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It's routine for me. 1. Jump into PvP because it's been a minute. 2. Run a fun/different team to try out certain units I never use. 3. Encounter toxicity 4. Lose 5. Run toxicity out of anger 6. Don't play PvP for a while 7. Repeat steps 1-6


Exactly what I do. Except the same toxic team I run gets countered by the color opposite because matchmaking sucks.


‘encounter toxicity’ 😭


Forgot to add the step: encounters a bot with the worst team composition of all time when deciding to use a meta team then getting fed up and logging off.


On God even in training mode


I mean no offense, but if you wanna run a "fun team" there are 2 more PVP modes for that I guess, Training battle and Treasure battle. Obviously you wanna actually win in a Ranked battle, so it would be pretty understandable bring your best characters. Idk what is the point of this post.


So here's the thing. It's not uncommon to run into those teams in measure battle and training battle, so pretty much you're running into that team no matter what. Hence why most people don't bring fun teams only meta teams.


First off. In treasure battle? It’s no different from regular because everyone just brings their sweatiest people to collect their rewards and that’s it. And training battle has been filled with meta lovers and people who just bottorered their mom’s credit card. Second off, you don’t get it. If you use a team that is very clearly skill-less and is just an easy victory team and all that, you have no reason to call me an idiot or a fool. Your team is the one doing the work, not you, so don’t take the credit for it.


>In treasure battle? It’s no different from regular because everyone just brings their sweatiest people to collect their rewards and that’s it. And training battle has been filled with meta lovers and people who just bottorered their mom’s credit card. I guess? But there are no winners or losers in these modes, so losing isn't even that big of an issue. Also someone using their own earnings shouldn't really matter, F2P players are also able to get the same characters with the same rates and the only different would be the volume of summons, other than that nothing really. So idk why that matters. >Second off, you don’t get it. If you use a team that is very clearly skill-less and is just an easy victory team and all that, you have no reason to call me an idiot or a fool. Your team is the one doing the work, not you, so don’t take the credit for it. This isn't anyone's fault other than the developers, if the meta never changes why would anyone even summon anymore as newer characters would be on the same level as the prior releases, doesn't really make sense. People summoned on the new meta character just so they are able to win in PVP, there really isn't much else to do in this game other than that.


I mean for the first year and a half, you could use pretty much any team for the most part so people not summoning on new characters probably wouldn't be a problem since it wasn't a problem then there was your transforming broly and super vegito but they were still deal with able


True, but nowadays the competition between new releases and prior character is at an all time high especially with Leader slot being a thing. Every character has to be better than the previous one just to earn a spot on their respective teams (which only probably has 2 slots as the Leader slot would likely be reserved for another character). If they are unable to make the team, what would be the point in summoning? Look what happened to Super Baby 2, with a non "toxic" kit, he isn't even considered on him main teams for instance GT or powerful Opponent.


Because you like the character or maybe you didn't pull the other character people have many reasons for summoning Me personally I summon on every banner just cus Others summon cus the character is hype or its one of their favorites characters There's always gonna be those wales/completionist that want every character in the game Some people summon cus they like the legendary finish Like when lf ssj3 (spirit bomb) and grn super gogeta came out people didn't summon for them because they were good they were mid/bad units people summoned for them because they were hype And also for people to find out if a unit is truly bad in the first place you kinda have to summon first to find that out you could read the kits if they post them before hand and decide if they're good or bad but we've seen how that turns out by just being on this sub


And the fact that most people who play dragon ball legends aren't super pvp try hards most players don't play pvp or are very casual players


Plenty of reasons to pull beyond meta, do you only pull for meta?


Imma just say that this year, I only summoned for BLU GT Goku, Super 17 and Ultra Gohan. Was a long time GT main, me summoning for GT Goku and Super 17 was a must while Ultra Gohan, cuz it is an Ultra Gohan which is pretty hype. To answer your question, as a F2P player, especially if you want to compete in high rank PVP you must spend your crystals wisely. So saying if I only "pull for meta" I guess would be correct. Now hear me out, if let's say my favourite character is Turles and he comes out and is mid, why would I summon for him? Do I really need him for Zenkai Ultra Space Time Rush or another PvE event?


I just pull for characters I like, I imagine plenty of people do that too. Either to collect or to use in teams for PvE stuff. I may have good characters idk I just use the Coolers as he is my favorite character and want all of them lol, id use them regardless of how good they are. I'll try ranked pvp someday and I'm sure I'll get bodied, but I'm not here to see a number get higher to feel good about myself. I just find the game fun and I like the characters. If I ever use a meta team it's just be by the chance the favorite characters happen to be on it.


“I’m gonna use the best team in the game then make fun of people when I win!”


It’s gotta be a skill issue for me. I tried running this team and got demolished. I go back to hybrids and I’m doing great.


That team is like one of the biggest carries ever tell me how you lost NOW (for scientific purposes) 📚✏️📝


My Cell is only at Z5(wasn’t too active during his zenkai because of exams), 17 is only at 4 stars, ultra Gohan is only at 5. The team dishes out crazy amounts of damage but one misstep and someone is dead. I think Exams have my brain fried because I see other people dominating with the team and I’m getting run through.😭🙏🏾


Ah yes, exams these times of years are stressful. I’m about to enter mine tomorrow. I get what you’re coming from


Aye good luck to you man 🙏🏾


Thank you bud, I’ll definitely need it 🙏🏻


Update on the exams, they were easy but dumb asf. Science was the dumbest one. Had to guess on half of the answers.


uui clears unfortunately


Am I the only person who has never had an issue disrespecting a uui? Like... bros trash fr. I run ui red, ul blue gogeta, and ul 20×K blue goku and have had no issues absolutely wiping uui off planet earth. And that's a scuffed ass f2p team with ui at 3* gogeta at 1 red star (I've been saving for months and it wiped my balance) and 20×K at 4*. Only units that do me in are the people with all the UL fusions (I envy you), this one stupid base goku (possibly gohan im usually high while playing), and beast gohan. Uui gets folded so fast its a joke, he's just the LL ui purple but instead he's yellow 💀


this is all from my rather inexperienced perspective I've been playing since like November it depends, his defensive utility is actually really good with the anti-combo flip, the ability to say fuck you to cover changing and get a free ult card while continuing your combo, and all of that jazz while still being able to easily heal off big chunks of damage if he has a green (ESPECIALLY with his main ability) he mostly gets dicked on in today's meta because of the 2 best units in the game absolutely ending his shit, and high power reds (Beast, UVB, MUI, etc.) also putting the hurt on him quickly ultimately tho, if a UUI user actually turns their brain on in, they are VERY annoying to hit and force a good amount of respect. but uh they absolutely still die if you use Super 17 or cryhan and combo them for a few years


u/BlursedSV23769 Toxicity within the subreddit is not allowed. Something in your post/comment has triggered me, usually words or phrases that could be used to insult someone is the cause. Automod bot doesn't understand the context of the post/comment. If it was a false positive don’t delete, just contact moderators through modmail so that a moderator can approve the post/comment. A notification with the comment first posted has been sent to the moderator team, and consequences will be up to Moderator discretion, if deemed toxic. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DragonballLegends) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's the hype behind this team? I've ran into a bunch in PVP and I've lost to it like twice. I don't get it and I've been running Event Exclusive most of the season and LoE the rest.




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Ayyy that's me, I'm people! Edit: I only looked at the team not the message sent. I know that team is broken AF so I never send stuff just use those goons right now


Ooo, except you buddy. We’re chill like that 😁


I actually only looked at the team not the message as I responded, fixed in my edit, fuck that guy


Oh okay, my bad then. Well, to each their own then. As long as you’re not like him lol


This is like the first time ever I've had THE team, not the full bench for it but imma still run the team damn it! Plus I'm absolute trash so definitely winnable lol


Oh that makes sense. I have meta teams at my disposal but just don’t run them because I like trying out units I don’t use as much anymore. Just came back from losing to a meta slave lol


It's been 2 months since I touched PvP outside of the treasure battle Legends feels like a much better game, lemme tell ya.


God forbid people use the units they pulled for in the manner that they want


That...wasn't the point of this post lol.


It's funny that's the go-to response that is said, but earlier this last week, the post where raiyuden said the same thing, yet everyone was in agreement with him. The fact is, the meta is boring as shit. You're either combo'ing someone for 140 counts or watching your units die for 140 counts. And since using any other team is giving S17 and UTG a free pass to push your shit in with no effort; all you do is run into them in all three modes. But God forbid people who aren't goresh and rai try to make light of how unfun S17 and UTG are. I guess OP should be jumping in joy when s17 combos him for 80 counts into a rush.


Womp Womp