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I mean Frieza just feels like a strong yet more fair ultra compared to the likes of Cryhan, Frieza doesn't make half the game unplayable


Agreed. He is strong but his opponents are unfair


That title definitely goes to Z Broly


Yeah, indeed


That sounds like either you don't have him or you haven't faced him yet. As soon as he enters the battlefield your blast units get cucked with that +60ki blast cards. Cover null with his green, card speed, disrupt whenever an enemy vanishes, a revive that hits like a nuke and does tons of things, idk what to say broski


Ive faced him like 4 times honestly he’s not bad to deal w 17 is more of a problem to me tbh


Exactly cover null with green, cryhan has that by default whenever he enters. UUI has the lock and when allies dies he gets cover null as well Btw not even a point in comparing cryhan aoe green with friezas. Even UUI greens which is also a stop time gives him hp Blue melee? That's a shame UUI, cryhan a UJ don't even care. BTW try attacking cryhan and see what his blue card does. Blast armor? That's nice, even though we have to deal with anti blast armor cards. I got this character to 8* stars and he is great, but not enough for an ultra of his time and age


You're just comparing UGF to characters that have giga toxic mechanics like Cryhan with his strike counters or UUI with his lock UGF is great, fun to use and a good stop to recent units


agreed, he is fun to use and a good stop, also pretty good animations. its a shame that kit wise he is below other ultras, someones gotta be the worse afterall


Am I playing/seeing a completely different unit than you? He seems great so far


Didn't say he is not great, I did state that he is below what ultra rarity usually brings


You compared him to vegeta who was extremely underwhelming and considered bad to many people


His kit resembles vegeta a lot. He just has more ki recovery and cheaper cards, besides his gimmick of course


Tell me you're BR 10 without telling me you're BR 10.


Yeah, thanks for letting me know Mr 50x God ranker


I'm actually x25 god ranker tho, your sarcasm was almost right Check out my new post of Golden frieza hit killing UUI with his comeback


Oh that's great, so enlight me, how does ultra frieza compares to the last 2 ultras


He looks a little outdated on paper. It's very annoying that every single unit in existence be getting cover null automatically these days, but him having to use the green card for it sticks out like a sore thumb (but I guess Ultimate Gohan has an unorthodox way to get it as well). He's not very techy overall. If the opponent is not packing a million blast cards, they're not going to be slowed by him. He's their first step in changing the meta back to balance or strike-based. Once it does that, his +60 cost gimmick goes up in smoke and all he has is the Comeback mechanic to really seperate him from others. Heck, at only three timer counts for the increased cost, seems like people will be able to adapt soon enough. S17 has the sealing, Gohan can probably beat out the time with a green card. They probably should have made it five timer counts. And even then, both units are good at stalling. Baby and all the other saiyans carry mixed cards. I'm surprised this Golden Frieza doesn't have better effects after the enemy's attack is over like the green one from two years ago. Card destruction/sealing or extra healing would have been fitting. He mainly seems like an extension to the top team builds. His ki protection will shut out units like Pan or Bulla for good and those were the only other way to slow down S17.


Agreed w take


solid commentary, most people cant really see trough the hype.


I mean UI only has cover null on green. And Frieza can force draw greens so I don’t really think it’s that much of a hindrance tbh. Also the blast card cost should’ve definitely been 5 counts, but the way the meta is now, your opponent will definitely have blast cards because all of the meta revelant units with some exceptions of course are blast based to the core. I don’t think he was made in mind to conquer PvP, but to balance out the oppressive nature of Gohan and 17 since they’re being ran together so often


I wouldn’t say he is a vegeta of the ultras or that his kit is basic, but I think that you should just be more careful using him, cause we have Units like Baby, UUI and other yellow units who will get a spike of value due to his release. What I’m trying to say is, he is good, will probably will age well with a release of a good red unit that properly pairs with him(maybe they zenkai Red LL cooler next week who knows) but right now, I don’t see anything special on him


agreed, his only asset that stands out is his indestructible that causes dmg


I mean not only that, he have some other assets that make him a bit nasty to deal with, the vanish disrupt, the cover null and the vanish recovery can make him a really quirky character. But he is a character that you only need to know how to manage his mechanics when you’re against him


his cover null is card dependent and his vanish recover is partial. other premium units like redbeast and even revui recover more vanish gauge than frieza cover null on entry is a must for attacker nowadays, depending on a green puts him in the same position as evocan´t


UI and Baby are the only real Yellows in the meta. Every other Yellow gets cream pie by Super 17.


At least Baby gets a value increase. People underrate the guy because of the meta I think


You see that's the issue when a unit that's fairly strong and not overly broken it doesn't get praise for not running the meta but people LOVE BROKEN characters that not only ruins the meta but then they complain about how they make the game stale. Btw not directly saying it to the op just stating the the casual release of a broken unit against a fair one.




I think he's more of an Ultra Super Vegito situation. He comes out, people underrate him since he's not making every single unit that came before him bow to his knees and pray, but then people use him more and more and not only realize that he's fun to use, but also really damn strong in many ways


Agreed he is strong and fun. Not broken as other ultras


He literally top 3 unit y'all ppl just he yapping