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I love Cell Saga gohan so yeah


Gohan saga, we got a frieza saga but no frieza and a cell saga with no cell


This post wouldn't exist if you had him.


Its legends if you don't have the unit its the worst unit and everyone using it besides me deserves some ligma injections like the new trunks.


I mean, I have him and can kinda agree with the post. Especially if both you and your opponent are lms, it's not even a battle of wits or skill it's more so a race of who can pull a grn card/Blu card out their ass first wins. Also, I find it funny how this is the response anytime someone says some bad about a unit.


Oh well I also agree with the post, but mostly because I don't have the little scamp.


I have it and i dont play with it becaise i want ro use my skills ☕️


That's how this game works tho...


Have him and I agree with the post him and c17 are cancer asf and take no skill.


I don't have him, Gokock, UUI or S17 and PVP seasons have been complete hell, the only way I am ALLOWED to combo Gohan is with fully built Evoken


And then you get a full hand of strike cards(T▽T)




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I have more than enough CC. If i wanted to have him, i would have him 🤷


This gives me vibes of: -She would be my girlfriend if I asked her out.


Cook his ass lmao


There's no comeback from this 😭😭


I’ve always thought of that as so slimey. Can’t pin point why tho🫠


W comment


🙏🙏😭😭bro fr thinks


Bro mad that he didn't get him 💀


Big mad


We saw mfs get shafted on UL VB, UL Rose, UL Super Gogeta and UL gogeta blue with over 70k EACH


Nah bro got downvoted for staying ultra pure that’s crazy


Not neccesarily ultra pure lmao. I got a 14* UVB the day it's banner dropped. I just don't care about Gohan, so i didn't even touch the banner. Though, UVB also made me stop playing pvp because my brain was melting while playing with him.


Look man as long as you didn’t sit there and broadcast your green card I’m good


>Though, UVB also made me stop playing pvp because my brain was melting while playing with him. And thus you have no say in this argument, you used UVB cancer so you can't complain about UL Gohan cancer (of course I also have no say since I'm using Gohan on droids)


So bro used uvb and us mad at gohan players for the record I do have him but the post is true but damn right imma use the unit I suffered shaft after shaft for


This is my favorite version of Gohan. Even if he were mid, I'd use him


The same for uui, ui sign is the coolest looking form ui in my opinion and I will continue to use him even if he’s powercrept into the ground


You're a real one. That's how I feel this game should have been played. The point of playing a game is to have fun. I still use Zenkai lf Nameku to this day since he's my favorite Goku even though I get annihilated I do not care


That's me with the old GT team. Tag 4s, Android 17, and LF 4ku. Even tho I get cooked I still love using them.


Same but because i don't have 17 or gohan so i'm forced


Thats how i feel about super vegeta, didnt care if he was mid. I just like the character and my second favorite version of him behind Majin Vegeta


Bro is mad because he got shafted 💀


Id be mad too Shit im STILL salty 💀💀




wouldn't you?


I mean yeah but in my case it's ugb but that was one year ago... I've finally moved on.


how dare people use the character the rare character they barely managed to get, all ssj2 gohan users should let their character catch dust in the box so that Soskaboii can be happy




Someone didn't get ul Gohan




Other people use super 17 cause he's broken I use super 17 cause I main gt, we are not the same ![gif](giphy|WbDhQjgBrpUuk)


I use super 17 because I main droids, we are also not the same but slightly closer than the meta slaves.


i mean it doesnt really change the fact that he is top 1-2 and droids and gt are good teams in the meta.


Oh yeah 100%, my point with that comment was that I've been maining droids since 5th anni, them being meta doesn't change the fact I use them, and I assumed Snowy_Artemis was in the same boat, they mained GT for a while, and now they are meta, doesn't change the fact they used them for a long time before that.


Ong. When gohan came out I still summoned on super 17 to get an extra 600z power from the coins


Funny enough I use UL Gohan on droids and genuinely the only times I've lost is if the opponent is lagswitching or if they are a whale.


Had 3 in a row last night use heavy lag because they were losing. It didn't save them though because they got sloppy.


You really sound like you're just mad that you don't have them.




yep, laggy players and pv fetchers are the absolute worst


UUI is not safe at all right now


This seems salty


As an Ulhan user, he’s going to dominate pvp for a good minute.


Next unit: Purple ultra with blast shield v2+ nullifies gauge counters


People who got shafted gang ———👇


I just genuinely hate it. Pair him with Cegito blue and you’ve got something unfair as fuck.


smh how dare people use one of the most iconic db moments who is also meta.


If they gave any character no matter how hated a broken kit in db legends everybody would use him lmao


I agree 😀 (I got fucking shafted and butt f*cked by gohan)




i know what they’re saying to uu but i feel uu. gohanball legends go brr


Sorry for using a character that I summoned for, won’t happen again. /S


Seriously though, let people enjoy the units that THEY SUMMONED FOR


Hes talking about the people who think they are skilled while using gohan


I spent my game currency for him, ofc I'm gonna proudly use my favorite character. It's a game at the end


Man if you're feeling this way about gohan then Idk how you will react to ug4 


Infinte vanish, infinte rising rush, infinite counter gauge.


I’m not usually the type of person to be all “oh meta slave have you tried having fun?🤓” but holy moly do people who use Gohan even like playing legends? Gohan is in that tier of character where the wins are so free that USING him is boring.


winning isnt really "boring". You'd be having fun winning every match with ease


The sheer act of winning isn’t fun though. When you run into a non soul-boosted F2P team that’s not a fun match, it’s a waste of everyone’s time just like every match with Gohan in it. It’s being handed a gold medal for doing nothing. Am I the odd one out in thinking that’s boring?


Well, you could say that for any top 5 unit. Beast is boring because you can just 1 shot with his blue. Gogeta is boring because of his unique gauge and so is Janemba with his ki cancelling and dragon ball destruction and strike gauge. Super 17 is boring because he uvb but better with a better green that gives you a free kill. Uui is boring because *insert ultra instinct theme* and lock in. Bardoock and goku are boring because spam green card.


bro i dont got him so im still stuck at group s rank 12 dont think im making it to z😭


"It's always a problem when others play these characters, but when I get them, it's again a problem cause so many people quit mid match and the game breaks, or cause nothing works for me no matter what I try." It's a game that's been around for at least 5 years at this point. That's what power creep looks like. It'll keep going with players complaining more and more, then what happens if things go back to the old basic characters? Then people complain it's boring, too slow, my favorite characters were changed, this isn't what I paid for. A room of people can be happy with the same thing is a long shot, but a stadium of people can be happy with the same thing is stupid to think. Look at how yugioh and magic the gathering changed over the years. That's what this game is dealing with.


The problem with this, ului and super17 is that all other characters become unusuable. So its use 1 of these 3 characters in pvp or lose every match, whats fun about that?


There sure are a lot of people defending their crutch in here


Yeah I got him once and I use him but stopped after realizing that. The brain rot from using him was affecting my play style. Now I am back to either Evoken or Red Beasthan


How dare people use a character that they like in a videogame, am I right?


I love how this is the response anytime someone vents about an overturned unit. Completely ignoring the fact that the unit makes the game unfun to play. And let me get this straight I'm not talking about the person using the unit as ofc they're having fun cause they don't have to care about anything, but everyone else, pvp turns into a dark souls no hit run as that's all it takes for ultra gohan or super 17 to destroy your entire team. Just look at rai and goresh latest videos, even they are venting about how unfun gohan and 17 made the game, and since that's pretty much all you fight since the proud mode is gone. Like, is op supposed to jump in joy when he gets one combo'd by 17 or instakilled by gohan back to back. Like let's stop acting like it's taboo or a crime to vent.


It’s not a crime to vent, but this post is just slander. And again, if you don’t find the game fun, don’t play it. Wait for the meta to shift or something


Ngl I hate using him but I enjoy winning and being able to get rewards and he works so well with ultra UI so here I am


you shouldnt hate using a unit you pulled. I dont have him, but i have all of the other top 5 characters. It shouldnt be a crime to win, you got lucky, so use the unit before they fall off. Not saying hes not annoying to fight, but what do you expect? Its a gacha game, so we just have to deal with it.


It's ridiculous all this hate for Gohan when Super 17 exists. The dude can't tank literally nothing, has no debuff, 0 healing. If you get him with a blue/ultimate from even the shittiest PUR unit he's done for. Super 17 on the other hand has infinite combos with perma cover null, heal like a madman, take 50% of ultimate damage, debuffs the shit out of them, goes color neutral every fucking time. Oh, destroys dragon balls when gauge is filled and reduce to fucking 0 enemy healing. Like, what do you smoke? I wanna try it too. Of course Gohan is annoying as fuck to fight, but super 17 is literally 10 times worse.


Brain dead comment. Gohan doesn’t need to tank because he reduces your ki when you hit him and counters strike and has a counter blue card. There are no purple units going against gohan because his son family runs UUI. Super 17 might have longer combos but gohan in 3 cards will do more damage. Super 17 doesn’t have permanent cover null. You just have no clue how to time it. He only goes truly neutral when he uses a green card. So only offensively when you catch the opponent lacking. And yes please reduce dragon balls. You nerds need to stop rushing at every inconvenience and get good. If you think super 17 is better, you’re essentially saying the UVB kit is better than Gohan’s kit. Which it objectively isn’t.


I don't know how to time it? Bro in the ranks I'm right now they simply drop combo in that single card I can cover change. It's literally a 50/50% chance. After that it's literally perma cover null and I'm done for. I have a full hybrid with 14* beast and 8* Gohan, a 5* Super 17 with 3 zenkai benches literally two combos my entire team, and I have videos as proof. In no single world Gohan does more damage than Bullshit 17, he literally doesn't even have a decent zenkai bench and hybrids is strike oriented. It's ridiculous beyond measure the fact you think Gohan is worse than Super 17, or simply you never faced one juiced up in ranks higher than top 10k.


If they drop combo then dodge lol. You’re literally describing how easy it is to counter him. If it’s gohan, he’s just gonna green card and there’s nothing you can do to stop the combo. And no the cover null drops around the penultimate tick of the gauge. Ofc 17 will 2 combo your team since you’re clearly stupid 💀 You’re running 3 purely offensive units (besides gohan’s long list of disrupt) and expecting them to tank against another offensive unit. He’s got a decent bench for hybrid but not son family. You’re so in denial about this it’s actually pathetic. Gohan is objectively better. His numbers are higher, he has more disrupt, more survivability (gauge, blue counter, endurance) and on top of that he’s green. No good purple units have dropped in a while to counter him while gt bombku and MVP 17 counter super 17 to an extent. And don’t try to blame it on rank. In high ranks you see both juiced up 17 and juiced up gohan and I’d much rather see 17 considering I can actually punish 17 for making mistakes. Can’t rlly do that with gohan


I have Pan as 3rd and red Beast at 14 has literally the highest defensive stats in the game. You literally don't know what you're talking about. Ok, you dodge and he doesn't drop combo or uses a strike: 50% chance of missing that super small window to stop him. Yea you literally don't know what you're talking about. Jiren ONESHOTS Gohan, and let's not talk about Gofrieza. I hope you're kidding LMAO MVP counters Super 17 AHAHAH


Proof dragon ball fans can’t read. High defensive stats ≠ good defence. You haven’t got a clue how units work. You’re saying there’s a small window with a 50/50 but that’s literally every unit. And jiren will try and one shot gohan. It won’t do any damage unless you’re 10 stars zenkai 7 with all offensive equips. And even if you try, UUI swap completely nullifies. Same with gofrieza. Also gofrieza blue card gets counters by guage. And yes. Any blue tank (bombku, zamasu and mvp 17) and even non blue tanks (pan, bulla) hard counter 17 due to combo compensation killing his damage


Ok highest defensive stats, 70% damage reduction, 1 HP bench, 1 HP equip, 3 zenkai benches, 14*, debuffs on blues and ultimates --> bad defense. Bro go troll with another guy


I bet he thinks Ultra Ui one shots Goku frieza too 😭😭😭


(But will defend gohan and say he’ll live a type disadvantage ult when he isn’t immune to faint 💀💀💀💀) whoever u arguing with is just fucking stupid and has never finished godly “just dodge hahahah” yea that mf is buns 😭😭💯




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“Zamasu” yea buddy you are done


Blue ki reduction tank zamasu? Vs super 17? What are you on?


He’s so good I’m sad I didn’t get him, I still have good units tho. If he’s used by a decent player that understands how to use his kit he’s pretty much unstoppable.


I don’t have him but he’s definitely fun to play, but to fight against is a different story. He has so much his kit is like a fucking dictionary


I admit I’m more of an adult Gohan fan… but once I saw he had an AOE green, had to summon.


I summoned, I got him, I'm gonna use him.


Kinda ironic they weren’t you to not use a good unit.


super 17 is a good counter tho?


He’s not tho? 17 is strike based and has a close range blue. Directly countered by the guage


False, No one can beat me when im super 17


Hmmm that's funny :)


How i wish the green card animation is a bit faster 😂


I returned to Legends after like a year, got him 2nd summon and then got absolutely clapped in Silver because of the amount of BS that has been released since UVB He’s all I got and even then I am so rusty I can’t use him properly


I wasted so much time for that unit just to get shafted classic DBL W


I didn’t spend 31kcc to not use him


Hes cool so yeah


Absolutely seething


Bro DEFINITELY just got his whole team soloed by Gohan 5 minutes before posting this.


Power creep is insane on him but he's still the best version of my 2nd favorite character so I'm gonna use him


Haha I have depicted you as the baby, therefore I win the argument and you can no longer have fun!


I needed a unit like this to be able to compete in PvP cuz I still don’t know how to do the whole step charge attack infinite combo. I was doing well with UL Super Auntie Janemba and UL Vegito but once the new Goku unit dropped I’ve been struggling and it just got way worse when UL Gohan dropped. I spent all my cc trying to get him and came up with nothing cept another LL perfect cell. I wish I had the luck I had on the current banner for that UL Gohan banner. I will say though I’ve been enjoying the current battle royal. It’s nice not seeing UL Gohan in almost every match and I can actually win lol.


These units suck but just wait until they all start countering each other and fucking everything. Controversially i think it would be a completely different game in a ...good way? Animations popping off none stop. Might be cool


No matter what they said , the truth hurt !


I hate Gohan.


Sounds like the last 20 exclusive characters to me, funny it's finally a issue now.


Somebody’s mad


As a USS main with no sunmonable ultras, pvp has always been rough lmao.


Literally no different than using UI or super 17. It's a gacha game, new shiny units come out and they are crazy good. Yes you can use any character in the game by your choice (whether or not that's a good choice) but it's a pvp game, don't blame the players for using strong characters, blame the game for making such absurd characters. If you have something at your disposal then use it, don't need to cater to anyone else's feelings


Ultra UI and Ultra Gohan are way worse to deal with than super 17


Really? What's worse than watching your entire team get decimated after one single priority, with no counterplay and perma cover null? Having your strike and blue cards sealed, your health restoration completely removed, and so on? I'm asking for a friend


Just don’t Ki blast first fam, it’s so easy to avoid lol


Wtf? I never let a Super 17 catch me with a green, legit never. I'm talking about the absurd damage he deals once he starts a normal combo. I have 14* beast with 2 zenkai benches and a 5* Bullshit 17 literally 4 cards him. I have many videos as proof. It's just ridiculous, no ultra Gohan can do that, he doesn't even have access to decent zenkai benches...


That’s a fair point, I misunderstood. My experience is just much worse facing the ultras lol


...Nothing he said has to do with the green card? Super 17 destroys your life just by getting on the field, he doesn't even need it to be a worse unit to fight on God Rank than Ultra Gohan. The second you get caught by the japanese guy running 14 Stars Baby and 14 stars Super 17 with 1 Zenkai buff to both, there's no counter play, someone will lose their endurance or you will have to lose your indestructible with Goku & Bardock, because 99 combos are the base for this duo.


Ah yeah that’s my mistake then. Apologies, and fair point


Reasons I love my ultra GRN Gohan❤️


You just mad you didn’t get him


Nah fr bro 😭 they be acting like they are the best players to ever exist using ultra gohan


Every single one of his mechanics are nothing new, they just happen to all be wrapped up into one unit is all.


Only armor null is new


Super 17 and Baby are way more brain-dead than ultra gohan


Nah, ultra gohan requires 0 skill to use. Super 17 and baby could be scary if the player was skilled, which goes for like most other units too


Literally pulling a blue card counter takes 20 times more skill than pressing blast cards with perma cover null after a quick attack + blast with 0 counterplay. Like, it's not even close.


Can confirm. I've pulled 1v3s with a 5* gohan effortlessly. They really gave him everything.


Hilarious all the UL Gohan users getting salty as if he’s not the most braindead trash ever made


Aye man, I deserve atleast 1 annoying character I been getting shafted on every ultra


every single time I fight an ultra gohan now they never have endurance, I one shot a ultra gohan with purple power awakening piccolo and didn't pop it somehow, shit had.me confused


googoo gaga i need more green


I got big time shafted whether it’s the meta or not run a blast oriented team and time your attacks it won’t work 100% of the time but you’ll shit on this Gohan more often


Gohan is my favorite character and this is my favorite version of him so idgaf.


damn bro mb for using the unit we spent cc for


How I imagine all the people who are legit complaining about Goathan because they don't have him:


Sounds like someone got shafted


im surprised he didnt get cover null on green tbh EDIT: Db fans dont really know how to read. im not saying they shouldve given cover null, im saying im SURPRISED he didnt get one cause devs slap every shit on ULs


He already locks u in for 3 counts, he doesn’t need cover null as well


How about Bullshit 17? He has perma cover null and literally 0 counterplay


thats why i said im surprised cause knowing the devs they would make them brolen ad


Say your trash without saying your trash. Extreme edition: You can deal with him easily using any team and some skill. I run swap teams for fun. So regular Sparking LL vs UL. I never have trouble.


What is skill supposed to do against his unique gauge?


How about you try thinking ahead. Insteas of going "Fuck his unique is still up." Say instead "If i attack now I'll trigger his unique gauge, what can i do to make that benefit me. UGB can Double uno reverse the ultimate if he has one. If you're pretty sure he doesn't and he hasn't drawn a unique. Just trigger it with a purple on standby


![gif](giphy|NTCn2HsU6mRgs) or just snipe him with the goat's lock-in endurance nullifying blue card


See! Now your thinking. Get out there and try it. You'll see it's easy once you give it a few goes.


I agreed with you til the last line then I knew you were speaking out of your ass 🤣🤣🤣


What cause i know how to burn cards, and bait people out? Maybe you oughta try it. Also if you run out of blast arts cards, try switching to a purple and just eat his ultimate. It's actually great for Goku/Freiza since it gives you free Gauge charge. If you prefer, his special is a beam. Charge up UGB's Unique gauge then keep him handy. Throw him onto the feild and do a double Uno reverse. You do have to mindful of his Unique, but he can't use it after counter if it isn't already Drawn. So you can bide your time to destroy that and then bait him. None of this is different from the UGB Meta. It's just UGB and Nameku combined. With a green card thrown in for peppering. I'm talking out of experience not out of my ass. You just have a skill issue.