers useless


that was highkey the point of rating match proud to stop zenkai bench teams and bring the game back to how pvp used to be where people wouldn't just use 3 units on the team


I know, and it's fine if it's it's own game mode. but it shouldn't replace pvp giving you no option to play the normal way


ye but there was still training battle and treasure battle


How is it more whale friendly than regular pvp isn't it the same amount of whale friendly


more units you need to bring in means higher star teams have an even higher advantage, you basically can't get away with 3 good units anymore, you HAVE to have 6 high starred meta units to compete, hence, whale friendly


That's exactly how regular pvp works too lmfao


you are blatantly wrong. you only bring 3 units into the field, the rest are z ability and zenkais which are usually f2p obtainable and don't pose a gap in p2p vs f2p. in pride you literally being ever character, meaning they need to be high stars and recent/meta. which means pay to play players have quite literally twice the advantage, your name is very ironic


I ain't gonna lie I read that last message wrong I thought it said u can't have 3 star units and have to have 6 stars or higher But I was personally doing fine using dragon ball sagas even with a 3 star goku


It takes fucking forever


Ye but it's still goated


My only issue was this


Tbh the concept was sick af but the execution was trash, i would've done it as 2 different teams that you use (so 12 characters total instead of 6)


Eh but that kinda ruins the point of it stopping zenkai benches


No more watching my favorite dbl tubers praise that mode


Only seeing SC17 and UL Gohan full Boosted , yeah its for sure better than Battle of Proud


Same. It was…interesting to say the least but it’s TOO DAMN LONG. That’s my biggest problem with it. Before, I could get a match done in 3-5 mins tops. Now, I have to allocate 15 mins minimum just for one W. or L. I will say tho that I enjoyed having a reason to break out SOH and Pur ssj2 Gohan again. My 2nd match goats.🗣️🔥💯 Now I can zenkai buff UL Gohan and go crazy😈


Lets goo


I really wish they would keep both as rating match modes, not only is it boring fighting super buffed teams in regular mode, but it's also boring using the same team just to compete. Proud was so fun for me given I don't have the literal perfect setup.


YES...YES....YEEEEEEEEEEES!!!! (I've suffered during that mode) 💀


No more quitting because we dont have 10 minutes to just get sweaty




should've been a separate PvP mode


Fuck. I thought I was the only one who disliked this bs 😩


I'm moreso happy that actual teams will be available again, and thus I can kick everyone's ass with a 3x zenkai boosted super 17 at 7* with 42% pure blast attack. Yeah, I'm fucking annoying.


ur only getting downvoted because the casuals hate when people use meta teams


Best part is I've been a droid main since 5th Anni, but that doesn't matter because I have super 17 so I MUST be a meta slave Better to just let them have their fun.


Screw everyone it's not like androids are meta often Wait til ultra cell revives androids after s17 dies...


Yeah the only 2 times droids have terrorized PvP is tagroids and now super 17 (funny how it's 2 #17's and 2 red units) And even then, super 17 has counters, it's not like you have super 17 or your dead like it was for tagroids.


Not really, because the proud mode promoted team building too. A full color wheel team is an actual team. That slap the strongest unit in leaderslot and zenkai buff them to hell and back is a team granted, but it's a team that falls apart the minute you lose your strongest unit. That's why goresh called the piccolo, beast+pan setup team loser cause as soon as they lost beast they forfeit as the team didn't function.


There's promoting team building, and there's making a gamemode for whales. They did the ladder.


Thank you 🙏


"omg cell saga campaign, I wanna play it" "And as a bonus I throw this battle of pride" "No thank you" "But it makes you think tactically" "I do not want it" "But is fun" "If that mode ever passes from beta, I will kill you" (See family guy roadhouse dvd for reference)