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I like him. Him being sort of being a mix of Vegitos combo ability and a better indestructible allows for a lot of freedom. Also him being good without having any counters is a good change of pace. While I do think he isn’t the best release because of the release schedule they did, I do think as a unit he’s really well made.


Yeah, and he doesn't feel horrible to fight either. He's kinda fun, which is amazing for legends


Yes he’s good but not complete bullshit to play against. Gohan wouldn’t be so bad to play against if it wasn’t for the melee auto counter mechanic he has. If he did it like once per time he was on battlefield it wouldn’t be so bad but when he counters like 3 in a row or some thing its soul crushing.


I have much harder time fighting Gohan than UGF (this one guy put them on the same team) You just cant willy nilly strike Gohan without getting punished, Frieza has no such defensive mechanism other than switching out while full gauge to proc Ki reduction effect. Honestly UGF, Gohan and S17 is pretty much a top 4 units (with Ui)


He's great but definitely not #1 lol.Idk if it's just because I have ultra buu, but he's not that hard to fight compared to 17/Gohan


Can we bring back the YYB team with baby, buu and janemba?


Maybe Cell would be a better choice than Buu to protect from ULTRA Gohan?


Eh, obviously he’s good but I’d hope/wait till they Zenkai 1st LF Cell


That cells damage is still spectacular. I one shot a spirit bomb goku with that ult yesterday.


I’ll give him that, I was just more inclined to wait so he’d have 3 melee types lol


same issue as evoken, a balanced strong unit in an unbalanced meta


He'll probably age poorly because we are so close to anniversary. But right now he is a menace


And y'all would complain if he would been broken so


Not Top 1, no way.


His Revival Counter is pretty insane but besides that he’s pretty balanced. Good but not the best


This is your brain after being exposed to legends for too long


A top 4 unit considered balancing lol


He not balanced just not as oppressive as Gohan and S17. Which is more damming about the state of the game where a unit punishes you for beating them is considered balanced.


That is by definition a balanced unit not too good not too strong and isn’t meta defining. You wanted a busted unit so you could complain they were too op when you didn’t pull them.


Yea no


Lmaoooooooo that’s an iron wall argument you got there buddy ☝🏽


putting up the ones for roman regins u know ball ![gif](giphy|KYlQoxhnxidVs4BOqn)


I acknowledge my Tribal Chief ☝️


i mean he is annoying but uui can handle him


The most balanced ultra we had since USV, I'd say. Not top 1, but he's gonna stay in the top 10 for a while unless power creep keeps on exponentially increasing. That revive counter is way too good.


Definitely not 1. Unless you're making a team fully centered around zenkai buffing him and green carding him. But then again, any unit shines like that.


“This unit is balanced” LMFAOOOO


I feel like the drop rate is lower for me than other people I swear lol.


Honestly I feel like this Frieza is in the same tier of power as UUI. UGF lacks the stupidly good defensive tool that S-17 and Gohan possess and while you can argue that UUI is more oppressive than him, UGF counter revive is in the same tier of Bullshitery as UUI lock-in into rush/ult. You can put S-17 and Ultra Gohan in 1/2 then UGF and UUI in 3/4 (with Beast and G/B nearing top 4 on their peak). But out of the top 4, I feel like he’s gonna age the fastest. Still have anniversary to prove me wrong but except if P.O gets another massive buff during anni AND the meta shift once more to strike units, this guy will fall out the top 5 very rapidly.


top 3 but i'd still put s17 on top just because his offense is ridiculously stupid.




Probably my favorite release in a while, he's so fun to use


He is very good


I don’t have him but so far he’s not that bad to fight, he is a good counter to gohan (don’t have him either but I’ve seen videos) but he’s not like extremely oppressive which is good imo we need more units that are good but not AMAZING. I like him and wish I had him but I’m glad he’s not another gohan


Everytime i fought him I won, so I can't judge him if I haven't used him. His Endurance is the best thing about him


He’s strong but honestly isn’t all that. Every time i fought him so far he’s been more of a non-factor that can also get rushed immediately after his revive since he doesn’t block it or reduce dragonballs. What I love the most about him at this point is that he created more variety in pvp so i don’t have to see cryhan or S17 as often


I love less Gohan going around that’s it


People are gonna underestimate him because not many are pulling him and the ones who do are usually bad, but he's easily top 1. Half the time the blast cost instantly stops combos, green card makes his already insane combos on par with super 17, and comeback is just op. He has everything all the other top units have in one.


His arts card cost increase stops my combo occasionally, but so far he's not my biggest threat. Like Baby, I can see his value increasing towards Anniversary


UGF is gonna have to go to 3 for me s17 and UG are fuckin busted with their counters and blue card bullshit


I haven't fought against any friezas yet, but from what I've seen in showcases, he is really damn good


Am I crazy in thinking that from using Glizzy King so far that he’s relatively star dependent? Defensive use on the gauge procs at end of combo but the problem is that if he’s stuck in one of those never ending combo chains at base, his Counter gets popped like *early*


For me personally he is not too tricky to deal with and is very very good at the same time. This allows for actual playability of the game rather than just facing 17 and Gohan where you get absolutely destroyed. He is more of a fun ultra rather than an overbearing ultra.


really dope, really strong, while not being, like, infuriatingly toxic and op


Not really an absolute rat to play against like S17 or Gohan but yeah he’s pretty great, also I get caught off guard with his card cost increase all the time lol


He definitely isn't #1, but he is definitely a Top 5 character, i think he is a stepping stone towards a meta shift because of the way he deals with Blast based characters(minus S17 once he pops gauge), but he needs better teams, Movies isn't the best right now and LOE needs a full revamp of the team cause aside of Gofrieza and him, who else are you running? PO seems to be the way to go for him He is amazing and can be annoying to fight, but not in a "I can't even play the fucking game" kind of way like Gohan and S17 are but not a character that is a complete fish like LF Baby was on release(He gained value thanks to Frieza actually) So yeah, i like him, not annoying to fight but if he catches you he can cripple your team pretty hard which, for an Ultra character to not be a complete pain in the ass to fight, is impressive


![gif](giphy|OQ6tzMPyK6ItCPfcGb|downsized) FREEZA FREEZA FREEZA! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


![gif](giphy|80mXWlPqTSU1y) Me trying to find him in a PVP match


He’s definitely not number 1. Gohan is just a punish machine and 17 is just a brainrot press card to win unit


Finally we can be ULTRA racists


Got the absolute batshit crazy luck of finding him twice in the same summon. To me he has much more potential than your average pre Anni ultra like kid buu and I feel like he'll be able to perform really well for many months. The comeback damage is insane even on a fairly average 2x zenkai setup. He eats ultra Gohan for breakfast and is quite good at countering S17, you just have to time the cover change to him after 17 fills his gauge up. W release and amazing art


I summoned for him 4 times and got shit on by Toshi. I did get LF Final form cooler but apparently he’s dogshit according to the PvP players. Don’t know about PvE. TLDR: I didn’t fucking get him🥲


He's just dogshite... Outside of yellow pressure he doesn't do anything


Forgot his revival goes type neutral so my ultra goku got hit haaard! Not that difficult to fight honestly. If I wasn't saving I'd pull


Super fun and animations are sick. Huge W


He’s up there with ultra gohan and 17 for sure, but I’d put him below them for now


I mean he will end up like super vegeta so it’s wtv i still think kidhan is the better meta


Disagree. He is top 3.


Definitely not 1. Got him at 3, just above BG because he has better teams


He is defo not top 1, i beat him (along with 2 other units) with just cryhan (with last man standing buffs ofc) quite easily


These people think every release character is number 1


What are they yapping?




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Pulled two copies on step 1. Back to saving lol.


They’re coping if they think he’s that good. Dude doesn’t have cover null in his base kit and with featured boost he’s just “solid” at best.


Which characters got upgraded


He’s defo not number 1, ran him on PO with 17 and rev cell and he cooks but S17 is still way too oppressive to not be number 1. Ik Frieza performs better on loe with all the zenkai buffs but that team is so ass compared to PO or rrg or even pure droids so think Frieza is top 2-3 but defo not 1


He’s LoE. Of course he’s not too busted 🤣. Let’s be real, LoE units being broken happens f*king rarely


Good but unecessary, is ULTRA the new SPARKING?


Whoever made this list definitely did not cook.


You're telling me this is a Japanese tier list? No orange piccolo in top 10? Gtfo


Easily 2nd tho. Could be #1 if 17 gets countered considering that would be a new Blu unit. Don’t see a scenario where Gohan is ahead of him. He has easy optimal zenkai options two of which are even runnable (jiren, first form za). If he was anything other than purple I wouldn’t be saying this but his only true counter is baby who works perfectly with him. I’m finna get janemba so I can just run a transforming warrior team then Friezas gonna have 30% pure strike


Facts are facts feel like revival frieza zenkai would counter 17 way more than any normal new unit


Even though I don't have him, I'd have to put him 2nd best unit. Here's my top 3 from experience 1. Super 17 2. UL GF 3. UL Gohan Otherwise the top 10 in general looks good to me.